20 research outputs found


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    The aim of the present work was the study of children's health in the Northern areas of the Zabaykalsky Krai. The study was conducted on the territory of Tungokochenskiy, Tungiro-Olekmenskiy and Kalarskiy areas. A random sample of 1339 children and adolescents of indigenous population and newcomers to the Northern regions was examined, including 254 Evenks. Conducted examinations of employees of Regional Children Consultation and Diagnostic Center; functional diagnostics, ultrasound diagnostics; laboratory diagnostics: determination of urinary iodine ионоселективным method, ELISA screening helminthes, evaluation of the humoral immunity, evaluation of hormonal status, study GSTP1 polymorphism of genes (Ile105Val), TNF-alpha (G308A), IL-10 (G1082A) and IL-4 (C589T) using PCR-Rv children of indigenous peoples of the Northern regions of the Zabaykalsky Krai (Evenk). On the basis of the analysis of the results of field work the following results were received: pathological affection of the child population was 2542 %, Evenk children 4791 %; the main ranking place among somatic pathology among children, the alien population of the Northern regions, corresponds to those of the children of Slavic group. Besides, the fact that the rate of pathological prevalence among Evenk children in 2 times higher, than among children of the alien population, creates quite a different picture of the distribution of nosological forms. We identified the features of the distribution of polymorphic variants of genes GSTP1 (Ile105Val), TNF-alpha (G308A), IL-10 (G1082A) and IL-4 (C589T) Evenks, which, in our opinion, warrant, together with factors of the external environment, a pattern of morbidity among children of the indigenous residents of Northern Transbaikalia. The data we have on overall morbidity and pathological prevalence of children in studied areas of Transbaikalia correspond with the results of molecular-genetic research

    Marketing research of pharmaceutical raw materials of Hypericum perforatum L.

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    The article considers the presence of the amount of flavonoids in terms of rutin in the pharmaceutical raw materials of Hypericum perforatum L., depending on the manufacturer. The conducted quantitative analysis showed that the amount of flavonoids in terms of rutin is 7.5% for the manufacturer of the brand «LLC Firm Zdorovye», 2.2% - «PCF Phytopharm (LLC)», 4.7% - for «JSC Krasnogorleksredstva».В статье рассмотрено наличие суммы флавоноидов в пересчете на рутин в аптечном сырье Hypericum perforatum L. в зависимости отпроизводителя. Проведенный количественный анализ показал, что сумма флавоноидов в пересчете на рутин составляет 7,5% у производителя марки «ООО Фирма Здоровье», 2,2% - «ПКФ Фитофарм (ООО)», 4,7% - у «АО Красногорлексредства»

    Phylogenetic Relationships, Pathogenic Traits, and Wood-Destroying Properties of Porodaedalea niemelaei M. Fischer Isolated in the Northern Forest Limit of Larix gmelinii Open Woodlands in the Permafrost Area

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    The phytopathogenic and wood destroying traits were studied in a basidiomycete fungus, Porodaedalea niemelaei M. Fischer, widespread in Siberian permafrost woodlands of Gmelinii larch, Larix gmelinii (Rupr.) Rupr. Numerous stands of dying out and fallen larch trees with white-rot („corrosion rot“) were found in the study area. Butt rot incidence varied from 63 to 100 % depending on the stand age and raised up to 0.5-1.5 m above root collar on average or up to 9 m maximum. Root rot was also widespread, including larch undergrowth. The biodiversity of xylotrophic fungi was low, with a pronounced dominance of P. niemelaei. The main factors of dying out of L. gmelinii were infection by P. niemelaei promoted by mechanical damage of roots by reindeers during migration and climate anomalies. The cultures isolated from the fruiting bodies were identified as Porodaedalea niemelaei M. Fischer based on the combination of morphological, culture, and molecular genetic methods. Under laboratory conditions, the strains were characterized as psychrotolerant (temperature limit from 6 to 22 °C) and preferred cultural media based mostly on natural and plant substrates. The most active biodegradation occurred on the broadleaf wood substrates causing up to 50 % of the biomass loss accompanied by active decomposing of the lignocellulosic complex and increasing the amount of water-soluble substances. The phylogenetic analysis demonstrated that P. niemelaei is clearly different from other well-studied Porodaedalea species, such as P. chrysoloma, P. pini, and P. cancriformans, and is very close to a group of unclassified fungi isolated in Norway and Finland. The phylogenetic analysis included 43 isolates and was based on four genetic markers – ITS, nLSU, rpb2, and tef1, commonly used in fungal phylogenetic


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    The link between heart disease and infectious pathogens is well known. Despite the high frequency of cardiac pathology in infectious diseases, it is rarely diagnosed because of lack of specific clinical  and  laboratory  symptoms. It is especially  difficult to diagnose in  children. Airborne  infections in the structure of infectious morbidity of children occupy a leading place.The aim of this work was to study the nature of the lesions of the heart  in children suffering from acute infection of the respiratory tract.Materials and  methods: 341 children with acute respiratory infection of moderate severity were surveyed by a method of ECG dispersion mapping. Cardiac  pathology has not previously been determined in these children. Signs of disease of the heart was identified in 76 children (22%). Further study included instrumental (ECG, ECHO-KG,  daily monitoring of ECG), biochemical and  etiological (ELISA, PCR, immunocytochemical) research  methods for determining the nature of the damage to the heart and the etiology of the disease.Results. Myocarditis was diagnosed in 2%  of children, a violation of repolarization – in 21%,  heart  rhythm disorders  – in 35%  (AV – blockade in 4%).  Most  often  signs  of heart disease were detected in children with Epstein-Barr virus (32%), streptococcal (28%), cytomegalovirus (25%), herpesvirus type  6 infection (24%). Pathogens from the  group of acute respiratory virus infections were identified in 28%, enterovirus – in  10%,  Haemophilus influenzae – in  10%, Mycoplasma pneumonia – in 10%,  Pneumococcus – in 9%, Chlamydia – in 9%, Parvovirus B19 – in 6%.Conclusion. Sensitive screening test  to  detect cardiac pathology is the method of ECG dispersion mapping. Heart damage in children with respiratory diseases in 60% of cases is associated with  mixed infections. Timely  diagnosis of lesions of the heart in infectious diseases in children allows to adjust the therapy in the early stages  and prevent the development of chronic  pathology of the heart.Общеизвестна связь  кардиологической патологии с инфекционными возбудителями. Несмотря на высокую частоту кардиальной патологии при  инфекционных болезнях, диагностируется она  редко  в связи с отсутствием специфичных жалоб, клинических и лабораторных  признаков. Особенно сложна диагностика у детей. Воздушно-капельные инфекции  в  структуре инфекционной заболеваемости детей занимают ведущее место.Целью работы было изучение характера поражений сердца у детей, больных острыми инфекционными заболеваниями с поражением респираторного тракта.Материалы и  методы. Скриниговым  методом дисперсионного картирования ЭКГ обследован 341 ребенок старше 3 лет,  получавший лечение по  поводу острого инфекционного заболевания средней степени тяжести  с поражением респираторного тракта, не состоящий ранее на учете у кардиолога. Признаки патологии со стороны сердца были выявлены у 76 детей (22,3%), обследованных  в дальнейшем с использованием инструментальных (ЭКГ, ЭХО-КГ,  суточное мониторирование ЭКГ), биохимического и этиологических (ИФА,  ПЦР, иммуноцитохимический) методов исследования для определения характера поражения сердца и этиологии заболевания.Результаты. По заключению кардиолога, у 2,6% пациентов был диагностирован миокардит, у 21% – нарушения  процесса реполяризации, у 35%  – нарушения ритма сердца (из них  4%  – АВ-блокады). Наиболее часто  признаки  поражения сердца выявляли у детей с Эпштейна – Барр  вирусной (32%), стрептококковой (28%), цитомегаловирусной (25%), герпес-вирусной 6 типа  инфекцией (24%). Возбудители из группы ОРВИ определены у 28%. Реже диагностировали энтеровирусную (10%), гемофильную (10%), микоплазменную (10%), пневмококковую (9%),  хламидийную (9%),  парвовирусную (6%) инфекции.Заключение. Чувствительным скрининговым тестом   для   выявления  кардиальной патологии является метод дисперсионного картирования. Поражения сердца у детей при респираторных заболеваниях в 60% случаев  ассоциированы  со  смешанными инфекциями. Своевременная диагностика поражений сердца при  инфекционных заболеваниях у детей позволяет скорректировать терапию на ранних этапах, что  уменьшает вероятность развития хронической патологии сердца

    Роль кардиоферментов в диагностике инфекционных поражений сердца

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    Purpose: to evaluate the importance of increasing cardioenzymes in the diagnosis of infectious heart lesions.Object and methods: Under observation were 71 children aged 3 to 17 years (average age – 6.6 ± 0.4 years) who received treatment at the clinic of Pediatric Research and Clinical Center for Infectious Diseases. All children in the acute period of illness and 49 patients with follow-up history were identified with levels of creatine phosphokinase (CPK), MВ fractions of creatine phosphokinase (CPK-MВ), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), C-reactive protein (CRP), aspartate aminotransferase (AST). Follow-up observation and examination of patients was performed after 1 month and after 1 year. All children were examined for a wide range of pathogens of acute respiratory viral infections, active herpes virus infections (EBV, CMV, HHV-6 type), B19 parvovirus, Chlamydophila pneumoniae, Mycoplasma pneumonia, enteroviruses and bacterial respiratory pathogens. All examined patients underwent electrocardiography and echocardiography.The results of the study. In the examined patients with an increased level of “cardioenzymes” (CPK-MВ, LDH, AST) against the background of acute respiratory infection (ARI), a wide range of diseases was established with damage to both the upper respiratory tract and lower (bronchitis, bronchiolitis, pneumonia), and also other infectious nosologies, including respiratory syndrome (infectious mononucleosis, enterovirus and parvovirus infection). The etiological structure was dominated by a group of herpesvirus (53%) and bacterial infections (25%), as well as their combinations. An analysis of the dynamics of the main biochemical and hematological parameters characterizing the severity of the systemic inflammation syndrome (leukocytes, SRE, CRP, CPK), as well as reflecting myocardial injuries and used in cardiology practice (CPK- MВ, LDH, AST), revealed a long-term (within 1 year observations) the preservation of a moderately elevated level of CPK-MВ, unlike other indicators that returned to normal within 1 month. An increase in CPK-MВ was recorded in 79% of patients with drip infections, while the average level of CPK-MВ in the total sample exceeded the normal values by 1.8-2.4 times.Conclusion. It was found that elevated levels of CPK-MВ and LDH can be used as criteria for the formation of dynamic observation groups and early rehabilitation.Цель: оценить значение повышения кардиоферментов в диагностике инфекционных поражений сердца.Материалы и методы. Под наблюдением находился 71 ребенок в возрасте от 3 до 17 лет, получавший лечение в клинике Детского научно-клинического центра инфекционных болезней. Всем детям в остром периоде заболеваний и 49 пациентам в катамнезе определяли уровни креатинфосфокиназы, МВ-фракции креатинфосфокиназы, лактатдегидрогеназы, С-реактивного белка, аспартатаминотрансферазы. Катамнестическое наблюдение и обследование пациентов проводили через 1 месяц и через 1 год. Все дети обследованы на широкий спектр возбудителей острых респираторных вирусных инфекций, активных герпес-вирусных инфекций (ВЭБ, ЦМВ, ВГЧ-6 типа), парвовирус В19, Chlamydophila pneumoniae, Mycoplasma pneumonia, энтеровирусы, бактериальных респираторных патогенов. Всем обследованным пациентам проводили электрокардиографию и эхокардиографию.Результаты. У обследованных пациентов с повышенным уровнем кардиоферментов (МВ-фракции креатинфосфокиназы, лактатдегидрогеназы, аспартатаминотрансферазы) на фоне острой респираторной инфекции установлен широкий спектр заболеваний с поражением как верхних, так и нижних дыхательных путей (бронхит, бронхиолит, пневмония), а также других инфекционных нозологий, включающих респираторный синдром (инфекционный мононуклеоз, энтеровирусная и парвовирусная инфекция). В этиологической структуре доминировала группа герпес-вирусных (53%) и бактериальных инфекций (25%), а также их сочетаний. Анализ динамики основных биохимических и гематологических показателей, характеризующих выраженность синдрома системного воспаления (лейкоциты, скорость оседания эритроцитов, С-реактивный белок), а также отражающих миокардиальные повреждения и применяющиеся в кардиологической практике (МВ-фракции креатинфосфокиназы, лактатдегидрогеназы, аспартатаминотрансферазы), выявил длительное (в течение 1 года наблюдений) сохранение умеренно повышенного уровня КФК-МВ, в отличие от других, нормализовавшихся в течение 1 месяца показателей. Повышение КФК-МВ регистрировали у 79% больных капельными инфекциями, при этом средний уровень КФК-МВ в общей выборке превышал нормальные значения в 1,8–2,4 раза.Заключение. Установлено, что повышенные уровни КФК-МВ и ЛДГ могут использоваться как критерии для формирования групп динамического наблюдения и ранней реабилитации.

    Posters display III clinical outcome and PET

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    The link between heart disease and infectious pathogens is well known. Despite the high frequency of cardiac pathology in infectious diseases, it is rarely diagnosed because of lack of specific clinical  and  laboratory  symptoms. It is especially  difficult to diagnose in  children. Airborne  infections in the structure of infectious morbidity of children occupy a leading place.The aim of this work was to study the nature of the lesions of the heart  in children suffering from acute infection of the respiratory tract.Materials and  methods: 341 children with acute respiratory infection of moderate severity were surveyed by a method of ECG dispersion mapping. Cardiac  pathology has not previously been determined in these children. Signs of disease of the heart was identified in 76 children (22%). Further study included instrumental (ECG, ECHO-KG,  daily monitoring of ECG), biochemical and  etiological (ELISA, PCR, immunocytochemical) research  methods for determining the nature of the damage to the heart and the etiology of the disease.Results. Myocarditis was diagnosed in 2%  of children, a violation of repolarization – in 21%,  heart  rhythm disorders  – in 35%  (AV – blockade in 4%).  Most  often  signs  of heart disease were detected in children with Epstein-Barr virus (32%), streptococcal (28%), cytomegalovirus (25%), herpesvirus type  6 infection (24%). Pathogens from the  group of acute respiratory virus infections were identified in 28%, enterovirus – in  10%,  Haemophilus influenzae – in  10%, Mycoplasma pneumonia – in 10%,  Pneumococcus – in 9%, Chlamydia – in 9%, Parvovirus B19 – in 6%.Conclusion. Sensitive screening test  to  detect cardiac pathology is the method of ECG dispersion mapping. Heart damage in children with respiratory diseases in 60% of cases is associated with  mixed infections. Timely  diagnosis of lesions of the heart in infectious diseases in children allows to adjust the therapy in the early stages  and prevent the development of chronic  pathology of the heart

    Efficiency of phencarol in combination with standard antiarrhythmic drugs in extrasystoles in children

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    The efficiency of multimodality therapy with use standard antiarrhythmic drugs (cordaron and propanorm) in minimum efficient doses and phencarol (1-2 mg/kg) was investigated in 50 children's with extrasistoles, class II-IV by Lown, as compared with efficiency of separate component to combinations in full doses. Accompaniment of phencarol to standard antiarrhythmic therapy allows to reach the effect in 70% of patient (it is comparable with effect of monotherapy of antiarrhythmic drugs) and herewith avoid the undesirable effects in absolute majority patients is shown