675 research outputs found

    Trading-off payments and accuracy in online classification with paid stochastic experts

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    We investigate online classification with paid stochastic experts. Here, before making their prediction, each expert must be paid. The amount that we pay each expert directly influences the accuracy of their prediction through some unknown Lipschitz “productivity” function. In each round, the learner must decide how much to pay each expert and then make a prediction. They incur a cost equal to a weighted sum of the prediction error and upfront payments for all experts. We introduce an online learning algorithm whose total cost after T rounds exceeds that of a predictor which knows the productivity of all experts in advance by at most O(K2(lnT)T−−√) where K is the number of experts. In order to achieve this result, we combine Lipschitz bandits and online classification with surrogate losses. These tools allow us to improve upon the bound of order T2/3 one would obtain in the standard Lipschitz bandit setting. Our algorithm is empirically evaluated on synthetic data

    Medical educators’ beliefs about teaching, learning, and knowledge: development of a new framework

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    Background: The educational beliefs of medical educators influence their teaching practices. Insight into these beliefs is important for medical schools to improve the quality of education they provide students and to guide faculty development. Several studies in the field of higher education have explored the educational beliefs of educators, resulting in classifications that provide a structural basis for diverse beliefs. However, few classification studies have been conducted in the field of medical education. We propose a framework that describes faculty beliefs about teaching, learning, and knowledge which is specifically adapted to the medical education context. The proposed framework describes a matrix in which educational beliefs are organised two dimensionally into belief orientations and belief dimensions. The belief orientations range from teaching-centred to learning-centred; the belief dimensions represent qualitatively distinct aspects of beliefs, such as ‘desired learning outcomes’ and ‘students’ motivation’.Methods: We conducted in-depth semi-structured interviews with 26 faculty members, all of whom were deeply involved in teaching, from two prominent medical schools. We used the original framework of Samuelowicz and Bain as a starting point for context-specific adaptation. The qualitative analysis consisted of relating relevant interview fragments to the Samuelowicz and Bain framework, while remaining open to potentially new beliefs identified during the interviews. A range of strategies were employed to ensure the quality of the results.Results: We identified a new belief dimension and adapted or refined other dimensions to apply in the context of medical education. The belief orientations that have counterparts in the original Samuelowicz and Bain framework are described more precisely in the new framework. The new framework sharpens the boundary between teaching-centred and learning-centred belief orientations.Conclusions: Our findings confirm the relevance of the structure of the original Samuelowicz and Bain beliefs framework. However, multiple adaptations and refinements were necessary to align the framework to the context of medical education. The refined belief dimensions and belief orientations enable a comprehensive description of the educational beliefs of medical educators. With these adaptations, the new framework provides a contemporary instrument to improve medical education and potentially assist in faculty development of medical educators.Teaching and Teacher Learning (ICLON

    О финансово-экономическом кризисе

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    У статті для визначення позиції молодих учених, стосовно фінансово-економічної кризи 2008–2010 р. використаний метод нечіткої кластеризації даних, що працює в режимі паралельної їхньої обробки. Наведено заходи щодо зниження наслідків кризи для України.В статье для определения позиции молодых ученых, применительно к финансово-экономическому кризису 2008—2010 гг. использован метод нечеткой кластеризации данных, который работает в режиме параллельной их обработки. Приведены мероприятия по снижению последствий кризиса для Украины.In an article for determining the position of young scientists, in relation to financial and economic crisis, 2008— 2010. used the method of fuzzy clustering, which operates in parallel processing. Shows the measures to reduce the impact of the crisis in Ukraine

    Maturing through awareness: an exploratory study into the development of educational competencies, identity, and mission of medical educators

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    PurposeFaculty development in learning-centred medical education aims to help faculty mature into facilitators of student learning, but it is often ineffective. It is unclear how to support educators’ maturation sustainably. We explored how and why medical educators working in learning-centred education, more commonly referred to as student-centred education, mature over time.MethodsWe performed a qualitative follow-up study and interviewed 21 senior physician-educators at two times, ten years apart. A hierarchical model, distinguishing four educator phenotypes, was employed to deductively examine educators’ awareness of the workplace context, their educational competencies, identity, and ‘mission,’ i.e. their source of personal inspiration. Those educators who grew in awareness, as measured by advancing in educator phenotype, were re-interviewed to inductively explore factors they perceived to have guided their maturation.ResultsA minority of the medical educators grew in awareness of their educational qualities over the 10-year study period. Regression in awareness did not occur. Maturation as an educator was perceived to be linked to maturation as a physician and to engaging in primarily informal learning opportunities.ConclusionsMaturation of medical educators can take place, but is not guaranteed, and appears to proceed through a growth in awareness of, successively, educational competencies, identity, and mission. At all stages, maturation is motivated by the task, identity, and mission as a physician.Public Health and primary carePrevention, Population and Disease management (PrePoD

    Making big steps in trajectories

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    We consider the solution of initial value problems within the context of hybrid systems and emphasise the use of high precision approximations (in software for exact real arithmetic). We propose a novel algorithm for the computation of trajectories up to the area where discontinuous jumps appear, applicable for holomorphic flow functions. Examples with a prototypical implementation illustrate that the algorithm might provide results with higher precision than well-known ODE solvers at a similar computation time

    Hofstadter butterflies of carbon nanotubes: Pseudofractality of the magnetoelectronic spectrum

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    The electronic spectrum of a two-dimensional square lattice in a perpendicular magnetic field has become known as the Hofstadter butterfly [Hofstadter, Phys. Rev. B 14, 2239 (1976).]. We have calculated quasi-one-dimensional analogs of the Hofstadter butterfly for carbon nanotubes (CNTs). For the case of single-wall CNTs, it is straightforward to implement magnetic fields parallel to the tube axis by means of zone folding in the graphene reciprocal lattice. We have also studied perpendicular magnetic fields which, in contrast to the parallel case, lead to a much richer, pseudofractal spectrum. Moreover, we have investigated magnetic fields piercing double-wall CNTs and found strong signatures of interwall interaction in the resulting Hofstadter butterfly spectrum, which can be understood with the help of a minimal model. Ubiquitous to all perpendicular magnetic field spectra is the presence of cusp catastrophes at specific values of energy and magnetic field. Resolving the density of states along the tube circumference allows recognition of the snake states already predicted for nonuniform magnetic fields in the two-dimensional electron gas. An analytic model of the magnetic spectrum of electrons on a cylindrical surface is used to explain some of the results.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures update to published versio