870 research outputs found

    Research of regional growth and development theories

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    Исследование теорий регионального экономического рост

    VHF scintillations, orientation of the anisotropy of F-region irregularities and direction of plasma convection in the polar cap

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    Scintillation data recorded at the polar cap station Barentsburg are shown to occasionally exhibit two or more peaks in the latitudinal profiles of the amplitude dispersion. Comparison with concurrent SuperDARN radar convection maps indicates that multiple peaks occur when Barentsburg is located within the area of strong changes in the plasma flow direction. When parameters of the ionospheric irregularities are inferred from the scintillation data, the orientation of the irregularity anisotropy in a plane perpendicular to the magnetic field is found to coincide well with the <I><b>E</b></I>×<I><B>B</B></I> flow direction, individually for each peak of the scintillation data. The differences were found to be mostly less than 20° for a data set comprised of 104 events. The conclusion is made that analysis of scintillation data allows one to infer the direction of plasma flow with a certain degree of detail

    Orientation of the cross-field anisotropy of small-scale ionospheric irregularities and direction of plasma convection

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    The relationship between the orientation of the small-scale ionospheric irregularity anisotropy in a plane perpendicular to the geomagnetic field and the direction of plasma convection in the F region is investigated. The cross-field anisotropy of irregularities is obtained by fitting theoretical expectations for the amplitude scintillations of satellite radio signals to the actual measurements. Information on plasma convection was provided by the SuperDARN HF radars. Joint satellite/radar observations in both the auroral zone and the polar cap are considered. It is shown that the irregularity cross-field anisotropy agrees quite well with the direction of plasma convection with the best agreement for events with quasi-stationary convection patterns

    Фізико-хімічні властивості шахтних порід Західного Донбасу

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    The physico-chemical properties of mining rocks of the Western Donbass were studied. Taking into consideration the favor of different montons for the forest-growing aaccording to the obtained data, we made the conclusions of the great practical value for the rehabilitation measures.Досліджено фізико-хімічні властивості шахтних порід Західного Донбасу. На основі одержаних матеріалів зроблено висновки, що мають значення для практики рекультиваційних робіт з врахуванням лісорослинних властивостей різних відвальних порід.Досліджено фізико-хімічні властивості шахтних порід Західного Донбасу. На основі одержаних матеріалів зроблено висновки, що мають значення для практики рекультиваційних робіт з врахуванням лісорослинних властивостей різних відвальних порід

    Hydrodynamic Simulations of Counterrotating Accretion Disks

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    Hydrodynamic simulations have been used to study accretion disks consisting of counterrotating components with an intervening shear layer(s). Configurations of this type can arise from the accretion of newly supplied counterrotating matter onto an existing corotating disk. The grid-dependent numerical viscosity of our hydro code is used to simulate the influence of a turbulent viscosity of the disk. Firstly, we consider the case where the gas well above the disk midplane rotates with angular rate +\Omega(r) and that well below has the same properties but rotates with rate -\Omega(r). We find that there is angular momentum annihilation in a narrow equatorial boundary layer in which matter accretes supersonically with a velocity which approaches the free-fall velocity and the average accretion speed of the disk can be enormously larger than that for a conventional \alpha-disk rotating in one direction. Secondly, we consider the case of a corotating accretion disk for rr_t. In this case we observed, that matter from the annihilation layer lost its stability and propagated inward pushing matter of inner regions of the disk to accrete. Thirdly, we investigated the case where counterrotating matter inflowing from large radial distances encounters an existing corotating disk. Friction between the inflowing matter and the existing disk is found to lead to fast boundary layer accretion along the disk surfaces and to enhanced accretion in the main disk. These models are pertinent to the formation of counterrotating disks in galaxies and possibly in Active Galactic Nuclei and in X-ray pulsars in binary systems.Comment: LaTeX, 18 pages, to appear in Ap

    Automatic development of electronic educational resources

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    This article reviews the development and creation of EUMK. The review suggests that EUMK is an important pedagogical aspect of the educational system, which allows to achieve the best results in teaching studentsДанная статья посвящена обзору разработки и создания ЭУМК. Проведенный обзор позволяет утверждать, что ЭУМК является важным педагогическим моментом образовательной системы, позволяющий достичь наиболее высоких результатов в обучении студенто

    The component composition of integrated foreign language competence of future specialists of State Fire Service of the Emergency Ministry of Russia

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    The authors of the article consider one of the areas of modern vocational education as the formation of integrated foreign language communicative competence of future specialists. It is analyzed the reasons of integration lack of professional and foreign language background in the foreign language qualification in high school. They actualize the education content as a process of integration of vocational and language experience in the field of activity of the future specialist.Рассматривается одна из проблемных областей современного профессионального образования – формирование интегрированной иноязычной коммуникативной компетентности будущих специалистов. Анализируются причины отсутствия единства освоения профессионального и языкового опыта в иноязычной подготовке вуза. Актуализируются вопросы содержания образования как процесс интеграции профессионального и языкового опыта в сфере деятельности будущего специалиста

    Influence of the Lower Hybrid Drift Instability on the onset of Magnetic Reconnection

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    Two-dimensional and three-dimensional kinetic simulation results reveal the importance of the Lower-Hybrid Drift Instability LHDI to the onset of magnetic reconnection. Both explicit and implicit kinetic simulations show that the LHDI heats electrons anisotropically and increases the peak current density. Linear theory predicts these modifications can increase the growth rate of the tearing instability by almost two orders of magnitude and shift the fastest growing modes to significantly shorter wavelengths. These predictions are confirmed by nonlinear kinetic simulations in which the growth and coalescence of small scale magnetic islands leads to a rapid onset of large scale reconnection

    Foresight research in management accounting: scenario forecasting and a comprehensive system of expert assessment methods in agricultural holdings

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    Foresight research in management accounting should be aimed at solving long-term perspective issues. A set of systems and methods of expert assessment is selected or developed in the course of such studies. The managerial staff of an economic entity with the authority to make strategic decisions develop forecast scenarios taking into account the opinions of competent experts involved in the economic field under consideration. Based on the fact that there can be many options for an economic future, they jointly discuss and develop a coordinated idea of ​​which option for future economic development is most preferable for an agricultural holding, taking into account the variability of the economic situation.The subject of the study is the improvement of management accounting in the part of Foresight research in agricultural holdings with a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of the management of the activities of its agricultural organizations. In modern times, agricultural holdings can change the situation through competent management accounting, since competent management accounting allows companies to consolidate their activities, thereby giving good development to agriculture, both financially and in attracting highly qualified specialists, as well as the country's food security. In accordance with this goal, the main task was determined: to develop the mechanisms of Foresight research of management accounting in agricultural holdings, for the purpose of assessing the effectiveness of management of the activities of agricultural organizations included in it. Foresight participants do not try to guess the future but build a comprehensive system of measures for the development of the agricultural holding, which allow it to be achieved; this distinguishes the difference between foresight and traditional methods of planning, forecasting and budgeting in agriculture

    Організація фізичного виховання школярів спеціальних медичних груп

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    Актуальність дослідження зумовлена невизначеністю системи організації фізичного виховання школярів спеціальних медичних груп. Завдання дослідження – узагальнити досвід теорії й практики з проблеми організації та методики проведення уроків фізичної культури з учнями спеціальних медичних груп. Найбільш ефек-тивний вплив на покращання здоров’я дітей можна здійснювати, проводячи заняття учнів спеціальної медичної групи на уроках фізичної культури, які проводяться окремою підгрупою за розкладом уроків основної медичної групи, та заняття учнів спеціальної медичної групи на уроках фізичної культури, що проводяться в позаурочний час. Отже, на сьогодні не розв’язаною залишається проблема організації уроків фізичної культури з учнями спеціальної медичної групи. Наявні підходи до проведення таких занять мають переваги та недоліки об’єктивного й суб’єктивного характеру. The research actuality is caused by the vagueness of the system of organization of physical education of schoolchildren in special medical groups. Research task: to generalize the experience of theory and practice of organization and methodology of conducting lesson of physical culture with students of special medical groups. The most effective influence on improvement of children health can made by organizing physical culture lessons for schoolchildren in special medical groups which are conducted to a separate group on the lessons curriculum of basic medical group and the lessons for students of the special medical groups which are organized in after-school time. It is consequently that nowadays a problem of organization of physical culture lessons with the students of. special medical groups stays unsolved Existent methods of organization of such lessons have advantages and disadvantages of objective and subjective character