663 research outputs found

    European and Mediterranean mercury modelling: local and long-range contributions to the deposition flux

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    Mercury (Hg) is a global pollutant that is known to have adverse effects on human health, and most human exposure to toxic methylmercury is through fish consumption. Soluble Hg compounds in the marine environment can be methylated in the water column and enter the base of the food chain. Atmospheric deposition is the most important pathway by which Hg enters marine ecosystems. The atmospheric chemistry of Hg has been simulated over Europe and the Mediterranean for the year 2009, using the WRF/Chem model and employing two different gas phase Hg oxidation mechanisms. The contributions to the marine deposition flux from dry deposition, synoptic scale wet deposition and convective wet deposition have been determined. The Hg deposition fluxes resulting from transcontinental transport and local/regional emission sources has been determined using both Br/BrO and O3/OH atmospheric oxidation mechanisms. The two mechanisms give significantly different annual deposition fluxes (129 Mg and 266 Mg respectively) over the modelling domain. Dry deposition is more significant using the O3/OH mechanism, while proportionally convective wet deposition is enhanced using the Br/BrO mechanism. The simulations using the Br/BrO oxidation compared best with observed Hg fluxes in precipitation. Local/regional Hg emissions have the most impact within the model domain during the summer. A comparison of simulations using the 2005 and 2010 AMAP/UNEP Hg emission inventories show that although there is a decrease of 33% in anthropogenic emissions between the two reference years, the total simulated deposition in the regions diminishes by only 12%. Simulations using the 2010 inventory reproduce observations somewhat better than those using the 2005 inventory for 2009

    Model study of global mercury deposition from biomass burning

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    Mercury emissions from biomass burning are not well characterized and can differ significantly from year to year. This study utilizes three recent biomass burning inventories (FINNv1.0, GFEDv3.1, and GFASv1.0) and the global Hg chemistry model, ECHMERIT, to investigate the annual variation of Hg emissions, and the geographical distribution and magnitude of the resulting Hg deposition fluxes. The roles of the Hg/CO enhancement ratio, the emission plume injection height, the Hg(g)0 oxidation mechanism and lifetime, the inventory chosen, and the uncertainties with each were considered. The greatest uncertainties in the total Hg deposition were found to be associated with the Hg/CO enhancement ratio and the emission inventory employed. Deposition flux distributions proved to be more sensitive to the emission inventory and the oxidation mechanism chosen, than all the other model parametrizations. Over 75% of Hg emitted from biomass burning is deposited to the world’s oceans, with the highest fluxes predicted in the North Atlantic and the highest total deposition in the North Pacific. The net effect of biomass burning is to liberate Hg from lower latitudes and disperse it toward higher latitudes where it is eventually deposited

    High intensity X/ γ photon beams for nuclear physics and photonics

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    In this manuscript we review the challenges of Compton back-scattering sources in advancing photon beam performances in the1−20MeVenergy range, underlining the design criteria bringing tomaximum spectral luminosity and briefly describing the main achieve-ments in conceiving and developing new devices (multi-bunch RF cav-ities and Laser recirculators) for the case of ELI-NP Gamma BeamSystem (ELI-NP-GBS)

    Importance of Co-operative Hydrogen Bonding in the Apramycin-Ribosomal Decoding A-Site Interaction

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    An intramolecular hydrogen bond between the protonated equatorial 7'-methylamino group of apramycin and the vicinal axial 6'-hydroxy group acidifies the 6'-hydroxy group leading to a strong hydrogen bond to A1408 in the ribosomal drug binding pocket in the decoding A site of the small ribosomal subunit. In 6'-epiapramycin, the trans-nature of the 6'-hydroxy group and the 7'-methylamino group results in a much weaker intramolecular hydrogen bond, and a consequently weaker cooperative hydrogen bonding network with A1408, resulting overall in reduced inhibition of protein synthesis and antibacterial activity

    Giants and loops in beta-deformed theories

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    We study extended objects in the gravity dual of the N=1 beta-deformation of N=4 Super Yang-Mills theory. We identify probe brane configurations corresponding to giant gravitons and Wilson loops. In particular we identify a new class of objects, given by D5-branes wrapped on a two-torus with a world-volume gauge field strength turned on along the torus. These appear when the deformation parameter assumes a rational value and the gauge theory spectrum has additional branches of vacua. We give an interpretation of the new D5-brane dual giant gravitons in terms of rotating vacuum expectation values in these additional branches.Comment: 26 pages; typos corrected, published versio

    Sensitivity model study of regional mercury dispersion in the atmosphere

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    Atmospheric deposition is the most important pathway by which Hg reaches marine ecosystems, where it can be methylated and enter the base of food chain. The deposition, transport and chemical interactions of atmospheric Hg have been simulated over Europe for the year 2013 in the framework of the Global Mercury Observation System (GMOS) project, performing 14 different model sensitivity tests using two high-resolution three-dimensional chemical transport models (CTMs), varying the anthropogenic emission datasets, atmospheric Br input fields, Hg oxidation schemes and modelling domain boundary condition input. Sensitivity simulation results were compared with observations from 28 monitoring sites in Europe to assess model performance and particularly to analyse the influence of anthropogenic emission speciation and the Hg0(g) atmospheric oxidation mechanism. The contribution of anthropogenic Hg emissions, their speciation and vertical distribution are crucial to the simulated concentration and deposition fields, as is also the choice of Hg0(g) oxidation pathway. The areas most sensitive to changes in Hg emission speciation and the emission vertical distribution are those near major sources, but also the Aegean and the Black seas, the English Channel, the Skagerrak Strait and the northern German coast. Considerable influence was found also evident over the Mediterranean, the North Sea and Baltic Sea and some influence is seen over continental Europe, while this difference is least over the north-western part of the modelling domain, which includes the Norwegian Sea and Iceland. The Br oxidation pathway produces more HgII(g) in the lower model levels, but overall wet deposition is lower in comparison to the simulations which employ an O3 ∕ OH oxidation mechanism. The necessity to perform continuous measurements of speciated Hg and to investigate the local impacts of Hg emissions and deposition, as well as interactions dependent on land use and vegetation, forests, peat bogs, etc., is highlighted in this study

    Alpha-particle clustering in excited expanding self-conjugate nuclei

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    The fragmentation of quasi-projectiles from the nuclear reaction 40Ca + 12C at 25 MeV/nucleon was used to produce alpha-emission sources. From a careful selection of these sources provided by a complete detection and from comparisons with models of sequential and simultaneous decays, strong indications in favour of α\alpha-particle clustering in excited 16O, 20Ne and 24}Mg are reported.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, 12th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus collisions (NN2015), 21-26 June 2015, Catania, Ital

    a smart nanofibrous material for adsorbing and detecting elemental mercury in air

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    Abstract. The combination of the affinity of gold for mercury and nanosized frameworks has allowed for the design and fabrication of novel kinds of sensors with promising sensing features for environmental applications. Specifically, conductive sensors based on composite nanofibrous electrospun layers of titania easily decorated with gold nanoparticles were developed to obtain nanostructured hybrid materials capable of entrapping and revealing gaseous elemental mercury (GEM) traces from the environment. The electrical properties of the resulting chemosensors were measured. A few minutes of air sampling were sufficient to detect the concentration of mercury in the air, ranging between 20 and 100 ppb, without using traps or gas carriers (LOD: 1.5 ppb). Longer measurements allowed the sensor to detect lower concentrations of GEM. The resulting chemosensors are expected to be low cost and very stable (due to the peculiar structure), requiring low power, low maintenance, and simple equipment

    Propuesta de una microzonificación en el distrito El Algarroba

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    El distrito El Algarrobal comprende una pequeña porción del Departamento de Las Heras, donde se asienta uno de los servicios más importante de la zona Cuyo, que es el Aeropuerto Internacional Francisco Gabrielli que ocupa un 15% de superficie del total del distrito y es la fachada que se presenta frente a una de las vías de circulación mas importante de Mendoza que es el acceso Norte, quedando el resto del área como «Patio de Atrás», con actividades sin control, muy dañinas, que generan pasivos ambientales difíciles de revertir con parcelas con grandes pozos, contaminación y basurales a cielo abierto. Esta situación, impulso el estudio del espacio geográfico, con el fin de aportar alternativas de mejoras para mejorar la calidad de vida de la comunidad de la zona
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