19 research outputs found

    Investigation of two crop culture of western white shrimp

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    Two crop culture of western white shrimp with 2 treatments and 2 replicates in each treatments in earthen ponds with area 0.4 hectares at a density of 20 pl 18 in each square meter were done. For the culture of shrimp in the second stage, the post larvae cultured in nursery pond with area of 0.25 hectare, and density of 96 post larvae in each square meter, and then transfer to the rearing ponds. In each pond, 2 aerators with potency of 3 horsepower fixed. Every day horsepower clarified at 21p.m. to 23 p.m and out at 6 a.m to 7 a.m. The first stage of culture begun in 19 April with pl 18. The yield pick-up after 96 days. The stocking of pl in the nursery ponds was done in 25 July with pl16 and after 38 days hunted and transferred to second stage culture. The second culture was done in 1 September and pick-up after 65 days. For feeding of shrimps we used commercial food numbers 4001 until 4006. In the first mount the feeding of shrimps were done as blind feed and then with the shrimps biomass and with research of feeding trays. Water temperature, dissolved oxygen and pH daily in 2 times at the morning (6 a.m) and evening (at 15 p.m) and the salinity, transparency and water depth 1 time daily measured. In the first culture period (96 days), the mean weight, length, daily weight gain, FCR, survival percent shrimp production were 14.03 gr, 12.08 cm, 0.15 gr, 1.02 gr, 92 percent and 2132 kilograms and in the second culture period (65 days) 14.55 gr, 12.48 cm, 0.22 gr, 0.84, 73 percent and 2675 kilogarms measuered respectively. Totally, in the second period culture the initial weight of shrimps was higher than the first period culture 1.95 gr and 0.008 gr respectively, therefore growth indexes in the second period were better than the first culture period. Coefficient of determination of weight and lenth of shrimps with increase of cultue days, in the first and second culture periods, in the total cases the number were higher than 0.97. This shown that the role of increase of days on the increase of weight and lenth is higher than 97 percent. Also, determination of product moment, showed that there is very strong correlation between increase of days and increase of weight and lenth and between weight and lenth (0.97 to 0.99)

    Determination of biotechniqe and bionormative of breeding and culturing of Penaeus merguiensis de Man in Bushehr Area

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    To introduce the native commercial shrimp species to aquaculture industry, the Iranian Fisheries Research Organization conducted a project to investigate the possibility of reproduction and cultivation of the banana shrimp (Penaeus merguensis). The present work has been carried out from 21st March 2001 in two phase, reproduction and cultivation, in Iran Shrimp Research Center. The main objectives of this study was to find the possibility of reproduction and cultivation of banana shrimp with emphasis on its cost and benefit and to find if this species could be introduced to aquaculture industry in Iran. In this work, 42 brood stocks of banana shrimp caught in Jask waters and were transported to Bushehr. The shrimps were reproduced in aquaculture research station, and then cultivated in 0.4 ha ponds in Heleh region. Most of the broodstocks perished, due to long distance of Jask from Bushehr province, or had problem in hatching. Finally 8 of broodstock shrimps spawned. In 3 cases, the reared naplii larva suffered high mortality, but the other 5 spawner’s bread successfully. The post larvae were introduced to the shrimp ponds. The primary stocking was 360,000 larvae, introduced to each of two 4 m 3 tanks. The survival in both tanks for mysis stage was 83% but for PL stages, the survival was 5% for Tank 1 due to disease outbreak (until PL 24), and 62% for Tank 2. On 10 th June 2001 the PL 24 were stocked into the ponds but unfortunately due to adaptation problem, all of the shrimps perished. It seems that banana shrimp couldn’t to be adapted to the pond condition in Heleh region. On the basis of the results, the reproduction of the banana shrimps is achievable, but broodstocks needs to be transferred to reproduction areas as soon as possible to reduce stress on the shrimps. Our finding shows that the optimum conditions of salinity and temperature for growth of the reared banana shrimp in Heleh region is 33ppt and 30 °C, respectively

    Investigating the application of spawning shelter of cattle fish for its enhancement of resources

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    In this project, four types of structures, of 40 number was investigated. In a six month period, the structures were inspected 13 times. The total weight and number of eggs hatched on the structures were estimated to be 214.1kg and 94944 respectively. The weight and number of eggs settled on trap types were 141.9 and 60982 respectively, whereas, The eggs on cubical structures were estimated 56.7kg and 27088 ,on pyramid structures 7.9 and 3941 and then also were 6.9 kg and 3280 eggs on cylindrical structures respectively. It is also estimated that 358 eggs were settled on The connecting line weighting 0.5kg. In this report four types of structures was compared. As a result, the trap, cubical, pyramid and cylindrical structures had contributed to the settelment of 66, 27, 4 and 3 percent of eggs in weight. While 64, 29, 4 and 3 percent of eggs in number was settled on these structures respectively. Thus it is concluded that the trap structures fallowed by cubical ones had acted more effectively relative to other two. If based on the results of other studies, we assume 80% survival rate of eggs and average weight of 1.2 kg of survival growth cuttlefish, then it can be calculated that 160 structures can contribute to 91 tons increase in cuttlefish stock in one area of 4 to 5 acre. It is obvious that by planning an annual increase of the structures, it is possible to attract more spawners to spawn and produce more larvae. Moreover,The old structures will be covered by corals and barnacles and become Amore stalie and attractive spawning ground for cuttlefish

    Efficiency of shrimp trawl nets polyamide and polyethylene with standard mesh in the coastal waters of Bushehr Province

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    This study was carried out in August – september 2009 in Bushehr province waters. Two different shrimp bottom trawls were used in which were woven by Poly Amid and Poly Ethylene with mesh sizes (stretched) of 50 mm and sack with 35 mm. Also 2 different vessels of two dhows and one steel ship each with 26 and 30 hauls were used and taken in to comparison from point of obtained results. Total catch of PA and PE trawels were 4592 and 5535 kg of which the ratio of shrimp catch and by catch for PA trawl was 32.4 and 67.6 % respectively; and for PE trawl was 34.2 and 65.8%. Total catch of PA and PE trawls of steel trawler ( ship ) were estimated 3158.0 and 4784.7 kg, respectively, of which the shrimp/ bycatch ratio was 6.6 : 93.4%. There was a higher amount of bycatch for PE comparing to PA trawl (p<0.05). on the other hand the decrease of shrimp and bycatch for PA comparing to PE dhow trawlers were 21.3 and 15.0% and for ship were 34.6 and 34.0% respectively. The weight ratio is 1:15 i.e . in PE ship trawl, in proportion to on kg shrimp, 15 kg bycatch was harvested. it is proposed to standardize the mesh size and also to do obligtory the instal of squared mesh size panel

    Biomass estimation of demersal resources in the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea by Swept Area Method

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    Regarding to monitor of demersal resources in the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea, and also biomass and CPUA estimation of them, a series of research cruises (5 cruises per year) were carried out by R/V Ferdows-1covering the area from 49 00 E in the west (Khoozestan provice) to 61 25 E in the east (Gwater) in a 5 years program form 2004 up to 2008 (no cruise in 2006). The study area was stratified into 17 strata (A to Q) of which 10 starta (A to J) were in the Persian Gulf and 7 strata (K to Q) were in the Oman Sea, covering the depths of 10-50m in the Persian Gulf and 10-100m in the Oman Sea. A total of 316 stations were randomly selected. The biomass and CPUA were estimated by Swept Area method. The comparison between two regions indicated that the percentage of density of demersal fishes in the Persian Gulf during years 2004, 2005, 2007 and 2008 were 3.3, 3.9, 2.3 and 2.4 times more than the Oman Sea and totally 70-80% of total biomass was calculated for the Persian Gulf. Also a comparison among 17 starta, the highest biomass was found for starta C & D in the Bushehr province waters. The amount of CPUA for both regions of the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea was compared and it was concluded that in years 2004 and 2005, the mean CPUA in the Persian Gulf was partially higher than the Oman Sea with 1.06 & 1.20 times more; and on the contrary for the next two years this value was higher in the Oman Sea with 1.3 times more. The highest CPUA of demersal resources for the Oman Sea belonged to the strata K & O for years 2004, 2007 and 2008 and for year 2005 was for L and strata. It can be concluded that the north-west of Oman Sea has the best condition of biomass of commercial and non-commercial species and the O stratum will be in the second ranking. With review the mean CPUA in different depth-layers for years 2004, 2005, 2007 and 2008, it was concluded that with increasing the depth, the mean CPUA is decreased in which the CPUA values in depth-layer 10-20m for these years were 8.3, 3.0, 2.1 & 1.6 times more than depth-layer 50-100m. The comparison of mean CPUA for 10 strata of the Persian Gulf showed that in years 2004 and 2005, the mean CPUA of demersal fishes in the Hormuzgan province waters was higher than in Bushehr province waters (1.2 times more). In total, the highest maen CPUA belonged to F (Naiband to Mogham) and G (Mogham to Farour) in Hormuzgan waters. On the contrary, in years 2007 and 2008 this value in Bushehr waters was 1.3 times higher than western part of Hormuzgan waters with the highest value in D stratum(Boordekhoon to Dayyer). Also the comparison of mean CPUA for different depth-layers, it was found that the mean CPUA has ascending trend with increasing the depth, with the highest value in depth-laer of 30-50m in which contains the 55-68% of total biomass. The lowest biomass is found in depth-layers of 10-30m. Totally, the minimum CPUA and biomass for both commercial and non-commercial species belonged to a stratum located in Khouzestan province waters and it was shown the over-exploitation of resources in this area. The comparison between commercial and non-commercial groups in both ecosystems , it was concluded that the density of commercial species was higher than non-commercial ones , and in all years the Persian Gulf indicated higher values than the Oman Sea

    Biomass estimation of demersal resources in the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea by swept area method

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    Regarding to monitor of demersal resources in the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea, and also biomass and CPUA estimation of them, ten research cruises were carried out by using R/V Ferdows-1 equipped with bottom trawl, covering the area from 49º 00´ E in the west (north-west Persian Gulf) to 61º 25´ E in the east (borderline with Pakistan) from 2012 to 2014 The study area was stratified into 17 strata (A to Q) of which 10 strata (A to J) were in the Persian Gulf and 7 strata (K to Q) were in the Oman Sea, covering the depths of 10-50 m in the Persian Gulf and 10-100 m in the Oman Sea. A total of 316 stations were randomly selected and the biomass and CPUA were estimated by swept area method during this three years period, the strat A and B weren’t covered. The comparison between two regions indicated that the percentage of density of demersal fishes in the Persian Gulf during years 2012, 2013 and 2014 were 1.0, 1.4 and 1.6 times more than the Oman Sea and totally 50-60% of total biomass was found for the Persian Gulf. Also a comparison among 17 strata the highest biomass was found for K region (Sirik to Jask) in the Oman Sea in 2012 & 2014; and C region (Genaveh to Bordkhoon) in 2013 in the Persian Gulf. The same comparison was done for CPUA of commercial, non-commercial and total in both water bodies and it was found that in years 2012 to 2014 the region K (Sirik to Jask) in the Oman Sea and Stratum Q (Bersi to Gwatr) had the highest value of CPUA. On the contrary, the stratum M (Biahi to Galak estuary) showed the lowest value of biomass for both commercial and non-commercial fishes. With review the mean CPUA in different depth layers for years 2012, 2013 and 2014, it was concluded that in the Oman Sea with increasing the depth, the mean CPUA is decreased and the lowest CPUA belongs to depths of 30-50 m The comparison between commercial and non-commercial groups in both ecosystems, it concluded that the density of commercial species were higher than non-commercial ones; and for years 2009, 2010 and 2011 the commercial species consist of 63.4, 65.0 and 59.7 % of total biomass. In all years the Persian Gulf indicated higher values than the Oman Sea. The most abundant fishes were Rays, Ribbon fishes, Carangids, Grunts, Japanese threadfin bream, Lizardfish and Barracuda for both Persian Gulf and Oman Sea

    Burnout among the employees of health and therapy entities: Investigating the role of early maladaptive schemas and mental disorder symptoms(Article) [Sağlık ve terapi alanlarında çalışanlarda tükenme: Erken uyumsuz şemalar ve ruhsal bozukluk belirtilerinin rolünün araştırılması]

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    Objective: The present study has been done with the main purpose of investigating the relationship between early maladaptive schemas and mental disorder symptoms with burnout among the employees of administration-therapy and health-therapy departments in health entities. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 300 employees have been selected by simple random sampling method. In this study, collecting data tools consisted of Maslach Burnout Questionnaire, Short Form of Young Early Maladaptive Schema and Symptom Checklist-Revised. The multiple regression analysis method has been used in order to determine each forecast variables (mental disorder symptoms) to determine the criterion variables (burnout dimensions). Results: Among the mental disorder symptoms, aggression, emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and aggression and paranoid ideations the method has been able to predict in positive and significant manner the decline in performance. Among the early maladaptive schemas, only impaired autonomy and performance was able to predict the emotional exhaustion. While, based on the results, 33 percent of the scores' variance of the decline in performance belongs to the scores' variance of impaired autonomy and performance and 44 percent are related to scores' variance of impaired autonomy/ performance and area of vigilance/inhibition. Conclusion: The results of this research reveal that schemas of impaired autonomy/performance, vigilance/inhibition, aggression and paranoid thoughts was able to predict the aspects of burnout. © 2017, Cukurova University, Faculty of Medicine. All rights reserved