304 research outputs found

    Activity profile of the CA125 antigen towards human red blood cells

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    Starting from the mucin nature of the CA125 antigen and conditions associated with high serum concentrations, this study is an attempt to gain insight into its activity profile towards human erythrocytes. Carcinomaassociated and pregnancy-associated CA125 antigens were tested in agglutination/aggregation, adhesion and hemolysis assays. The results obtained indicated that CA125 antigens increased agglutination/aggregation and inhibited erythrocyte adhesion, but differed in their effective concentrations. Galectin-1 slightly modulated the effects observed. CA125 antigens had no effect on hemolysis. The activity profile of the CA125 antigen towards erythrocytes may have biomedical consequences in different microenvironments in relevant physiological and pathophysiological conditions

    HPLC analysis of technetium(I)-99m labelled C60(OH)22

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    Fullerenols, water-soluble polihydroxylated fullerenes, are very important kinds of fullerene derivatives because it is suitable for biological study. In order to get convenient substance for studies (in vivo and in vitro) we investigate possibilities of labeling fullerenol. The HPLC results performed by isocratic HPLC, confirmed that hydrophilic organometallic [99mTc(CO)3(H2O)3]+ precursor allows forming of 99mTc(I) complexes with fullerenol.Physical chemistry 2004 : 7th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 21-23 September 200

    Physico-chemical characterization of 90Y-labeled antimony trisulfide colloid and comparison with 99mTc-labeled one

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    In radionuclide therapy, the importance of 90Y as a beta-emitting radionuclide is increasing rapidly. The properties of the 90Y-labeled antimony trisulfide colloid (Sb2S3) were compared with the 99mTc-labeled one. Labeling efficiencies reached >96% and >97% for 90Y- and 99mTc-labeled colloids respectively. Both preparations were stable for 72 h in saline and 1% albumin solution. Filtration analysis showed that more than 94% of total 90Y radioactivity is associated with the colloidal particles smaller than 20 nm, while more than 90% of 99mTc radioactivity is associated with the particles retained on the filter with a 20 nm pore size. 90Y-labeled colloids showed high labeling efficiency, stability and potency for clinical use.Physical chemistry 2008 : 9th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 24-28 September 200

    Influence of different factors on arteriovenous fistula survival in hemodialysis patients

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    Uvod: Arteriovesnka fistula (AVF) se smatra vaskularnim pristupom koji je najsigurniji, najdugotrajniji, ima najmanji broj komplikacija i koji bi trebalo da bude prvi izbor kod svih bolesnika koji započinju hemodijalizu. Uočeno je da bolesnici koji kao vaskularni pristup koriste AVF, imaju najmanji mortalitet u poređenju sa onima koji koriste arteriovenski graft (AVG) ili trajni vaskularni kateter. Istovremeno, uz kardiovaskularni morbiditet, razlozi povezani sa komplikacijama vaskularnih pristupa za hemodijalizu predstavljaju najčešći razlog hospitalizacija ovih bolesnika. Stoga je i ispitivanje faktora koji utiču na preživljavanje AVF kao preporučenog vaskularnog pristupa od izuzetnog značaja. U literaturi je malo podataka koji govore o ulozi faktora endotelne disfunkcije i genskog polimorfizma pojedinih faktora na preživljavanje vaskularnog pristupa. Cilj: Ciljevi istraživanja su bili ispitivanje uticaja vaskularnih kalcifikacija i uticaja polimorfizma gena koji imaju uticaj na endotelnu funkciju na preživljavanje primarnih AVF - (gena za angiotenzin I konvertujući enzim (ACE), matriks-metaloproteinazu 3 (MMP3) i endotelijalnu azot-oksid sintazu (eNOS)). Takođe, ispitivan je uticaj serumskih koncentracija odabranih endotelnih faktora rasta i parametara endotelne disfunkcije kao i uremijskih toksina na preživljavanje primarnih AVF (transforming growth factor beta-TGF-β, platlet derived growth factor-PDGF, endotelin-1-ET1, asimetrični dimetil arginin-ADMA). Materijal i metode: Ispitivanje preživljavanja primarnih AVF sprovedeno je kod bolesnika koji se nalaze na hroničnom programu lečenja hemodijalizama u Kliničkom odeljenju za nefrologiju i metaboliče poremećaje sa dijalizom „Prof. Dr Vasilije Jovanović“, Kliničko-bolničkog Centra Zvezdara u Beogradu duže od 6 meseci. Ukupno je bilo obuhvaćeno 314 bolesnika. Standardni demografski i laboratorijski podaci su dobijeni iz istorija bolesti bolesnika. Za skoriranje vaskularnih kalcifikacija korišćen je Adragao skor čiji rang može biti od 0 do 8. Ovom skoru dodat je i rentgenski određen skor kalcifikacija krvnih sudova regije AVF kojim je analizirano prisustvo kalcifikacija radijalne i ulnarne arterije kao i samog arteriovenskog spoja i rangiran je od 0 do 3...Arteriovenous fistula (AVF) is considered as the safest and longest-running vascular access (VA), which has the lowest number of complications. Therefore, it was recommanded to be the first choice in all patients starting hemodialysis. Also, it is shown that patinets with AVF have the lowest mortality rate comparing with patients using arteriovenous graft (AVG) or thunneled catheter. Besides cardiovascular morbidity, complications related to VA are the main reason for hospitalization of hemodialysis patients. Therefore, the examination of the factors that affect the survival of AVF is of great importance. In the literature, there is little information about the role of factors of endothelial dysfunction and genetic polymorphisms of some factors on the vascular access survival. Aim: Aim of the study was to analyse the influence of vascular calcifiactions on primary AVF survival and to analyse the influence of gene polymorphism related to endothelial function on primary AVF survival: gene for angiotensin I converting enzyme (ACE), gene for matrix-metalloproteinase 3 (MMP3) and gene for endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS). In addition, study included the influence of endothelial growth factors and uremic toxins on primary AVF survival including serum concentrations of transforming growth factor beta-TGF-β, platlet derived growth factor- PDGF, endothelin-1-ET1, asimetric dimetilarginin-ADMA). Matherials and methods: The study about primary AVF survival was conducted in Clinical Department for Nephrology and Metabolic Disorders with Dialysis „Prof. Dr Vasilije Jovanović“, Zvezdara University Medical Center, Belgrade and included 314 patients who were on regular hemodialysis for more than six months. Standard demographic and laboratory data were obtained from the medical records. Adragao method was used for vascular calcification scoring and score ranged from 0 to 8. This score was supplemented with calcification score of AVF accordig to presence of vascular calcification in ulnar and radial artery and region of arterio-venous anastomosis. The calcification score of AVF-region ranged from 0 to 3. Overall calcification score (Adragao score + AVF-region score) ranged from 0 to 11..

    Detection of p53 gene mutation in operable breast cancer patients

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    Uvod: Zbog svoje uloge u očuvanju genomskog integriteta, produkt normalnog p53 gena se često naziva i "čuvar genoma". Pokazano je da u ćeljama gde je p53 izmenjen dolazi do aberantne replikacije DNK, stoje praćeno genomskom nestabilnošću. Gubitak funkcije p53 povezan je ne samo sa nemogućnošću popravke DNK, već i sa apoptozom. Podaci ukazuju da p53 ima kritičnu ulogu u aktiviranju apotoze pri odgovoru na različite vidove hemioterapije u karcinomu dojke. Cilj ovog rada bio je da se utvrdi da li p53 mutacije utiču na odgovor na hemioterapiju i da li p53 mutacije mogu dati informaciju o prognozi bolesnica sa karcinomom dojke. Bolesnice i metode. U rad je bilo uključeno 100 bolesnica, od toga 70 sa metastazama u regionalnim limfnim čvorovima i 30 bolesnica bez metastaza u regionalnim limfnim čvorovima. Sve osim jedne bolesnice sa metastazama u limfnim čvorovima su primile adjuvantnu hemioterapiju. 65/70 bolesnica je primilo CMF (ciklofosfamid, metotreksat, 5-fluorouracil) po modifikovanom intravenoznom protokolu, i 5/70 je primilo FAC (5-fluorouracil, adriablastin, ciklofosfamid). Bolesnice su praćene u intervalu 6-127 meseci, medijana 48 meseci. DNK je izolovana fenolskom ekstrakcijom iz uzoraka rutinski prikupljanih za odredjivanje receptora za steroidne hormone. Specifični DNK regioni p53 gena koji odgovaraju eksonima 5-8, umnoženi su lančanom reakcijom polimeraze (PCR). Detekcija mutacija izvršena je SSCP (konformacioni polimorfizam jednolančane DNK) elektroforezom. Gelovi su bojeni srebrom. Amplifikacija c-myc gena odredjena je diferenijalnim PCR-om. Receptori za steroidne hormone odredjivani su biohemijskom saturacionom metodom sa aktivnim ugljem. Hi-kvadrat i Fisher-ov egzaktni test, kao i Kaplan-Meir-ov i Log-Rank test su korišćeni za statističku obradu podataka. Rezultati: p53 mutacije detektovane su kod 21/100 bolesnica. Ukupno je pronadjeno 25 mutacija (po dve mutacije detektovane su kod 4 bolesnice), i njihova raspodela po ispitivanim eksonima nije bila jednaka: 10 u eksonu 5, 6 u eksonu 6, 8 u eksonu 7 i samo jedna mutacija u eksonu 8. Učestalost p53 mutacija bila je znatno viša kod bolesnica sa metastazama u limfnim čvorovima u odnosu na bolesnice bez metastaza u limfnim čvorovima. p53 mutacije bile su predominantno locirane kod bolesnica sa invazivnim duktalnim tipom karcinoma dojke. S obzirom da je kod bolesnica bez metastaza u regionalnim limfnim čvorovima pronadjena samo jedna mutacija, korelacija izmedju detektovanih mutacija i klničkog toka bolesti analizirana je samo kod bolesnica sa metastazama u limfnim čvorovima. Od ovih bolesnica, 32/70 je imalo ponovno javljanje bolesti (relaps). U prvih 24 meseci praćenja, bolesnice sa p53 mutacijama su imale značajno kraći period do ponovnog javljanja bolesti (DFI), u odnosu na bolesnice bez p53 mutacija. Takodje, u grupi bolesnica sa relapsom pokazan je značajno kraći period do progresije bolesti (PFI) kod bolesnica sa p53 mutacijama u odnosu na bolesnice bez mutacija. U odnosu na ukupno preživljavanje (OS), značajno kraće preživljavanje zabeleženo je kod bolesnica sa p53 i/ili c-myc alteracijama u odnosu na bolesnice bez detektovanih genskih alteracija. Zaključak: Pojava ranog relapsa kod bolesnica sa p53 mutacijama koje su primile hemioterapiju, ukazuje na prediktivni značaj p53. Rezultati dobijeni za OS, ističu značaj istovremenog odredjivanja alteracija više gena u nastojanju da se definiše molekularni profil svakog tumora, što za krajnji cilj ima individualni terapijski pristup.Background: the main function of normal p53 gene product is to preserve genome integrity by acting as the "guardian of the genome". It has been shown that in p5 3-defective cells DNA aberrant replication is followed by genome instability. Loss of p53 function seems to be connected not only with abrogation of DNA reapair, but also with abrogation of apoptosis. The evidence indicates that p53 play a critical role in implementing apoptosis in response to treatment with different chemotherapeutics in breast cancer. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether tumor's p53 mutations affect response to chemotherapy, and whether p53 mutations provide prognostic information for breast cancer patients. Patients and methods: 100 breast cancer patients, among 70 lymph node-positive and 30 lymph node-negative were included. All except one node-positive patients underwent chemotherapy as adjuvant treatment. 65/70 patients received CMF (cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, 5-fluorouracil) modified intravenous protocol, and 5/70 FAC (5-flurouracil, adriablastine, cyclophosphamide) protocol. The patients were followed-up from 6 to 127, median 48 months. DNA was isolated by phenol extraction from samples routinely collected for steroid receptor determinations. Specific DNA regions corresponding to exons 5-8 were amplified by polimerase chain reaction (PCR). Detection of mutations was done by single stranded conformation polymorphism - SSCP - electrophoresis. Gels were silver stained. C-myc amplification was detected by differential PCR. Steroid receptors were measured by five- point dextrane coated charcoal (DCC) assay. Chi-square and Fisher exact test, as well as Kaplan-Meir and Log-Rank tests were used for statistical evaluation. Results: p53 mutations were detected in 21/100 patients. Totally 25 mutations were found (in 4 patients double mutations were detected). They were not equally spread within examined exons - 10 in exon 5, 6 in exon 6, 8 in exon 7 and only one mutation in exon 8. The incidence of p53 mutations was significantly higher in lymph node-positive than in lyph node-negative patients. Further, p53 mutations were predominantly located in invasive ductal histological type. Since the node-negative patients only one mutation was found, the correlation between detected mutations and the course of disease was examined in lymph node-positive group of patients. Among them, 32/70 patients developed relapse of disease. In the first 24 months of follow-up, patients with p53 mutations had significantly shorter disease free interval (DFI), than the patients without p53 mutations. Also, significantly shorter progression free interval (PFI) in relapsed patients with p53 mutations than in relapsed patients without p53 mutation was found. Concerning overall survival (OS), significantly shorter OS was found in the patients with p53 and/or c-myc gene alterations than in the patients without gene alterations. Conclusion: In conclusion, occurrence of early relapse in chemotherapy treated patients with p53 mutations, supports data about p53 predictive value. The results obtained for OS indicate importance of simultaneous screening for multiple gene alterations in attempt to define specific tumor molecular profile, finally resulting with individual therapeutic approach

    Receptive speech in early implanted children later diagnosed with autism

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    Introduction: Incidence of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is rising through the years with estimated 1 in 68 in the US in 2014. This incidence is also rising in the population of congenitally deaf children. Favorable outcome after early cochlear implantation is expected due to plasticity and reorganization capacity of brain in infants and toddlers, but outcomes could be significantly modified in children with diagnosed ASD. Current methods of screening for autism have difficulties in establishing diagnosis in children who have both autism and other developmental delays, especially at such an early age. The aim of the study was to assess the development of auditory perception and speech intelligibility in implanted children with profound congenital hearing loss who were diagnosed with ASD comparing to those who were typically developing. Material and methods: Fourteen children underwent cochlear implantation; four were later diagnosed with ASD and ten were typically developing. All children underwent intensive postoperative speech and hearing therapy. The development of auditory perception and speech intelligibility was assessed using the Categories of Auditory Performance (CAP) and the Speech Intelligibility Rating (SIR) during the 5-years follow-up. Results: In children later diagnosed with ASD, auditory processing developed slowly. Depending on the individual capabilities, by the age of six they could identify environmental sounds or discriminate speech sounds. Speech Intelligibility in children with ASD was at best rated as category 2, with very little or no progress up to the age of six, despite extensive speech and language therapy. Communication skills were strongly affected by a degree of autistic features expression. Conclusion: Preoperative psychological assessment in congenitally deaf infants should be expanded by the use of validated instruments for early detection of autism. The possibility of developing ASD should be kept in mind by all professionals involved in programs for cochlear implantation

    Factors affecting labelling yield of 111In-DTPA-BSA

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    Radiolabelling of antibodies depends on a number of factors including the chemical characteristics of the nuclide and the techniques employed for its incorporation into protein. For preliminary research we used model system and investigate the influence of different factors affecting labelling. Obtained results were successfully used for further radiolabelling of antibodies with different trivalent metals.Physical chemistry 2006 : 8th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 26-29 September 200

    99mTc-hexakis-(2-metoxy-isobutyl-isonitrile) ( 99mTc-MIBI) a new myocardial imaging agent: synthesis of MIBI, optimising conditions for radiolabelling with 99mTc at high radiochemical purity and in vivo behavior

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    99mTc-MIBI is a promising radiopharmaceutical for myocardial perfusion imaging agent, but it has also shown good results in identifying several types of tumors, such as breast, lung and thyroid cancers. It is a lipophilic, cationic technetium (1) complex. In this paper a complete study on the synthesis of 2-metohy-isobutyl-isonitrile (MIBI) as well as a formulation of a lyophilized kit for labeling with 99mTc is presented. Investigation on effective factors as well as finding out the optimum parameters to obtain the highest labelling efficiency and radiochemical purity of 99mTc-MIBI complex were performed. The radiochemical purity of the labelled preparation was high (>95%). Biodistribution study performed in health male Wistar rats showed satisfactory biokinetics results. 99mTc-MIBI was accumulated in sufficient amount into the hearth tissue for myocardial perfusion imaging. MIBI in kit formulation was found to be stable and also safe for administration.Physical chemistry 2006 : 8th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 26-29 September 200

    Carcass characteristics and meat quality of broilers fed on earthworm (Lumbricus rubellus) meal

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    ΔΕΝ ΔΙΑΤΙΘΕΤΑΙ ΠΕΡΙΛΗΨΗThe aim of the research was to evaluate the carcass characteristics and meat quality from chickens fed on diets in which fish meal was substituted with raw earthworms (Lumbricus rubellus) or earthworm meal. In the trial which lasted 42-days, 100 one-day-old Hybro broilers were divided into the control and three experimental groups. The control group was fed on standard broiler feed, the first (E-I) and the second experimental groups (E-II) were fed a diet in which 50% or 100% of fish meal was substituted with earthworm meal, respectively, whilst the third group (E-III) consumed feed without fish meal, but was given raw chopped earthworms ad libitum from day 1 to day 42. The replacement of fish meal with fresh earthworms resulted in significantly lower carcass weights in the E-III group in comparison with the control group (p<0.05). The differences in drumstick, thigh and breast meat share relative to the carcass mass were not significant (p>0.05). The lowest fat content in thigh and breast meat was in the group in which fish meal was replaced with earthworm meal. The lightness (L*) of thigh and breast meat was highest in the broilers fed fresh earthworms ad libitum. No significant differences in pH value were detected between the experimental groups (p>0.05). The most consumer acceptable were drumstick samples from E-II group and the least acceptable samples from the control group. Earthworm meal may be considered an adequate substitute for fish meal in broiler chickens’ diet since it does not impair the production performance, carcass yield and meat quality