193 research outputs found

    A survey to assess the knowledge of adverse drug reactions and pharmacovigilance practices among undergraduate medical students, interns and postgraduate students in a tertiary care hospital

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    Background: The objective of the study was to evaluate the knowledge and attitude towards pharmacovigilance and adverse drug reaction (ADR) reporting among the undergraduates, interns and postgraduate students.Methods: This was a cross sectional study done among the undergraduates, interns and post graduate medical students at Karnataka Institute of Medical Sciences, Hubballi using a pre-validated questionnaire that included 20 questions to evaluate the participants knowledge and perception of ADR and pharmacovigilance. The questionnaire was distributed to the participants (n=606) after taking their informed consent. The data was compiled and evaluated as percentages.Results: About 52% of the participants were aware of pharmacovigilance and 38.7% knew about the purpose of pharmacovigilance programme of India. 51% of the participants have experienced ADRs during their professional practice out of which 23% have reported to the pharmacovigilance centre. The most common barrier for under-reporting was lack of time to report ADR among 34% of the participants. 31% of the participants felt that managing patient was more important than reporting ADRs. 29% of the participants gave the reason as lack of access to ADR reporting forms. 25% of the participants had difficulty to decide whether ADR has occurred or not.Conclusions: Our study strongly suggests a greater need to create an awareness among undergraduate medical students, interns and postgraduate students to improve the reporting of ADRs

    Improving Prediction Accuracy Results by Using Q-Statistic Algorithm in High Dimensional Data

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    Classification problems in high dimensional information with little sort of observations became furthercommon significantly in microarray information. The increasing amount of text data on internet sites affects the agglomerationanalysis. The text agglomeration could also be a positive analysis technique used for partitioning a huge amount of datainto clusters. Hence, the most necessary draw back that affects the text agglomeration technique is that the presenceuninformative and distributed choices in text documents. A broad class of boosting algorithms is known as actingcoordinate-wise gradient descent to attenuate some potential performs of the margins of a data set. This paperproposes a novel analysis live Q-statistic that comes with the soundness of the chosen feature set to boot to theprediction accuracy. Then we've a bent to propose the Booster of associate degree FS algorithm that enhances theworth of the Q-statistic of the algorithm applied

    Quad Zygomatic Implants for Rehabilitation of Atrophic Maxilla: A Case Report and Review

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    Patients with moderate to severe atrophic maxilla challenge the surgeon to discover alternative ways to use existing bone or resort to augmenting the patient with autogenous or alloplastic bone materials. Many procedures have been suggested for these atrophied maxillae before implant placement, which include Le Fort I maxillary downfracture, onlay bone grafts and maxillary sinus graft procedures. A zygomatic implant can be an effective device for rehabilitation of the severely resorbed maxilla. If zygomatic implants are used, onlay bone grafting or sinus augmentation will not be necessary. The purpose of this paper is to review the indications of zygomatic implants placement techniques, stabilization, and prosthodontic procedures


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    Existing content-based analysis tools not only cause high complexity and cost, but they also fail to handle large levels of files effectively. The proposed RTS methodology is implemented as a system remedy that can work on existing systems, such as the Hadoop file system, using the general interface of the file system and the use of information correlation properties. This document presents an almost real-time plan known as RTS to help an efficient and profitable search data analysis within the cloud. RTS extracts key property information of the given type by multidimensional features to represent these details in multidimensional vectors. An intuitive idea would be to significantly reduce the number of images used by analyzing only the most representative one instead of everything, at least once the mobile phone has an energy limit. RTS uses VFS operations to help semantic grouping. We can get the data from the closet of the page to help send them to the devil. We made a real-world situation of use in which children informed in a very busy environment are identified in time by analyzing 60 million images with RTS. RTS is created to exploit the correlation property of information through the use of hashing and a structured and manageable addressing

    Supernumerary heads of biceps brachii muscle in South Indian Cadavers

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    Biceps brachii is a muscle of the anterior compartment of the arm having a long head and a short head. Distally both heads unite to form a common tendon inserting into the radial tuberosity and the bicipital aponeurosis. Most commonly it may have an additional head but presence of four heads and more is relatively very rare. The present study documents the incidence and morphological characteristics of supernumerary head of biceps brachii in adult South Indian cadavers. We studied 40 arms of 20 adult formalin fixed cadavers in the Department of Anatomy, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal, India. The presence of number of additional heads and their details of attachments were studied. We observed presence of supernumerary heads of biceps brachii in 6 (15%) cases, in which having three heads observed in five cases (12.5%) and four heads in one case (2.5%). In one case, we noticed bilateral incidence with three heads on left side and four heads on right side. Knowledge of incidences of such variable numbers of additional heads and pattern of their attachment may facilitate the preoperative diagnosis in addition to the surgical procedures of the upper limbs.Keywords: Biceps brachii, supernumerary heads, additional head


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    Several techniques that cope with the sturdiness of outsourced data missing of local copy were suggested in lots of models thus far. Fliers and business card printing of remote trying to find regenerating-coded information provide private auditing, necessitates data keepers to constantly stay web mange auditing. We introduce an empty auditing approach to regeneration-code-basis cloud storage. For solving regeneration impracticality of ineffective authenticators in insufficient data proprietors, we initiate a proxy, which regenerate authenticators, into established public auditing system representation. As opposed to direct improvement in fliers and business card printing of public auditing towards multi-server setting, we advise novel authenticator, that's appropriate for regenerating codes that's created by way of several keys and they are regenerated by way of partial keys hence our method can totally make data owner’s burden free

    An Efficient PAPR Reduction Method for LTE OFDM Systems

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    ABSTRACT: This paper reviews orthogonal frequencydivision multiple (OFDM) which has been adopted as a standard for various high data rate wireless communication systems. However, implementation of the OFDM system entails several difficulties. One of the major drawbacks is the high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) which cause large number of sub-carriers, that make restrictions for practical applications. Block Coding, partial transmit sequence and clipping are some PAPR reduction methods that have been proposed to overcome this problem. In this paper, we mainly investigate the PAPR reduction performance using interleaving & PTS, this method is sub-entities of interleaving & phase rotation scheme. A new algorithm using interleaving & PTS technique which shows better PAPR reduction compared to the existing algorithms is proposed. Results are verified using MATLAB software

    A rare case of a ruptured ovarian pregnancy

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    Ovarian pregnancy is a rare type of extrauterine pregnancy accounting for 1 to 3% of all extrauterine pregnancies. We report a rare case of a ruptured ovarian pregnancy. A 22 year old, gravida 2 para 1 living 1 was admitted with amenorrhea of 4 weeks and 6 days with chief complaints of severe acute lower abdomen pain. Urine pregnancy test was positive. Ultrasonogram pelvis revealed left sided ruptured adnexal mass with moderated hemoperitoneum. Laparotomy was performed and a diagnosis of ruptured ovarian pregnancy was made. Biopsy of the mass was taken which confirmed the diagnosis. Although ovarian pregnancy is rare, in any case of a ruptured ectopic pregnancy where the tubes are found to be normal on laparotomy, an ovarian pregnancy must be ruled out. Early detection and prompt diagnosis can preserve the future fertility of the woman


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    In the computation of the data processing signal in the environment of the digitized phenomena plays a crucial role in its application include the multiplication of the floating point under the computation of the scientific research oriented strategy respectively. In terms of the computational strategy multiplications plays a crucial role in its implication of the operation of the arithmetic scenario. Here the implementation of the multiplier with the high precision of the floating point value of improvement in the speed relative to the FPGA vertex 6. And under the further research strategy there is an integration of the 754 IEEE standard plays a crucial role I the applicability by the order of design and flow handling under the conditionality of the different multiple expectation respectively. Here there is an improvement in the performance and also the storage capabilities by the present method in a well efficient way. Simulations have been conducted on the present method where it completely overcome the drawbacks of the several previous methods in a well oriented fashion respectively


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    In the computation of the data processing signal in the environment of the digitized phenomena plays a crucial role in its application include the multiplication of the floating point under the computation of the scientific research oriented strategy respectively. In terms of the computational strategy multiplications plays a crucial role in its implication of the operation of the arithmetic scenario. Here the implementation of the multiplier with the high precision of the floating point value of improvement in the speed relative to the FPGA vertex 6. And under the further research strategy there is an integration of the 754 IEEE standard plays a crucial role I the applicability by the order of design and flow handling under the conditionality of the different multiple expectation respectively. Here there is an improvement in the performance and also the storage capabilities by the present method in a well efficient way. Simulations have been conducted on the present method where it completely overcome the drawbacks of the several previous methods in a well oriented fashion respectively
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