426 research outputs found

    Optimization of injection molding parameter of ti-6al-4v powder mix with palm stearin and polyethylene for the highest green strength by using taguchi method

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    This paper present the Taguchi method of L27 (313) orthogonal array as a tool in optimization of Metal injection molding (MIM) parameters for the highest green strength. Injection pressure, injection temperature, powder loading, mold temperature, holding pressure and injection speed are Parameters to be optimized. Besides those, interaction of the injection pressure, injection temperature and powder loading were studied. The metal powder of Ti-6Al-4V is mixed with binder 60wt% of palm stearin and 40wt% of polyethylene successfully injected at optimum parameter condition: 350 bar of injection pressure, 140oc of injection temperature, 65vol% of powder loading, 50oc of mold temperature, 600 bar of holding pressure, and 10ccm/s of the injection rate. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) for the best signal to noise ratio (S/N) presents the contribution of the parameters to the quality characteristic (green strength). Results show that the mold temperature has highest significant percentage (27.59%) followed by powder loading (15.44%) and injection pressure (12.30%) Nevertheless, the analysis of variance does not show any contribution from interaction

    Location of voltage sag source by using artificial neural network

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    Power quality (PQ) is a major concern for number of electrical equipment such as sophisticated electronics equipment, high efficiency variable speed drive (VSD) and power electronic controller. The most common power quality event is the voltage sag. The objective is to estimate the location of voltage sag source using ANN. In this paper, the multi-monitor based method is used. Based on the simulation results, the voltage deviation (VD) index of voltage sag is calculated and assigned as a training data for ANN. The Radial Basis Function Network (RBFN) is used due to its superior performances (lower training time and errors). The three types of performance analysis considered are coefficient of determination (R2), root mean square error (RMSE) and sum of square error (SSE). The RBFN is developed by using MATLAB software. The proposed method is tested on the CIVANLAR distribution test system and the Permas Jaya distribution network. The voltage sags are simulated using Power World software which is a common simulation tool for power system analysis. The asymmetrical fault namely line to ground (LG) fault, double line to ground (LLG) fault and line to line (LL) fault are applied in the simulation. Based on the simulation results of voltage sag analysis, the highest VD is contributed by LLG for both test systems. Based on the proposed RBFN results, the best performance analysis are R2, RMSE and SSE of 0.9999, 5.24E-04 and 3.90E-05, respectively. Based on the results, the highest VD shows the location of voltage sag source in that system. The proposed RBFN accurately identifies the location of voltage sag source for both test systems

    Tingkat Kemampuan Literasi Media Baru Mahasiswa Universitas Riau

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    The development of new media causing media content more and more, so that the control or sensor over media increasingly hard to do. Therefore, communities need alternative in order to be protected from the negative effects of new media. The concept for the challenges of the new media is a new media literacy concepts. Based on the foregoing, a new media literacy skills is essential to prepare and protect society from the negative impacts of new media. In addition, new media literacy is also important for improving the quality of new media. The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which of new media literacy proficiency level of students at the University of Riau.The methods used in this research is quantitative descriptive survey method, the researchers collecting data using questionnaires. This research was conducted at the University of Riau with the total sample of 291 respondents research, and the collection using quota sampling technique. To determine the level of new media literacy skills of students at the University of Riau, researchers used a frequency distribution table makes it easy to authors to calculating the score of new media literacy skills level of students at the University of Riau.The results of this study showed that of the total 291 respondents new media literacy proficiency level the students of the University of Riau to use skill proficiency criteria more dominant on the basic level is 205 (70.45%) of the respondents, it means the ability of students at the University of Riau in the use of new media is not too high. Meanwhile, for new media skill level the critical understanding criteria more than dominant the skill medium level is 145 (49.83%) of the respondents, , it means the ability of students at the University of Riau in analyzing and evaluating new media content high enough. Next, the new media literacy skill level criterion of communicative abilities are more dominant in the skill level medium is 171 (58.77%) of the respondents, it means the ability of students at the University of Riau in the activity of producing new media content and social participation in new media content is high enough.Keywords: Ability Level, Literacy Media, New Media, Students of Riau Universit

    Reduplikasi dalam Bahasa Dayak Murut Tahol di Desa Tau Lumbis Kecamatan Lumbis Ogong Kabupaten Nunukan

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    Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan tujuan mendeskripsikan tentang proses reduplikasi, macam-macam bentuk reduplikasi, jenis reduplikasi dan makna reduplikasi dalam bahasa Dayak Murut Tahol. Dari hasil penelitian ini penulis berharap dapat memberi gambaran tentang reduplikasi bahasa Dayak Murut Tahol, agar dapat berguna sebagai sumbangan data kebahasaan daerah dan juga sebagai penerapan ilmu linguistik bahasa Indonesia ke dalam bahasa daerah, khususnya bahasa Dayak Murut Tahol. Dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan jenis penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan penulis adalah teknik catat, seleksi data, pengelompokan data. Sedangkan teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknik deskripsi kualitatif dan metode agih. Berdasarkan penelitian, dihasilkan bentuk reduplikasi seluruh, misalnya: lakou-lakou (jalan-jalan), reduplikasi sebagian, misalnya: angalap-alap (mengambil-ambil), sedangkan proses reduplikasinya adalah proses reduplikasi utuh, misalnya: rangan-rangan, bentuk dasar rangan, reduplikasi seluruh rangan-rangan, artinya ā€˜teman-teman\u27, dan proses reduplikasi sebagian, misalnya: sekunyib-kunyib, artinya tersenyum-senyum, prefiks se- + kunyib menghasilkan berupa kata sekunyib-kunyib, artinya ā€˜tersenyum-senyum\u27. Kategori reduplikasi adalah: (1) nomina contohnya ali-ali (adik-adik), (2) verba contohnya lakou-lakou (jalan-jalan), (3) adjektiva contohnya mangit-mangit (marah-marah), (4) numeralia contohnya ruo-ruo (dua-dua). Sedangkan makna reduplikasi yang dihasilkan yaitu: (1) menyatakan banyak, contohnya abuk-abuk (rambut-rambut). (2) menyatakan paling, contohnya sabuoi-buoino (selama-lamanya), (3) menyatakan tiruan contohnya karita-karitaan (mobil-mobilan), (4) menyatakan agak contohnya kasilou-silouan (kekuning-kuningan)

    Media development in Nepal since 1990: challenges and central role of regulation and reform

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    This thesis is an exploration of the development of media in Nepal from 1990 when Nepal emerged from decades of autocracy and liberal constitutional and legal provisions facilitated increased citizensā€™ participation in media and politics, the strengthening of civil society, and an emphasis on identities. However, growing political polarization, bad governance, a decade of conflict, and an unresolved peace process have made the transition to democracy complex and protracted. The central argument is that media reform is a complicated task when a State is unstable and unable to effectively provide the basic functions related to order, security and rule of law. In the absence of adequate public policy, there is likelihood that the media becomes subject to political and commercial manipulation. Media development suffers in such a scenario as the development of media markets cannot keep pace with the growth in the number of media outlets coming into business. In Nepal, such growth results from political and commercial influence. The ease of access, benefits of proximity to power, opportunity for image cleansing and immunity from prosecution, provide a safe space for investment. As a result, such expansion does not necessarily translate to pluralism, especially when the regulatory environment is weak. Hence, the focus of this thesis is on how the rapid expansion of the media, the media regulatory environment and the various challenges associated with the transition in Nepal have affected media development and their role. This thesis draws on qualitative data collected through 44 in-depth semi-structured interviews and one group interview conducted in Nepal in 2011 and 2012. It also draws on a review of 30 articles on the media published between 2010 and 2013 and from 2 regional media managersā€™ workshops in 2011. An inductive approach to analysis is taken within a grounded theory methodology. The thesis examines and critiques theories related to the critical political economy of the media and those related to diversity, pluralism, democracy and public good. The thesis explores how, since 1990, various factors have contributed to a rapid expansion of the media in Nepal and the particular characteristics of media diversity and pluralism that have emerged. It exhibits a rather complex relationship between media diversity and pluralism demonstrated by the range of views that either herald the expansion of the media as being in the interest of media plurality or criticize it for engendering chaos and cacophony. Arguments on each side either perceive the expansion as promoting more social, cultural and political views and opinions, or contributing to their growing polarization. The situation of the media policy framework and reform has been assessed to understand regulatory provisions for investment and ownership, and how these affect media development. This thesis points to the need for public policy that promotes the practice of local, indigenous and endogenous media production for strengthening small and unorganized media markets. Public policy might also ensure the decentralization of resources for the media, the absence of which can very easily lead to local media being co-opted by centralized media networks

    Controlling topological defect transitions in nanoscale lead zirconate titanate heterostructures

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    Varying thickness in ferroelectric heterostructures systematically changes both the strain and the electrical boundary conditions and thus the polarization screening. This has a direct result on the observed ferroelectric nanotopologies, from polar vortices, skyrmions, and bubbles to Kittel type stripe/labyrinthine domains. Here, a control of the topological defect transitions is reported in epitaxial (001)-oriented PbZr0.4Ti0.6O3/SrTiO3/PbZr0.4Ti0.6O3 (PZT/STO/PZT) heterostructures. Piezoresponse force microscopy is exploited to capture various topological defect states, such as merons, skyrmions, dislocations, bimerons, and three- or fourfold junctions and hence to understand their transition pathways. The thickness of the dielectric spacer and/or ferroelectric layer is tuned during growth to manipulate the strength of the residual depolarization field; this consequently leads to a range of the abovementioned topological defect structures. This is further corroborated by effective Hamiltonian-based Monte Carlo simulations that provide insight into why and how altering the thickness of ferroelectric or dielectric layers triggers topological phase transitions. This controlled design of nanoscale ferroic topologies opens possibilities of engineering emergent transitions

    First Panel Testing In SAARC Regional Networks of TB Reference Laboratories

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    Setting: South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation (SAARC) region with disproportionately high burden of TB in comparison of regional population. Objective: To establish a quality assurance on sputum smear microcopy in SAARC regional network of TB reference laboratories. Methods: Panel of slides were prepared and sent to national TB reference laboratories. The laboratory technician read the slides and sent report to SAARC TB center and report were analyzed. Results: Seven laboratories had no error of any type and one laboratory got two minor types of errors. Conclusion: Mot of the laboratories had excellent performance in panel testing

    Perceptions of knowledge sharing among small family firm leaders: a structural equation model

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    Small family firms have many unique relational qualities with implications for how knowledge is passed between individuals. Extant literature posits leadership approach as important in explaining differences in knowledge-sharing climate from one firm to another. This study investigates how leadership approaches interact with family influence to inform perceptions of knowledge sharing. We utilize survey data (n = 110) from owner-managers of knowledge-intensive small family firms in Scotland. Our findings present a choice in leadership intention, contrasting organization-focused participation against family-influenced guidance. Insight is offered on the implications of this leadership choice at both organizational and familial level

    Ground-dwelling ants species diversity (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) at conservation forest and oil-palm plantation in Sumatra, Indonesia

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    This study aimed to investigate the diversity of ground-dwelling ant species within the conservation forest patch and the plantation area of an oil-palm plantation in Sumatra. Modified quadra protocol was applied to collect ants at five sites in the conservation forest and one location in the oil-palm plantation. A total of 76 ground-dwelling ant species belonging to 36 genera and six subfamilies were collected. The subfamily Myrmicinae was the highest in total species number (31) collected followed by Formicinae (29) and Ponerinae (9). The diversity index for the overall species collected was 3.00. Ant species diversity in both sites showed that the area still retains high diversity value for ants, and presumably for other taxa as well
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