37 research outputs found

    Polyethylene/Layered Aluminosilicate Nanocomposites: Investigation of Thermal Stability under Static and Dynamic Conditions

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    Based on linear low-density polyethylene and maleated polyethylene a polymer nanocomposites containing modified montmorillonite have been obtained, structure is investigated by XRD analysis. In turn, by the methods of thermal analysis in static and dynamic modes, the resistance of polymer nanocomposites to oxidative destruction it was investigated. In parallel with this, a comparative analysis of the thermal stability of polymer nanocomposites and polymer compositions containing commercially available organic antioxidants for stabilization of materials based on polyolefins. By results of the analysis carried out in a dynamic mode, for a series of polymer composites the activation energy of thermooxidative destruction was calculated. It is shown that the nanocomposites based on polyethylene, containing the modified montmorillonite not only not concede to polymer compositions with antioxidants in to thermal stability, but also exceed their. Accelerated tests, carried out at relatively high temperatures allowed evaluate the durability of polymer nanocomposites to thermooxidative destruction. Received results allow approve about a long-term thermal stability of these materials in the processing, and in the exploitation conditions

    On the Concept of “Complexity” in Radiation Physics

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    Abstract: The concept of “complexity” is considered in relation to radiation processes in condensed matter. It is shown that a combination of such properties as nanoscale, fractality, low dimension, chirality, and hierarchy in combination with high nonequilibrium create conditions for the manifestation of unusual “emergent” radiation effects (radiation synergetics, great dose reduction of threshold radiation effects, etc.). Examples of radiation effects in living and inanimate systems, interpreted within the framework of the concept of “complexity”, are presented. An overview of both previously obtained and new results is presented. © 2022, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.Russian Foundation for Basic Research, РФФИ: 21-12-00392This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, project no. 21-12-00392

    Role of Fractals in Perovskite Solar Cells

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    The interface engineering plays important role in fabrication of the tandem and perovskite based solar cells. Recent experiments show that the interface effects caused by the coupling of the electron bands and the pairing of geometry of contacting surfaces. In particular, it has been experimentally revealed that the transition from planar to the rough interface improves many photoelectric parameters of the device. It means that the value of the fractal dimension of the interface may be key factor in device performance. It is possible to formulate two problems: firstly, the understanding on simple models why the electrical properties at fractal interfaces are improved, and, secondly, to discuss one of the most promising approaches in modern electronics, namely technology of radiation applications in the creation of rough interfaces. Thirdly, the problem of photodegradation is analyzed in detail in the structures containing the fractal interfaces. On the basis of the constructed models, it was found: i) increase of roughness (fractal) of interface structure can enhance the role of total internal light reflection effect, thereby increasing the effective light path, and therefore, the number of generated e-h-pairs; ii) the curvature of the surface leads to the shift of Tamm levels both to the borders of allowed bands, and to the middle of the band gap; it opens the way of the control of carrier recombination on the interface; iii) surface Tamm orbitals interact differently each with other on the convex and concave areas; it leads to the different probability of defect formation and, consequently, reduces the fractal interface, inhibiting the effect of increasing of the photocurrent associated with the fractal interface (new channel of photodegradation)

    Современное состояние и перспективы развития технологии органогалогенидных перовскитных солнечных ячеек: кристаллическая структура и формирование тонких пленок, морфология, обработка, деградация и повышение стабильности с использованием углеродных нанотрубок

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    The fundamental problems of the modern state of the studies of organic-inorganic organo-halide perovskites (OHP) as basis for high efficiency thin film solar cells are discussed. Perovskite varieties and background properties are introduced. The chronology of development of the studies in this direction has been presented — structural aspects of these OHP perovskites, from early 2D to recent 3D MAPbI3 perovskites and important technological aspects of smooth thin film structure creation by various techniques, such as solvent engineering, spin- and dip-coating, vacuum deposition, cation exchange approach, nanoimprinting (particularly, a many-sided role of polymers). The most important theoretical problems such as electronic structure of lattice, impurity and defect states in pure and mixed perovskites, suppressed electron-hole recombination, extra-long lifetimes, and diffusion lengths are analyzed. Degradation effects associated with moisture and photo irradiation, as well as degradation of metallic electrodes to OHP solar cells have been considered. The application of carbon nanostructures: carbon nanotubes (CNT) and graphene as stable semitransparent charge collectors to OHP perovskites is demonstrated on the example of original results of authors.Рассмотрены фундаментальные проблемы современного состояния исследований в области органо-неорганических органогалогенидных перовскитов (ОГП) в качестве основы для создания солнечных ячеек с повышенной эффективностью. Приведены данные о разнообразии перовскитов и их основных свойствах. Дана хронология развития исследований в данном направлении — структурные аспекты ОГП-перовскитов, от самых первых двумерных до современных трехмерных перовскитов с формулой MAPbI3, а также важных технологических аспектов создания структуры гладких тонких пленок с использованием разнообразных методов, в частности, подбора растворителей, нанесения покрытий методами центрифугирования и погружения, вауумного осаждения,технологии катионного обмена, наноимпринта (в особенности, разносторонней роли полимеров). Проанализированы наиболее важные теоретические проблемы, в частности, электронная структура решетки, дефектно-примесные состояния в чистых и смешанных перовскитах, подавление электронно-дырочной рекомбинации, сверхбольшие времена жизни и диффузионные длины. Рассмотрены эффекты деградации, связанные с влажностью и фотооблучением, а также деградация металлических электродов на солнечных ячейках на основе ОГП. Продемонстрировано применение углеродных наноструктур — углеродных нанотрубок (УНТ) и графена — в качестве стабильных полупрозначных коллекторов заряда на поверхности ОГП-перовскитов на примере оригинальных результатов, полученных авторами


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    In this study, a comprehensive research of the phagocytic activity of neutrophils in patients with heroin addiction was carried out. It was found that heroin addiction is accompanied by pronounced changes in the cellular-humoral defense system of the body. Opiate substances have a mainly suppressive effect on immunocompetent cells. The disorganization of the immune systems, which are closely interconnected with the central nervous system, leads to disruption of cellular and humoral homeostasis and aggravates the process of drug addiction. One of the existing hypotheses of the cause of this process is the theory of a decrease in the function of immunocytes under the damaging effect of heroin on the human body. Research objective: The aim of this study is to determine the phagocytic activity of neutrophils in patients with heroin addiction. Materials and methods. The total number of patients was 57 (43 men and 14 women), whose age varied from 23 to 34 years. Results. Analysis of the anamnestic data of drug addicts revealed a tendency to infectious diseases, while chronic infections were predominant – sinusitis. At the end of pharmacotherapy, patients of the 1st group noted an improvement in their condition, a decrease in the symptoms of pathological craving for alcohol, and returned to their familiar social environment. Conclusion. Summary: Based on a comprehensive study of the phagocytic activity of neutrophils in patients with heroin addiction, it was found that heroin addiction is accompanied by pronounced changes in the cellular-humoral defense system of the body


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    The article presents the environment, the impact on which in a natural way, its neutralization and disposal leads to a deterioration in the environment. Environmental measures for the collection, storage, transportation and disposal of waste generated during the construction of wells, cleaning the borehole area from scrap metal, construction waste and other waste. The types of work and methods carried out to protect soil and water bodies during drilling are presented