792 research outputs found

    The progression of chronic renal failure: An unmet challenge

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    Thermochemistry and Kinetics of the Thermal Degradation of 2-Methoxyethanol as Possible Biofuel Additives

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    Oxygenated organic compounds derived from biomass (biofuel) are a promising alternative renewable energy resource. Alcohols are widely used as biofuels, but studies on bifunctional alcohols are still limited. This work investigates the unimolecular thermal degradation of 2-methoxyethanol (2ME) using DFT/BMK and ab initio (CBS-QB3 and G3) methods. Enthalpies of the formation of 2ME and its decomposition species have been calculated. Conventional transition state theory has been used to estimate the rate constant of the pyrolysis of 2ME over a temperature range of 298–2000 K. Production of methoxyethene via 1,3-H atom transfer represents the most kinetically favored path in the course of 2ME pyrolysis at room temperature and requires less energy than the weakest C α − C β simple bond fission. Thermodynamically, the most preferred channel is methane and glycoladhyde formation. A ninefold frequency factor gives a superiority of the C α − C β bond breaking over the C γ − O β bond fission despite comparable activation energies of these two processes. © 2019, The Author(s).Scopu


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    Ketersediaan buah cabai di pasaran umumnya tidak stabil. Saat panen raya suplai cabai melimpah sehingga harganya rendah. Sebaliknya saat musim hujan, suplai cabai sangat terbatas sehingga harganya melonjak. Masyarakat desa Oeltua Kabupaten Kupang umumnya adalah petani dan peternak. Salah satu tanaman yang banyak diusahakan adalah cabai. Melalui kegiatan PKM ini dilakukan transfer ilmu pengetahuan dan keterampilan bagi Kelompok Tani Kaum Ibu Sonaf Honis Bonen dan masyarakat setempat untuk meningkatkan kecakapan dalam budidaya cabai serta pengolahan cabai, yaitu dengan pemanfaatan mulsa plastik hitam perak serta penggunaan food dehydrator dalam pengolahan buah cabai. Kegiatan dilakukan dengan metode penyuluhan dan diskusi serta demplot penggunaan mulsa plastik dalam budidaya cabai, serta praktek pengolahan buah cabai menggunakan food dehydrator. Mulsa plastik berguna untuk mencegah pertumbuhan gulma serta mengurangi evaporasi. Hal ini sesuai untuk Kabupaten Kupang yang termasuk daerah semi arid atau beriklim kering. Proses pengeringan buah cabai cukup sederhana sehingga mudah dipraktekkan oleh peserta kegiatan ini. Luaran kegiatan PKM ini berupa produk buah cabai kering, boncabai, serta serpihan cabai atau chilli-flake. Luaran akademik berupa publikasi ilmiah pada jurnal nasional terindeks Sinta-5, publikasi pada media lokal online serta visdeo kegiatan yang diunggah pada web-Fakultas Pertanian Undana

    Computational Studies on the Thermodynamic and Kinetic Parameters of Oxidation of 2-Methoxyethanol Biofuel via H-Atom Abstraction by Methyl Radical

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    In this work, a theoretical investigation of thermochemistry and kinetics of the oxidation of bifunctional 2-Methoxyethanol (2ME) biofuel using methyl radical was introduced. Potential-energy surface for various channels for the oxidation of 2ME was studied at density function theory (M06-2X) and ab initio CBS-QB3 levels of theory. H-atom abstraction reactions, which are essential processes occurring in the initial stages of the combustion or oxidation of organic compounds, from different sites of 2ME were examined. A similar study was conducted for the isoelectronic n-butanol to highlight the consequences of replacing the ϒ CH2 group by an oxygen atom on the thermodynamic and kinetic parameters of the oxidation processes. Rate coefficients were calculated from the transition state theory. Our calculations show that energy barriers for n-butanol oxidation increase in the order of α ‹ O ‹ ϒ ‹ β ‹ ξ, which are consistent with previous data. However, for 2ME the energy barriers increase in the order α ‹ β ‹ ξ ‹ O. At elevated temperatures, a slightly high total abstraction rate is observed for the bifunctional 2ME (4 abstraction positions) over n-butanol (5 abstraction positions). © 2019, The Author(s).Scopu

    Gupta-Bleuler quantization for minimally coupled scalar fields in de Sitter space

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    We present in this paper a fully covariant quantization of the minimally-coupled massless field on de Sitter space. We thus obtain a formalism free of any infrared (e.g logarithmic) divergence. Our method is based on a rigorous group theoretical approach combined with a suitable adaptation (Krein spaces) of the Wightman-G\"{a}rding axiomatic for massless fields (Gupta-Bleuler scheme). We make explicit the correspondence between unitary irreducible representations of the de Sitter group and the field theory on de Sitter space-time. The minimally-coupled massless field is associated with a representation which is the lowest term of the discrete series of unitary representations of the de Sitter group. In spite of the presence of negative norm modes in the theory, no negative energy can be measured: expressions as \le n_{k_1}n_{k_2}...|T_{00}|n_{k_1}n_{k_2}...\re are always positive.Comment: 20 pages, appear in class. quantum gra

    A synthetic enzyme built from DNA flips 107 lipids per second in biological membranes.

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    Mimicking enzyme function and increasing performance of naturally evolved proteins is one of the most challenging and intriguing aims of nanoscience. Here, we employ DNA nanotechnology to design a synthetic enzyme that substantially outperforms its biological archetypes. Consisting of only eight strands, our DNA nanostructure spontaneously inserts into biological membranes by forming a toroidal pore that connects the membrane's inner and outer leaflets. The membrane insertion catalyzes spontaneous transport of lipid molecules between the bilayer leaflets, rapidly equilibrating the lipid composition. Through a combination of microscopic simulations and fluorescence microscopy we find the lipid transport rate catalyzed by the DNA nanostructure exceeds 107 molecules per second, which is three orders of magnitude higher than the rate of lipid transport catalyzed by biological enzymes. Furthermore, we show that our DNA-based enzyme can control the composition of human cell membranes, which opens new avenues for applications of membrane-interacting DNA systems in medicine

    The impact of automated eGFR reporting and education on nephrology service referrals

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    Background. Serum creatinine concentration is an unreliable and insensitive marker of chronic kidney disease (CKD). To improve CKD detection, the Australasian Creatinine Consensus Working Committee recommended reporting of estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) using the four-variable Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD) formula with every request for serum creatinine concentration. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of automated laboratory reporting of eGFR on the quantity and quality of referrals to nephrology services in Southeast Queensland, Australia
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