739 research outputs found

    Continental shelves as a variable but increasing global sink for atmospheric carbon dioxide

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    It has been speculated that the partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2) in shelf waters may lag the rise in atmospheric CO2. Here, we show that this is the case across many shelf regions, implying a tendency for enhanced shelf uptake of atmospheric CO2. This result is based on analysis of long-term trends in the air–sea pCO2 gradient (ΔpCO2) using a global surface ocean pCO2 database spanning a period of up to 35 years. Using wintertime data only, we find that ΔpCO2 increased in 653 of the 825 0.5° cells for which a trend could be calculated, with 325 of these cells showing a significant increase in excess of +0.5 μatm yr−1 (p 2 during the last century

    Modelling estuarine biogeochemical dynamics: from the local to the global scale

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    Estuaries act as strong carbon and nutrient filters and are relevant contributors to the atmospheric CO2 budget. They thus play an important, yet poorly constrained, role for global biogeochemical cycles and climate. This manuscript reviews recent developments in the modelling of estuarine biogeochemical dynamics. The first part provides an overview of the dominant physical and biogeochemical processes that control the transformations and fluxes of carbon and nutrients along the estuarine gradient. It highlights the tight links between estuarine geometry, hydrodynamics and scalar transport, as well as the role of transient and nonlinear dynamics. The most important biogeochemical processes are then discussed in the context of key biogeochemical indicators such as the net ecosystem metabolism (NEM), air–water CO2 fluxes, nutrient-filtering capacities and element budgets. In the second part of the paper, we illustrate, on the basis of local estuarine modelling studies, the power of reaction-transport models (RTMs) in understanding and quantifying estuarine biogeochemical dynamics. We show how a combination of RTM and high-resolution data can help disentangle the complex process interplay, which underlies the estuarine NEM, carbon and nutrient fluxes, and how such approaches can provide integrated assessments of the air–water CO2 fluxes along river–estuary–coastal zone continua. In addition, trends in estuarine biogeochemical dynamics across estuarine geometries and environmental scenario are explored, and the results are discussed in the context of improving the modelling of estuarine carbon and CO2 dynamics at regional and global scales

    Adaptive partitioning of real-time tasks on multiple processors

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    This paper presents a new algorithm for scheduling real-time tasks on multiprocessor/multicore systems. This new algorithm is based on combining EDF scheduling with a migration strategy that moves tasks only when needed. It has been evaluated through an extensive set of simulations that showed good performance when compared with global or partitioned EDF: a worst-case utilisation bound similar to partitioned EDF for hard real-time tasks, and a tardiness bound similar to global EDF for soft real-time tasks. Therefore, the proposed scheduler is effective for dealing with both soft and hard real-time workloads

    Air-water CO<sub>2</sub> evasion from US East Coast estuaries

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    This study presents the first regional-scale assessment of estuarine CO2 evasion along the US East Coast (25–45° N). The focus is on 42 tidal estuaries, which together drain a catchment of 697 000 km2 or 76 % of the total area within this latitudinal band. The approach is based on the Carbon–Generic Estuary Model (C-GEM) that allows the simulation of hydrodynamics, transport, and biogeochemistry for a wide range of estuarine systems using readily available geometric parameters and global databases of seasonal climatic, hydraulic, and riverine biogeochemical information. Our simulations, performed using conditions representative of the year 2000, suggest that, together, US East Coast estuaries emit 1.9 Tg C yr−1 in the form of CO2, which corresponds to about 40 % of the carbon inputs from rivers, marshes, and mangroves. Carbon removal within estuaries results from a combination of physical (outgassing of supersaturated riverine waters) and biogeochemical processes (net heterotrophy and nitrification). The CO2 evasion and its underlying drivers show important variations across individual systems, but reveal a clear latitudinal pattern characterized by a decrease in the relative importance of physical over biogeochemical processes along a north–south gradient. Finally, the results reveal that the ratio of estuarine surface area to the river discharge, S∕Q (which has a scale of per meter discharged water per year), could be used as a predictor of the estuarine carbon processing in future regional- and global-scale assessments

    Global high-resolution monthly <i>p</i>CO<sub>2</sub> climatology for the coastal ocean derived from neural network interpolation

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    In spite of the recent strong increase in the number of measurements of the partial pressure of CO2 in the surface ocean (pCO2), the air–sea CO2 balance of the continental shelf seas remains poorly quantified. This is a consequence of these regions remaining strongly under-sampled in both time and space and of surface pCO2 exhibiting much higher temporal and spatial variability in these regions compared to the open ocean. Here, we use a modified version of a two-step artificial neural network method (SOM-FFN; Landschützer et al., 2013) to interpolate the pCO2 data along the continental margins with a spatial resolution of 0.25° and with monthly resolution from 1998 to 2015. The most important modifications compared to the original SOM-FFN method are (i)&nbsp;the much higher spatial resolution and (ii)&nbsp;the inclusion of sea ice and wind speed as predictors of pCO2. The SOM-FFN is first trained with pCO2 measurements extracted from the SOCATv4 database. Then, the validity of our interpolation, in both space and time, is assessed by comparing the generated pCO2 field with independent data extracted from the LDVEO2015 database. The new coastal pCO2 product confirms a previously suggested general meridional trend of the annual mean pCO2 in all the continental shelves with high values in the tropics and dropping to values beneath those of the atmosphere at higher latitudes. The monthly resolution of our data product permits us to reveal significant differences in the seasonality of pCO2 across the ocean basins. The shelves of the western and northern Pacific, as well as the shelves in the temperate northern Atlantic, display particularly pronounced seasonal variations in pCO2,  while the shelves in the southeastern Atlantic and in the southern Pacific reveal a much smaller seasonality. The calculation of temperature normalized pCO2 for several latitudes in different oceanic basins confirms that the seasonality in shelf pCO2 cannot solely be explained by temperature-induced changes in solubility but are also the result of seasonal changes in circulation, mixing and biological productivity. Our results also reveal that the amplitudes of both thermal and nonthermal seasonal variations in pCO2 are significantly larger at high latitudes. Finally, because this product's spatial extent includes parts of the open ocean as well, it can be readily merged with existing global open-ocean products to produce a true global perspective of the spatial and temporal variability of surface ocean pCO2

    Seasonal dynamics of the depth and rate of anaerobic oxidation of methane in Aarhus Bay (Denmark) sediments

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    A reactive-transport model has been applied to investigate the dynamics of the sulfate-methane transition zone (SMTZ) in nearshore sediments of Aarhus Bay (Denmark). The sediments are influenced by seasonal variations of temperature and particulate organic carbon (POC) deposition flux at the sediment-water interface. Initially, the model was calibrated at steady state using field data collected at two sites (M1 and M5) in December 2004, and included a dynamic gas phase which determines the depth of the SMTZ. Simulations were then performed under transient conditions of heat propagation in the porous medium, which influenced the solubility of gaseous methane, the diffusion of solutes as well as the kinetic and bioenergetic constraints on redox conditions in the system. Results revealed important variations in local rates of anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) over a seasonal cycle due to temperature variation. Seasonal perturbations in POC depositional flux had no influence on AOM rates but did have a strong bearing on sulfate reduction rates in the surface layers of the simulations at both stations. At M5, where the SMTZ was located 63 cm below the sediment-water interface, depth integrated AOM rates varied between 76 and 178 nmol cm-2 d-1. At M1, where the deeper SMTZ (221 cm) experienced less thermal variation, AOM rates varied relatively less (20 to 24 nmol cm-2 d-1). Furthermore, local and depth-integrated AOM rates over the year did not show a simple response to bottom water temperature but exhibited a hysteresis-type behavior related to time lags in solute transport and heat propagation. Overall, the solute concentration profiles were not very sensitive to the seasonal variability in rates or gas transport and the modeled vertical displacement of the SMTZ was limited to <1 cm at M1 and 2–3 cm at M5. The results suggest that the significantly larger apparent displacement observed in the field from repeated coring (80 cm and 16 cm at M1 and M5, respectively) must be attributed to other factors, of which spatial heterogeneity in gas transport rate appears to be the most likely
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