7,554 research outputs found

    Constraints on the Wtb vertex from early LHC data

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    We use the recent measurements of top quark decay asymmetries in ATLAS and the t-channel single top cross section in CMS to set the first combined LHC limits on the Wtb vertex. This combination allows to obtain much better limits than the separate measurements. The resulting constraints are comparable, although still weaker, than the ones obtained using Tevatron data with much more statistics.Comment: RevTeX 4 page

    FCNCs in supersymmetric multi-Higgs doublet models

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    We conduct a general discussion of supersymmetric models with three families in the Higgs sector. We analyse the scalar potential, and investigate the minima conditions, deriving the mass matrices for the scalar, pseudoscalar and charged states. Depending on the Yukawa couplings and the Higgs spectrum, the model might allow the occurrence of potentially dangerous flavour changing neutral currents at the tree-level. We compute model-independent contributions for several observables, and as an example we apply this general analysis to a specific model of quark-Higgs interactions, discussing how compatibility with current experimental data constrains the Higgs sector.Comment: 30 pages, 9 figures. Comments and references added. Final version published in Physical Review

    Non-Canonical MSSM, Unification, And New Particles At The LHC

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    We consider non-canonical embeddings of the MSSM in high-dimensional orbifold GUTs based on the gauge symmetry SU(N), N=5,6,7,8. The hypercharge normalization factor k_Y can either have unique non-canonical values, such as 23/21 in a six-dimensional SU(7) model, or may lie in a (continuous) interval. Gauge coupling unification and gauge-Yukawa unification can be realized in these models by introducing new particles with masses in the TeV range which may be found at the LHC. In one such example there exist color singlet fractionally charged states.Comment: 1+25 pages, 5 figures. v2: Introduction revised, sections reordered, figure 4 correcte

    Probing Top Anomalous Couplings at the Tevatron and the Large Hadron Collider

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    Chromomagnetic and chromoelectric dipole interactions of the top quark are studied in a model independent framework. Limits are set on the scale of new physics that might lead to such contributions using available Tevatron data. Prospects at the LHC are reviewed.Comment: Version published in Praman

    Exact expressions for the Kohn–Sham exchange-correlation potential in terms of wave-function-based quantities

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    Several workers have deduced various exact expressions for the Kohn–Sham exchange-correlation potential in terms of quantities computable from the interacting and noninteracting wave functions of the system. We show that all these expressions can be obtained by one general method in which the interacting N-electron wave function is expanded in products of one- and (N − 1)-electron functions. Different expressions correspond to different choices of the latter functions. Our analysis unifies and clarifies the previously proposed exact treatments of the exchange-correlation potential, and suggests new ways of expressing this quantity

    Momentum distributions and spectroscopic factors of doubly-closed shell nuclei in correlated basis function theory

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    The momentum distributions, natural orbits, spectroscopic factors and quasi-hole wave functions of the C12, O16, Ca40, Ca48, and Pb208 doubly closed shell nuclei, have been calculated in the framework of the Correlated Basis Function theory, by using the Fermi hypernetted chain resummation techniques. The calculations have been done by using the realistic Argonne v8' nucleon-nucleon potential, together with the Urbana IX three-body interaction. Operator dependent correlations, which consider channels up to the tensor ones, have been used. We found noticeable effects produced by the correlations. For high momentum values, the momentum distributions show large enhancements with respect to the independent particle model results. Natural orbits occupation numbers are depleted by about the 10\% with respect to the independent particle model values. The effects of the correlations on the spectroscopic factors are larger on the more deeply bound states.Comment: Modified version of the previous paper (there are new figures). The paper has been accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Caracter?sticas de la educaci?n religiosa escolar en las instituciones educativas de la ciudad de Ibagu?

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    96 P?ginasRecurso Electr?ncioLa religi?n en Am?rica Latina se divide en dos momentos, antes y despu?s del llamado Descubrimiento de Am?rica, pues los colonizadores llegan a imponer su religi?n desconociendo totalmente las din?micas, creencias y costumbres de los ind?genas. La educaci?n nace entonces, con el fin de impartir este tipo de conocimientos y as? tener un dominio sobre los pobladores. Con el transcurrir del tiempo, la ERE empez? a jugar un papel primordial en la formaci?n integral de las personas, toda vez que se considera como un ?rea fundamental de la educaci?n. De esto, se puede observar c?mo la religi?n cat?lica ha ejercido su influencia en la formaci?n escolar, pol?tica e ideol?gica de los individuos a trav?s de la historia, pero tambi?n, su debilitamiento en el poder con la llegada al pa?s de nuevas corrientes religiosas, la modernidad y el fortalecimiento de la ciencia, que logran despertar el esp?ritu cr?tico en sus estudiantes y as? obtener un cambio en la estructuraci?n de la educaci?n en Colombia, de all? la inquietud de llevar a cabo el siguiente trabajo de investigaci?n. Con el fin de establecer las caracter?sticas que la ERE posee y su impacto en las comunidades acad?micas que tienen la oportunidad de explorarla en la ciudad de Ibagu?, se toman cuatro Instituciones Educativas, donde participaron docentes del ?rea y estudiantes de diferentes grados de la b?sica secundaria y la media vocacional; adicional a esto, se revisaron los planes de estudio y el horizonte institucional de los colegios y mediante el programa de ?atlas ti? como herramienta de an?lisis, se realiz? una exploraci?n. Entre los datos encontrados, se pudo establecer que los planes de estudio est?n acordes a los lineamientos que establece el MEN y apuntan al horizonte institucional de cada colegio, sin embargo docentes y estudiantes est?n de acuerdo con que la clase de ERE debe ser replanteada y ajustada a los tiempos actuales, pues consideran que est? desactualizada a las necesidades que demanda la evoluci?n en el plano econ?mico, pol?tico, cient?fico y tecnol?gico que se est? viviendo. Otro aspecto relevante en los resultados se manifiesta en la necesidad de manejar un verdadero pluralismo religioso que permita la integraci?n de las religiones en el aula de clase. Todos estos hallazgos llevan a las autoras del presente trabajo a hacer recomendaciones, que se encuentran al final de este documento, con las cuales se busca fortalecer la educaci?n religiosa escolar.ABSTRACT. Religion in Latin America is divided into two periods, before and after the called Discovery of America, as the settlers come to impose their religion completely ignoring the dynamics, beliefs and customs of the natives, education born then, in order to impart such knowledge and thus have dominion over the inhabitants. With the passage of time, the ERE started playing a major role in the training of people, because it is considered as a key area of education. From this, it can be seen how the Catholic religion has influenced in school, political and ideological training of individuals throughout history, but also its weakness in power with the arrival in the country of new religious currents, modernity and strengthening science, which fail to arouse critical thinking in their students and get a change in the structure of education in Colombia, hence the concern of carrying out the following research. In order to establish the characteristics that the ERE owns and its impact on academic communities with the opportunity to explore in the city of Ibagu? four educational institutions where the religion teachers and students from different grades of high school and vocational media; Further to this, the curricula and institutional horizon and colleges were reviewed by atlas ti program analysis tool, was reviewed. Among the data found was established that curricula are consistent with the guidelines established by the MEN and point to institutional horizon of each school, but teachers and students agree with that kind of ERE should be reconsidered and adjusted to the current times, believing that is outdated to the needs demanded changes in economic, political, scientific and technological level that is living. Another relevant aspect of the results is reflected in the need to handle a true religious pluralism that allows the integration of religion in the classroom. All these findings lead the authors of this paper makes recommendations that are at the end of this document, which seeks to strengthen school religious education.INTRODUCCI?N 12 1. PLANTEAMIENTO DEL PROBLEMA 13 1.1 DESCRIPCI?N DEL PROBLEMA 13 1.2 FORMULACI?N DEL PROBLEMA 15 2. JUSTIFICACI?N 16 3. OBJETIVOS 18 3.1 OBJETIVO GENERAL 18 3.2 OBJETIVOS ESPEC?FICOS 18 4. ANTECEDENTES 19 5. MARCO TE?RICO 24 5.1 LA RELIGI?N UNA REALIDAD UNIVERSAL 24 5.1.1 Conflictos religiosos 25 5.1.2 Las grandes religiones hist?ricas 30 5.1.3 Religi?n y religiones 37 5.1.4 El mapa religioso 38 5.1.5 An?lisis del pensamiento religioso 40 5.1.6 La ?ERE? en la historia educativa de Am?rica Latina 41 5.1.7 Pluralismo religioso y tolerancia 45 5.2 CARACTER?STICAS DE LA RELIGI?N EN COLOMBIA 46 5.2.1 La ?ERE? en la historia educativa de Colombia 49 5.2.2 Panorama religioso actual 52 5.3 LA EDUCACI?N RELIGIOSA ESCOLAR (ERE) EN COLOMBIA 54 5.3.1 Definiciones de ERE 58 5.3.2 La educaci?n sexual como nuevo elemento que se debe incluir en la ERE 60 5.3.3 Papel de la ERE en la escuela 61 5.3.4 Definici?n apropiada 64 5.3.5 Los valores en la religi?n 65 5.3.6 Caracter?stica del docente de ERE 67 6. METODOLOG?A 71 6.1 DISE?O METODOL?GICO 72 6.2 T?CNICA E INSTRUMENTO DE RECOLECCI?N DE DATOS 73 6.3 POBLACI?N Y MUESTRA 73 7. AN?LISIS DE RESULTADOS 75 7.1 AN?LISIS REVISI?N DOCUMENTAL 75 7.2 AN?LISIS DE ENTREVISTAS 76 8. CONCLUSIONES 84 RECOMENDACIONES 87 REFERENCIAS BIBLIOGR?FICAS 8

    Strong plasmon-phonon splitting and hybridization in 2D materials revealed through a self-energy approach

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    We reveal new aspects of the interaction between plasmons and phonons in 2D materials that go beyond a mere shift and increase in plasmon width due to coupling to either intrinsic vibrational modes of the material or phonons in a supporting substrate. More precisely, we predict strong plasmon splitting due to this coupling, resulting in a characteristic avoided crossing scheme. We base our results on a computationally efficient approach consisting in including many-body interactions through the electron self-energy. We specify this formalism for a description of plasmons based upon a tight-binding electron Hamiltonian combined with the random-phase approximation. This approach is accurate provided vertex corrections can be neglected, as is is the case in conventional plasmon-supporting metals and Dirac-fermion systems. We illustrate our method by evaluating plasmonic spectra of doped graphene nanotriangles with varied size, where we predict remarkable peak splittings and other radical modifications in the spectra due to plasmons interactions with intrinsic optical phonons. Our method is equally applicable to other 2D materials and provides a simple approach for investigating coupling of plasmons to phonons, excitons, and other excitations in hybrid thin nanostructures

    The correction of the littlest Higgs model to the Higgs production process e−γ→νeW−He^{-}\gamma\to \nu_{e}W^{-}H in e−γe^{-}\gamma collisions

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    The littlest Higgs model is the most economical one among various little Higgs models. In the context of the littlest Higgs(LH) model, we study the process e−γ→νeW−He^{-}\gamma\to \nu_{e}W^{-}H and calculate the contributions of the LH model to the cross section of this process. The results show that, in most of parameter spaces preferred by the electroweak precision data, the value of the relative correction is larger than 10%. Such correction to the process e−γ→νeW−He^{-}\gamma\to \nu_{e}W^{-}H is large enough to be detected via e−γe^{-}\gamma collisions in the future high energy linear e+e−e^{+}e^{-} collider(LCLC) experiment with the c.m energy s\sqrt{s}=500 GeV and a yearly integrated luminosity £=100fb−1\pounds=100fb^{-1}, which will give an ideal way to test the model.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure
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