396 research outputs found

    Potentiel des jachères artificielles à Andropogon spp. dans l’amélioration des propriétés chimiques et biologiques des sols en zone soudanienne (Burkina Faso)

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    Potential of the artificial fallows on Andropogon spp. in the improvement of the chemical and biological properties of soil in Sudanian zone (Burkina Faso). In order to find solutions to the decrease in yield consecutive to the decrease of soil fertility in ferruginous soil an experiment was carried out at Sobaka, in the Sudanian zone of Burkina Faso. An artificial fallow containing Andropogon spp. was created and the biological activity of the tropical ferruginous soil was evaluated at the end of three years of fallow. The following parameters were evaluated: total carbon and nitrogen, respirometric activity, CO2, carbon production and microbial biomass. The results after three years show that the organic matter produced by the litter and the roots of andropogonnées increase significantly the organic matter of the soil over 40% compared to the natural fallow or to the cultivated soil. The artificial fallows significantly improve the produced carbon and the microbial biomass. It is thus possible to recommend the artificial fallow with Andropogon spp. to improve the soil fertility and to shorten the duration of the fallow

    La tuberculose cutanée: observation de six cas confirmés au CHU Souro SANOU (CHUSS) de Bobo-Dioulasso (Burkina Faso)

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    La localisation cutanée de la maladie tuberculeuse demeure une forme rare et représente seulement 2,1 % des localisations. L'objet de cette étude est de rapporter le profil épidémiologique, anatomoclinique et évolutif des cas de tuberculose ganglio-cutanée diagnostiqués dans un CHU au Burkina Faso. La fréquence de la tuberculose cutanée est très faible au CHUSS. Six cas ont été diagnostiqués entre 2004 et 2010, soit une fréquence de un cas par an. La durée d'évolution des cas allait de deux jusqu'à dix ans avant leur diagnostic. Les lésions observées étaient: trois scrofulodermes, trois gommes, une tuberculose testiculaire associée à un mal de Pott, un cas de polyadénopathies et des cicatrices  atrophorétractiles dans la plupart des cas. Sur le plan  anatomopathologique, des granulomes tuberculoïdes ont été mis en évidence dans tous les cas avec une forte réaction tuberculinique à l'IDR. Sous antituberculeux pendant six mois, l'évolution a été bonne dans tous les cas mais au prix de séquelles cutanées cicatricielles inesthétiques. Son ampleur reste peut-être encore méconnue. Le renforcement du plateau technique du CHU et une bonne collaboration interdisciplinaire contribuerait à un meilleur diagnostic et prise en charge de cette affection

    Nécrolyse épidermique liée à l’application cutanée d’une solution d’hydroxyde de potassium

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    Dans nos régions, une solution d'hydroxyde de potassium est régulièrement utilisée en application sur la peau comme traitement traditionnel dans le but de traiter un prurit ou une éruption cutanée. Dans notre pratique quotidienne, nous observons de plus en plus de réactions cutanées à ce type de traitement. Nous rapportons un cas de nécrolyse épidermique généralisée suite à l'application d'une solution concentrée d'hydroxyde de potassium. Il s'agissait d'une patiente de 51 ans, séropositive au VIH2, et au virus de l'hépatite virale C, mais non éligible au traitement antirétroviral. Elle était hospitalisée pour des décollements épidermiques nécrolytiques quasi-généralisés survenue le lendemain de l'application une solution de concentré de potasse sur tout le tégument. Cette solution avait été appliquée dans le but de traiter une éruption micropapuleuse prurigineuse généralisée (exanthème maculo-papuleux) survenue suite à a prise de cotrimoxazole. La réépidermisation était totale sans séquelle après un mois de suivi. Le diagnostic nécrolyse épidermique toxique ou syndrome de Lyell qui met souvent en jeu le pronostic vital avait été écarté devant la conservation de l'état général, l'absence d'atteinte muqueuse et la rapide cicatrisation. Certains traitements traditionnels ont fait la preuve au cours du temps de leur efficacité, mais un mésusage peut être à l'origine d'effets secondaires graves

    Hygienic status assessment of dish washing waters, utensils, hands and pieces of money from street food processing sites in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso)

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    During investigations on street food vendors’ materials, seventy samples of three types of dish washing water (E1, E2, E3), eighty-five pieces of money, eighty utensils were collected for microbiological assessment. Hands microbiological status of one hundred twenty-five consumers andseventy sellers were also assessed. The analysis revealed that 100% of E1 washing waters were very impure, while, 44.5% of second washing water (E2) were impure, 44.5% very impure and 11% acceptable. 45.45% of E3 washing water were acceptable, 27.27% impure and 27.27% very impure. The spoons and the dinner plates were sometimes contaminated with unacceptable levels (above 102) of different bacteria such as, coliforms and Staphylococcus aureus (P 0.05). Knives microbiological examination revealed presence of numerous bacteria (8.6 x 105 cfu/knife) such as coliforms, S. Aureus, Salmonella and Shigella. Pieces of money analysis revealed presence of coliforms and S. aureus. These data showing pathogen bacteria in food vending sites indicates hygiene monitoring failure

    Impact of some climatic and phenological parameters on the callogenesis and somatic embrogenesis variations in coco

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    Callogenesis and somatic embryogenesis (SE) are influenced by several factors including climate and phenology. To assess such an influence, the percentage of callogenesis and SE variations depending on five climatic and two phenological parameters was measured for 2 years. Staminodes and petals from six hybrids and two clones ascontrols were cultured in bulk, onto three distinct calli induction media only differing in hormonal concentrations.From the results, it emerged that sole leaves flush does not vary from year to year. Maximal temperature and flowering level are the most stably linked. Non-linear regression provides the best R2-values of fitted curves. This shows that the link among climate, phenology, callogenesis and SE is not linear. In the first year, in control clones,climatic and phenological parameters explain 52.80% callogenesis variations, against 31.50% for SE. Therefore,climate and phenology significantly influence callogenesis, but not SE. For further industrial production of secondary metabolites such as butter, the obromin and chocolate aroma from calli, it would be desirable also to identify the favourable periods for calli production. Nevertheless, somatic embryos will continue to be produce all the year irrespective of period.Key Words: Côte d’Ivoire, petals, staminode

    Diversité et sélection participative de variétés locales productives de banane plantain de Côte d’Ivoire

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    Objectif: Parmi les principales cultures vivrières qui contribuent à la sécurité alimentaire en Côte d’Ivoire, la banane plantain occupe une place de choix. Cependant, la production reste toujours faible à cause de l’utilisation de variétés traditionnelles à faible rendement et aux mauvaises pratiques agricoles appliquées par les producteurs. Cette étude se propose d’identifier des variétés locales performantes pour accroire les rendementsMéthodologie et résultats: Pour apporter une solution à ces problèmes, plusieurs variétés locales de banane plantain ont été collectées dans les zones de production de bananiers en Côte d’Ivoire. Une diversité élevée de variétés de banane plantain a été observée à l’Est du pays. L’évaluation agronomique en station de recherche a permis de sélectionner de nombreux génotypes qui présentent des potentialités agronomiques intéressantes (haut rendement, tolérance aux maladies, précocité, etc.). Parmi ces variétés, 10 ont fait l’objet d’une sélection participative dans deux zones agro-écologiques différentes de la Côte d’Ivoire. Les résultats de cette évaluation ont permis de sélectionner 6 (CNRA-PLA-3, CNRA-PLA-4, CNRA-PLA-15, CNRA-PLA-7, CNRA-PLA-18 et CNRA-PLA-9) parmi les 10 variétés par les producteurs eux-mêmes. Ces variétés ont été choisies par les producteurs sur la base de leur rendement élevé, leur précocité et leur tolérance à la cercosporiose noire.Conclusion et application des résultats: La présente étude a permis de mettre en évidence 6 variétés locales productives de banane plantain à la suite d’une sélection participative. Ces variétés peuvent être conseillées aux producteurs pour accroître ainsi les productions afin d’assurer la sécurité alimentaire des populations.Mots clés: Banane plantain, rendement, tolérance, sélection participative, Côte d’IvoireEnglish AbstractEnglish Title: Diversity and participatory selection of high-yielding local plantain varieties in Côte d’IvoireObjective: Among the main food crops that contribute to food security in Côte d’Ivoire, plantain occupies a place of choice. However, the production is still low due to the use of traditional varieties with low yield and poor agricultural practices applied by the producers. This study aims to identify performant local plantain varieties to increase the yield.Methods and Results: To provide a solution to these problems, several local varieties of plantain have been collected in plantains production areas in Côte d’Ivoire. A high diversity of plantain varieties has been observed in the east of the country. The agronomic evaluation in research station allowed to select many genotypes with interesting agronomic potential (high yield, tolerance to diseases, precocity, etc.). Among these varieties, 10 were used for participatory selection in two different agro-ecological areas in Côte d’Ivoire. The results of this evaluation allowed the producers to select 6 (CNRA-PLA-3, CNRA-PLA-4, CNRA-PLA-15, CNRA-PLA-7, CNRA-PLA-18 and CNRA-PLA-9) among the 10 varieties. These varieties have been chosen by the producers on the basis of their high yield, their precocity and their tolerance to black sigatoka.Conclusion and application of results: The present study permitted to identify 6 performant local plantain varieties during a participatory selection. The varieties may be recommended to the producers in order to increase the productions and ensure the food security of the population.Keywords: Plantain, yield, tolerance, participatory selection, Cote d'Ivoir

    Risk factors associated with HIV prevalence in pregnant women in Burkina Faso, from 2006 to 2014

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    Purpose of the study: To determine the socio-demographic factors influencing the dynamics of HIV prevalence among pregnant women in Burkina Faso.Material and methods: A total of 66,597 pregnant women from the 13 health regions of Burkina Faso were included in this study conducted between 2006 and 2014. Venous blood samples were collected and analyzed for the detection of HIV antibodies according to WHO / UNAIDS strategy II, using the mixed test Vironostika HIV Uniform II Plus O (Bio-MĂ©rieux) and the test discriminating ImmunoCombII HIV-1 & 2 BiSpot (Orgenics). Samples with discordant results between the two tests, as well as those positive to HIV-2 or HIV-1 + 2, were retested with HIV BLOT 2.2 (MP Diagnostics). Sociodemographic data collected from the participants were correlated with their HIV status to determine key risk factors influencing HIV infection prevalence in Burkina Faso.Results: Sociodemographic data showed that the study population consisted mainly of married women (91.2%) at their first pregnancy (27.1%) with a large majority of them being housewives (86.2%) who did not attend any form of schooling (69.4%). About 88.4% had stayed longer than a year in the health region where they initially participated in the study and 55.8% were between 20 and 29 years of age. Overall HIV prevalence significantly dropped from 2.7 % in 2006 to 1.3% in 2014. However HIV seroprevalence in this study has varied significantly according to socio-demographic characteristics including marital status, parity, occupation, education, age group and the length of stay in the women's health community (p <0.0001). Factors sustaining HIV transmission included the status of being unmarried (OR=1.67 [1.42-1.97]), primigest (OR=1.64 [1.41-1.89]), having other occupations except being student (OR = 1.68 [1.20-2.33]), aged between 20-49 years (OR=3.14 [2.51-3.93]) and the duration of stay less than a year in their locality (OR=5.33 [4.61-10.16]) and these factors were identified as main risk factors associated with HIV prevalence.Conclusion: Burkina Faso remains among the countries with concentrated epidemics despite a significant reduction in the prevalence observed in this study. The inclusion of identified risk factors in the national HIV program could improve the quality of the response to the epidemic.Keywords: HIV-Pregnant Women-Risk Factors-Burkina Fas

    Assessment of climate change policy and institutional context: The case of Ghana

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    Mainstreaming climate change strategies on the basis of Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) into agricultural food security policies demands multi-dimensional approaches. In sub-Saharan Africa, the demand is made more complex by the socioeconomic challenges such as poverty, unstable markets, limited opportunities for employment and livelihoods. Mainstreaming therefore has to be done on the basis of informed strategies formulated on comprehensive studies. This study was conducted to inform the strategies for science-based and climate-smart agriculture in Ghana, especially with reference to the policy and institutional framework. The methodology comprised desk research of policy documents and related publications and Key Informant Interviews (KII). The study was based on the CCAFS Platform areas in Upper West Region. The research shows that though some efforts were made in the specific case of the National Climate Change Policy (NCCP), inclusion in the process did not reach the grassroots. Thus there were weaknesses in harnessing societal grassroots’ inputs for the policy formulation process. Still the policy has been well formulated and successfully launched. However, there is lack of awareness and knowledge about the policy especially in the decentralized levels of society in the districts and policy literacy is very low. The situation poses a challenge to effective implementation of the NCCP. To address some of the key challenges identified, it is vital to strengthen the vertical and horizontal channels of policy communication. The communication from the national sources to the districts must be improved through more frequent interaction. In the regions and districts, horizontal communication to reach out to all stakeholders can be greatly facilitated by the use of the electronic media

    Pression d’inoculum de la maladie des raies noires (MRN) causée par Mycosphaerella fijiensis Morelet, dans les plantations industrielles de bananiers, en Côte d’ivoire

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    The Black Leaf Streak Disease (BLSD) is one of main parasitic constraints of the agro-industrial plantations of banana in the world. Caused by a fungus ascomycete (Mycosphaerella fijiensis Morelet), the losses of yield are up to 50 %, without of resistant cultivars and effective management. This study relative to the level of the disease has been conducted in 12 industrial plantation in 6 production area: Aboisso, Grand- Bassam, Dabou, Agboville, Azaguié and Tiassalé; for a total surface of 2576 ha. The observations concerned the ranks of Youngest Leaf Spotted (YLS), of the Youngest Leaf Necrosed (YLN), the Number of Standing Leaves (NSL) and the gap between the Youngest Leaf Spotted and the Number of Standing Leaves. The results showed that chronic re-infestation of industrial plantation during the last five years, except CDBCI Tiassalé-Songon in 2011 and 2012. An acceptable level of re-infestation was observed in 2012 on other plantations, with the rank of YLS greater than or equal to 3, except BATIA Tiassalé and CDBCI Azaguié. The internal inoculum pressure (YLS) varied a lot from one plantation to another and from one year to another. Except plantation SBMK Aboisso and BATIA Tiassalé, other plantations had at least one value of the rank of the top YLS or equal to 8, during the study indicating a relatively low severity of the BLSD. From 2009 to 2012, all plantations have shown over 8 standing leaves, the minimum required for proper filling of the bunch of banana regime at the time of flowering
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