1,617 research outputs found


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    Народная демонология Полесья в контексте восточнославянских традиционных верований

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    This article studies folk demonological beliefs that are widespread on the territory of Polesye, located on the border of Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia. The traditional culture of this region is of great interest for ethnologists of the broadest profile, since it preserves many archaic elements of all-Slavic significance. In the first part of the study, two blocks of the regional mythological system were considered: spirits of domestic and natural loci, and a group of characters originated from the souls of deceased. The second part of the work considers two groups of mythological characters: spirits not assigned to a specific locus (the devil, spirits of diseases, personification of death, characters for intimidation of children) and different categories of living people endowed with supernatural knowledge (witches, sorcerers, healers, werewolves). The study is based on data from the East-Slavic demonology.Članek obravnava folklorna demonološka prepričanja, razširjena na ozemlju Polesja, ki leži na meji Ukrajine, Belorusije in Rusije. Tradicionalna kultura te regije je zelo zanimiva za etnologe najširšega profila, saj ohranja številne arhaične elemente vseslovanskega pomena. V prvem delu študije sta obravnavana dva bloka regionalnega mitološkega sistema: duhovi domačih in naravnih lokusov ter skupina bitij, ki izvirajo iz pokojnih duš. Drugi del obravnava dve skupini mitoloških likov: duhovi, ki niso dodeljeni določenemu lokusu (hudič, duhovi bolezni, poosebljenje smrti, liki za ustrahovanje otrok), in različne kategorije živih ljudi z nadnaravnimi močmi (čarovnice, čarovniki, zdravilci, volkodlaki). Študija temelji na podatkih vzhodnoslovanske demonologije

    Multi-channel data storage format definition for visualization tasks on the example of SPOT-4 images

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    One of the features of a remote sensing data storage is the widespread utilization of large-capacity disk arrays. Emergency situations arising from the use of arrays can lead to the fact that the remote sensing data, usually stored in uncompressed form, may become partially damaged. But even with incomplete recovery, this kind of data can be used in the future to solve production problems. However, this recovery is sometimes hampered by incomplete knowledge of the format of the corrupted data. The article describes an approach to automatic recognition of multichannel data interleaving type (BIP, BIL or BSQ) and its application to a recovery of SPOT-4 remote sensing data stored in the segment format "SEG", which were damaged after a disk array failure. © 2019 CEUR-WS. All rights reserved

    Electrostatic interaction of neutral semipermeable membranes

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    We consider an osmotic equilibrium between bulk solutions of polyelectrolyte bounded by semipermeable membranes and separated by a thin film of salt-free liquid. Although the membranes are neutral, the counter-ions of the polyelectrolyte molecules permeate into the gap and lead to a steric charge separation. This gives rise to a distance-dependent membrane potential, which translates into a repulsive electrostatic disjoining pressure. From the solution of the non-linear Poisson-Boltzmann equation we obtain the distribution of the potential and of ions. We then derive an explicit formula for the pressure exerted on the membranes and show that it deviates from the classical van't Hoff expression for the osmotic pressure. This difference is interpreted in terms of a repulsive electrostatic disjoining pressure originating from the overlap of counterion clouds inside the gap. We also develop a simplified theory based on a linearized Poisson-Boltzmann approach. A comparison with simulation of a primitive model for the electrolyte is provided and does confirm the validity of the theoretical predictions Beyond the fundamental result that the neutral surfaces can repel, this mechanism not only helps to control the adhesion and long-range interactions of living cells, bacteria, and vesicles, but also allows us to argue that electrostatic interactions should play enormous role in determining behavior and functions of systems bounded by semipermeable membranes

    A quantitative analysis of the image of Russia in the Asia-Pacific region media

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    The study analyzes the shaping of the image of Russia through media focused on the countries of the Asia-Pacific region China, Japan and South Korea. Based on the analysis of bilateral relations between Russia and the People's Republic of China, Russia and the Republic of Korea, Russia and Japan, a model of communication between our country and the countries of the Asia-Pacific region has been built. The goal of the study is to carry out a quantitative content analysis of the image of Russia broadcast through the media focused on the countries of the Asia-Pacific region (China, Japan and South Korea). The study used the method of content analysis, the theoretical model of communication and the theory of the image. The mechanisms of forming the image of the state in political psychology are described. The main theoretical approaches are considered and the study of communicative and informative perception of the image of Russia, formed through the media of the APR countries, is carried out. Totally 4244 messages in the years 2015 - 2017 were analyzed. The results of content analysis show that most of the reports about Russia and the events connected with it are of a neutral, informative nature. The articles have no emotional tone, the bulk of the reports contain a dry statement of facts. Information agencies broadcast events through the prism of their ideology, most of them keep neutrality, the articles have an analytical, overview, commentary or narrative orientation.peer-reviewe

    Intracortical Dentate Fascia Grafts: Mossy Fiber Synapses in the Host Neocortex

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    Embryonic dentate fascia was grafted into a cavity in the area of the adult rat neocortex which represents the vibrissae (barrel field). We wished to test the possibility of development of connections between the two brain areas which do not have synaptic or tissue contacts in situ The unique characteristics of the giant synaptic boutons of the dentate mossy fibers were used for detection of the dentate synaptic contacts with neocortical neurons at the electron microscopic level. Ultrastructural analysis nine months postgrafting has shown that the bundles of mossy axons eter the host neocortex and develop multiple terminal and en passant contacts with typical characteristics. Neuronal perikarya, large dendritic trunks and fine caliber terminal dendritic branches were used by the mossy fibers as postsynaptic targets, as well as spines of various complexity and configurations. The subsynaptic dendrites seemed to be modified by synapsing giant boutons. Accumulation of cytoplasmic organelles was observed at these sites. Various bumps and protuberances were formed by the subsynaptic dendrite surface. The contents of these appendages were variable; some of them contained organeiles typical of dendroplasm, while others were more spine-like, often with inclusion of ribosomes. It is concluded that mossy fibers growing into the host neocortex can develop typical contacts with inappropriate targets with all the ultrastructural features of functional synapses

    The mechanical treatment as a method of Inorganic substances passive

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    The mechanopassivation effect of metal (II) oxides crystallizing by the structural type of halite under attrition treatment has been found out. For the assessment of the activity decrease the following has been investigated: solution and aquation kinetics of CaO and MgO in water and solutions; spinel and calcium carbide formation kinetics using oxides pretreated mechanically by different modes; kinetics of CO2 fixation and thermal desorption from the pretreated oxides surface; magnesia and phosphate cements set rate. It has been determined that the rate of studied processes with the participation of oxides subjected to attrition treatment reduces by a factor of tens and hundreds. We suppose the cause to be the removal of the rough loosened layers containing the most of defects from the polycrystalline aggregates surface. As that neighboring zones accommodate, their surfaces flatten and the bonding area rises. Separated smallest particles form compact aggregates. The powder density increase and sharper diffraction reflection form confirm the microstructure regulating. Flat surfaces with lower quantity of defects provoke the hypoactivity in regard to water vapors and carbon dioxide. The substances mechanopassivation study can be used to control the reaction rate with the participation of highly active reagents

    Research and simulation of images classification algorithm for distributed objects obtained by remote sensing of the Earth's surface

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    Application of ultra-wideband signals and large apertures makes it possible to obtain a sufficiently detailed radar image of a spatially distributed object at the processing unit output. But the problem of optimal classification of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data remains relevant due to specific features of radar images. The paper describes solution of the synthesis problem for optimal SAR image classification algorithm. The optimal set of very informative and small dimension features is found and features based on the moments of SAR images are proposed. A comparative analysis of classification algorithms using various features is made, and the ratio is proposed, which can be used as the classification sign that is invariant to object shift and to specific distortions caused by the object rotation. © 2016 Academic Publications, Ltd

    Cloud-based solutions for distributed climate modeling

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    ECCO in the cloud - overviewA new, cloud-based framework for climate modeling is introduced allowing to run climate models at the “click of a button”. The framework aims to simplify dissemination of climate models, increase transparency of modeling activities, expand their user base, and facilitate broader research collaboration.NASA Physical Oceanograph

    Study of Posting Activities of Russian Users on Social Media

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    Content marketing on social media depends on trends in consumer behaviors. A changing focus and emphasis on audience activities on social media are a key optimization problem in social media marketing (SMM). A solution to this problem lies in a field of ongoing empirical studies of posting frequency. In the review of the literature, authors highlight the role of social media as a promising channel for a direct interaction of companies/brands with consumers. Based on theoretical generalizations, authors present a generation sequence of an SMM content strategy. The article also includes an analysis of posting activities of users from Russia on well-known social media. A cost-benefit analysis of posting activities rests upon some factors: socio-demographic characteristics of users, a content format, time and day of the week parameters, etc. Data come from such sources as aggregated statistics of social media and selective interviewing. An analysis of activities for users from Russia has shown that VKontakte is the most popular platform; Instagram is the second, while Facebook is the third. Odnoklassniki and Twitter are less preferred. VKontakte users respond best to short posts. On Facebook, entries with medium-sized texts have got the highest number of responds. On Instagram, long posts work better. The photo format is a leader in all of the social media. The video format has a middle position, while a text is the most inefficient type of content. There is strong differentiation in response time depending on a target audience. Findings have made it possible to present recommendations for optimization of content marketing