98 research outputs found

    Use of Vanadium for Low-alloy Steel Manufacturing at JSC “EVRAZ NTMK”

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    Joint Stock Company “EVRAZ Nizhniy Tagil Metallurgical Plant” ( JSC “EVRAZ NTMK”) is the World’s largest processor of vanadium-rich titanium magnetite ores. This work describes the results of the research performed to test various combinations of vanadium and nitrogen microalloying targeted at repeatable quality and strength properties of the rolled steel products. In particular the benefits are described of using vanadium mass fractions in steel for manufacturing railway steel (rails, wheels, rings/tires), railcar body products (Z-beams, I-beams, etc.), API grades including large diameter X70 and X80 pipes. To optimize the analysis of different steel grades for the shaped sections manufacturing EVRAZ NTMK has taken efforts to identify the impact of the vanadium mass fraction in steel grade 09G2S on the mechanical properties of rolled steel with the elements of various thickness. During the effort, the mechanical tests were performed, the extent of vanadium reduction in the form of carbonitrides during the rolling and cooling process and its impact on the mechanical properties, the macrostructuring of rolled products was also studied. Recommendations were given on the chemical composition of steel 09G2S for manufacturing rolled steel of strength classes 375 and 390. Keywords: EVRAZ NTMK, vanadium, I-beams, mechanical properties, impact strengt

    Non-equilibrium melting processes of silicate melts with different silica content at low-temperature plasma

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    This article is devoted to research the possibility of high-temperature silicate melts producing from different silica content at low-temperature plasma taking into account non-equilibrium melting processes

    Time-dependent density functional theory study of the luminescence of 2-aminopyrimidine derivative

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    The research was supported by Russian Foundation for Basic Research and the government of the Novosibirsk region of the Russian Federation, grant № 18–43–540016 r_a

    Non-equilibrium melting processes of silicate melts with different silica content at low-temperature plasma

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    This article is devoted to research the possibility of high-temperature silicate melts producing from different silica content at low-temperature plasma taking into account non-equilibrium melting processes

    Morphological differences between genetic lineages of the peregrine earthworm Aporrectodea caliginosa (Savigny, 1826)

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    Aporrectodea caliginosa is a universally distributed and highly abundant peregrine earthworm that is the object of many ecological and ecotoxicological studies. Molecular phylogenetic analysis suggested that A. caliginosa consists of three highly diverged genetic lineages. In this study, we investigated morphological diversity within a sample of these three lineages from Belarus. We detected a variety of forms with different degrees of pigmentation and a shift in the clitellum position. The three genetic lineages of A. caliginosa demonstrated different propensity to particular morphological variants, including size, colour, and the clitellum position, yet no character could be used to distinguish among the lineages with sufficient accuracy. Thus, our results suggest that identification of the genetic lineage should be recommended for ecological studies involving A. caliginosa to account for possible differences between them

    Кристаллы Er,Yb:Ca3RE2(BO3)4 (RE=Y, Gd) – новые среды для лазеров, излучающих в спектральном диапазоне 1,5 мкм

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    The search for new crystalline host materials for the usage in lasers emitting in the eye-safe spectral range of 1.5–1.6 µm is an important task. The aim of this work was to study the growth technique, spectroscopic properties and laser characteristics of new active media – crystals Er3+,Yb3+:Ca2RE2(BO3)4 (RE=Y, Gd).Calcium-yttrium Er3+,Yb3+:Ca3Y2 (BO3)4 (CYB) and calcium-gadolinium Er3+,Yb3+: Ca2 Gd 2(BO3)4  (CGB) oxoborate crystals co-doped with erbium and ytterbium ions were investigated. Polarized absorption and emission cross-section spectra were determined. The lifetimes of 4I11/2 and 4I13/2 energy levels of Er3+ ions were measured and ytterbium-erbium energy transfer efficiencies were estimated. The calculation of the gain cross-section spectra was performed. By using of Er3+,Yb3+: Ca2 RE 2(BO3)4  (RE=Y, Gd) crystals the laser performance was realized, for the first time to the best of our knowledge. The laser characteristics were studied in a quasi-CW (QCW) laser operation.The wide band with a peak at the wavelength of 976 nm is observed in the absorption spectra of both crystals. This peak coincides with the emission wavelength of the pump laser diodes for Yb-doped active media. The maximum value of absorption cross-section was 1.7 × 10–20 cm2 for polarization E // b for both crystals. The lifetimes of the upper laser level 4I13/2 of Er3+ ions were 580 ± 30 μs and 550 ± 30 μs for Er,Yb:CYB and Er,Yb:CGB crystals, respectively. The energy transfer efficiencies from ytterbium to erbium ions for an Er,Yb:CYB and Er,Yb:CGB crystals were 94 % and 96 %, respectively. According to gain spectrum of the Er,Yb:CYB crystal the gain band peak is centered at the wavelength of 1530 nm. The maximum QCW output power was 0.5 W with slope efficiency of 13 % regarding to absorbed pump power for an Er,Yb: CYB crystal. The laser beam parameter M2 did not exceed < 1.5.Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that these crystals are promising active media for lasers emitting in the spectral range of 1.5–1.6 μm for the usage in laser rangefinder and laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy systems, and LIDARs.Поиск новых кристаллических матриц для применения в лазерах, излучающих в условно безопасном для глаз спектральном диапазоне 1,5–1,6 мкм, является актуальной задачей. Целью данной работы являлось изучение технологии роста, спектроскопических свойств и генерационных характеристик новых активных сред – кристаллов Er3+,Yb3+:Ca2RE2(BO3)4  (RE=Y, Gd).В качестве исследуемых образцов использовались кристаллы кальций-иттриевого Er3+,Yb3+:Ca3Y2(BO3)4 (CYB) и кальций-гадолиниевого Er3+,Yb3+: Ca2 Gd 2(BO3)4  (CGB) оксоборатов, соактивированных ионами эрбия и иттербия. В результате определены спектры поперечных сечений поглощения и стимулированного испускания в поляризованном свете. Определены времена жизни энергетических уровней 4I11/2 и 4I13/2 иона эрбия, а также проведена оценка эффективности переноса энергии от ионов иттебрия к ионам эрбия. Выполнен расчет спектров поперечных сечений усиления. Впервые с использованием кристаллов реализована лазерная генерация, изучены генерационные характеристики в квазинепрерывном режиме генерации.В спектрах поглощения для обоих кристаллов наблюдается полоса с пиком на длине волны 976 нм, что согласуется с длиной волны испускания лазерных диодов, применяемых для накачки активных элементов с ионами Yb3+ . Наибольшее значение поперечного сечения поглощения для обоих кристаллов составило 1,7×10–20 см2 для поляризации E // b на длине волны 976 нм. Время жизни верхнего лазерного уровня 4I13/2 составило 580 ± 30 мкс и 550 ± 30 мкс для кристаллов Er,Yb:CYB и Er,Yb:CGB соответственно. Эффективность переноса энергии от ионов иттербия к ионам эрбия составила 94 % для кристалла Er,Yb:CYB и 96 % для Er,Yb:CGB. Расчет спектра усиления для кристалла Er,Yb:CYB, показал что максимум полосы усиления находится на длине волны 1530 нм. Максимальное значение выходной мощности в квазинепрерывном режиме генерации составило 0,5 Вт при дифференциальной эффективности по поглощенной мощности накачки 13 % для кристалла Er,Yb:CYB, параметр распространения лазерного пучка М2 не превышал 1,5.На основе полученных результатов, можно сделать вывод, что данные кристаллы являются перспективными активными средами для лазеров, излучающих в спектральном диапазоне 1,5–1,6 мкм, для применения в составе систем лазерной дальнометрии, лазерно-искровой эмиссионной спектрометрии и лидаров

    Silver(I) coordination compounds with polydentate pyrimidine ligands: thermochromism of luminescence

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    The main goal of this work is to study how the substituent in position 2 of the pyrimidine ring affects both luminescent properties and structures of silver(I) complexes. A series of coordination compounds, [AgL1NO3], [AgL1X]n, [Ag2(L2)2X2] (X = I, Br, Cl–), [AgL1(PPh3)Y] (Y = CF3SO3, BF4, NO3), [AgL3NO3·CH3CN]n, have been synthesized and structurally characterized. According to the X-ray single data, the complexes [AgL1NO3], [AgL1(PPh3)Y] adopt mononuclear structures; the complexes [Ag2(L2)2X2] are binuclear; [AgL1X]n and [AgL3NO3·CH3CN]n are polymeric compounds.The research was supported by the President of the Russian Federation Grant for young scientists МК-1219.2020.3; by Russian Foundation for Basic Research and the government of the Novosibirsk region of the Russian Federation, grant № 18–43–540016 r_a

    An integrated method for taxonomic identif ication of microorganisms

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    For accurate species-level identification of microorganisms, researchers today increasingly use a combination of standard microbiological cultivation and visual observation methods with molecular biological and genetic techniques that help distinguish between species and strains of microorganisms at the level of DNA or RNA molecules. The aim of this work was to identify microorganisms from the ICG SB RAS Collection using an integrated approach that involves a combination of various phenotypic and genotypic characteristics. Key molecular-genetic and phenotypic characteristics were determined for 93 microbial strains from the ICG SB RAS Collection. The strains were characterized by means of morphological, physiological, moleculargenetic, and mass-spectrometric parameters. Specific features of the growth of the strains on different media were determined, and cell morphology was evaluated. The strains were tested for the ability to utilize various substrates. The strains studied were found to significantly differ in their biochemical characteristics. Physiological characteristics of the strains from the collection were identified too, e. g., the relationship with oxygen, type of nutrition, suitable temperature and pH ranges, and NaCl tolerance. In this work, the microorganisms analyzed were combined into separate groups based on the similarities of their phenotypic characteristics. This categorization, after further refinement and expansion of the spectrum of taxa and their metabolic maps, may serve as the basis for the creation of an “artificial” classification that can be used as a key for simplified and quicker identification and recognition of microorganisms within both the ICG SB RAS Collection and other collections

    Temperature and excitation wavelength dependent emission of silver(I) complexes with an aminopyrimidine ligand

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    The research was supported by the President of the Russian Federation Grant for young scientists МК-1219.2020.3; by Russian Foundation for Basic Research and the government of the Novosibirsk region of the Russian Federation, grant № 18–43–540016 r_a