180 research outputs found

    Особенности физической активности работающих россиян: эмпирический анализ

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    Low level of physical activity among working people is a common problem in many countries including Russia. Despite the increase in recent years in the share of people who are physically active, the level of physical inactivity of Russian workers is still significant, which reduces the effectiveness of resources aimed at improving the health of the Russian population.Studying the changes in the level of physical activity of the working Russian citizens and reviewing its most common types, the authors determine the factors encouraging physical activities and sports. The article identifies the distinguishing features of physical activity among Russian workers, the analysis of the determinants of physical activity, and factors putting obstacles in the way of sport participation.A comprehensive analysis of correlates of physical activity was conducted based on public opinion surveys commissioned by the HSE and carried out by Levada Analytical Center in 2011 and 2017 years. The sample includes employed respondents, both males and females (females aged 25 to 55years and males aged 25 to 60years).The analysis revealed the relation between working women and men’s physical activity and their individual and household characteristics, such as: gender, age, body mass index, health self-perception, nutrition, unhealthy lifestyle habits (smoking and alcohol), level of education, per capita income, as well as external attributes (presence of sporting facilities in the immediate vicinity of their home or workplace). At the same time, the analysis did not reveal one-to-one dependence between the probability of being physically active and a number of working hours per week, family status, number of children, place of residence and the availability of sport infrastructure.In conclusion, the study of factors that can have both a stimulating and a restraining effect on the physical activity of the working population will help optimize the financing of national health and sports systems.Авторы статьи обращают внимание на актуальность проблемы низкой двигательной активности работающего населения во многих странах мира, включая Россию. Несмотря на то, что в последние годы в нашей стране наметилась позитивная тенденция роста числа физически активных граждан, доля работающих россиян, не занимающихся физической культурой и спортом, все еще достаточно высока, что снижает эффективность ресурсов, направляемых на укрепление здоровья населения России.Исследуя изменение уровня физической активности работающих россиян и характеризуя наиболее распространенные ее виды, авторы определяют факторы, стимулирующие занятия физической культурой и спортом, а также барьеры, препятствующие таким занятиям. В статье представлены индивидуальные характеристики работающих россиян, которые занимаются физической культурой и спортом, а также выделены параметры внешней среды, влияющие на уровень физической активности индивидов.В качестве базы для эмпирического анализа использованы результаты социологических опросов, проведенных в 2011 и 2017 гг. Аналитическим центром Юрия Левады по заказу НИУ ВШЭ. В выборку включены работающие респонденты обоих полов (женщины в возрасте от 25 до 55лет и мужчины в возрасте от 25 до 60лет).Проведенный анализ позволил выявить определенную взаимосвязь между вероятностью занятий физической культурой и спортом работающих мужчин и женщин от таких характеристик респондентов и их домашних хозяйств, как пол и возраст, индекс массы тела, самооценка здоровья, регулярность питания, наличие вредных привычек (курение, потребление алкоголя), уровень образования, среднедушевой доход, а также параметров внешней среды (наличие спортивных сооружений в непосредственной близости от места проживания или по месту работы). В то же время не удалось установить однозначную зависимость вероятности занятий физической культурой и спортом респондентов обоих полов от продолжительности рабочей недели, их семейного положения, числа детей в семье, а также от их места проживания и доступности спортивной инфраструктуры.В заключение сформулирован вывод о том, что изучение факторов, способных оказывать как стимулирующее, так и сдерживающее влияние на физическую активность работающего населения, будет способствовать оптимизации финансирования национальных систем здравоохранения и спорта

    Regularities of structural-cellular structure of ovaries in ontogenesis

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    The article presents the examination of the ovaries of embryos, ovaries of human feti and ovaries of children of the tender age. The researches revealed the increase of the surface of follicles, nucleus and primary oocyte's cytoplasm that tells about the fact that further follicular maturation continues in the ovaries of a child of 2-4 months old. Also we registered the increase of nuclear cytoplasmic ratio, appearance of single mature follicles with cumulus oophorus that testifies to the fact that the ovary is functionally mature. Furthermore the research revealed increased content of lipids and DNA in follicular epithelium that also tells aboutfunctional maturity of the ovary. It was found that incretory activity of an ovary during the first year of life is provided by the cells originated from the connective tissue membrane of atresic follicles

    Discovery of a novel non-narcotic analgesic derived from the CL-20 explosive: Synthesis, pharmacology, and target identification of thiowurtzine, a potent inhibitor of the opioid receptors and the ion channels

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    The number of candidate molecules for new non-narcotic analgesics is extremely limited. Here, we report the identification of thiowurtzine, a new potent analgesic molecule with promising application in chronic pain treatment. We describe the chemical synthesis of this unique compound derived from the hexaazaisowurtzitane (CL-20) explosive molecule. Then, we use animal experiments to assess its analgesic activity in vivo upon chemical, thermal, and mechanical exposures, compared to the effect of several reference drugs. Finally, we investigate the potential receptors of thiowurtzine in order to better understand its complex mechanism of action. We use docking, molecular modeling, and molecular dynamics simulations to identify and characterize the potential targets of the drug and confirm the results of the animal experiments. Our findings finally indicate that thiowurtzine may have a complex mechanism of action by essentially targeting the mu opioid receptor, the TRPA1 ion channel, and the Cav voltage-gated calcium channel

    Аберрантный ангиогенез в ткани головного мозга при экспериментальной болезни Альцгеймера

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    The aim was to study the molecular mechanisms of the violation of the structural and functional integrity ofthe blood-brain barrier in chronic neurodegeneration of the Alzheimer’s type associated with the development of cerebral angiopathy.Materials and methods. The transgenic model of Alzheimer’s disease is the B6SLJ-Tg line mice (APPSwFlLon,PSEN1 * M146L * L286V) 6799Vas group which includes 9 months aged males. The control group included C57BL / 6 x SJL mice, males aged 9 months.Results. The total length of the vessels in the area of the dentate gyrus is 2.5 times greater in transgenic animal models of Alzheimer’s disease than in animals of the control group (p < 0.01). The average diameter of blood vessels in all areas of the hippocampus is smaller compared with the control (p < 0.05). Transgenic modeling of neurodegeneration in the CA2 zone of the hippocampus increases the relative area of tissue with increased permeability of blood-brain barrier (BBB) (17.80 [9.15; 36.75]) compared to control (1.38 [0.04; 7.60]) at p < 0.05. A similar difference (p < 0.05) is also observed in the hippocampal area CA1. A tendency (p > 0.05) to decrease the number of CD31+ endothelial cells in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus (21.52 [17.56; 24.50]) in animals of the experimental group compared with the control group (23.08[21.18; 29.84]) was detected. A similar situation is observed in the CA2 and CA3 areas of the hippocampus.Conclusion. Neurodegenerative changes in the hippocampus of animals with a transgenic AD model are associated with impaired microcirculation in the brain tissue as a result of a reduction in the diameter and branching of blood vessels, and damage and increased permeability of BBB.Цель – изучение молекулярных механизмов нарушения структурно-функциональной целостности гематоэнцефалического барьера (ГЭБ) при хронической нейродегенерации  альцгеймеровского типа, ассоциированной с развитием церебральной ангипопатии. Материалы и методы. Опытная группа – генетическая модель болезни Альцгеймера (БА) – мыши линии B6SLJ -Tg(APPSwFlLon,PSEN1*M146L*L286V)6799Vas, самцы в возрасте 9 мес. Контрольная группа – мыши линии C57BL/6 x SJL, самцы в возрасте 9 мес.Результаты. У животных с генетической моделью БА в зубчатой извилине гиппокампа  общая длина сосудов в 2,5 раза больше, чем у контрольной группы (p < 0,01), при этом  средний диаметр сосудов во всех областях гиппокампа меньше по сравнению с контролем (p < 0,05). Выявлено, что при генетическом моделировании  нейродегенерации в СА2 зоне гиппокампа наблюдается увеличение относительной  площади ткани с повышенной проницаемостью ГЭБ (17,80 [9,15;36,75]) по сравнению с контролем (1,38 [0,04;7,60]) при p < 0,05. Подобное различие (p < 0,05) наблюдается и в зоне СА1 гиппокампа. У животных опытной группы выявлена тенденция (p > 0,05) к снижению количества CD31+ эндотелиальных клеток в зубчатой извилине гиппокампа (21,52 [17,56; 24,50]) по сравнению с контролем (23,08 [21,18; 29,84]). Аналогичная ситуация наблюдается в зонах СА2 и СА3 гиппокампа.Заключение. Нейродегенеративные изменения в гиппокампе животных с генетической  моделью БА ассоциированы с нарушением микроциркуляции в ткани головного мозга в  результате сокращения диаметра и разветвленности сосудов, повреждения и повышения проницаемости ГЭБ

    Plasticity of Adipose Tissue-Derived Stem Cells and Regulation of Angiogenesis

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    Adipose tissue is recognized as an important organ with metabolic, regulatory, and plastic roles. Adipose tissue-derived stem cells (ASCs) with self-renewal properties localize in the stromal vascular fraction (SVF) being present in a vascular niche, thereby, contributing to local regulation of angiogenesis and vessel remodeling. In the past decades, ASCs have attracted much attention from biologists and bioengineers, particularly, because of their multilineage differentiation potential, strong proliferation, and migration abilities in vitro and high resistance to oxidative stress and senescence. Current data suggest that the SVF serves as an important source of endothelial progenitors, endothelial cells, and pericytes, thereby, contributing to vessel remodeling and growth. In addition, ASCs demonstrate intriguing metabolic and interlineage plasticity, which makes them good candidates for creating regenerative therapeutic protocols, in vitro tissue models and microphysiological systems, and tissue-on-chip devices for diagnostic and regeneration-supporting purposes. This review covers recent achievements in understanding the metabolic activity within the SVF niches (lactate and NAD+ metabolism), which is critical for maintaining the pool of ASCs, and discloses their pro-angiogenic potential, particularly, in the complex therapy of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases

    Oxytocin signal and social behaviour: comparison among adult and infant oxytocin, oxytocin receptor and CD38 gene knockout mice.

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    金沢大学医薬保健研究域医学系Oxytocin in the hypothalamus is the biological basis of social recognition, trust, love and bonding. Previously, we showed that CD38, a proliferation marker in leukaemia cells, plays an important role in the hypothalamus in the process of oxytocin release in adult mice. Disruption of Cd38 (Cd38 (-/-)) elicited impairment of maternal behaviour and male social recognition in adult mice, similar to the behaviour observed in Oxt and oxytocin receptor (Oxtr) gene knockout (Oxt (-/-) and Oxtr (-/-), respectively) mice. Locomotor activity induced by separation from the dam was higher and the number of ultrasonic vocalisation calls was lower in Cd38 (-/-) than Cd38( +/+) pups. However, these behavioural changes were much milder than those observed in Oxt (-/-) and Oxtr (-/-) mice, indicating less impairment of social behaviour in Cd38 (-/-) pups. These phenotypes appeared to be caused by the high plasma oxytocin levels during development from the neonatal period to 3-week-old juvenile mice. ADP-ribosyl cyclase activity was markedly lower in the knockout mice from birth, suggesting that weaning for mice is a critical time window of plasma oxytocin differentiation. Breastfeeding was an important exogenous source of plasma oxytocin regulation before weaning as a result of the presence of oxytocin in milk and the dam\u27s mammary glands. The dissimilarity between Cd38 (-/-) infant behaviour and those of Oxt (-/-) or Oxtr (-/-) mice can be explained partly by this exogenous source of oxytocin. These results suggest that secretion of oxytocin into the brain in a CD38-dependent manner may play an important role in the development of social behaviour

    Физиологическая роль мелатонина при оксидативном стрессе в эмбриональный период развития

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    Introduction. Melatonin, being a powerful endogenous antioxidant, provides healthy course of pregnancy and childbirth. Decrease of melatonin levels in blood correlates with severity of preeclampsia. Currently, melatonin is viewed as a perspective antioxidant, able to improve mother’s condition during preeclampsia and protect fetus from unfavorable intrauterine environment.The objective was to study melatonin effects on remodeling of chicken embryo heart tissue under normal conditions and under oxidative stress model.Materials and methods. The study was performed using organotypic culture of heart tissue of 10–12-day-old chicken embryos. Oxidative stress was modeled by adding epinephrine 10–4 М or homocysteine thiolactone 10–3 М to culture medium.Results. The trophotropic effects of melatonin was detected at a concentration of 10–6 M. Drug stimulated heart tissue explants’ growth on 20 %. Epinephrine showed cardiotoxic effects at concentrations of 10–4 and 10–6 М. Melatonin (10–6 М) neutralized cardiotoxic effects of epinephrine (10–4 M). Cardiotoxic effects of homocysteine thiolactone (10–3 М) preserved in presence of melatonin (10–6 М).Conclusion. During embryonic period, melatonin neutralizes cardiotoxic effects of oxidative stress caused by a high concentration of epinephrine, but not by homocysteine thiolactone. Введение. Мелатонин является мощным эндогенным антиоксидантом, обеспечивает нормальное течение беременности и рождение здорового ребенка. Снижение концентрации гормона в крови коррелирует с тяжестью преэклампсии. В настоящее время мелатонин рассматривают как перспективный антиоксидант, который может улучшить состояние матери при преэклампсии, одновременно защищая плод от неблагоприятной внутриутробной среды.Цель – изучить прямое влияние мелатонина на ремоделирование ткани сердца куриного эмбриона в норме и при моделировании оксидативного стресса.Методы и материалы. В работе использован метод органотипической культуры ткани сердца 10–12-дневных куриных эмбрионов. Оксидативный стресс моделировали введением в питательную среду адреналина в дозе 10–4 М или гомоцистеин тиолактона в концентрации 10–3 М.Результаты. Обнаружен трофотропный эффект мелатонина в концентрации 10–6 М. Препарат стимулировал рост эксплантатов ткани сердца на 20 %. Адреналин проявил кардиотоксическое действие в концентрациях 10–4 и 10–6 М. Мелатонин (10–6 М) нивелировал кардиотоксический эффект адреналина (10–4 М). Кардиотоксический эффект гомоцистеин тиолактона (10–3 М) в присутствии мелатонина (10–6 М) сохранялся.Заключение. В эмбриональный периодмелатонин устраняет кардиотоксическое влияние окислительного стресса, вызванного высокой концентрацией адреналина, но не гомоцистеин тиолактона.

    Investigation the structure and properties of deformed semi-finished products produced from chips of Al–Mg alloys system alloyed with scandium

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    The article presents the results of studies that make it possible to solve the problem of processing secondary waste from expensive aluminum alloys without irretrievable loss of metal. For this purpose, tasks were set and solved for the development of technological schemes for obtaining longish deformed semi-finished products from chip waste of Al–Mg alloys 01570 and 1580 alloyed with scandium using methods of powder metallurgy and metal forming. For their experimental verification, the operations of chip briquetting, combined rolling-extrusion (continuous extrusion), sectional rolling, hot extrusion and drawing in combination with heat treatment were applied. According to these schemes, semi-finished products in the form of rods and wires were obtained. Structure and mechanical properties were investigated. It has been revealed that when hot-extruded rods are obtained from chip briquettes of alloy 01570 on a vertical hydraulic press, even with significant degrees of deformation during extrusion, the margin of plastic properties is small and makes it possible to obtain a wire with a diameter of only 4.2 mm after drawing. The processing of briquettes from 1580 alloy chips using the combined rolling-extrusion method makes it possible to obtain after cold deformation a wire with a diameter of up to 3 mm. At the same time, the influence of the annealing process on the structure and properties of deformed semi-finished products from the investigated alloys was studied. It is shown that due to the low plasticity of the investigated material cold working of the rods must be carried out with small degrees of deformation, alternating it with intermediate annealing according to the proposed regime. An analysis of the physical and mechanical properties of the wire obtained using combined processing showed that its strength and plastic properties are comparable to the properties of the wire obtained from a cast billet, and the structure is characterized by a high degree of elaboration and compactness. Thus, as a result of the research, technological schemes have been developed and processing parameters have been determined for the production of rods and wire from graded chip waste of alloys 01570 and 1580 using compaction, discrete and continuous extrusion, as well as cold drawing. © 2022 The AuthorsMinistry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Minobrnauka: FSRZ-2020-0013The research was carried out within the framework of the state assignment of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (scientific theme code FSRZ-2020-0013)

    Adipose-Derived Stem Cells Stimulate Regeneration of Peripheral Nerves: BDNF Secreted by These Cells Promotes Nerve Healing and Axon Growth De Novo

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    Transplantation of adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells (ASCs) induces tissue regeneration by accelerating the growth of blood vessels and nerve. However, mechanisms by which they accelerate the growth of nerve fibers are only partially understood. We used transplantation of ASCs with subcutaneous matrigel implants (well-known in vivo model of angiogenesis) and model of mice limb reinnervation to check the influence of ASC on nerve growth. Here we show that ASCs stimulate the regeneration of nerves in innervated mice's limbs and induce axon growth in subcutaneous matrigel implants. To investigate the mechanism of this action we analyzed different properties of these cells and showed that they express numerous genes of neurotrophins and extracellular matrix proteins required for the nerve growth and myelination. Induction of neural differentiation of ASCs enhances production of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) as well as ability of these cells to induce nerve fiber growth. BDNF neutralizing antibodies abrogated the stimulatory effects of ASCs on the growth of nerve sprouts. These data suggest that ASCs induce nerve repair and growth via BDNF production. This stimulatory effect can be further enhanced by culturing the cells in neural differentiation medium prior to transplantation