3,476 research outputs found

    Behavior patterns in hormonal treatments using fuzzy logic models

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    Assisted reproductive technologies are a combination of medical strategies designed to treat infertility patients. Ideal stimulation treatment has to be individualized, but one of the main challenges which clinicians face in the everyday clinic is how to select the best medical protocol for a patient. This work aims to look for behavior patterns in this kind of treatments, using fuzzy logic models with the objective of helping gynecologists and embryologists to make decisions that could improve the process of in vitro fertilization. For this purpose, a real-world dataset composed of one hundred and twenty-three (123) patients and five hundred and fifty-nine (559) treatments applied in relation to such patients provided by an assisted reproduction clinic, has been used to obtain the fuzzy models. As conclusion, this work corroborates some known clinic experiences, provides some new ones and proposes a set of questions to be solved in future experiments.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2013-46928-C3-3-RMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2016-76956- C3-2-RMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2015-71938-RED

    Prevalence of four statin benefit groups in a population of the Caribbean region of Colombia

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    Objectives: To estimate the prevalence of four Statin Benefit Groups (SBG) according to the 2018 ACC/AHA Multisociety Guideline on the Management of Blood Cholesterol, in a population of the Caribbean region of Colombia enrolled to DTC program Mutual SER-EPS in 2015 Methods: Data on a history of hyperlipidemia was collected by study investigators at including adults patients enrolled to DTC program Mutual SER-EPS in 2015 (N = 64,667) with ICD-10 diagnosis of hyperlipidemia (E78), or with a personal history of hyperlipidemia; or with abnormal lipid profile; or patients under treatment with lipid-lowering drugs. The four SBG were comprised adult patients 21yearsofagewithclinicalatheroscleroticcardiovasculardisease(ASCVD)(SBG1);adults21 years of age with clinical atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) (SBG1); adults 21 years of age with LDL-C 190mg/dL(notduetosecondarymodifiablecauses)(SBG2);adultsaged40to75yearswithoutASCVD,butwithdiabetesandwithLDLC70to189mg/dL(SBG3);andadultsages40to75yearswithoutASCVDordiabetes,withLDLC70to189mg/dL,andanestimated10yearriskforASCVDof190 mg/dL (not due to secondary modifiable causes) (SBG2); adults aged 40 to 75 years without ASCVD, but with diabetes and with LDL-C 70 to 189 mg/dL (SBG3); and adults ages 40 to 75 years without ASCVD or diabetes, with LDL-C 70 to 189 mg/dL, and an estimated 10-year risk for ASCVD of 20% as determined by the Framingham Risk Score (SBG4). The prevalence of statin use by SBG and factors associated with statin use were estimated. Results: The prevalence of SBG1, SBG2, SBG3 and SBG4 in patients enrolled to DTC program Mutual SER-EPS in 2015 were 4.6% (2,985), 0.5% (337), 2.5% (1,633) and 1.3% (891), respectively. The prevalence of statin use in SBG1, SBG2, SBG3 and SBG4 were 69.1% (2,064), 40.6% (137), 47% (768) and 59.1% (463), respectively. Arterial hypertension (OR: 2.70; 95% IC 1.70-4.28) and personal history of ASCVD (OR: 3.43; 95% IC 2.15-5.46) were very significantly associated with statin use. Conclusions: The prevalence of SBG and statin use in patients enrolled to DTC program Mutual SEREPS in 2015 were 9% (5,846) and 58.7% (3,432), respectively

    Prevalence of familial hyperlipidemia in the adult population of the Colombian Caribbean

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    Objectives: To estimate the prevalence of Familial Hyperlipidemia (FH) in a population of the Colombian Caribbean affiliated with Colombian Public Health Insurance Company (PHIC) and project this estimate to the population of the Colombian Caribbean. Methods: Data on a history of hyperlipidemia was collected by study investigators at including adults patients affiliated with PHIC (64,667) with ICD-10 diagnosis of hyperlipidemia (E78), or with a personal history of hyperlipidemia; or with abnormal lipid profile; or patients under treatment with lipid-lowering drugs. Data on personal or family history of premature coronary artery disease (CAD), presence of xanthomas and family history of FH were included. FHHe corresponded to LDL-C .190 mg/dL (5 mmol/L) for adults and/or with 1 first-degree relative similarly affected or with CAD. FHHo corresponded to LDL-C .500 mg/dL (13 mmol/ L) or LDL-C .300 mg/dL (8 mmol/L) under treatment with statins and/or 1 or both parents having clinically diagnosed FH. For the projection of the estimated prevalence of FH to the population of the Colombian Caribbean, the data of the adult population projections for the Colombian Caribbean of 2015 (general 10,442,134, adults 6,685,734) of the Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadisticas (DANE) were used. Results: If we assume that 1 of 5 patients with LDL-C .190 mg/dL (5 mmol/L) may have HF. The prevalence of patients with FH was 0.13% (87/64,667). The prevalence of adults with heterozygous FH (FHHe) was 0.13% (85/64,639). The prevalence of adults with homozygous HF (FHHo) was 0.0015% (1/64,639). Applying these estimates to the general population of Colombian Caribbean in 2015, the estimated number of cases of HF, FHHe and FHHo in the Caribbean Colombian could be approximately 13,574, 8,691 and 140, respectively. Conclusions: The estimated prevalence of FH, FHHe and FHHo in Colombian Caribbean was 1 of 769, 1 of 769 and 2 of 100,000 patients, respectivel

    Sialome of a Generalist Lepidopteran Herbivore: Identification of Transcripts and Proteins from Helicoverpa armigera Labial Salivary Glands

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    Although the importance of insect saliva in insect-host plant interactions has been acknowledged, there is very limited information on the nature and complexity of the salivary proteome in lepidopteran herbivores. We inspected the labial salivary transcriptome and proteome of Helicoverpa armigera, an important polyphagous pest species. To identify the majority of the salivary proteins we have randomly sequenced 19,389 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) from a normalized cDNA library of salivary glands. In parallel, a non-cytosolic enriched protein fraction was obtained from labial salivary glands and subjected to two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) and de novo peptide sequencing. This procedure allowed comparison of peptides and EST sequences and enabled us to identify 65 protein spots from the secreted labial saliva 2DE proteome. The mass spectrometry analysis revealed ecdysone, glucose oxidase, fructosidase, carboxyl/cholinesterase and an uncharacterized protein previously detected in H. armigera midgut proteome. Consistently, their corresponding transcripts are among the most abundant in our cDNA library. We did find redundancy of sequence identification of saliva-secreted proteins suggesting multiple isoforms. As expected, we found several enzymes responsible for digestion and plant offense. In addition, we identified non-digestive proteins such as an arginine kinase and abundant proteins of unknown function. This identification of secreted salivary gland proteins allows a more comprehensive understanding of insect feeding and poses new challenges for the elucidation of protein function

    Cardiac abnormalities in the toxic oil syndrome, with comparative observations on the eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome

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    AbstractEarly in the course of studies of the Spanish toxic oil syndrome it was recognized that vascular lesions were a major problem, most logically attributable to endothelial damage by the toxic oil. However, most clinical attention has been directed to the pulmonary complications and the evolution into a scleroderma-like illness later. p]In this study of 11 victims of the toxic oil syndrome careful postmortem studies of the coronary arteries and conduction system and neural structures of the heart demonstrated major injury to all those components of the heart. Obliterative fibrosis of the sinus node in four cases resembled findings in fatal scleroderma heart disease, and in eight the cardiac lesions resembled those of lupus erythematosus.The more impressive pathologic features involved the coronary arteries and neural structures, which were abnormal in every heart. The arterial disease included widespread focal fibromuscular dysplasia, but there was also an unusual myointimal proliferative degeneration of both small and large coronary arteries in five patients, four of whom were young women. In two hearts, portions of the inner wall of the sinus node artery had actually detached and embolized downstream. Coronary arteritis was rarely found. Inflammatory and noninflammatory degeneration of cardiac nerves was widespread. Fatty infiltration, fibrosis and degeneration were present in the coronary chemoreceptor.In most respects these cardiac abnormalities resemble those described in the eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome caused by an altered form of l-tryptophan. In both diseases there is good reason to anticipate more clinical cardiac difficulties than have so far been reported, and even more basis for future concern, especially relative to coronary disease and cardiac electrical instability

    Virial masses of late-type galaxies from the SDSS DR16

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    Motivated by the challenges of calculating the dynamical masses of late-type galaxies (LTGs) and the enormous amount of data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), we calculate virial masses of a sample of approximately 126 000 LTGs from the sixteenth data release of the SDSS. The virial mass estimations were made considering Newtonian mechanics, virial equilibrium and velocity dispersion from stars and gas. The procedure gave as a result seven mass estimations for each galaxy. The calculated masses were calibrated using a sample of spiral galaxies with velocity rotation curves. Considering the results from the calibration, we find that the correlation between virial and dynamical (rotation curve) masses is stronger for high inclination values. Therefore, the calibration relies more on the available data for higher inclination angle galaxies. We also show that if we have a heterogeneous sample of galaxies one must take into consideration the size and colour of these galaxies by using the following variables: Sersic index n, concentration index, and colour of the stars. For relatively smaller and bluer LTGs, the gas velocity dispersion provides a more consistent mass calculation, while for LTGs that are relatively larger and redder the stellar velocity dispersion provides a better correlated mass calculation.Fil: Nigoche Netro, A.. Universidad de Guadalajara; México. Instituto de Astronomía y Meteorologia de la Universidad de Guadalajara; MéxicoFil: De La Fuente, E.. Universidad de Guadalajara; México. University of Tokyo; JapónFil: Diaz, Ruben Joaquin. United States Gemini Office; Estados Unidos. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Observatorio Astronómico de Córdoba; ArgentinaFil: Agüero, Maria Paz. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Observatorio Astronómico de Córdoba; ArgentinaFil: Kemp, S. N.. Instituto de Astronomía y Meteorologia de la Universidad de Guadalajara; MéxicoFil: Marquez Lugo, R. A.. Instituto de Astronomía y Meteorologia de la Universidad de Guadalajara; MéxicoFil: Lagos, P.. Centro de Astrofísica Da Universidade Do Porto; PortugalFil: Ruelas Mayorga, A.. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; MéxicoFil: López Contreras, N. L.. Instituto de Astronomía y Meteorologia de la Universidad de Guadalajara; Méxic

    Effectiveness of a cardiovascular risk management program in the incidence of cardiovascular events in a low-income population from the caribbean region of Colombia

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    Methods This was a retrospective cohort study. Patients with 20 to 76 years affiliated to insurer company and enrolled to the DTC program were considered as the study population. The data source was an administrative database of all 128,263 patients between Jan 2015 and Dec 2018. The main outcome was the reduction in the risk of a CVE (stroke, AMI or CHF) based in the time-person exposed to the intervention. Four different time thresholds were considered for stablishing exposure status: six months, one year, two years and four years. Propensity score-weighted Cox regression models were used to evaluate the association between exposure to the program and the incidence of CVE

    Herpesvirus felino 1 (FHV-1): aislamiento de cepas virales en pacientes felinos con signología ocular y respiratoria

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    El Herpesvirus felino 1 (FHV-1), perteneciente a la familia Herpesviridae, subfamilia Alphaherpesvirinae, género Varicellovirus produce la rinotraqueitis felina, enfermedad de distribución mundial que afecta a los felinos domésticos y a otros miembros de la familia Felidae. El FHV-1 penetra por las mucosas oronasal y conjuntival y se encuentra asociado a diferentes cuadros clínicos, principalmente respiratorios y oculares. La infección primaria ocurre en felinos desde edades tempranas como el mes de vida y el periodo de incubacion es de de 5-7 días. Luego de la infección, el virus migra a través de las terminaciones nerviosas hasta los ganglios regionales, principalmente el trigémino y permanece allí en estado de latencia. La reactivación viral puede ocurrir con o sin signos clínicos. La infección aguda se caracteriza inicialmente por depresión, hipertermia, anorexia, estornudos y descargas oculonasales serosas que pueden llegar a ser mucopurulentas. La conjuntivitis es la forma de presentación ocular más frecuente. La queratitis herpética es frecuente en felinos adultos y se caracteriza por lisis de las células del epitelio corneal con forma de dendritas llamada “úlcera dendrítica”. La presentación de menor frecuencia es la queratitis estromal que se caracteriza por la opacidad del estroma como consecuencia de un proceso inmunoinflamatorio. La infección podría implicar también al tracto uveal y ha sido relacionada con signos neurológicos. El FHV-1 se asocia también a cuadros de rinosinusitis crónica, aunque su participación en la queratoconjuntivitis seca, queratitis eosinofílica y secuestro corneal, no es tan clara. El diagnóstico se realiza por el hallazgo de signos clínicos y las técnicas de detección directa utilizadas para confirmarlo son PCR y el aislamiento viral (AV). El objetivo de este trabajo fue aislar cepas virales obtenidas a partir de casos clínicos oculares y respiratorios ingresados al Hospital de Clínica de la Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias de la UNLP.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Effectiveness of a cardiovascular risk management program in the reduction of premature mortality associated to cardiovascular events in the Caribbean region of Colombia

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    Objectives: To establish the effectiveness of a cardiovascular risk management program [“De Todo Corazon (DTC)” program in Mutual SER-EPS] in the reduction of premature mortality associated to cardiovascular events (CVE) (male , 55 years, female , 60 years). Methods: The population eligible for the study were patients over 18 years of age affiliated to Mutual SER insurance company between June 2015 and June 2018 and residents of the Caribbean region of Colombia, enrolled or not to DTC program in which a cardiovascular event (CVE) occurred. The main outcomes considered were age of occurrence of cardiovascular events (AOCVE), age at death due to CVE (ADCVE) and years life lost (YLL). For the evaluation of the effectiveness, differences in AOCVO, ADCVO and the YPLL between the patients enrolled and nonenrolled in the DTC program were estimated using a Simple Linear Regression model. Results: A total of 3.902 CVE occurred in the study period among both groups. The enrolled patients had an average of AOCVE of 4.96 years (95% CI 3.85-6.06) higher than in non-enrolled patients. The ADCVE average was 4.64 years (95% CI 1.47 - 7.81) higher in the enrolled patients compared with the non-enrolled patients. Patients enrolled in the DTC program had on average -3.54 (95% CI -5.62 - -1.46) YLL compared to the non-enrolled patients. Conclusions: The DTC program in Mutual SER-EPS was effective to delay the AOCVE, ADCVE and YPLL. DTC program is an effective strategy to reduce the incidence and premature mortality due to CVE in the Caribbean region of Colombia

    Willingness to receive the COVID-19 vaccine in the population aged 80 years and older in Colombia 2021

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    Colombia diseñó y adoptó un plan de vacunación contra la COVID-19. El objetivo de esta investigación fue conocer la disposición para aceptar la vacunación contra esa enfermedad de personas de 80 y más anos. ˜ Métodos: Se realizó una encuesta telefónica a 11.721 personas de 80 y más anos, ˜ afiliadas a una aseguradora de salud, en la que se indagó sobre la intención a recibir la vacuna. Los respondientes fueron los afiliados o sus familiares o cuidadores. Resultados: El promedio de edad fue 85,0 anos ˜ (DE: 4,5), sin diferencias entre sexos; 3.344 participantes (28,5%) refirieron el antecedente de haberse realizado una prueba diagnóstica previa de COVID-19 y 73 resultaron positivos. La incidencia acumulada de infección por SARS-CoV-2 desde marzo de 2020 fue de 622,8 por 100.000 personas (IC95%: 491-778 por 100.000). Respecto a la actitud hacia la vacunación contra la COVID-19, uno de cada 4 respondientes se abstuvo de opinar o se manifestó neutro. Cuando el respondiente era un familiar, la aceptación de la vacuna era del 60,4% (IC95%: 59,5-61,3) con diferencias por sexo: entre los hombres era del 62,2% (IC95%: 60,8-63,6) y en mujeres del 59,2 (IC95%: 58,0-60,3), con p < 0,05. Cuando el respondiente fue el potencial receptor de la vacuna, la aceptación de la vacuna fue del 61,7% (IC95%: 59,4-64,0) y también difería por sexos: 70,2% en hombres (IC95%: 66,9-73,5) y 55,1% en mujeres (IC95%: 52,0-58,3), con p < 0,05