286 research outputs found

    Not standard vocabulary how sociocultural problem of modern young people

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    In the article is presented the problem of crisis of Russian speeches, its clogging than invectives and vulgarisms. Make the results of the survey of young people on the topic of relationships to not standard vocabulary and the reasons initiation to it, and same material of observations for behavior students in Educational society and in Internet. Made findings about possible reasons and ways of overcome this problem.В статье рассматривается проблема кризиса русской речи, ее засо-рение инвективами и вульгаризмами. Приводятся результаты опроса студентов на тему отношения к ненормативной лексике и причин приобщения к ней, а также данные наблюдения за поведением студентов в образовательной среде и в Интернет-сетях. Делаются выводы о возможных причинах и путях преодоления данной проблемы

    Social consequences of ecological balance of human

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    В статье изложены результаты анализа социальных последствий нарушения экологического равновесия человека. Дано авторское определение экологического равновесия человека. Выделены признаки и причины нарушения экологического равновесия человека. Намечены пути решения проблемы.Article presenting results of the effects of ecological imbalance human. Given the authors definition of the ecological balance of human. Marked with sings and causes of violation of environmental ecological imbalance human. The ways of solving the problem

    Covariate linkage analysis of GAW14 simulated data incorporating subclinical phenotype, sex, population, parent-of-origin, and interaction

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    BACKGROUND: We evaluate a method for the incorporation of covariates into linkage analysis using the Genetic Analysis Workshop 14 simulated data. Focusing on a randomly chosen replicate (42) we investigated the effect of the 12 subclinical phenotypes, sex, population, and parent-of-origin on the linkage signal from a model-free linkage analysis of Kofendrerd Personality Disorder. RESULTS: We detected a linkage peak on chromosome 1, at about 175 cM, which varied depending upon individuals' status for subclinical phenotype b. A linkage peak on chromosome 3 (310 cM) was found not to depend upon subclinical phenotype status. Further peaks were found on chromosomes 5 (12 cM), 9 (4 cM), and 10 (95 cM), depending on the status of subclinical phenotypes a, k, and c/d/g, respectively. CONCLUSION: Retrospective comparison of our results with the simulation model showed correct identification of disease loci D1-5 on chromosomes 1, 3, 5, 9 and 10, respectively

    The Effect of Personal Health on the Formation of Human Capital: a Metasystem Approach

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    In article the problem of influence of the personality's health on formation of the human capital is considered. Authors have conducted theoretical researches of the existing knowledge of the human capital and justifications of influence of the personality's health on its formation are given. On the basis of the carried-out analysis it is established that now the personality's health is a significant factor of efficiency of any kind of activity and important quality of the personality, therefore, it can be considered as a factor of formation of the human capital. According to it need of determination of criteria, the indicators of health of the personality influencing formation and development of the human capital was designated

    The effect of hydrogen on strain hardening and fracture mechanism of high-nitrogen austenitic steel

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    High-nitrogen austenitic steels are perspective materials for an electron-beam welding and for producing of wear-resistant coatings, which can be used for application in aggressive atmospheres. The tensile behavior and fracture mechanism of high-nitrogen austenitic steel Fe-20Cr-22Mn-1.5V-0.2C-0.6N (in wt.%) after electrochemical hydrogen charging for 2, 10 and 40 hours have been investigated. Hydrogenation of steel provides a loss of yield strength, uniform elongation and tensile strength. The degradation of tensile properties becomes stronger with increase in charging duration - it occurs more intensive in specimens hydrogenated for 40 hours as compared to ones charged for 2-10 hours. Fracture analysis reveals a hydrogen-induced formation of brittle surface layers up to 6 [mu]m thick after 40 hours of saturation. Hydrogenation changes fracture mode of steel from mixed intergranular-transgranular to mainly transgranular one

    Polysubjectivity in the prevention of deviant behavior of adolescents in the educational organization

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    В данной статье представлены возможности организации профилактической работы с девиантными подростками с точки зрения использования возможностей полисубъектного подхода и учета особенностей формирования субъектных качеств личности подростка. Данное содержание обосновано смещением приоритетов деятельности образовательных организаций в сторону формирования умений активно осваивать новые социальные ситуации и способы социально одобряемых форм деятельности.This article presents the possibilities of organizing preventive work with deviant adolescents in terms of using the possibilities of a polysubstantial approach and taking into account the characteristics of the formation of subjective qualities of the personality of a teenager. This content is justified by shifting the priorities of the activities of educational organizations towards the formation of skills to actively master new social situations and the active development by students of ways of socially approved forms of activity

    The Influence of Ion-Plasma Treatment on the Strength Characteristics of Austenitic Stainless Steel with Different Grain Sizes

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    In given work, the tensile properties and nanohardness of fine-grained (3–6 μm) and coarse-grained (55 μm) austenitic stainless steel specimens subjected to ion-plasma treatment in a mixture of gases N2+C2H2+Ar at a temperature of 540 °C for 12 hours were experimentally investigated.В работе исследованы механические свойства при растяжении и нанотвердость мелкозернистых (3–6 мкм) и крупнозернистых (55 мкм) образцов аустенитной нержавеющей стали, подвергнутой ионно-плазменной обработке в смеси N2 + C2H2 + Ar при температуре 540 °C в течение 12 ч.Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке стипендии Президента РФ (СП-14.2019.1)