10,422 research outputs found

    Phase-coexisting patterns, horizontal segregation and controlled convection in vertically vibrated binary granular mixtures

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    We report new patterns, consisting of coexistence of sub-harmonic/harmonic and asynchronous states [for example, a granular gas co-existing with (i) bouncing bed, (ii) undulatory subharmonic waves and (iii) Leidenfrost-like state], in experiments on vertically vibrated binary granular mixtures in a Heleshaw-type cell. Most experiments have been carried out with equimolar binary mixtures of glass and steel balls of same diameter by varying the total layer-height (FF) for a range of shaking acceleration (Γ\Gamma). All patterns as well as the related phase-diagram in the (Γ,F\Gamma, F)-plane have been reproduced via molecular dynamics simulations of the same system. The segregation of heavier and lighter particles along the horizontal direction is shown to be the progenitor of such phase-coexisting patterns as confirmed in both experiment and simulation. At strong shaking we uncover a {\it partial} convection state in which a pair of convection rolls is found to coexist with a Leidenfrost-like state. The crucial role of the relative number density of two species on controlling the buoyancy-driven granular convection is demonstrated. A possible model for spontaneous horizontal segregation is suggested based on anisotropic diffusion

    Estimation of losses for adobe buildings in Pakistan

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    Adobe buildings are vulnerable to seismic forces. Large scale destructions and casualties have been caused due to the collapse of adobe buildings during the past earthquakes. A significant number of adobe structures exist in different parts of Pakistan, similar to other parts of the world. Since Pakistan lies in a seismic active region, it is necessary to assess the level of vulnerability of these buildings in order to estimate associated losses during a seismic event. This paper presents the results of a study which was conducted to quantify damages to adobe buildings based on their fragility curves. The adobe buildings were found to be highly vulnerable to low intensity earthquakes. The vulnerability of these buildings has been compared with the European adobe buildings. It was noted that Pakistani adobe buildings were slightly less resistant to earthquakes as compared to similar buildings in Europe. Retrofitting solutions were suggested in order to increase the seismic capacity of adobe buildings in Pakistan

    Assessment of seismic performance of adobe structures in Pakistan and Portugal

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    Adobe buildings exist in different parts of the world. The construction of these buildings can be carried out economically, using locally available materials and skills that do not require use of modern machinery. Therefore, adobe buildings provide an economic housing option. The construction of adobe structures is carried out based on traditional construction practices which vary from region to region. This paper presents the results of a study which was conducted to study the construction practices of adobe buildings in Pakistan and Portugal in the context of their seismic vulnerability. The adobe buildings in both these countries were found to be subjected to seismic hazard levels which, although is low in some regions, may cause significant damages. Lack of essential elements or details for the adequate seismic performance was found in the adobe buildings in both regions

    Clear Experimental Signature of Charge-Orbital density wave in Nd1x_{1-x}Ca1+x_{1+x}MnO4_{4}

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    Single Crystals of Nd1x_{1-x}Ca1+x_{1+x}MnO4_{4} have been prepared by the travelling floating-zone method, and possible evidence of a charge -orbital density wave in this material presented earlier [PRB68,092405 (2003)] using High Resolution Electron Microscopy [HRTEM] and Electron Diffraction [ED]. In the current note we present direct evidence of charge-orbital ordering in this material using heat capacity measurements. Our heat capacity measurements indicate a clear transition consistent with prior observation. We find two main transitions, one at temperature TH=310314T_{_H}=310-314 K, and other at TA=143T_{_A}=143 K. In addition, we may also conclude that there is a strong electron-phonon coupling in this material.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figure

    Analisis Produksi dan Pendapatan USAhatani Bawang Merah Lokal Palu di Desa Oloboju Kecamatan Sigi Biromaru Kabupaten Sigi

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    This study aims to determine the affect of land area, seed, fertiliser and labor to the local Palu onion production in the village Oloboju Biromaru Sigi Sub District Sigi District andthe incomes of local Palu onion farming at village Oloboju Sub Biromaru Sigi District Sigi. Respondents used in this study were 30 respondents or 13.82 % of the 217 households that farming oflocal Palu onion by using simple random sampling. The analysis showed that the simultaneously land area factor (X1), seeds (X2), fertilizer (X3) and labor (X4) very significant effect on farm production local Palu onion farming, with an F-count > F- table ( 299.354 > 2.76 ) at the α level of 5 % signicancy. The test results show that the t-test was highly significant on land area with t-> t -table (8.098 > 2.756), the seed was highly significant with t-count > t-table (5.869 > 2.756), fertilizer was highly significant with t-count > t -table (3.978 > 2.756) and a significant on labor with t --count > t -table (2.836 > 2.756), respectively at the 1 % level α. The revenue analysis results showed that the average income of the respondent of Local Palu onion farmers Oloboju village in single growing season was Rp 59.913.000/ 0,67 ha or Rp89.511.454/ha

    Wastewater Characteristics From Tofu Processing Facilities in Banda Aceh

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    Tofu is a very favorite food in Asian countries such Indonesia, and is gaining popularity among west countries as well, due to the associated health benefits and its acceptable price. Tofu which is produced by grinding of soy bean produces high of amount wastewater, and is considered as one of the most polluting food-industrial effluent due to its high values of organic pollutants. This paper analyzed some pollutants parameter discharged from tofu industries in Banda Aceh. The parameter of BOD, COD, MLSS, PO4-P NH3-N, Turbidity and pH were analyzed based on the standard method for the examination of water and wastewater, approved by the EPA. The COD and BOD of wastewater from tofu processing facilities in Banda Aceh is ranging from 5000-8500 and 3500-4500 mg/L, respectively. Site investigation showed that in Banda Aceh city, the tofu waste has been disposed into the environment without any treatment, causing bad odours and pollution of the surface, ground water and rive

    Nonfactorization and Color-Suppressed Bψ(ψ(2S))+K(K)B \to \psi (\psi(2S))+K(K^*) Decays

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    Using Nc=3N_c=3 value of the parameter a2=0.09a_2=0.09 but including a modest nonfactorized amplitude, we show that it is possible to understand all data, including polarization, for color-suppressed Bψ(ψ(2S))+K(K)B\to\psi(\psi(2S))+K(K^*) decays in all commonly used models of form factors. We show that for Bψ+KB\to\psi +K decay one can define an effective a2 a_2, which is process-dependent and, in general, complex; but it is not possible to define an effective a2a_2 for Bψ+KB\to\psi +K^* decay. We also explain why nonfactorized amplitudes do not play a significant role in color-favored B decays.Comment: 13 pages, Latex, one figure (not included

    Factorization theorems, effective field theory, and nonleptonic heavy meson decays

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    The nonleptonic heavy meson decays BD()π(ρ),J/ψK()B\to D^{(*)}\pi(\rho), J/\psi K^{(*)} and DK()πD\to K^{(*)}\pi are studied based on the three-scale perturbative QCD factorization theorem developed recently. In this formalism the Bauer-Stech-Wirbel parameters a_1 and a_2 are treated as the Wilson coefficients, whose evolution from the W boson mass down to the characteristic scale of the decay processes is determined by effective field theory. The evolution from the characteristic scale to a lower hadronic scale is formulated by the Sudakov resummation. The scale-setting ambiguity, which exists in the conventional approach to nonleptonic heavy meson decays, is moderated. Nonfactorizable and nonspectator contributions are taken into account as part of the hard decay subamplitudes. Our formalism is applicable to both bottom and charm decays, and predictions, including those for the ratios R and R_L associated with the BJ/ψK()B\to J/\psi K^{(*)} decays, are consistent with experimental data.Comment: 39 pages, latex, 5 figures, revised version with some correction

    Nonfactorization in Hadronic Two-body Cabibbo-favored decays of D^0 and D^+

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    With the inclusion of nonfactorized amplitudes in a scheme with Nc=3N_c=3, we have studied Cabibbo-favored decays of D0D^0 and D+D^+ into two-body hadronic states involving two isospins in the final state. We have shown that it is possible to understand the measured branching ratios and determined the sizes and signs of nonfactorized amplitudes required.Comment: 15 pages, Late

    Carbonized rice husk and cocopeat as alternative media bed for aquaponic system

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    The study evaluates the suitability of carbonized rice husk and cocopeat substrates as alternative media bed in aquaponics unit for cultivation of red Nile tilapia and Gynura procumbens. Area occupied by the aquaponics unit is about 4.5 m2 and it was operated under equatorial climate conditions. Various substrates namely lightweight expanded clay aggregate (LECA), cocopeat, carbonized rice husk and a mixture of cocopeat-rice husk at ratio 1:1 were prepared using polybags for growing of the longevity spinach. The resultant effects from fish cultivation and plants growth on the water qualities and nitrification efficiency of the aquaponics unit were reported. The aquaponics unit were operated for twelve weeks and the values of pH, temperature, and dissolved oxygen level were measured to be within the range of 6.4-6.9, 27.7-29oC, and 5.5-7 mg·L-1, respectively. Survival rate for fish was 98% with specific growth rate (SGR) and food conversion ratio (FCR) of 6.9% per day and 1.13, respectively. Nutrient deficiency was not evident and plants showed healthy growth with harvest yield ranging between 3.6 and 3.9 kg·m-2. Results attained signified the suitability of utilizing carbonized rice husk and cocopeat as alternatives media bed compared to commercial media bed such as LECA