20 research outputs found

    Mass Mixing, the Fourth Generation, and the Kinematic Higgs Mechanism

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    We describe how to construct chiral fermion mass terms using Dirac-Kahler (DK) spinors. Classical massive DK spinors are shown to be equivalent to four generations of Dirac spinors with equal mass coupled to a background U(2,2) gauge field. Quantization breaks U(2,2) to U(2)xU(2), lifts mass spectrum degeneracy, and generates a non-trivial mass mixing matrix.Comment: 12 pages. No figures. Phys Lett B version. Minor typos fixe

    The Spectrum of the 4-Generation Dirac-Kaehler Extension of the SM

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    We compute the mass spectrum of the fermionic sector of the Dirac-Kaehler extension of the SM (DK-SM) by showing that there exists a Bogoliubov transformation that transforms the DK-SM into a flavor U(4) extension of the SM (SM-4) with a particular choice of masses and mixing textures. Mass relations of the model allow determination of masses of the 4th generation. Tree level prediction for the mass of the 4th charged lepton is 370 GeV. The model selects the normal hierarchy for neutrino masses and reproduces naturally the near tri-bimaximal and quark mixing textures. The electron neutrino and the 4th neutrino masses are related via a see-saw-like mechanism.Comment: 14 pages. Phys Lett B versio

    Strings on pp-waves and massive two dimensional field theories

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    We find a general class of pp-wave solutions of type IIB string theory such that the light cone gauge worldsheet lagrangian is that of an interacting massive field theory. When the light cone Lagrangian has (2,2) supersymmetry we can find backgrounds that lead to arbitrary superpotentials on the worldsheet. We consider situations with both flat and curved transverse spaces. We describe in some detail the background giving rise to the N=2 sine Gordon theory on the worldsheet. Massive mirror symmetry relates it to the deformed CP1CP^1 model (or sausage model) which seems to elude a purely supergravity target space interpretation.Comment: harvmac, 26 pages, v2,3: references added, typos correcte