733 research outputs found

    Effect of Electrolyte Balance in Low-Protein Diets on Broiler Performance and Tibial Dyschondroplasia Incidence

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    A proper dietary electrolyte balance (DEB) is essential to ensure an optimum acid-base equilibrium and broiler performance. In low-CP diets, this balance can be affected by reduction of soybean meal and inclusion of high levels of synthetic amino acids. Although, some studies have related low-protein diets supplemented with amino acids and DEB, these relations are not well explained, because some research demonstrates confusion about the deficiency and balance of nutrients. The objective of these experiments was to evaluate the DEB effects of diets with low levels of protein supplemented with amino acids on broiler performance and bone development. Results indicated that DEB and CP content influenced broiler chick performance in the starter and growing periods. There was no significant effect due to the interaction between DEB and CP content for tibial dyschondroplasia incidence (TD) or in bone breaking resistance during the growing period of either experiment. The incidence of TD was reduced with 253 mEq/kg DEB in the starter period

    Transport and poverty: a review of the evidence

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    A report produced for the Joseph Rowntree Foundation reviewing the evidence on transport and poverty with a focus on the UK

    The Impact of Regulation on Growth and Informality: Cross-Country Evidence

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    This paper studies the effects of regulation on economic growth and the relative size of the informal sector in a large sample of industrial and developing countries. Along with firm dynamics, informality is an important channel through which regulation affects macroeconomic performance and economic growth in particular. The paper concludes that a heavier regulatory burden -- particularly in product and labor markets -- reduces growth and induces informality. These effects are, however, mitigated as the overall institutional framework improves.

    FLICK: developing and running application-specific network services

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    Data centre networks are increasingly programmable, with application-specific network services proliferating, from custom load-balancers to middleboxes providing caching and aggregation. Developers must currently implement these services using traditional low-level APIs, which neither support natural operations on application data nor provide efficient performance isolation. We describe FLICK, a framework for the programming and execution of application-specific network services on multi-core CPUs. Developers write network services in the FLICK language, which offers high-level processing constructs and application-relevant data types. FLICK programs are translated automatically to efficient, parallel task graphs, implemented in C++ on top of a user-space TCP stack. Task graphs have bounded resource usage at runtime, which means that the graphs of multiple services can execute concurrently without interference using cooperative scheduling. We evaluate FLICK with several services (an HTTP load-balancer, a Memcached router and a Hadoop data aggregator), showing that it achieves good performance while reducing development effort

    Matrix controlled channel diffusion of sodium in amorphous silica

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    To find the origin of the diffusion channels observed in sodium-silicate glasses, we have performed classical molecular dynamics simulations of Na2_2O--4SiO2_2 during which the mass of the Si and O atoms has been multiplied by a tuning coefficient. We observe that the channels disappear and that the diffusive motion of the sodium atoms vanishes if this coefficient is larger than a threshold value. Above this threshold the vibrational states of the matrix are not compatible with those of the sodium ions. We interpret hence the decrease of the diffusion by the absence of resonance conditions.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Estrategias pedag?gicas para transformar el entorno escolar de la instituci?n educativa el Quebrad?n del municipio de Rioblanco desde el trabajo social con estudiantes del grado once

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    93 P?ginasRecurso Electr?nicoEl proyecto estrategias pedag?gicas para transformar el entorno escolar de la instituci?n educativa el Quebrad?n del municipio de Rioblanco desde el trabajo social con estudiantes del grado once, es una propuesta continua para su implementaci?n que pretende reunir esfuerzos en la comunidad educativa para afrontar la problem?tica ambiental que se encontr? despu?s de haber realizado el respectivo diagn?stico. Los estudiantes, mediante el trabajo social, fortalecer?n los lazos de amistad, compromiso, responsabilidad, la intenci?n principal de este proyecto es fortalecer una conciencia de conservaci?n y cuidado del medio ambiente como tambi?n mejorar el sentido de pertenencia por su entorno para lo cual se crearon unas estrategias acordes a la problem?tica que vive esta comunidad. Con estas estrategias se pretende interactuar con ambientes de aprendizajes que fortalecen el proceso de formaci?n ambiental. Una de las estrategias importantes para tener en cuenta es la sensibilizaci?n de la comunidad educativa en la cual se pretende dar una visi?n general de las condiciones actuales de nuestro planeta los peligros que se avecinan por el desequilibrio natural ocasionado por el hombre. La propuesta metodol?gica que se utiliz? est? fundamentada en elementos te?ricos que le dan solidez a la fundamentaci?n de conceptos orientados hacia la b?squeda creativa de actividades. La comunidad debe reconocer las acciones que est?n perjudicando y contaminando su entorno y al mismo tiempo identificar que mediante los procesos desarrollados en la instituci?n se puede corregir estas fallas. Con el desarrollo del proyecto se beneficiar?n directamente los estudiantes de la Instituci?n, ya que desde temprana edad ir?n teniendo sentido de conservaci?n de las especies de la regi?n y sobre todo por el medio ambiente. Los estudiantes del grado once se integrar?n con los dem?s estudiantes, por medio de charlas sobre el proyecto y los beneficios que trae, para toda la comunidad estudiantil. La aplicaci?n de las propuestas metodol?gicas del proyecto tendr? como resultado un cambio en el ambiente cultural de la comunidad especialmente en la conservaci?n y el cuidado de los recursos con que cuentan como tambi?n el embellecimiento de la Instituci?n que es el centro cultural y el patrimonio de la comunidad Palabras claves: medio ambiente, Ambientes de aprendizaje, estrategias metodol?gicas, comunidad educativa.ABSTRACT. The project teaching strategies to transform the school environment of the school the Township Quebrad?n Rioblanco from social work with juniors is an ongoing proposal for implementation that aims to bring together the educational community efforts to address environmental problems that found after making a diagnosis. Students, through social work, strengthen the bonds of friendship, commitment, responsibility, the intention of this project is to strengthen conservation awareness and environmental stewardship as well as improve the sense of belonging by their environment to which were created strategies in line with the problems that the community lives. These strategies are intended to interact with learning environments that strengthen the environmental education process. One of the important strategies to consider is the awareness of the educational community in which it is intended to give an overview of current conditions of our planet the dangers that lie ahead for the natural imbalance caused by man. The proposed methodology that was used is based on theoretical elements that give strength to the foundation of concepts designed to achieve the creative methodological strategies. The community must recognize the actions that are damaging and polluting their environment and also identify that through the processes developed in the institution can correct these failures With the development of the project will directly benefit the students of the institution, since an early age will make sense of conservation of the species in the region and especially the environment. The juniors will be integrated with other students, through lectures on the project and the benefits it brings, for the entire student community. The application of the methodology of the project will result in a change in the cultural environment of the community especially in the conservation and care of the resources they have as well as the beautification of the institution that is the cultural and heritage of the community?El programa de Licenciaturas de la Universidad del Tolima, el director del trabajo de grado y el jurado calificador no son responsables de las ideas expuestas por el autor en el presente trabajo.? Art?culo 17, Resoluci?n 015 de Diciembre 18 de 1978, Reglamento de Trabajos de Grado.Los autores AURA ROSA CARVAJAL RESTREPO, Identificada con C.C. No. 65.704.149 de Espinal, Tolima, LIBIA FLOREZ GONZALEZ, Identificada con C.C.No. 28.723.454 de Falan, Tolima, NANCY YAMILE FLOREZ GONZALEZ, Identificada con C.C.No. 28.723.986 de Falan, Tolima, ADONAI RINCON OVIEDO Identificada con C.C. No.28.687.953 Chaparral, Tolima, autorizan a la Universidad del Tolima la reproducci?n total o parcial de este documento, con la debida cita de reconocimiento de la autor?a y cede a la misma universidad de los derechos patrimoniales con fines de investigaci?n, docencia e institucionales, consagrados en el art?culo 72 de la Ley 23 de 1982 y las normas que lo constituyan o modifiquen.INTRODUCCI?N 14 1. PLANTEAMIENTO DEL PROBLEMA 15 1.1. DESCRIPCI?N Y FORMULACI?N DEL PROBLEMA 15 2. HIPOTESIS 16 3. JUSTIFICACI?N 17 4. ALCANCES Y LIMITACI?NES 19 5. DISE?O METODOL?GICO 21 5.1. FASES DEL PROCESO METODOL?GICO 21 5.1.1. Fase preparatoria 21 5.1.2. Fase de Recolecci?n Documental 22 5.1.3. Fase de selecci?n 22 5.1.4. Fase de documentaci?n 23 5.1.5. Fase de anal?tica 23 5.1.6. Fase de elaboraci?n del informe final 23 5.2. MARCO TE?RICO Y ANTECEDENTES 24 5.2.1. Antecedentes 24 5.3. REFERENTES TE?RICO 26 5.4. REFERENTE LEGAL 27 6. OBJETIVOS 30 6.1. OBJETIVO GENERAL 30 6.2. OBJETIVOS ESPEC?FICOS 30 7. AN?LISIS DE RESULTADOS 31 7.1. CAPITULO UNO 31 7.2. EMBELLECIENDO EL ENTORNO PROTEGEMOS EL AMBIENTE 31 8. CAPITULO DOS 41 8.1. PROPUESTA PROYECTO DE EMBELLECIMIENTO 41 8.2. JUSTIFICACION 41 8.3. OBJETIVOS 42 8.3.1. Objetivos generales 42 8.3.2. Objetivos espec?ficos 42 8.4. MARCO LEGAL 42 8.5. METODOLOGIA 44 8.6. CONCLUSIONES DE LAS ESTRATEGIAS IMPLEMENTADAS 47 8.7. RECURSOS 48 9. CONCLUSIONES 49 10. RECOMENDACIONES 50 11. LISTA DE REFERENCIAS 51 12. ANEXOS 5

    Requirements of Sodium and Chloride by Leghorn Laying Hens

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    Sodium and Cl are low-cost nutrients with great influence on feed conversion ratio (FCR), eggshell quality, and excreta moisture. Actual values of dietary requirements of these minerals for commercial laying hens are not well defined. These requirements were reevaluated in a factorial experiment using corn-soybean meal basal diets. No significant influence of Na and Cl levels was observed on egg production (%), egg weight (g), or feed intake (g/d), but levels of these minerals had variable effects on FCR, eggshell quality, and excreta moisture. The optimum requirement of Na changed according to the variable evaluated and level of Cl used

    Microsociolog?a de las pr?cticas pedag?gicas y did?cticas que constituyen al docente universitario

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    145 p. Recurso Electr?nicoSe busca dar cuenta, con base en las pr?cticas pedag?gicas y did?cticas del docente de la Universidad del Tolima, de qu? manera es factible constituir una microsociolog?a acerca del docente universitario, para la construcci?n del sujeto docente de la instituci?n. Se toma en cuenta la filiaci?n del docente-instituci?n, docente-estudiantes y lo relacionado con su cotidianidad como maestro. Se toman investigaciones con: Arias (2104), Barr?n (2009), Mart?nez (s.f.), Zuluaga (1999), Rodr?guez (2102), De Vincenzi (2012) y Four?s (2011). Estas son reflexiones que se han encaminado al docente en la Educaci?n Superior colombiana particularmente es id?nea, porque amplia la visi?n referente a las pr?cticas pedag?gicas y las did?cticas aplicada a docentes de la Universidad del Tolima. En la actualidad, la universidad carecer de un estudio detallado y en profundidad que muestre las maneras como se produce una Microsociolog?a apoyada en la mirada de la formaci?n pedag?gica y did?ctica de sus docentes. Esto responde, probablemente, al hecho de que la formaci?n pedag?gica y did?ctica de los docentes universitarios no ha sido tema de preocupaci?n o fundamental para el sistema educativo de nivel superior y universitario, como lo muestran D?az (2000), P?rez (2015), Imbern?n (2011), Zabalza (2011), Villegas (2008), Guisti (2007) y Ion & Cano (2012) presentes en el marco te?rico que sustenta esta investigaci?n. Se us? la Arqueologia, entendida como caja de herramientas -en perspectiva foucaultina- y de la Genealog?a, con el fin de proveer an?lisis alternativos/de bordes, que permiten ver las diversas fuerzas intervinientes en el hecho social que nos ocupa.It seeks to account, based on the pedagogical and educational practices of teaching at the University of Tolima, how feasible to constitute a microsociology about the university of Tolima teacher, for the construction of teacher?s subject of the institution. It takes into account the affiliation of teacher-institution, teacher-students and related to their daily lives as a teacher. Arias (2104), Barr?n (2009), Martinez (S. F.), Zuluaga (1999), Rodriguez (2102), De Vincenzi (2012) and Four?s (2011): Researches made. These reflections have been directed to the teaching in Colombian Higher Education is particularly suitable, because it extends the vision concerning pedagogical practices and the didactics applied over teacher from the University of Tolima. Currently, the university lacks of a detailed and in-depth study showing the ways about how is produced a microsociology supported in sight of the teacher academic training and the teachers teaching. This answers, probably, to the fact that the teacher training of university teachers has not been the subject of concern or fundamental to the educational system of higher and university level, as shown by Diaz (2000), Perez (2015), Imbern?n (2011), Zabalza (2011), Villegas (2008), Giusti (2007) and Ion & Cano (2012) present at the theoretical framework supporting this research. the ARCHAEOLOGY used, understood as a toolbox-in perspective foucaultina- and Genealogy, in order to provide alternative analysis / edges, which allow to see the various forces involved in the social fact in question. Keywords: Microsociology, education and teaching practices, teaching, education, identity

    Breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma: a review

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    El texto completo de este trabajo no está disponible en el Repositorio Académico UPC por restricciones de la casa editorial donde ha sido publicado.Breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma is a newly recognized provisional entity in the 2017 revision of the World Health Organization Classification of Tumors of Hematopoietic and Lymphoid Tissues. It is an uncommon, slow growing T-cell lymphoma with morphology and immunophenotype similar to anaplastic lymphoma kinase-negative anaplastic large cell lymphoma. However, the presentation and treatment are unique. Breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma often presents as a unilateral effusion confined to the capsule of a textured-surface breast implant, a median time of 9 years after the initial implants have been placed. Although it follows an indolent clinical course, breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma has the potential to form a mass, to invade locally through the capsule into breast parenchyma or soft tissue and/or to spread to regional lymph nodes. In most cases, an explantation with a complete capsulectomy removing all disease, without chemotherapy is considered to be curative and confers an excellent event free and overall survival. Here we provide a comprehensive review of breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma, including history, epidemiology, clinical features, imaging and pathology findings, pathologic handling, pathogenic mechanisms, model for progression, therapy and outcomes as well as an analysis of causality between breast implants and anaplastic large cell lymphoma.Revisión por pare