616 research outputs found

    Chiral magnetic wave at finite baryon density and the electric quadrupole moment of quark-gluon plasma in heavy ion collisions

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    Chiral Magnetic Wave (CMW) is a gapless collective excitation of quark-gluon plasma in the presence of external magnetic field that stems from the interplay of Chiral Magnetic (CME) and Chiral Separation Effects (CSE); it is composed by the waves of the electric and chiral charge densities coupled by the axial anomaly. We consider CMW at finite baryon density and find that it induces the electric quadrupole moment of the quark-gluon plasma produced in heavy ion collisions: the "poles" of the produced fireball (pointing outside of the reaction plane) acquire additional positive electric charge, and the "equator" acquires additional negative charge. We point out that this electric quadrupole deformation lifts the degeneracy between the elliptic flows of positive and negative pions leading to v2(π+)<v2(π−)v_2(\pi^+) < v_2(\pi^-), and estimate the magnitude of the effect.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    The shape of a moving fluxon in stacked Josephson junctions

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    We study numerically and analytically the shape of a single fluxon moving in a double stacked Josephson junctions (SJJ's) for various junction parameters. We show that the fluxon in a double SJJ's consists of two components, which are characterized by different Swihart velocities and Josephson penetration depths. The weight coefficients of the two components depend on the parameters of the junctions and the velocity of the fluxon. It is shown that the fluxon in SJJ's may have an unusual shape with an inverted magnetic field in the second junction when the velocity of the fluxon is approaching the lower Swihart velocity. Finally, we study the influence of fluxon shape on flux-flow current-voltage characteristics and analyze the spectrum of Cherenkov radiation for fluxon velocity above the lower Swihart velocity. Analytic expression for the wavelength of Cherenkov radiation is derived.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figure

    Intracranial EEG fluctuates over months after implanting electrodes in human brain.

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    OBJECTIVE: Implanting subdural and penetrating electrodes in the brain causes acute trauma and inflammation that affect intracranial electroencephalographic (iEEG) recordings. This behavior and its potential impact on clinical decision-making and algorithms for implanted devices have not been assessed in detail. In this study we aim to characterize the temporal and spatial variability of continuous, prolonged human iEEG recordings. APPROACH: Intracranial electroencephalography from 15 patients with drug-refractory epilepsy, each implanted with 16 subdural electrodes and continuously monitored for an average of 18 months, was included in this study. Time and spectral domain features were computed each day for each channel for the duration of each patient\u27s recording. Metrics to capture post-implantation feature changes and inflexion points were computed on group and individual levels. A linear mixed model was used to characterize transient group-level changes in feature values post-implantation and independent linear models were used to describe individual variability. MAIN RESULTS: A significant decline in features important to seizure detection and prediction algorithms (mean line length, energy, and half-wave), as well as mean power in the Berger and high gamma bands, was observed in many patients over 100 d following implantation. In addition, spatial variability across electrodes declines post-implantation following a similar timeframe. All selected features decreased by 14-50% in the initial 75 d of recording on the group level, and at least one feature demonstrated this pattern in 13 of the 15 patients. Our findings indicate that iEEG signal features demonstrate increased variability following implantation, most notably in the weeks immediately post-implant. SIGNIFICANCE: These findings suggest that conclusions drawn from iEEG, both clinically and for research, should account for spatiotemporal signal variability and that properly assessing the iEEG in patients, depending upon the application, may require extended monitoring

    Holographic Pomeron and the Schwinger Mechanism

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    We revisit the problem of dipole-dipole scattering via exchanges of soft Pomerons in the context of holographic QCD. We show that a single closed string exchange contribution to the eikonalized dipole-dipole scattering amplitude yields a Regge behavior of the elastic amplitude; the corresponding slope and intercept are different from previous results obtained by a variational analysis of semi-classical surfaces. We provide a physical interpretation of the semi-classical worldsheets driving the Regge behavior for (-t)>0 in terms of worldsheet instantons. The latter describe the Schwinger mechanism for string pair creation by an electric field, where the longitudinal electric field E_L=\sigma_T tanh(\chi/2) at the origin of this non-perturbative mechanism is induced by the relative rapidity {\chi} of the scattering dipoles. Our analysis naturally explains the diffusion in the impact parameter space encoded in the Pomeron exchange; in our picture, it is due to the Unruh temperature of accelerated strings under the electric field. We also argue for the existence of a "micro-fireball" in the middle of the transverse space due to the soft Pomeron exchange, which may be at the origin of the thermal character of multiparticle production in ep/pp collisions. After summing over uncorrelated multi-Pomeron exchanges, we find that the total dipole-dipole cross section obeys the Froissart unitarity bound.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, version 2: minor typos corrected, references adde

    Exactly Soluble Dynamics of (p,q) String Near Macroscopic Fundamental Strings

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    We study dynamics of Type IIB bound-state of a Dirichlet string and n fundamental strings in the background of N fundamental strings. Because of supergravity potential, the bound-state string is pulled to the background fundamental strings, whose motion is described by open string rolling radion field. The string coupling can be made controllably weak and, in the limit 1<<gst2n<<gst2N1 << g^2_{\rm st} n << g^2_{\rm st} N, the bound-state energy involved is small compared to the string scale. We thus propose rolling dynamics of open string radion in this system as an exactly solvable analog for rolling dynamics of open string tachyon in decaying D-brane. The dynamics bears a novel feature that the worldsheet electric field increases monotonically to the critical value as the bound-state string falls into the background string. Close to the background string, D string constituent inside the bound-state string decouples from fundamental string constituents.Comment: 27p, 2 figure

    Coexisting orders in the quarter-filled Hubbard chain with elastic deformations

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    The electronic properties of the quarter-filled extended Peierls-Holstein-Hubbard model that includes lattice distortions and molecular deformations are investigated theoretically using the bosonization approach. We predict the existence of a wide variety of charge-elastic phases depending of the values of the Peierls and Holstein couplings. We include the effect of the Peierls deformation in the nearest-neighbor repulsion V, that may be present in real materials where Coulomb interactions depend strongly on the distance, and we show that the phase diagram changes substantially for large V when this term is taken into account.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Universal Extra Dimensions and the Higgs Boson Mass

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    We study the combined constraints on the compactification scale 1/R and the Higgs mass m_H in the standard model with one or two universal extra dimensions. Focusing on precision measurements and employing the Peskin-Takeuchi S and T parameters, we analyze the allowed region in the (m_H, 1/R) parameter space consistent with current experiments. For this purpose, we calculate complete one-loop KK mode contributions to S, T, and U, and also estimate the contributions from physics above the cutoff of the higher-dimensional standard model. A compactification scale 1/R as low as 250 GeV and significantly extended regions of m_H are found to be consistent with current precision data.Comment: 21 pages, Latex, 6 eps figures, an error in calculations was corrected and results of analysis changed accordingly, references adde

    Calibration and Stokes Imaging with Full Embedded Element Primary Beam Model for the Murchison Widefield Array

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    15 pages, 11 figures. Accepted for publication in PASA. © Astronomical Society of Australia 2017The Murchison Widefield Array (MWA), located in Western Australia, is one of the low-frequency precursors of the international Square Kilometre Array (SKA) project. In addition to pursuing its own ambitious science program, it is also a testbed for wide range of future SKA activities ranging from hardware, software to data analysis. The key science programs for the MWA and SKA require very high dynamic ranges, which challenges calibration and imaging systems. Correct calibration of the instrument and accurate measurements of source flux densities and polarisations require precise characterisation of the telescope's primary beam. Recent results from the MWA GaLactic Extragalactic All-sky MWA (GLEAM) survey show that the previously implemented Average Embedded Element (AEE) model still leaves residual polarisations errors of up to 10-20 % in Stokes Q. We present a new simulation-based Full Embedded Element (FEE) model which is the most rigorous realisation yet of the MWA's primary beam model. It enables efficient calculation of the MWA beam response in arbitrary directions without necessity of spatial interpolation. In the new model, every dipole in the MWA tile (4 x 4 bow-tie dipoles) is simulated separately, taking into account all mutual coupling, ground screen and soil effects, and therefore accounts for the different properties of the individual dipoles within a tile. We have applied the FEE beam model to GLEAM observations at 200 - 231 MHz and used false Stokes parameter leakage as a metric to compare the models. We have determined that the FEE model reduced the magnitude and declination-dependent behaviour of false polarisation in Stokes Q and V while retaining low levels of false polarisation in Stokes U.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio
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