447 research outputs found

    Design and Development of Network Reliability based Secure Multicast Routing Protocol for MANET

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    In Mobile Ad hoc network (MANET), link quality and stability of links as well as nodes play a major role. In ad hoc network, links are often changing which could affect the node mobility and integrity of data packets. In this research work, Network Reliability based Secure Multicast Routing Protocol (NRSMRP) is proposed to achieve network reliability by means of creation of reliable multicast tree. This multicast tree is constructed based on link quality and reliability trust metric. In first phase, node categorization and reliability metric calculation are implemented with the help of link quality. In second phase, reliable multicast tree is formed based on parent node and child node. Parent node must have god capacity and signal strength to communicate with child node. In last phase, authentication based multicast routes are established based on the calculation of direct reputation of mobile nodes. From the results, proposed protocol achieves better performance than existing schemes

    Fuzzy enhanced Cluster based Energy Efficient Multicast Protocol for Increasing Network Lifetime in WSN

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    99–102Wireless Sensor Networks (CWSN) consists of sensor node which is mobile roaming inside and outside the network region. The difficulty in existing models observed is to identify the best routes for forwarding packets. If the balancing of packet arrivals and energy conservation is not achieved, it may lead to reduction of network lifetime. In our research work, Fuzzy enhanced Cluster based Energy Efficient Multicast Protocol (FCEEMP) is developed based on three aspects. First one, the establishment of multicast routing based on the calculation of best route metric and average reliability metric. Second, the cluster is formed based on node stability and route capability. Three set of nodes are formed in the cluster network model i.e. sensor node, cluster member and Cluster Head (CH) to estimate energy consumption. Third, enhancement of fuzzy model is implemented to produce optimal energy and the value of network lifetime. From the simulation analysis, proposed protocol achieves better improvement over existing schemes

    A prospective study on prescribing pattern of drugs in geriatric patients in the department of medicine in a tertiary care center

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    Background: India stands at 3rd position with large elderly population in the world. Elderly population has special problems related to health, social support, and economic security. Comorbidities in elderly people are frequent, which require use of multiple medications which increases the number of inappropriate medications    noncompliance, economic burden, adverse drug reactions (ADRs), and drug interactions. The overall incidence of ADR is two to three times higher due to physiological and pharmacological variations. Currently used screening tools for inappropriate prescription in old age are: Beers criteria and inappropriate prescribing in the elderly tool (IPET).Methods: A prospective observational study of elderly patients of either sex admitted in the medicine ward, conducted from May 2019-November 2019. A total of 102 prescriptions were collected and analysed. Data was analysed using Microsoft excel.Results: In this study most of the patients (67 out of 102) were in the age group 65-70 years with male population (73%) dominance. Most of the patient were admitted due to cardiovascular (35.84%) and respiratory system (14.15%) disorder. Anti-diabetics (17.64%) followed by anti-microbials (14.24%) were the most commonly prescribed medicines in this study. Our study revealed poly pharmacy in geriatric patients with an average number of drugs per prescription being 6.07. According to BEER’s criteria 3.47% of total drugs prescribed were inappropriateConclusions:  In this study most of the patients had co morbid conditions, cardiovascular disease and diabetes being the common cause led to polypharmacy. A high number of potential prescription errors were found.

    A case of fibrolipomatous hamartoma of the median nerve with macrodactyly

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    Fibrolipomatous hamartoma of nerve is a tumor-like lipomatous process principally involving affecting young persons. The median nerve is most commonly affectedinvolved. The lesion is characterized by a soft slowly growing mass, surrounding and infiltrating major nerves and their branches. It may cause symptoms of compression neuropathy and is associated with macrodactyly in one third of cases. Here, we present a case of Fibrolipomatous hamartoma of nerve in the wrist of a young man arising from median nerve. Debulking of the tumour was performed

    Analisis Kemampuan Berpikir Lancar Pada Materi Asam-basa Menggunakan Model Pembelajaran Inkuiri Terbimbing

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    This research was aimed to describe fluency thinking skill in acid base Ă‚ matter by using guided inquiry model learning for high, intermediate and low groups of student.Ă‚ The subject were students of class XI IPA SMA Swadhipa Natar. Ă‚ This research used the pre-experimental method, a one-shot case studydesign, and data analysis using descriptive statistics. The results of analysis learning acid-base matter by using guided inquiry model learning showed that fluency thinking skill in the high level group 42,86% were excellent, and 57,14% were good; intermediate level group, 12,5% were excellent, 68,75% were good, 12,5% were enough, and 6,25% were less; low level group, 44,44% were good, 40% were enough, and 11,11% were less.Ă‚ Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kemampuan berpikir lancar pada materi asam-basa menggunakan model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing untuk siswa kelompok tinggi, sedang dan rendah.Ă‚ Subyek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XI IPA Ă‚ SMA Swadhipa Natar.Ă‚ Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pre-eksperimen, desain one shot case study, dan analisis data menggunakan statistik deskriptif.Ă‚ Hasil penelitian analisis pembelajaran materi asam-basa dengan model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan berpikir lancar pada kelompok tinggi 42,86% berkriteria sangat baik, dan 57,14% berkriteria baik; kelompok sedang, 12,5% berkriteria sangat baik, 68,75% berkrikeria baik, 12,5% berkriteria cukup, dan 6,25% berkriteria kurang; kelompok rendah, 44,44% berkriteria sangat baik, 44,44% berkriteria baik, dan 11,11% berkriteria cukup.

    Analisis Sarana Dan Intensitas Penggunaan Laboratorium Fisika Serta Kontribusinya Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa SMA Negeri Di Kabupaten Jembrana

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    The purpose of this research is to analyze the properties and the intensity USAge of physics laboratory, and its contribution toward the learning outcomes of Senior High School Students in Jembrana regency. This research is an descriptive. Subject of this research is the principal, vice principal areas of curriculum, laboratory managers, teachers, and students of class XI Science SMAN in Jembrana school year 2012/2013. The data means, head of the laboratory competence and laboratory use intensity collected using questionnaires, student learning outcomes data obtained through the essay test reliability of 0.82. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Based on the analysis of the materials and basic measuring tools and equipment facility experiments showed generally it's not reached the minimum standard based on the regulation of education national ministry No. 24, year 2007 about the standard equipments and properties, the head laboratory competency in the term of personality has already had good qualification, while in the terms of social competence, management, and professionalism were still less. Laboratory technicians are not yet available, a tool used factor only 12.08% (very less), and the average of students' learning outcomes was 34.4 (less qualification)

    Study of anti-inflammatory activity of Ficus racemosa linn stem bark extract in albino rats

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    Background: Inflammation is part of the complex biological response of vascular tissues to harmful stimuli. Though there are standard anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin, diclofenac, etc., these are not free of side effects. This has led to an increase in demand for natural products with anti-inflammatory activity having less side effects. Hence the study was conducted to evaluate the anti-inflammatory activity of ethanolic extract of Ficus racemose (EEFR) in albino rats.Methods: Healthy albino rats of either sex were divided into 4 groups of 6 animals each. Group1-control, group 2-diclofenac sodium 2 mg/kg and group 3 and 4 EEFR (200 and 400 mg/kg respectively), anti-inflammatory activity was evaluated by Carrageenan induced paw oedema: formalin induced-peritonitis and cotton pellet induced granuloma model for in vivo activity and protein denaturation test for in vitro activity.Results: EEFR exhibited significant in vitro (p<0.001) anti-inflammatory effect at the dose of 200 and 400 mg/kg. EEFR produced 61.37% inhibition at the dose of 400 mg/kg and diclofenac (standard drug) produced 62.95% of inhibition after 3 hours of drug treatment in carrageenan induced paw oedema. The exudate volume was decreased in formalin induced peritonitis by EEFR and diclofenac significantly (p<0.001). In cotton pellet induced granuloma EEFR (400 mg/kg) and diclofenac showed decreased formation of granuloma by 28.36% and 28.00% (p<0.001) respectively.Conclusions: EEFR has significant anti-inflammatory activity in both acute and chronic model in a dose dependant manner in comparison with standard drug

    The Effect of Conceptual Change Text on Improving Student Understanding of Electricity Concepts and Learning Motivation

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of conceptual change text on improving students\u27 understanding of electricity concepts and learning motivation. A quasi-experimental with pre-test post-test nonequivalent control group design was used in the study. Participant were 142 of 12th-grade students. The experimental group studied electricity concept with conceptual change text and the control group studied it with expository text.&nbsp; Students\u27 understanding of electricity concepts was measured by a conceptual understanding test and students\u27 learning motivation was measured by a questionnaire. Hypothesis testing is done by the MANOVA. The results showed that: (1) conceptual change text can improve the students\u27 understanding of electricity concepts and learning motivation at the medium level, &nbsp;(2) there was a significant difference in the improvement of students\u27 understanding of electricity concepts and learning motivation between the experimental group and the control group, (3) there was a significant difference in the improvement of students\u27 understanding of electricity concepts between the experimental group and the control group, (4) there was a significant difference in the improvement of students\u27 learning motivation between the experimental group and the control group. The finding indicates that conceptual change text was an effective tool to improve students\u27 understanding of electricity concepts and learning motivation

    Looking for other worlds out there

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    Are there worlds outside our Solar System? How do we look for them? What can we learn from them? In this article, the author shows how recent advances in technology have made the search for exoplanets more exciting than ever before
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