246 research outputs found

    The Use of Plasmapheresis in Treatment of Patients with Infertility, Peritoneal Endometriosis and Nat2 Gene Polymorphism

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    It is known that 30–40 % of patients with peritoneal endometriosis suffer from infertility. Half of the patients with endometriosis are identified point mutation in NAT2 – gene, which plays an important role in the acetylation of aromatic and heterocyclic amines, in the accumulation of endotoxins, activation of free radical oxidation, impaired microcirculation. These factors involve the use of methods of gemapheresis which have detoxification, the blood rheology corrective and immune corrective effects. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of therapeutic plasma exchange in treatment of patients with peritoneal form of endometriosis, infertility and point mutations in the gene NAT2. The study included 140 patients with infertility, peritoneal form of endometriosis and point mutations in the gene NAT2. All patients are performed laparoscopy, coagulation foci of endometriosis. In the following 93 (66.4 %) patients were treated with a the course of therapeutic plasmapheresis using the apparatus «PCS-2» with the removal of 20–25 % the volume of circulating plasma with replacement plasma of crystalloid and colloid solutions. Before treatment were shown the signs of endotoxemia, activation of oxidative stress. After treatment with the use of plasmapheresis was revealed the significant reduction of endogenous intoxication parameters and oxidative stress. Also is noted the increase in the pregnancy rate, both independently and in IVF programs, especially during the first 3 months after treatment. The findings suggest that the efficiency of the proposed comprehensive treatment techniques (laparoscopy and subsequent course of therapeutic plasmapheresis) of patients with peritoneal endometriosis and infertility and with point mutations in the gene NAT2. The use of plasmapheresis is pathogenetically justified in patients of the studied group

    BAT According to Climatic Neutrality of Production of Steel Products

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    The purpose of this article is to estimate the best available technologies for values of the following technological numbers: fuel, ecological, depreciation, greenhouse and their sums. All these numbers have power dimension: t of conditional fuel/unit of production that allows to put them. The fuel technological number characterizes power consumption of production. The technological ecological number transfers a payment of the enterprise for environmental pollution to power units. The technological depreciation number transfers depreciation charges from rubles to power units. The technological greenhouse number translates a payment of the enterprise for emissions of greenhouse gases in power units. Technological numbers have through character – from extraction of raw materials before receiving finished goods. The best available technologies are characterized by the smallest sum of all technological numbers. Keywords: through power-ecological analysis, power ecological capacity of production of steel products, technological fuel ecological greenhouse number, best available technologies, climatic neutralit

    Calculation of power consumption and issue of CO2 at various processes by the production of steel

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    Проведены сравнительные расчеты эмиссии диоксида углерода – парникового газа – при различных сочетаниях коксовых (доменная печь + конвертер, доменная печь + электродуговая печь или ЭДП) и бескоксовых (HyL-3 + ЭДП, MIDREX + ЭДП, ROMELT + ЭДП, COREX + ЭДП, ЭДП на ломе) процессов производства стали. Для сравнительной оценки технологических процессов приведено ранжирование по значению сквозной интегральной эмиссии парникового газа CO2. При производстве стали выявлены преимущества по значению эмиссии CO2 для процессов HyL-3 + ЭДП, Midrex + ЭДП.Comparative calculations of carbon dioxide emission - greenhouse gas at various combinations coke oven (a blast furnace – the converter, a blast furnace - the electric arc furnace or EAF) and the coke-free (HyL-3-EAF, MIDREX-EAF, ROMELT-EAF, COREX-EAF, EAF on scrap) processes for the production of steel are carried out. For comparative assessment of technological processes in the framework of the power-ecological analysis it is considered parameter of emission of CO2 greenhouse gas. Steel production advantages CO2 emissions when using processes of HyL-3 + EAF, Midrex + EAF are revealed

    The Impact of COVID-19 on doctors well-being: Results of a web survey during the lockdown in Italy

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    OBJECTIVE: On March 12, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the outbreak of a new Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), to be a pandemic. From the be- ginning, Italy (in particular the Northern re- gions) was the first large European country to be hit and one of the most affected coun- tries worldwide. This had a significant impact on the workload and psychological health of health workers. The aim of this web-based cross-sectional study is to assess the con- sequences of the COVID-19 pandemic on Ital- ian doctors’ well-being and psychological dis- tress, in respect of demographic and occu- pational characteristics, lifestyle and habits during the lockdown period.PATIENTS AND METHODS: We conducted a web-based cross-sectional survey based on Google® Forms to collect data. The participa- tion was available during the lockdown period that started in Italy on March 9, 2020 and it was voluntary and anonymous. The question- naire explored demographic and occupational variables, lifestyle and habits during the lock- down, perceived well-being and psychological distress. Multivariate logistic regression models were fitted. RESULTS: Our study reported the very alarm- ing psychological conditions of Italian doctors, especially among those who worked in the most affected regions, where a level of psychological distress of 93.8% and poor well-being of 58.9% were registered. These percentages were even higher in the case of female hospital workers with low job seniority, and those caring for COVID-19 patients. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings reported a sig- nificant psychosocial impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on Italian doctors, particularly among those working in the most affected regions of the country. Further studies are necessary to better understand the effects of the COVID-1

    Graph model for carbon dioxide emissions from metallurgical plants

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    Mathematical models are presented for estimating carbon dioxide emissions from metallurgical processes. The article also presents a new mathematical model in graph form to calculate transit and net emissions of carbon dioxide based on the estimates obtained for the individual processes. The graph model is used to compare the blast-furnace-converter process with the blast-furnace-EAF process. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York

    Pharmacists' mental health during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in Italy

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    OBJECTIVE: The year 2020 was characterized by the outbreak of a new pandemic caused by a novel coronavirus named SARSCoV- 2. To face the pandemic, many countries worldwide imposed general lockdowns, closing all non-essential businesses. As primary care services, pharmacies had to remain open, thus putting pharmacy staff at significant risk of viral infection and overwork. This study aimed to assess the mental health of Italian Pharmacists, considering demographic and occupational characteristics, lifestyle, and habits, during the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak and the subsequent lockdown period (March-May 2020). MATERIALS AND METHODS: A web-based survey was created using Google® Forms to collect data from March 30, 2020, to June 1, 2020. The questionnaire consisted of three sections investigating: (1) demographic and occupational variables, (2) lifestyle and habits variables, (3) psychological distress and perceived well-being. RESULTS: A total of 401 participants completed the questionnaire. Older workers and those with more work experience reported more psychological stress. Older and female workers, who felt lonely at home and reported psychological stress, perceived poor well-being. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings demonstrate that the Sars-CoV-2 outbreak and subsequent lockdown rules affected pharmacists' mental health and that it is important to put in place preventive measures against the occurrence of mental disorders among them

    Corrosion Resistance of Al–CNT Metal Matrix Composites

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    The design of aluminium–graphite metal matrix composites (MMCs) with advanced mechanical properties and high corrosion resistance is in demand for aerospace, transportation, and industrial applications. Breakthroughs in this field are limited due to the tendency of aluminium– graphite MMCs to corrode. In the present research, aluminium‐based MMCs were produced by a relatively novel combined two‐staged method. Multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) were added into molten Al1070 and processed by high‐pressure die casting followed by cyclic extrusion. For the composites produced by this method, it was previously demonstrated that mechanical properties are improved in comparison with pure aluminium alloys. In the current study, the manufactured Al–MWCNT composites were investigated by electrochemical tests (such as open circuit potential), potentiodynamic tests, linear polarization tests, and electrochemical impedance spectra to understand the corrosion resistance of the obtained composite material. The experimental testing of the corrosion resistance of Al–MWCNT MMCs showed that due to the advantages of the fabrication method, the addition of CNTs to aluminium does not cause a radical decrease of corrosion resistance. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Acknowledgments: This article is based upon work from COST Action CA15102 “CRM‐EX‐ TREME—Solutions for Critical Raw Materials under Extreme Conditions” and COST Innovators’ Grant IG15102 “ITHACA—Innovative and sustainable TecHnologies for reducing critical raw mA‐ terials dependence for Cleaner transportation Applications” supported by COST (European Coop‐ eration in Science and Technology) www.cost.eu

    About interdisciplinary connections teaching technical disciplines by selecting the tracks of learning

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    В статье рассматриваются вопросы преподавания студентам младших курсов следующих дисциплин: сопротивление материалов, физика, гидравлика. Обращение к рассматриваемой теме вызвано присоединением России к Болонской декларации по высшему образованию. С этого начались реформы в отечественной системе образовании. Реформирование происходит как в содержательном, так и в организационном направлениях. В результате введено трехуровневое образование: бакалавр, магистр, аспирант. Были разработаны и утверждены Федеральные государственные стандарты образования нового поколения. Нововведения анализируются на примере преподавания дисциплинстудентам Строительного и Механико-машиностроительного институтов Уральского федерального университета имени первого Президента России Б.Н.Ельцина (УрФУ).This article deals with the teaching of the most important disciplines for undergraduates: strength of materials, physics, hydraulics. Appeal to the topic due to Russia's accession to the Bologna Declaration on Higher Education. This started a reform of our education system. Reforming occurs both in substance and in organizational directions. As a result, introduced a three-level education: Bachelor, Master and PhD student. Federal State Educational Standards of a new generation were developed and approved. Innovations are analyzed as an example of teaching disciplines for students of Institute of Civil Engineering and of Institute of Mechanics and Machine Building of the Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia Boris Yeltsin (UrFU)

    Влияние легочной гипертензии на толерантность к физической нагрузке при выраженной хронической обструктивной болезни легких

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    Summary. The purpose of this study was to investigate effects of pulmonary hypertension on exercise capacity in patients with severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Lung function, mean pulmonary artery pressure (mPAP) and physical capacity were monitored in 30 patients with advanced COPD and pulmonary hypertension. mPAP was calculated from the acceleration time of pulmonary flow in Doppler echocardiographic examination. Exercise capacity was assessed by a distance walked in 6 min (6MWD) and by an incremental cardiopulmonary exercise test (CPET). We used "Ergopneumotest" equipment (Erich Jaeger, Germany) for CPET. There was no statistically significant difference in any of CPET and 6MWD variables between the patients with mPAP < 25 mm Hg and those with mPAP > 25 mm Hg. There was no correlation between PAP and any of the exercise measurements. These results suggest that the exercise capacity in patients with advanced COPD and mild to moderate pulmonary hypertension is essentially limited by exhaustion of the ventilatory reserve.Резюме. Проведен мониторинг функции внешнего дыхания (ФВД), среднего давления в легочной артерии и физической работоспособности у 30 пациентов с выраженной хронической обструктивной болезнью легких (ХОБЛ) и легочной гипертензией. Целью исследования было определение влияния легочной гипертензии на физическую выносливость у пациентов с ХОБЛ. Среднее давление в легочной артерии было рассчитано с учетом времени ускорения легочного потока в выносящем тракте правого желудочка при допплер-эхокардиографии. Физическая выносливость оценивалась во время 6-минутного шагового теста (6-MШТ) и кардиореспираторного теста (КРT), для которого было использовано оборудование Ergopneumotest (Erich Jaeger, Германия). Разница между параметрами КРT и 6-MШТ у пациентов с легочной гипертензией и без нее не была статистически значимой. Корреляции между средним давлением в легочной артерии и параметрами нагрузочных тестов не отмечалось. Полученные результаты предполагают, что физическая толерантность у пациентов с выраженной ХОБЛ и умеренной легочной гипертензией существенным образом зависит от дыхательного резерва