142,905 research outputs found

    The Epidemiology of Stargardt Disease in the United Kingdom

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    The authors thank the British Ophthalmological Surveillance Unit (BOSU) for the support received, as well as Mr Barnaby Foot, research coordinator for BOSU, for his help and advice on this project. The authors thank the following ophthalmologists who assisted with data collection for this study: N. Acharya, S. Anwar, V. Bansal, P.N. Bishop, D. Byles, J.S. Chawla, A. Churchill, M. Clarke, B. Dhillon, M. Ekstein, S. George, J. Gillian, J.T. Gillow, D. Gilmour, R. Gray, P.T.S. Gregory, R. Gupta, S.P. Kelly, I.C. Lloyd, A. Lotery, M. McKibbin, R. MacLaren, G. Menon, A.T. Moore, A. Mulvihill, Y. Osoba, R. Pilling, H. Porooshani, A. Raghu Ram, T. Rimmer, I. Russell-Eggitt, M. Sarhan, R. Savides, S. Shafquat, A. Smith, A. Tekriwal, P. Tesha, P. Watts.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Pathological Studies on Splenomegaly

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    Vol.1 Papers Published: 1. Persistent Thyrous Ind.dl Med. Res. 17, No.1 • 2..Post mortem Technique. Ibil 15, No.4 April 1928 • 3. Some Pathological aspects of Chronic appendicitis Pat 1. Ibid 16. No.3 Jan. 1929 • 4. Do. Part II. Ibid 16 No.3. Jan. l929. • 5. Do. Part III Ibid.. No. 4. April 1929 • 6. The Pathology of Chronic Colitis In the Tropics Ibid 18 No.1. July 1920. • 7 The Coexitence of Lymphadenoma and Tuberculosis. by T.K. Menon & T. B. Menon Br.Medl.Jl.June 8, ]929 page 1037 • 8. Studies on Inguinal Granuloma Part.1 Ind.Medl. Gaz..68. No.1. Jan. 1933. • 9. Do. Part II The Bacterial Flora of by T.B.Menon and Dr R. Annamalai Ibid 68. No..9 Septr. 1933. • 10. Do. Part. III The Donovan Body of T. B.Menon & T. Krishnagwami Ibid. No. 9 Septr. 1933. • 11. Hydatid Disease in South India by V . Mahaievan & T. B.Menon. Ind.Med. Gaz.69. No. 4 April 1933. • 12. Nephrosis in Malaria by T. B. Menon & D. R. Annamal Jl.of Tropical Med. and Hyg. 36 p.379 Dec. 15. 1933. • 13. Splenic enlargement in South India. Ind. Jl. Med. Res.21 No. 4 April 1934. • 14. A case of Glioma simulating pituitary tumour by K. G. Pandalai & T. B. Menon. Ind. Med. Gaz.63 p.579 • 15. A case of mycosis fungoides by P. N. Basu, T. B. Menon & K. G. Pandalai. Brit. Jl. Derm. Jan. 1929 • 16. A case of Intestinal Obstruction following a penetrating Abdominal Mound by P. N. Basu, T. B. Menon Ind.Med. Gaz. 63 Nov.1928 p.639, • 17. A case of General Epilepsy caused by a dural cyst by V. Mahadevan & T.B.Menon Ind.Med. Gaz. • 18. Haemangeioblastoma of the adrenal gland by T. B. Menon & D. R. Annamal Jl.Path. & Bact. 39 p. 591- 1933 • 19. The nature of the Donovan Body of Granuloma Inguinale by T. B.Menon & T. Krishnaswami. Transc. Roy. Soc. Trop. Med. & Hyg. Vol.29 No.1 p.65-72. • 20. Some Pathological changes in Filarial Orchites and their significance by T. B.Menon arid D. R. Annamalai. Jl. Trop, . Med. & Hyg. Jan. 15. 1935. • 21. The Venereal Original of Granuloma inguinale by T. B. Nieclon and P. Natesan Irid. Med. Gaz. Vol . 170 No .2 . Feb. 1935. • 22. The incidence of Hepatic Cirrhosis in South India by T.B.Menon & D. R. Annamalai Ind. Jl.Med. Res. 22.April 1935. • 23. A note on splenic enlargement in Malignant Hepatoma T. B.Menon & D. R. Annamalai . Ibid 22. 4. April 1935. • 24. Congenital Hydronephrosis due to an abnormal attachment to the renal facia by V .Mahadevan & T. B.Menon Ind. Medl. Gaz. Vol. 70 No.6 June 1935. • 25. The Reticulocyte behaviour in Malaria and Kala-azar by T.B.Menon, T. .Krishnaswami & D. R. Annamalai. Jl. Ind.Medl. Assoc. May 3.935. • 26. A Search for new types of Tropical splenomegaly.. Jl. South Ind. Med. • 27. The Gel and the Stiburea Test in the diagnosis of Kala-Azar by T. B. Menon, D. R. Annamalai and T. K. Krishnaswami. Trop. Med. & Hyg. April 15,1936. • • Vol.2 PROBLEMS IN FILARIASIS • • Vol.3 AN INTRODUCTION TO TROPICAL PATHOLOGY • • Vol.4 Pathological Studies on Splenomegal

    Indian seas: a megadiversity hotspot

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    Marine biological research in India dates back to the 18th century, and the surveys and expeditions conducted by Europeans, particularly the British. The most notable among these pioneers were great naturalists such as Francis Day (1829-1889) , Nelson Annandale (1876-1924) and Herbert Robinson (1874-1929) who worked during the latter part o f the 19th century and early 20th century. This foundation helped India to create a network o f marine research laboratories in government funded institutions and universities all along the coastline

    Applicability of a Representation for the Martin's Real-Part Formula in Model-Independent Analyses

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    Using a novel representation for the Martin's real-part formula without the full scaling property, an almost model-independent description of the proton-proton differential cross section data at high energies (19.4 GeV - 62.5 GeV) is obtained. In the impact parameter and eikonal frameworks, the extracted inelastic overlap function presents a peripheral effect (tail) above 2 fm and the extracted opacity function is characterized by a zero (change of sign) in the momentum transfer space, confirming results from previous model-independent analyses. Analytical parametrization for these empirical results are introduced and discussed. The importance of investigations on the inverse problems in high-energy elastic hadron scattering is stressed and the relevance of the proposed representation is commented. A short critical review on the use of Martin's formula is also presented.Comment: Two comments and one reference added at the end of Subsec. 3.3; 23 pages, 9 figures; to be published in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Xenobiotic induced functional alterations in Hepatopancreas of the Penaeid shrimp Metapenaeus dobsoni (Miers)

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    Xenobiocic-induced imbalance between production and ulilisation of cylosolic lipid provides biochemical evidence of structural and functional alaerations in animal tissues . The present study investigates metal induced accumulalion of unsaturated neutral lipid inthe hepatopancreas of the penaei

    Doping, density of states and conductivity in polypyrrole and poly(p-phenylene vinylene)

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    The evolution of the density of states (DOS) and conductivity as function of well controlled doping levels in OC_1C_10-poly(p-phenylene vinylene) [OC_1C_10-PPV] doped by FeCl_3 and PF_6, and PF_6 doped polypyrrole (PPy-PF_6 have been investigated. At a doping level as high as 0.2 holes per monomer, the former one remains non-metallic, while the latter crosses the metal-insulator transition. In both systems a similar almost linear increase in DOS as function of charges per unit volume c* has been observed from the electrochemical gated transistor data. In PPy-PF_6, when compared to doped OC_1C_10-PPV, the energy states filled at low doping are closer to the vacuum level; by the higher c* at high doping more energy states are available, which apparently enables the conduction to change to metallic. Although both systems on the insulating side show log(sigma) proportional to T^-1/4 as in variable range hopping, for highly doped PPy-PF_6 the usual interpretation of the hopping parameters leads to seemingly too high values for the density of states.Comment: 4 pages (incl. 6 figures) in Phys. Rev.

    Effect of sublethal copper on growth efficiency of the shrimp Metapenaeus dobsoni (Miere)

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    In this investigation, an attempt is made to elucidate the effect of copper sublethal concentrations, on the energy conversion and growth efficiency of a commercially important Penaeid shrimp Metapenaeus dobsoni (Miere

    Inclusive decays B->DX and B->D*X

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    Complete Author List: Gibbons L, Johnson SD, Kwon Y, Roberts S, Thorndike EH, Jessop CP, Lingel K, Marsiske H, Perl ML, Schaffner SF, Ugolini D, Wang R, Zhou X, Coan TE, Fadeyev V, Korolkov I, Maravin Y, Narsky I, Shelkov V, Staeck J, Stroynowski R, Volobouev I, Ye J, Artuso M, Efimov A, Frasconi F, Gao M, Goldberg M, He D, Kopp S, Horwitz N, Moneti GC, Mountain R, Mukhin Y, Schuh S, Skwarnicki T, Stone S, Thulasidas M, Viehhauser G, Xing X, Bartelt J, Csorna SE, Jain V, Marka S, Freyberger A, Godang R, Kinoshita K, Lai IC, Pomianowski P, Schrenk S, Bonvicini G, Cinabro D, Greene R, Perera LP, Barish B, Chadha M, Chan S, Eigen G, Miller JS, OGrady C, Schmidtler M, Urheim J, Weinstein AJ, Wurthwein F, Asner DM, Bliss DW, Brower WS, Masek G, Paar HP, Sharma V, Gronberg J, Kutschke R, Lange DJ, Menary S, Morrison RJ, Nelson HN, Nelson TK, Qiao C, Richman JD, Roberts D, Ryd A, Witherell MS, Balest R, Behrens BH, Cho K, Ford WT, Park H, Rankin P, Roy J, Smith JG, Alexander JP, Bebek C, Berger BE, Berkelman K, Bloom K, Cassel DG, Cho HA, Coffman DM, Crowcroft DS, Dickson M, Drell PS, Ecklund KM, Ehrlich R, Elia R, Foland AD, Gaidarev P, Gittelman B, Gray SW, Hartill DL, Heltsley BK, Kandaswamy J, Katayama N, Kim PC, Kreinick DL, Lee T, Liu Y, Ludwig GS, Masui J, Mevissen J, Mistry NB, Ng CR, Nordberg E, Ogg M, Patterson JR, Peterson D, Riley D, Soffer A, Ward C, Athanas M, Avery P, Jones CD, Lohner M, Prescott C, Yang S, Yelton J, Zheng J, Brandenburg G, Briere RA, Gao YS, Kim DYJ, Wilson R, Yamamoto H, Browder TE, Li F, Li Y, Rodriguez JL, Bergfeld T, Eisenstein BI, Ernst J, Gladding GE, Gollin GD, Hans RM, Johnson E, Karliner I, Marsh MA, Palmer M, Selen M, Thaler JJ, Edwards KW, Bellerive A, Janicek R, MacFarlane DB, McLean KW, Patel PM, Sadoff AJ, Ammar R, Baringer P, Bean A, Besson D, Coppage D, Darling C, Davis R, Hancock N, Kotov S, Kravchenko I, Kwak N, Anderson S, Kubota Y, Lattery M, ONeill JJ, Patton S, Poling R, Riehle T, Savinov V, Smith A, Alam MS, Athar SB, Ling Z, Mahmood AH, Severini H, Timm S, Wappler F, Anastassov A, Blinov S, Duboscq JE, Fisher KD, Fujino D, Fulton R, Gan KK, Hart T, Honscheid K, Kagan H, Kass R, Lee J, Spencer MB, Sung M, Undrus A, Wanke R, Wolf A, Zoeller MM, Nemati B, Richichi SJ, Ross WR, Skubic P, Wood M, Bishai M, Fast J, Gerndt E, Hinson JW, Menon N, Miller DH, Shibata EI, Shipsey IPJ, Yurko M</p