749 research outputs found

    Creating new rural development strategies : the role of nonprofits

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    Rural areas ; Rural development ; Nonprofit organizations

    Why invest in rural America and how? : a critical public policy question for the 21st century

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    Significant portions of rural America are in trouble. For some parts of rural America, the slow slide to no longer being economically, socially, or politically viable is within sight. At the same time, without intending it, rural America appears headed for a land of the rich and the poor—a rural America of resorts and pockets of persistent poverty.> Yet current rural policies are designed for the past, not the future. In terms of public dollars committed, today’s rural policy focuses primarily on two areas—agriculture and manufacturing. Neither focus can meet the future needs of rural people and their communities.> In his paper presented at this year’s conference sponsored by the Center for the Study of Rural America, Exploring Policy Options for a New Rural America, Dr. Stauber discusses how a successful rural policy must be crafted with three key societal benefits in mind—the survival of the rural middle class, reducing concentrated rural poverty, and sustaining and improving the quality of the natural environment.Rural areas ; Rural development

    Dynamical polarizability of graphene beyond the Dirac cone approximation

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    We compute the dynamical polarizability of graphene beyond the usual Dirac cone approximation, integrating over the full Brillouin zone. We find deviations at ω=2t\hbar\omega=2t (tt the hopping parameter) which amount to a logarithmic singularity due to the van Hove singularity and derive an approximate analytical expression. Also at low energies, we find deviations from the results obtained from the Dirac cone approximation which manifest themselves in a peak spitting at arbitrary direction of the incoming wave vector \q. Consequences for the plasmon spectrum are discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Conductivity of suspended and non-suspended graphene at finite gate voltage

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    We compute the DC and the optical conductivity of graphene for finite values of the chemical potential by taking into account the effect of disorder, due to mid-gap states (unitary scatterers) and charged impurities, and the effect of both optical and acoustic phonons. The disorder due to mid-gap states is treated in the coherent potential approximation (CPA, a self-consistent approach based on the Dyson equation), whereas that due to charged impurities is also treated via the Dyson equation, with the self-energy computed using second order perturbation theory. The effect of the phonons is also included via the Dyson equation, with the self energy computed using first order perturbation theory. The self-energy due to phonons is computed both using the bare electronic Green's function and the full electronic Green's function, although we show that the effect of disorder on the phonon-propagator is negligible. Our results are in qualitative agreement with recent experiments. Quantitative agreement could be obtained if one assumes water molelcules under the graphene substrate. We also comment on the electron-hole asymmetry observed in the DC conductivity of suspended graphene.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figure

    Transport in a Clean Graphene Sheet at Finite Temperature and Frequency

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    We calculate the conductivity of a clean graphene sheet at finite temperatures starting from the tight-binding model. We obtain a finite value for the dc-conductivity at zero temperature. For finite temperature, the spontaneous electron-hole creation, responsible for the finite conductivity at zero temperature, is washed out and the dc-conductivity yields zero. Our results are in agreement with calculations based on the field-theoretical model for graphene.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figur

    Phenomenological study of the electronic transport coefficients of graphene

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    Using a semi-classical approach and input from experiments on the conductivity of graphene, we determine the electronic density dependence of the electronic transport coefficients -- conductivity, thermal conductivity and thermopower -- of doped graphene. Also the electronic density dependence of the optical conductivity is obtained. Finally we show that the classical Hall effect (low field) in graphene has the same form as for the independent electron case, characterized by a parabolic dispersion, as long as the relaxation time is proportional to the momentum.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    The optical conductivity of graphene in the visible region of the spectrum

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    We compute the optical conductivity of graphene beyond the usual Dirac cone approximation, giving results that are valid in the visible region of the conductivity spectrum. The effect of next nearest neighbor hoping is also discussed. Using the full expression for the optical conductivity, the transmission and reflection coefficients are given. We find that even in the optical regime the corrections to the Dirac cone approximation are surprisingly small (a few percent). Our results help in the interpretation of the experimental results reported by Nair {\it et al.} [Science {\bf 320}, 1308 (2008)].Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Universal Dynamic Conductivity and Quantized Visible Opacity of Suspended Graphene

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    We show that the optical transparency of suspended graphene is defined by the fine structure constant, alpha, the parameter that describes coupling between light and relativistic electrons and is traditionally associated with quantum electrodynamics rather than condensed matter physics. Despite being only one atom thick, graphene is found to absorb a significant (pi times alpha=2.3%) fraction of incident white light, which is a consequence of graphene's unique electronic structure. This value translates into universal dynamic conductivity G =e^2/4h_bar within a few percent accuracy

    Efficient graphene-based photodetector with two cavities

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    We present an efficient graphene-based photodetector with two Fabri-P\'erot cavities. It is shown that the absorption can reach almost 100% around a given frequency, which is determined by the two-cavity lengths. It is also shown that hysteresis in the absorbance is possible, with the transmittance amplitude of the mirrors working as an external driving field. The role of non-linear contributions to the optical susceptibility of graphene is discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures. published version: minor revisio