1,300 research outputs found

    Synthetic clock transitions via continuous dynamical decoupling

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    Decoherence of quantum systems due to uncontrolled fluctuations of the environment presents fundamental obstacles in quantum science. `Clock' transitions which are insensitive to such fluctuations are used to improve coherence, however, they are not present in all systems or for arbitrary system parameters. Here, we create a trio of synthetic clock transitions using continuous dynamical decoupling in a spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensate in which we observe a reduction of sensitivity to magnetic field noise of up to four orders of magnitude; this work complements the parallel work by Anderson et al. (submitted, 2017). In addition, using a concatenated scheme, we demonstrate suppression of sensitivity to fluctuations in our control fields. These field-insensitive states represent an ideal foundation for the next generation of cold atom experiments focused on fragile many-body phases relevant to quantum magnetism, artificial gauge fields, and topological matter.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, Supplemental material

    The seed and agricultural biotechnology industries in India: An analysis of industry structure, competition, and policy options

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    Since the late 1980s, technological advances and policy reforms have opened up new opportunities for growth in India's seed and agricultural biotechnology industries. The impacts of such changes have been significant in India's cotton sector, but less so for the country's main cereal crops, where both yield and output growth rates have been relatively stagnant. Some public policymakers and corporate decisionmakers are confident that the private sector will help reverse these trends, arguing that the right combination of new technological solutions and progressive policy reforms will unleash a significant increase in private investment in productivity-enhancing products and services. The structure of India's seed and agbiotech industries, as well as the policies designed to support their growth, will be a significant determinant of this expected impact. This paper examines the structure of India's cereal seed and agbiotech industries, its potential effects on innovation and social welfare, and the policies that may improve both industry performance and the delivery of new technologies to resource-poor, small-scale farmers in India's cereal production systems. We focus our analysis on indicators and scenarios within India's agricultural innovation market for improved seed and agricultural biotechnology products. This market includes firms engaged in the development, commercialization, and marketing of new seed-based technologies; it is characterized by a high level of knowledge intensity, relatively high levels of R&D investment, significant barriers to entry, significant levels of regulation, and relatively few products in the market. And it is within this market that factors such as strategic corporate behavior and public policy can affect the balance between a socially desirable rate of innovation, on the one hand, and a socially desirable distribution of the gains from innovation among consumers, farmers, and innovators, on the other hand.Seed markets, Agricultural biotechnology, industrial organization, Cereal crops,

    Synthetic gauge fields in synthetic dimensions

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    We describe a simple technique for generating a cold-atom lattice pierced by a uniform magnetic field. Our method is to extend a one-dimensional optical lattice into the "dimension" provided by the internal atomic degrees of freedom, yielding a synthetic 2D lattice. Suitable laser-coupling between these internal states leads to a uniform magnetic flux within the 2D lattice. We show that this setup reproduces the main features of magnetic lattice systems, such as the fractal Hofstadter butterfly spectrum and the chiral edge states of the associated Chern insulating phases.Comment: 5+4 pages, 5+3 figures, two-column revtex; v2: discussion of role of interactions added, Fig. 1 reshaped, minor changes, references adde

    Smoothed Analysis of the Minimum-Mean Cycle Canceling Algorithm and the Network Simplex Algorithm

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    The minimum-cost flow (MCF) problem is a fundamental optimization problem with many applications and seems to be well understood. Over the last half century many algorithms have been developed to solve the MCF problem and these algorithms have varying worst-case bounds on their running time. However, these worst-case bounds are not always a good indication of the algorithms' performance in practice. The Network Simplex (NS) algorithm needs an exponential number of iterations for some instances, but it is considered the best algorithm in practice and performs best in experimental studies. On the other hand, the Minimum-Mean Cycle Canceling (MMCC) algorithm is strongly polynomial, but performs badly in experimental studies. To explain these differences in performance in practice we apply the framework of smoothed analysis. We show an upper bound of O(mn2log(n)log(ϕ))O(mn^2\log(n)\log(\phi)) for the number of iterations of the MMCC algorithm. Here nn is the number of nodes, mm is the number of edges, and ϕ\phi is a parameter limiting the degree to which the edge costs are perturbed. We also show a lower bound of Ω(mlog(ϕ))\Omega(m\log(\phi)) for the number of iterations of the MMCC algorithm, which can be strengthened to Ω(mn)\Omega(mn) when ϕ=Θ(n2)\phi=\Theta(n^2). For the number of iterations of the NS algorithm we show a smoothed lower bound of Ω(mmin{n,ϕ}ϕ)\Omega(m \cdot \min \{ n, \phi \} \cdot \phi).Comment: Extended abstract to appear in the proceedings of COCOON 201

    Tunneling current characteristics in bilayer quantum Hall systems

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    Weakly disordered bilayer quantum Hall systems at filling factor ν=1\nu=1 show spontaneous interlayer phase coherence if the layers are sufficiently close together. We study the collective modes in the system, the current-voltage characteristics and their evolution with an in-plane magnetic field in the phase-coherent regime.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, grammatical changes, To appear in SCES 2001 proceeding

    Engineering Time-Reversal Invariant Topological Insulators With Ultra-Cold Atoms

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    Topological insulators are a broad class of unconventional materials that are insulating in the interior but conduct along the edges. This edge transport is topologically protected and dissipationless. Until recently, all existing topological insulators, known as quantum Hall states, violated time-reversal symmetry. However, the discovery of the quantum spin Hall effect demonstrated the existence of novel topological states not rooted in time-reversal violations. Here, we lay out an experiment to realize time-reversal topological insulators in ultra-cold atomic gases subjected to synthetic gauge fields in the near-field of an atom-chip. In particular, we introduce a feasible scheme to engineer sharp boundaries where the "edge states" are localized. Besides, this multi-band system has a large parameter space exhibiting a variety of quantum phase transitions between topological and normal insulating phases. Due to their unprecedented controllability, cold-atom systems are ideally suited to realize topological states of matter and drive the development of topological quantum computing.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Soft Magnetorotons and Broken-Symmetry States in Bilayer Quantum Hall Ferromagnets

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    The recent report on the observation of soft magnetorotons in the dispersion of charge-density excitations across the tunneling gap in coupled bilayers at total Landau level filling factor νT=1\nu_T=1 is reviewed. The inelastic light scattering experiments take advantage of the breakdown of wave-vector conservation that occurs under resonant excitation. The results offer evidence that in the quantum Hall state there is a roton that softens and sharpens markedly when the phase boundary for transitions to highly-correlated compressible states is approached. These findings are interpreted with Hartree-Fock evaluations of the dynamic structure factor. The model includes the effect of disorder in the breakdown of wave-vector conservation and resonance enhancement profiles within a phenomenological approach. These results link the softening of magnetorotons to enhanced excitonic Coulomb interactions in the ferromagnetic bilayers.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures; conference: EP2DS-1

    Onset of Interlayer Phase Coherence in a Bilayer Two-Dimensional Electron System: Effect of Layer Density Imbalance

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    Tunneling and Coulomb drag are sensitive probes of spontaneous interlayer phase coherence in bilayer two-dimensional electron systems at total Landau level filling factor νT=1\nu_T = 1. We find that the phase boundary between the interlayer phase coherent state and the weakly-coupled compressible phase moves to larger layer separations as the electron density distribution in the bilayer is imbalanced. The critical layer separation increases quadratically with layer density difference.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Measuring topology in a laser-coupled honeycomb lattice: From Chern insulators to topological semi-metals

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    Ultracold fermions trapped in a honeycomb optical lattice constitute a versatile setup to experimentally realize the Haldane model [Phys. Rev. Lett. 61, 2015 (1988)]. In this system, a non-uniform synthetic magnetic flux can be engineered through laser-induced methods, explicitly breaking time-reversal symmetry. This potentially opens a bulk gap in the energy spectrum, which is associated with a non-trivial topological order, i.e., a non-zero Chern number. In this work, we consider the possibility of producing and identifying such a robust Chern insulator in the laser-coupled honeycomb lattice. We explore a large parameter space spanned by experimentally controllable parameters and obtain a variety of phase diagrams, clearly identifying the accessible topologically non-trivial regimes. We discuss the signatures of Chern insulators in cold-atom systems, considering available detection methods. We also highlight the existence of topological semi-metals in this system, which are gapless phases characterized by non-zero winding numbers, not present in Haldane's original model.Comment: 30 pages, 12 figures, 4 Appendice