180 research outputs found
Analisis Kesalahan Pelafalan Bahasa Mandarin pada Siswa Kelas XII Smk Negeri 1 Lamongan Tahun Ajaran 2014-2015
Kata Kunci : Analisis Kesalahan, Ortografi, Pelafalan Pelafalan merupakan cara manusia dalam mengucapkan bunyi bahasa. Pelafalan bahasa Indonesia dengan bahasa Mandarin sangat berbeda. Pelafalan dalam bahasa Mandarin ada 3, yaitu konsonan, vokal dan nada. Apabila salah melafalkan nada maka dapat berbeda makna. Karena ketepatan pelafalan dalam bahasa Mandarin sangat penting, maka peneliti tertarik untuk meneliti tentang analisis kesalahan pelafalan siswa kelas XII SMK Negeri 1 Lamongan tahun ajaran 2014-2015. Penelitian ini membahas tentang pelafalan bahasa Mandarin secara menyeluruh, yaitu mencakup pelafalan konsonan, vokal dan juga nada.Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui deskripsi kesalahan pelafalan yang sering dilakukan oleh siswa dan untuk mengetahui presentase kemampuan siswa dalam melafalkan bahasa Mandarin.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif, yaitu dengan mendeskripsikan kesalahan pelafalan yang dilakukan oleh siswa disertai pelafalan yang tepat sesuai dengan International Phonetic Alphabet, setelah itu peneliti menghitung jumlah kesalahan pelafalan dan ketepatan pelafalan para siswa untuk mengetahui presentase kemampuan pelafalan siswa.Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa siswa banyak mengalami kesalahan pelafalan nada dan konsonan. Presentase kemampuan siswa kelas XII SMK Negeri 1 Lamongan tahun ajaran 2014-2015 dalam melafalkan bahasa Mandarin adalah 85%. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa mayoritas siswa mampu melafalkan bahasa Mandarin dengan tepat
Pengendalian Persediaan Solar pada Perusahaan Penyewaan Alat Berat di PT Nipindo Primatama
Inventory is an important resource for the company for the sustainability of a company. Inventory control is an important function to anticipate the operation of the company stalled because there is no fuel available as supporting or supporting the production process. The purpose of this study is to determine whether the handling of fuel supplies has been in accordance with the provisions of the plan of the company. The object of this research is observation, investigation and management of all operational activities. To collect the data needed in the research then the use of data retrieval techniques with observation, interviews to the inventory control and others. The results of this study indicate that the control of fuel stocks by using safety stock and reorder point has met the company's plan although sometimes not in accordance with company plans.
Keywords: inventory, inventory control, reordering, pla
Pengembangan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat melalui Sektor Pariwisata pada Kawasan Wisata Danau Napabele Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara
Era of regional autonomy, tourism plays an important role in improving the welfare of the local government community, this study refers to the strategy of tourism development and public welfare. The results of the survey identifier stated that the welfare of the people is still below the required standard, among other things, the capita income is still low. This study aimed to describe the tourism potential of the lake Napabale and community welfare conditions in the village of Lohia place Napabale lake tourist area and explain the tourism development strategy Napabale lake tourist area with a review of tourist attractions, accessibility, facilities and communities in improving the welfare of society.The method used is descriptive kualitative. Test equipment used is SWOT.The results showed that the tourist attractions in the tourist area of the lake Napabale enough variety, accessibility to reach tourist areas prone Napabale lake, amenities available needs to be improved and people who are in the tourist area of the lake Napabale very friendly to newcomers including tourists. Based on the SWOT analysis, obtained the strategy for the immediate development of tourist areas Napabale for the government Muna Includes utilization of the budget for the development of the existing potential, utilization of technological advances to boost tourism development, enhancement of tourism cooperation with other regions, Improvement of the quality of personnel in the field of tourism, provision of infrastructure and infrastructure for tourism activities, increase efforts for tourism promotion for Napabale lake tourist area, increase efforts for environmental improvement through empowerment of local communities.
Keywords: Tourism, Public Welfare, Accesibilitas, amenities, Society
The purpose of learning innovations using smart cards towards students' learning interests is to assist students in increasing student interest in learning. Innovative education using smart cards is interrelated, because children need knowledge that is easy for them to understand to be able to concentrate on learning well. Learning innovation both to support and motivate students in learning. Through this innovative education, students get learning and knowledge about how to use smart cards. Teachers as educators are required to be active, innovative, creative in teaching so that children have a great willingness to learn. This study also uses a test that is used is a performance test that is a test used to measure a person's achievement after learning something. The research used in developing smart cards for grade III elementary schools is research and development (R&D). With observations and questionnaires conducted in State Elementary School 057204 Stungkit Village. The results of the Smart Card Learning Innovation on students' interest in learning at SD Negeri 057204 Stungkit Village appeared in students after developing smart cards. This is evidenced by the data from the final measurement of the use of smart cards to students' interest in learning at grade III of Public Elementary School 057204, this Stungkit Village has a significance value of 0,000 <0.05 then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. This means that smart cards have a significant influence on students' interest in learning at 057204 Public Elementary School in Stungkit Village.
Tujuan inovasi pembelajaran menggunakan kartu pintar terhadap minat belajar siswa adalah untuk membantu siswa dalam meningkatkan minat belajar siswa. Pendidikan inovasi menggunakan kartu pintar ini saling berkaitan, dikarenakan anak-anak memerlukan pengetahuan yang mudah mereka pahami untuk bisa berkonsentrasi mengikuti pelajaran dengan baik. Pembelajaran inovasi baik untuk menunjang dan memotivasi siswa dalam belajar. Melalui pendidikan inovasi ini, siswa mendapatkan pembelajaran dan pengetahuan mengenai cara pembelajaran menggunakan kartu pintar. Guru sebagai pendidik dituntut untuk aktif, inovatif, kreatif dalam mengajar sehingga anak mempunyai kemauan yang besar untuk belajar. Penelitian ini juga menggunakan sebuah tes yang digunakan adalah tes prestasi yaitu tes yang digunakan untuk mengukur pencapaian seseorang setelah mempelajari sesuatu. Penelitian yang digunakan dalam pengembangan kartu pintar untuk SD kelas III adalah penelitian dan pengembangan research and development (R&D). Dengan observasi dan kuesioner yang dilakukan di SD Negeri 057204 Desa Stungkit. Hasil dari Inovasi Pembelajaran Kartu Pintar terhadap minat belajar siswa SD Negeri 057204 Desa Stungkit muncul pada diri siswa setelah melakukan pengembangan kartu pintar. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan data hasil pengukuran akhir penggunaan kartu pintar terhadap minat belajar siswa pada kelas III SD Negeri 057204 Desa Stungkit ini memiliki nilai signifikansi 0,000 < 0,05 maka Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima. Artinya kartu pintar memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap minat belajar siswa SD Negeri 057204 Desa Stungkit
Demand Forecasting Considering Actual Peak Load Periods Using Artificial Neural Network
Presently, electrical energy consumption continues to increase from year to year. Therefore, a short-term load forecasting is required that electricity providers can deliver continuous electrical energy to electricity consumers. By considering the estimation of the electrical load, the scheduling plan for operation and allocation of reserves can be managed well by the supply side. This study is focused on a forecasting of electrical loads using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) method considering a backpropagation algorithm model. The advantage of this method is to forecast the electrical load in accordance with patterns of past loads that have been taught. The data used for the learning is Actual Peak Load Period (APLP) data on the 150 kV system during 2017. Results show that the best network architecture is structured for the APLP Day and Night. Moreover, the momentum setting and understanding rate are 0.85 and 0.1 for the APLP Day. In contrast, 0.9 and 0.15 belong to the APLP Night. Based on the best network architecture, the APLP day testing process generates Mean Squared Error (MSE) around 0.04 and Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) around 4.66%, while the APLP Night generates MSE in 0.16 and MAPE in 16.83%
Mobile dental clinic revitalization to improve oral health services in the covid-19 pandemic era at Sambirejo District Community Health Center, Kabupaten Langkat
One of pandemic effect is that people being afraid to have their regular dental treatment and tends to have their own medication. Dentist and dental nurses as workerin public health provider also afraid on doing dental treatment on a reason highly contamination and transmission of the virus. Delaying aerosol generating procedures is found as the only choice, except for emergency case. However, the uncertainty of pandemic era and dental treatment needs, urge the health workers to have innovation in dental treatment service.  Using mobile dental clinic Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Langkat di Puskesmas Sambirejo is a solution. The implementation of service activities in mobile dental clinic are mainly in self Protection equipment, SOP in Standart Precaution, sterlisation and aseption and also patients admision flow in pandemic era for health care providers as a way to improve their knowledge in handling patient in pandemic era. The delay of action in dental procedur can be solved by facilitating mobile dental clinic according to standard health protocol. Instead of only reaching rural area, this mobile dental clinic can also be used in narrow building with limited space. The SOP protocol can also be used by dentis and dental nurses to control infection in mobile dental clinic. This article tries to support government in raising the degree of mouth and dental health services in pandemic era
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