192 research outputs found

    Design and implementation of adaptive technology for teaching mathematics to school children based on integrated diagnostic approach to subject preparation and competence development

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    The development of school teaching  systems to enable effective adaptive communication of information requires specific pedagogical solutions to several important theoretical and methodological problems .These include 1) the discernment of basic characteristics needed to diagnose and improve the quality of subject preparation for schoolchildren, 2) clarifying the role of the teacher in the structure of adaptive learning  process, and  3) finding ways to integrate adaptive content into the framework of courses on mathematics. The purpose of our study was to determine theoretical and methodological foundations of teaching mathematics to schoolchildren taking into account their level of ability with the consequent development of appropriate adaptive content. The basic characteristics that underpin the concept of adaptive learning which contributes to both individual profiles of student ability to learn and subsequent success outcomes are: proficiency, motivation to learn and level of mathematical knowledge. The evaluation of individual profile structure of schoolchildren determines the choice of methodologies for presentation of adaptive content in ways allowing development and motivation. The system of educational process management developed in this way includes both content-methodical and procedural-technological components. This makes it possible to automatically evaluate the level of each students' mathematical training (knowledge, motivation, development) and to ensure continuous improvement. This system can also be used by secondary teachers of mathematics as a part of extracurricular activities, or as a distance learning support. In addition, the recommendations for structuring multi-level problem material can be used by mathematics teachers to self-construct adaptive sets tasks at various stages of teaching mathematics. As a result, students have the opportunity to improve their own profile of learning success, particularly by solving a chain of tasks

    Modern Methods of DNA Sequencing (Scientific Review)

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    Rapidly developing sequencing technologies have provided the possibility for identification of a DNA nucleotide sequence of a whole individual human genome just in a couple of weeks. Working capacity of some sequencers is already measured in thousands of milliards of base pairs per an operating cycle. Reviewed have been the basic principles and analytical potential of the modern methods for DNA sequencing which are nominally subdivided into three major types: classical - capillary electrophoresis sequencing and pyrosequencing, novel (Next Generation Sequencing - NGS) - simultaneous sequencing of millions of DNA fragments, each one of which is a cluster containing many thousands or hundreds of thousands of their clones - high-performance pyrosequencing, cyclic ligase and semiconducting sequencing, molecular-cluster-based sequencing using fluorescent-labeled precursors; and cutting-edge methods - (Next-Next Generation Sequencing - NNGS) - the ones that read millions of single DNA fragments without pre-cloning

    Effect of the state of stress on the strain-induced martensite formation in 03Kh14N11K5M2YuT steel

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    The structural changes that occur in a metastable austenitic Fe-Cr-Ni-based steel during cold plastic deformation by drawing and tension are analyzed. A relation between the structure of the steel and its mechanical and magnetic properties is established. It is concluded that the stress state scheme considerably affects the rate of martensite formation. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Decoding variant for dilatometric measurements of metal samples heating and cooling

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    Dilatometric measurements in the form of sample sizes registration with temperature changes are widely used in the practice of physical materials science. In recent decades, the hardware component of these measurements has substantially changed with a practically unchanged version of their use as applied to the characteristics of various phase transformations. The basic point, in this case, is the identification of the critical points temperature for the 'start/finish' transformations based on the analysis of dilatograms deviations from a tangents carried out in the temperature intervals near the break observed on the obtained experimental curves. However, in most cases, this information has a framework character due to the presence of deficiencies in the critical points temperatures determining. In some cases, to compensate for these shortcomings, results of the changes analysis in the first derivative of dilatometric curves are additionally used. A series of works carried out by the authors is studying the features at changing the temperature coefficient of linear expansion true values. An algorithm for obtaining this spectrum is prescribed. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Development of the PCR Assay with Universal Primers for the Detection of Different <i>tcpA</i> Gene Variants

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    Developed is the PCR assay for the detection of the structural genes of toxin co-regulated adhesion piluses - tcpA of different types. Determined are the universal primers, the usage of which provides for the detection of the stated above genes in V. cholerae of various serogroups. With the help of this PCR assay identified is a new variant of tcpA gene in toxigenic cholera vibrio of non-O1/non-O139 serogroup


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    This study shows that Yersinia pestis capsular antigen F1 conjugated to the CS nano-particles demonstrates apparent immunogenic effects. When injected to the test animals it was able to stimulate the production of specific antibodies under smaller antigenic load, it caused activation of the genetic apparatus in the immune system cells, and it stimulated hyperplastic processes in the lymphoid organs. Solutions of CS plus antigens appeared to be stable and caused neither general nor local responses in the test animals; they were easy to make use of, thus demonstrating their potentialities to be exploited as adjuvants in immunologic practices

    Taxonomic Position of Entomoparasitic Nematodes Isolated from Fleas in Gorno-Altai High-Mountain Natural Plague Focus

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    Objective of the study was to investigate entomoparasitic nematodes from rodent fleas, collected in Gorno-Altai high-mountain natural plague focus in 2016–2017, with identification of their taxonomic status. Materials and methods. Given are the results of morphological and genetic analysis of entomoparasitic nematodes – parasites of fleas Amphipsylla primaris primaris living on flat-headed high-mountain voles Alticola strelzovi, fleas Rhadinopsylla li transbaicalica of Daurian pika Ochotona dauurica, fleas Rhadinopsylla dahurica, collected at the burrows of the rodents. Results and conclusions. Identified have been nucleotide sequences of ITS2 spacer region of ribosomal operon in entomoparasitic nematodes of three flea species: Amphipsylla primaris primaris, Rhadinopsylla li transbaicalica, and Rhadinopsylla dahurica. Based on comparative phylogenetic analysis and identified high percentage of homology of the stated nucleotide sequences (92–99 %), appurtenance to Rubzovinema spp. species and close relation to earlier proposed by us multi-host species Rubzovinema polyxenica from C. tesquorum, A. rossica, and C. secundus fleas from Volga-Ural steppe plague focus has been established. For the first time ever separate branch of evolution of entomoparasitic nematodes – flea parasites, represented by Rubzovinema ssp., has been identified. Determined has been wide spread of Rubzovinema ssp. nematodes in biocenoses of steppe zone of Russia across Precaspian territory and Altai Mountains

    The role of olfactory transport in the penetration of manganese oxide nanoparticles from blood into the brain

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    There is no doubt that various nanoparticles (NPs) can enter the brain from the nasal cavity. It is assumed that NPs can penetrate from blood into the central nervous system (CNS) only by breaking the blood–brain barrier (BBB). The accumulation of NPs in CNS can provoke many neurological diseases; therefore, the understanding of its mechanisms is of both academic and practical interest. Although hitting from the surface of the lungs into the bloodstream, NPs can accumulate in various mucous membranes, including the nasal mucosa. Thus, we cannot rule out the ability of NPs to be transported from the bloodstream to the brain through the olfactory uptake. To test this hypothesis, we used paramagnetic NPs of manganese oxide (Mn3O4-NPs), whose accumulation patterns in the mouse brain were recorded using T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging. The effect of intranasal application of endocytosis and axonal transport inhibitors on the brain accumulation patterns of intranasally or intravenously injected Mn3O4-NPs was evaluated. A comparative analysis of the results showed that the transport of Mn3O4-NPs from the nasal cavity to the brain is more efficient than their local permeation through BBB into CNS from the bloodstream, for example with the accumulation of Mn3O4NPs in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus, and through the capture and transport of NPs from the blood by olfactory epithelium cells. Also, experiments with the administration of chlorpromazine, a specific inhibitor of clathrin-dependent endocytosis, and methyl-β-cyclodextrin, inhibitor of the lipid rafts involved in the capture of substances by endothelium cells, showed differences in the mechanisms of NP uptake from the nasal cavity and from the bloodstream. In this study, we show a significant contribution of axonal transport to NP accumulation patterns in the brain, both from the nasal cavity and from the vascular bed. This explains the accumulation of different sorts of submicron particles (neurotropic viruses, insoluble xenobiotics, etc.), unable to pass BBB, in the brain. The results will add to the understanding of the pathogenesis of various neurodegenerative diseases and help studying the side effects of therapeutics administered intravenously

    Effect of <i>Yersinia pestis</i> on the Soil Nematodes <i>Panagrolaimus</i> sp. from the Gorno-Altai High-Mountain Focus of Plague

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    The aim of the work was to study interaction of Yersinia pestis with soil nematodes isolated on the territory of the Gorno-Altai high-mountain plague focus. Materials and methods. We used the fluorescent Y. pestis strain KM2083, a derivative of the natural strain of the 4.ANT phylogenetic line, the antique biovar of the main subspecies, and a nematode culture isolated in the same area of the Gorno-Altai plague focus. The taxonomy of nematodes was determined by the region of the 18S rRNA gene; phylogenetic analysis was performed using the Maximum Likelihood method based on the Tamura-Nei model in the Mega 7.0 software. The interaction of the Y. pestis KM2083 strain and the nematodes was studied during cultivation on a solid NGM agar medium. Nematodes were observed using microscopes Stemi-2000C (Carl Zeiss, Germany) and Axio Imager Z2 (Carl Zeiss, Germany). Results and discussion. It has been established that the nematodes from the Gorno-Altai high-mountain plague focus used in the work belong to the genus Panagrolaimus. Cultivation of nematodes on the lawn of the Y. pestis strain of the main subspecies of antique biovar, the 4.ANT phylogenetic line for 24 hours did not lead to a reduction in the lifespan of nematodes compared to the control sample, which indicates the absence of toxicity of the used strain towards Panagrolaimus nematodes. On the cuticle of nematodes, the formation of a biofilm in the genital area and tail has been noted, and accumulations of fluorescent cells of the plague pathogen observed in the digestive tract. The data obtained can indicate the ability of nematodes to carry the plague pathogen in the soil biocoenosis