958 research outputs found

    Measurement Error in Education and Growth Regressions

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    The perpetual inventory method used for the construction of education data per country leads to systematic measurement error. This paper analyses the effect of this measurement error on GDP regressions. There is a systematic difference in the education level between census data and observations constructed from enrolment data. We discuss a methodology for correcting the measurement error. The standard attenuation bias suggests that using these corrected data would lead to a higher coefficient. Our regressions reveal the opposite. We discuss why the measurement error yields an overestimation. Our analysis contributes to an explanation of thedifference between regressions based on 5 and on 10 year first-differences.growth, education, measurement error

    Returns to Tenure or Seniority?

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    This study documents two empirical regularities, using data for Denmark and Portugal. First, workers who are hired last, are the first to leave the firm (Last In, First Out; LIFO). Second, workers’ wages rise with seniority (= a worker’s tenure relative to the tenure of her colleagues). We seek to explain these regularities by developing a dynamic model of the firm with stochastic product demand and hiring cost (= irreversible specific investments). There is wage bargaining between a worker and its firm. Separations (quits or layoffs) obey the LIFO rule and bargaining is efficient (a zero surplus at the moment of separation). The LIFO rule provides a stronger bargaining position for senior workers, leading to a return to seniority in wages. Efficiency in hiring requires the workers’ bargaining power to be in line with their share in the cost of specific investment, Then, the LIFO rule is a way to protect their property right on the specific investment. We consider the effects of Employment Protection Legislation and risk aversion.irreversible investment, efficient bargaining, seniority, LIFO, matched employer-employee data, EPL

    Determination of transition frequencies in a single 138^{138}Ba+^{+} ion

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    Transition frequencies between low-lying energy levels in a single trapped 138^{138}Ba+^{+} ion have been measured with laser spectroscopy referenced to an optical frequency comb. By extracting the frequencies of one-photon and two-photon components of the line shape using an eight-level optical Bloch model, we achieved 0.1 MHz accuracy for the 5d 2^{2}D3/2_{3/2} - 6p 2^{2}P1/2_{1/2} and 6s 2^{2}S1/2_{1/2} - 5d 2^{2}D3/2_{3/2} transition frequencies, and 0.2 MHz for the 6s 2^{2}S1/2_{1/2} - 6p 2^{2}P1/2_{1/2} transition frequency.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Pastagens em sistemas silvipastoris.

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    A Real-Time intelligent system for tracking patient condition

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    Hospitals have multiple data sources, such as embedded systems, monitors and sensors. The number of data available is increasing and the information are used not only to care the patient but also to assist the decision processes. The introduction of intelligent environments in health care institutions has been adopted due their ability to provide useful information for health professionals, either in helping to identify prognosis or also to understand patient condition. Behind of this concept arises this Intelligent System to track patient condition (e.g. critic events) in health care. This system has the great advantage of being adaptable to the environment and user needs. The system is focused in identifying critic events from data streaming (e.g. vital signs and ventilation) which is particularly valuable for understanding the patient’s condition. This work aims to demonstrate the process of creating an intelligent system capable of operating in a real environment using streaming data provided by ventilators and vital signs monitors. Its development is important to the physician because becomes possible crossing multiple variables in real-time by analyzing if a value is critic or not and if their variation has or not clinical importance

    O Malleus Maleficarum e o Discurso Cristão Ocidental Contrário à Bruxaria e ao Feminino no Século Xv

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    Ao longo da história humana processaram-se diversos instrumentos de busca por uma percepção e compreensão da realidade para além de seus fatos mais palpáveis e lógicos. As tentativas de controle, pelo homem, do universo e a busca pela transcendência à materialidade resultaram na afirmação de elementos sensoriais peculiares relacionados diretamente à crença no sobrenatural. As práticas mágicas, sob o signo da bruxaria, tornaram-se ao longo dos tempos objeto de curiosidade e aversão. Em última instância, com a expansão e afirmação do cristianismo no mundo medieval europeu, a bruxaria acabou estigmatizada como o signo da infâmia e do diabólico. No âmbito da análise do documento intitulado Malleus Maleficarum, produzido e publicado no século XV, verifica-se a existência de um discurso severo contra a prática da bruxaria, salientando-se a proximidade da magia com o mal. Nesse sentido, atribuiu-se à mulher o lugar primeiro da perversidade e da utilização da bruxaria como instrumento de luta do diabo contra a cristandade, na tentativa de frustrar a fé e a salvação humana. A Análise do Discurso, enquanto metodologia, propõe a descoberta da intenção política de um texto e seu autor. O discurso religioso, em especial, possui como característica principal a autoridade da voz que se sobressai ao autor do texto, a voz de Deus. O discurso cristão é, pois, lugar da verdade absoluta da Igreja e da luta contra a bruxaria. Em um momento conturbado para a história da Europa, em que a fome, as guerras e a Peste Negra contribuíam para a disseminação de um sentimento generalizado de insegurança entre a população, as crises no interior da Igreja passaram a ser vistas como reflexo da ação do mal sobre a cristandade, reflexo da ira de Deus. Na visão da Igreja, a natureza fraca da mulher e a influência diabólica sobre a mesma possibilitaram a difusão dos cultos sabáticos das bruxas por todo o continente europeu ocidental a fim de macular os princípios da fé, devendo ser sumariamente combatida pelos tribunais da Inquisiçã

    Monensina sódica no controle da eimeriose em caprinos leiteiros.

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    A eficácia de drogas para o controle da eimeriose caprina é limitada quando já há sintomas clínicos, sendo o tratamento preventivo mais eficaz que o curativo. Desta forma, foi avaliado o uso da monensina no controle da eimeriose em caprinos leiteiros. Foram utilizadas 48 fêmeas, 32 da raça Anglo-nubiana e 16 da raça Saanen, com idade entre três e quatro meses, distribuídas aleatoriamente por sorteio em dois tratamentos. O tratamento I, constituído por 24 animais, sendo 16 Anglo-nubiana e oito Saanen, não foram medicadas (controle) e o tratamento II, formado por 24 animais, 16 Anglo-nubiana e oito Saanen, foram medicadas diariamente com 0,5mg/kg de monensina durante 234 dias. O número médio de oocistos por grama de fezes (OOPG) durante todo o experimento do grupo controle foi superior ao do grupo medicado (P0,05) na média geral de OOPG entre as duas raças. O padrão da curva de OOPG dos animais da raça Anglo-nubiana diferiu entre os tratamentos (P0,05) na média geral de peso entre os dois tratamentos, entretanto, o peso desta raça foi superior (P0,05) na curva de ganho de peso entre os dois tratamentos, para as duas raças, entretanto, os animais da raça Saanen ganharam mais peso do que os animais da raça Anglo-nubiana (63g/dia vs. 41g/dia). [Sodium monensin for eimeriosis control in dairy goat herd]. Abstract - The efficacy of drugs to control caprine eimeriosis is limited when clinical symptoms already exist, and preventive treatment is more efficient than cure. Thus, the use of sodium monensin was evaluated in order to control caprine eimeriosis in dairy goats. 48 females, 32 Anglo-Nubian and 16 Saanen, aged between three and four months, were randomly distributed in two treatments. Treatment I had 24 animals, being 16 Anglo-Nubian and eight Saanen, which did not receive any medication (control); Treatment II, which was composed of 24 animals (16 Anglo-Nubian and eight Saanen), were medicated daily with a 0.5 mg/kg of body weight dose of monensin for 234 days. The average number of oocytes per gram of feces (OOPG) in the control group in the whole period was higher than the medicated group. There was no statistical difference (P>0.05) in the general average between the two breeds. The standard curve of OOPG from Anglo-Nubian animals differed between treatments (P0.05) in the general average weight between both treatments. However, the average live weight in this breed was superior (P0.05) in the curve of weight gain between treatments, in both breeds; nevertheless, the Saanen animals presented higher weight gain (P<0.05) than the Anglo-Nubian animals (63 g/day vs. 41 g/day)

    Colite pseudomembranosa : uma casuística de internamentos

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    Introduction: pseudomembranous colitis (PMC) is an infectious disease that generally begins after antibiotic treatment. Objectives: Characterize the patients with PMC in two Services of a Central Hospital. Material and Methods: we considered the patients admitted in a Medicine (MS) and in a Gastroenterology (GES) Service with primary or secondary diagnosis of PMC, between January/1995 and July/2003 and registered the age, gender, clinical presentation, antibiotics (AB) and other risk factors, diagnostic procedures, complications and treatment. Results: we considered 80 patients (43 - GES and 37 - MS); Mean age - 68,6 ± 17,7 years; 52,5% were male; Antibiotic treatment in the previous 3 months - 85%; Mean time of antibiotic treatment - 10,5 ± 6,1 days. Most Commonly Involved Antibiotics: cephalosporins, amoxicillin/clavulanic acid and quinolones. Associated risk factors: renal insufficiency (22,5%); cardiac insufficiency (22,5%); previously dependent patient ( 36,3%). Diagnostic procedures: toxin search-58 patients ( in 36 ), colonoscopy - 62 ( in 53); culture - 23 (in 17 ). The mortality rate was 18,8% (n = 15); recurrence rate - 10% (n = 8). Therapeutics: metronidazol - 37 patients (46,3%); vancomycin - 24 (30%); metronidazol + vancomycin – 12 (15%). Differences Between Services: mean age (MS - 72,9 and GES - 64,9); admission criteria (GES - intestinal disorders, MS – respiratory infections); diagnostic procedures (colonoscopy more frequent in GES); therapeutic options (MS - metronidazol; GES - vancomycin and metronidazol + vancomycin). Conclusions: PMC is more common in older patients that were generally submitted to previous antibiotic treatment, especially with ß-lactamics. Considering two distinct Services we observed differences concerning age, co-morbility and risk factors that implied distinct diagnostic and therapeutic approaches

    Measurement of the branching ratio for beta-delayed alpha decay of 16N

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    While the 12C(a,g)16O reaction plays a central role in nuclear astrophysics, the cross section at energies relevant to hydrostatic helium burning is too small to be directly measured in the laboratory. The beta-delayed alpha spectrum of 16N can be used to constrain the extrapolation of the E1 component of the S-factor; however, with this approach the resulting S-factor becomes strongly correlated with the assumed beta-alpha branching ratio. We have remeasured the beta-alpha branching ratio by implanting 16N ions in a segmented Si detector and counting the number of beta-alpha decays relative to the number of implantations. Our result, 1.49(5)e-5, represents a 24% increase compared to the accepted value and implies an increase of 14% in the extrapolated S-factor

    Sistudio 1.0: Sistema de controle de estúdio de áudio

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    Este trabalho de conclusão de curso tem por finalidade apresentar o projeto Sistudio-Sistema de Controle de Estúdio de Áudio que foi desenvolvido por intermédio de solicitação em regime de parceria com A RDATAS sistemas. O SISTUDIO é um produto que visa controlar os eventos operacionais do estúdio, permitindo o registro e a produção de informações com objetivo de auxiliar na gestão. Por meio do SISTUDIO é possível cadastrar clientes, projetos dos clientes, agendamentos de atividades, atividades, pagamentos, emissão de relatórios gerenciais entre outras. No desenvolvimento do Sistudio, foram utilizadas modernas técnicas de desenvolvimento de software, como RUP, UML e Orientação a Objetos, utilizando-se da linguagem PHP, linguagem consolidada para desenvolvimento em ambiente Web. Pensando no futuro e na evolução do produto, o desenvolvimento modular do sistema foi adotado para promover uma fácil alteração