108 research outputs found

    Hubble Space Telescope survey of Magellanic Cloud star clusters. Photometry and astrometry of 113 clusters and early results

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    In the past years, we have undertaken an extensive investigation of LMC and SMC star clusters based on HST data. We present photometry and astrometry of stars in 101 fields observed with the WFC/ACS, UVIS/WFC3 and NIR/WFC3 cameras. These fields comprise 113 star clusters. We provide differential-reddening maps and illustrate various scientific outcomes that arise from the early inspection of the photometric catalogs. In particular, we provide new insights on the extended main-sequence turn-off (eMSTO) phenomenon: i) We detected eMSTOs in two clusters, KMHK361 and NGC265, which had no previous evidence of multiple populations. This finding corroborates the conclusion that the eMSTO is a widespread phenomenon among clusters younger than ~2 Gyr. ii) The homogeneous color-magnitude diagrams (CMDs) of 19 LMC clusters reveal that the distribution of stars along the eMSTO depends on cluster age. iii) We discovered a new feature along the eMSTO of NGC1783, which consists of a distinct group of stars going on the red side of the eMSTO in CMDs composed of ultraviolet filters. Furthermore, we derived the proper motions of stars in the fields of view of clusters with multi-epoch images. Proper motions allowed us to separate the bulk of bright field stars from cluster members and investigate the internal kinematics of stellar populations in various LMC and SMC fields. As an example, we analyze the field around NGC346 to disentangle the motions of its stellar populations, including NGC364 and BS90, young and pre-MS stars in the star-forming region associated with NGC346, and young and old field stellar populations of the SMC. Based on these results and the fields around five additional clusters, we find that young SMC stars exhibit elongated proper-motion distributions that point toward the LMC, thus bringing new evidence for a kinematic connection between the LMC and SMC.Comment: 37 pages, 27 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Expression of auxin-binding protein1 during plum fruit ontogeny supports the potential role of auxin in initiating and enhancing climacteric ripening

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    Auxin-binding protein1 (ABP1) is an active element involved in auxin signaling and plays critical roles in auxin-mediated plant development. Here, we report the isolation and characterization of a putative sequence from Prunus salicina L., designated PslABP1. The expected protein exhibits a similar molecular structure to that of well-characterized maize-ABP1; however, PslABP1 displays more sequence polarity in the active-binding site due to substitution of some crucial amino-acid residues predicted to be involved in auxin-binding. Further, PslABP1 expression was assessed throughout fruit ontogeny to determine its role in fruit development. Comparing the expression data with the physiological aspects that characterize fruit-development stages indicates that PslABP1 up-regulation is usually associated with the signature events that are triggered in an auxin-dependent manner such as floral induction, fruit initiation, embryogenesis, and cell division and elongation. However, the diversity in PslABP1 expression profile during the ripening process of early and late plum cultivars seems to be due to the variability of endogenous auxin levels among the two cultivars, which consequently can change the levels of autocatalytic ethylene available for the fruit to co-ordinate ripening. The effect of auxin on stimulating ethylene production and in regulating PslABP1 was investigated. Our data suggest that auxin is involved in the transition of the mature green fruit into the ripening phase and in enhancing the ripening process in both auxin- and ethylene-dependent manners thereafter

    Is increased time to diagnosis and treatment in symptomatic cancer associated with poorer outcomes?:Systematic review

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    background: It is unclear whether more timely cancer diagnosis brings favourable outcomes, with much of the previous evidence, in some cancers, being equivocal. We set out to determine whether there is an association between time to diagnosis, treatment and clinical outcomes, across all cancers for symptomatic presentations. methods: Systematic review of the literature and narrative synthesis. results: We included 177 articles reporting 209 studies. These studies varied in study design, the time intervals assessed and the outcomes reported. Study quality was variable, with a small number of higher-quality studies. Heterogeneity precluded definitive findings. The cancers with more reports of an association between shorter times to diagnosis and more favourable outcomes were breast, colorectal, head and neck, testicular and melanoma. conclusions: This is the first review encompassing many cancer types, and we have demonstrated those cancers in which more evidence of an association between shorter times to diagnosis and more favourable outcomes exists, and where it is lacking. We believe that it is reasonable to assume that efforts to expedite the diagnosis of symptomatic cancer are likely to have benefits for patients in terms of improved survival, earlier-stage diagnosis and improved quality of life, although these benefits vary between cancers

    On the role of ethylene, auxin and a GOLVEN-like peptide hormone in the regulation of peach ripening

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    BACKGROUND: In melting flesh peaches, auxin is necessary for system-2 ethylene synthesis and a cross-talk between ethylene and auxin occurs during the ripening process. To elucidate this interaction at the transition from maturation to ripening and the accompanying switch from system-1 to system-2 ethylene biosynthesis, fruits of melting flesh and stony hard genotypes, the latter unable to produce system-2 ethylene because of insufficient amount of auxin at ripening, were treated with auxin, ethylene and with 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP), known to block ethylene receptors. The effects of the treatments on the different genotypes were monitored by hormone quantifications and transcription profiling. RESULTS: In melting flesh fruit, 1-MCP responses differed according to the ripening stage. Unexpectedly, 1-MCP induced genes also up-regulated by ripening, ethylene and auxin, as CTG134, similar to GOLVEN (GLV) peptides, and repressed genes also down-regulated by ripening, ethylene and auxin, as CTG85, a calcineurin B-like protein. The nature and transcriptional response of CTG134 led to discover a rise in free auxin in 1-MCP treated fruit. This increase was supported by the induced transcription of CTG475, an IAA-amino acid hydrolase. A melting flesh and a stony hard genotype, differing for their ability to synthetize auxin and ethylene amounts at ripening, were used to study the fine temporal regulation and auxin responsiveness of genes involved in the process. Transcriptional waves showed a tight interdependence between auxin and ethylene actions with the former possibly enhanced by the GLV CTG134. The expression of genes involved in the regulation of ripening, among which are several transcription factors, was similar in the two genotypes or could be rescued by auxin application in the stony hard. Only GLV CTG134 expression could not be rescued by exogenous auxin. CONCLUSIONS: 1-MCP treatment of peach fruit is ineffective in delaying ripening because it stimulates an increase in free auxin. As a consequence, a burst in ethylene production speeding up ripening occurs. Based on a network of gene transcriptional regulations, a model in which appropriate level of CTG134 peptide hormone might be necessary to allow the correct balance between auxin and ethylene for peach ripening to occur is proposed. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12870-016-0730-7) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Virtual Exposure Control for Creative Image and Video Editing

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    Post­processing has become a major component in movie and image production. This step is no longer a simple cleanup and cutting step, but it involves important manipulations that contribute to the atmosphere of a movie and the perception of a still image. Several movie studios spend a great part of their budget on it, as managing the post­processing parameters is a cumbersome task, requiring costly and specialized tools and skills. For photography, while several software packages provide automatic adjustments and filters, the fine grained editing is difficult to achieve for novice users. The reason for post­processing is that many parameters are difficult to set correctly during the actual capture of the scene. An example is exposure time. Imagine you are in a car race and want to register that moment. To convey a sense of motion in your photograph, you adjust the camera exposure time: not too short to freeze all cars, nor too long to blur the image completely. To find the threshold, other camera parameters such as aperture and sensor sensitivity must be taken into account. Even the speed of the cars needs to be considered. A much more suitable solution would be to adjust the motion blur after the acquisition. Nevertheless, this is not a simple task. Typically, it requires skill and involves manipulating the image by hand, which is time consuming and highly prone to artifacts. For videos, such edits are even more complex as the spatio­temporal coherence must be observed, especially when temporal warping occurs. In this dissertation, we present efficient solutions for exposure control in post­production to enable high­ quality visual content generation. Next to image­manipulation algorithms, we explore acquisition ­based solutions and intuitive interaction metaphors to support expressive content production. Our outcome is not only intended for professionals to reach their design visions regarding atmosphere and storytelling, but also includes semi­automatic approaches to enable novice users to achieve impactful and realistic images. Consequently, the presented results have the potential of inspiring new artists, while the methods described can also be employed to simplify complex visual content creation tasks.Comp Graphics & Visualisatio

    Hemostasis components in cerebral amyloid angiopathy and Alzheimer’s disease

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    Increased cerebrovascular amyloid-β (Aβ) deposition represents the main pathogenic mechanisms characterizing Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA). Whereas an increasing number of studies define the contribution of fibrin(ogen) to neurodegeneration, how other hemostasis factors might be pleiotropically involved in the AD and CAA remains overlooked. Although traditionally regarded as pertaining to hemostasis, these proteins are also modulators of inflammation and angiogenesis, and exert cytoprotective functions. This review discusses the contribution of hemostasis components to Aβ cerebrovascular deposition, which settle the way to endothelial and blood-brain barrier dysfunction, vessel fragility, cerebral bleeding, and the associated cognitive changes. From the primary hemostasis, the process that refers to platelet aggregation, we discuss evidence regarding the von Willebrand factor (vWF) and its regulator ADAMTS13. Then, from the secondary hemostasis, we focus on tissue factor, which triggers the extrinsic coagulation cascade, and on the main inhibitors of coagulation, i.e., tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI), and the components of protein C pathway. Last, from the tertiary hemostasis, we discuss evidence on FXIII, involved in fibrin cross-linking, and on components of fibrinolysis, including tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA), urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) and its receptor uPA(R), and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1). Increased knowledge on contributors of Aβ-related disease progression may favor new therapeutic approaches for early modifiable risk factors
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