14 research outputs found

    Modulação e composição de ácidos graxos do leite humano

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    O leite humano é um fluido complexo, considerado um alimento completo e suficiente para suprir as necessidades nutricionais de recém-nascidos durante os seis primeiros meses de vida. A fração lipídica do leite materno é a principal fonte de energia para o neonato e possui ácidos graxos essenciais; seus produtos poliinsaturados, como o ácido araquidônico e o ácido docosa-hexaenoico, são indispensáveis ao crescimento. Tanto o conteúdo lipídico quanto o tipo de ácido graxo do leite humano podem ser modulados por fatores inerentes ou não à mãe. Dentre esses fatores, destacam-se a adiposidade, o estilo de vida, o estado nutricional e a ingestão alimentar materna, que agem de forma concomitante e interdependente, dificultando as análises dos estudos que se propõem investigar tal modulação. Não se observam grandes diferenças entre as composições de ácidos graxos do leite materno de estudos realizados na América Latina e em países desenvolvidos. O leite das nutrizes de algumas regiões brasileiras apresenta os ácidos graxos essenciais, o ácido araquidônico, o ácido docosa-hexaenoico e um baixo percentual de ácidos graxos saturados e ácidos graxos trans. O presente trabalho avaliou, portanto, os principais fatores que modulam a composição do leite humano, em particular as diferenças na composição de ácidos graxos do leite de mulheres de diferentes nacionalidades e os efeitos desses componentes sobre a saúde do recém-nascido.Human milk is a complex fluid, considered a complete food and enough to meet the nutritional needs of an infant during the first six months of life. The lipid fraction of breastmilk is the newborn's main source of energy. It contains essential fatty acids and its polyunsaturated fats, such as arachidonic acid and docosahexaenoic acid, are essential for growth. Both the lipid content and the kind of fatty acids in human breastmilk can be modulated by factors inherent or not to the mother. Among these factors, adiposity, lifestyle, nutritional status and maternal food intake act in a concomitant and independent manner, making this modulation more difficult to analyze. Few differences have been observed between the fatty acid composition of human milk from studies carried out in Latin America and developed countries. Milk from some women from certain Brazilian regions has the essential fatty acids, arachidonic acid and docosahexaenoic acid, and a low percentage of saturated and trans fatty acids. Thus, the present study assessed the main factors that modulate the composition of human milk, in particular the differences in fatty acid composition among mothers of different nationalities, and the effects of these components on the newborn's health

    The Global Nutrition Report 2014 : actions and accountability to accelerate the World's progress on nutrition

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    In 2013, the Nutrition for Growth Summit called for a Global Nutrition Report (GNR) to strengthen accountability in nutrition so that progress in reducing malnutrition could be accelerated. This article summarizes the results of the first GNR. By focusing on undernutrition and overweight, the GNR puts malnutrition in a new light. Nearly every country in the world is affected by malnutrition, and multiple malnutrition burdens are the "new normal." Unfortunately, the world is off track to meet the 2025 World Health Assembly (WHA) targets for nutrition. Many countries are, however, making good progress on WHA indicators, providing inspiration and guidance for others. Beyond the WHA goals, nutrition needs to be more strongly represented in the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) framework. At present, it is only explicitly mentioned in 1 of 169 SDG targets despite the many contributions improved nutritional status will make to their attainment. To achieve improvements in nutrition status, it is vital to scale up nutrition programs. We identify bottlenecks in the scale-up of nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive approaches and highlight actions to accelerate coverage and reach. Holding stakeholders to account for delivery on nutrition actions requires a well-functioning accountability infrastructure, which is lacking in nutrition. New accountability mechanisms need piloting and evaluation, financial resource flows to nutrition need to be made explicit, nutrition spending targets should be established, and some key data gaps need to be filled. For example, many UN member states cannot report on their WHA progress and those that can often rely on data >5 y old. The world can accelerate malnutrition reduction substantially, but this will require stronger accountability mechanisms to hold all stakeholders to account

    Immobilisation of bovine enterokinase and application of the immobilised enzyme in fusion protein cleavage

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    Kubitzki T, Noll T, Luetz S. Immobilisation of bovine enterokinase and application of the immobilised enzyme in fusion protein cleavage. BIOPROCESS AND BIOSYSTEMS ENGINEERING. 2008;31(3):173-182.Two immobilisation methods for enterokinase were developed, which yielded high remaining activities for the cleavage of the fusion protein MUC1-IgG Fc. Different carrier materials were compared regarding remaining enzyme activity and storage stability. Immobilisation procedures involving support material activation using glutardialdehyde were found to result in low remaining activities. Applying less aggressive activation procedures, remaining activities of similar to 60% were received when immobilising enterokinase on either Estapor paramagnetic microspheres or hexamethylamino Sepabeads(R). In case of hexamethylamino Sepabeads(R) we were able to increase the half-life time 4.3-fold at 23 degrees C and 3.8-fold at 4 degrees C compared to the free enzyme at the same temperatures. By immobilising the biocatalyst the downstream process is simplified allowing the easy removal of the enzyme from the reaction mixture. The immobilised enterokinase cleaves the fusion protein MUC1-IgG Fc in at least two repeated batches, proving the efficiency of the immobilisation method and the reusability of the biocatalyst

    Small babies, big risks: global estimates of prevalence and mortality for vulnerable newborns to accelerate change and improve counting

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    Small newborns are vulnerable to mortality and lifelong loss of human capital. Measures of vulnerability previously focused on liveborn low-birthweight (LBW) babies, yet LBW reduction targets are off-track. There are two pathways to LBW, preterm birth and fetal growth restriction (FGR), with the FGR pathway resulting in the baby being small for gestational age (SGA). Data on LBW babies are available from 158 (81%) of 194 WHO member states and the occupied Palestinian territory, including east Jerusalem, with 113 (58%) having national administrative data, whereas data on preterm births are available from 103 (53%) of 195 countries and areas, with only 64 (33%) providing national administrative data. National administrative data on SGA are available for only eight countries. Global estimates for 2020 suggest 13·4 million livebirths were preterm, with rates over the past decade remaining static, and 23·4 million were SGA. In this Series paper, we estimated prevalence in 2020 for three mutually exclusive types of small vulnerable newborns (SVNs; preterm non-SGA, term SGA, and preterm SGA) using individual-level data (2010–20) from 23 national datasets (∼110 million livebirths) and 31 studies in 18 countries (∼0·4 million livebirths). We found 11·9 million (50% credible interval [Crl] 9·1–12·2 million; 8·8%, 50% Crl 6·8–9·0%) of global livebirths were preterm non-SGA, 21·9 million (50% Crl 20·1–25·5 million; 16·3%, 14·9–18·9%) were term SGA, and 1·5 million (50% Crl 1·2–4·2 million; 1·1%, 50% Crl 0·9–3·1%) were preterm SGA. Over half (55·3%) of the 2·4 million neonatal deaths worldwide in 2020 were attributed to one of the SVN types, of which 73·4% were preterm and the remainder were term SGA. Analyses from 12 of the 23 countries with national data (0·6 million stillbirths at ≥22 weeks gestation) showed around 74% of stillbirths were preterm, including 16·0% preterm SGA and approximately one-fifth of term stillbirths were SGA. There are an estimated 1·9 million stillbirths per year associated with similar vulnerability pathways; hence integrating stillbirths to burden assessments and relevant indicators is crucial. Data can be improved by counting, weighing, and assessing the gestational age of every newborn, whether liveborn or stillborn, and classifying small newborns by the three vulnerability types. The use of these more specific types could accelerate prevention and help target care for the most vulnerable babies