1,279 research outputs found

    Superpotentials for M-theory on a G_2 holonomy manifold and Triality symmetry

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    For MM-theory on the G2G_2 holonomy manifold given by the cone on {\bf S^3}\x {\bf S^3} we consider the superpotential generated by membrane instantons and study its transformations properties, especially under monodromy transformations and triality symmetry. We find that the latter symmetry is, essentially, even a symmetry of the superpotential. As in Seiberg/Witten theory, where a flat bundle given by the periods of an universal elliptic curve over the uu-plane occurs, here a flat bundle related to the Heisenberg group appears and the relevant universal object over the moduli space is related to hyperbolic geometry.Comment: 58 pages, latex; references adde

    FDG–PET. A possible prognostic factor in head and neck cancer

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    Previous studies have shown that high uptake of 18F-fluoro-2-deoxy-glucose in head and neck cancer, as determined by the standardized uptake value on positron emission tomography scan, was associated with poor survival. The aim of this study was to confirm the association and to establish whether a high standardized uptake value had prognostic significance. Seventy-three consecutive patients with newly diagnosed squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck underwent a positron emission tomography study before treatment. Age, gender, performance status tumour grade, stage, maximal tumour diameter and standardized uptake value were analyzed for their possible association with survival. The median standardized uptake value for all primary tumours was 7.16 (90% range 2.30 to 18.60). In univariate survival analysis the cumulative survival was decreased as the stage, tumour diameter and standardized uptake value increased. An standardized uptake value of 10 was taken as a cut-off for high and low uptake tumours. When these two groups were compared, an standardized uptake value >10 predicted for significantly worse outcome (P=0.003). Multivariate analysis demonstrated that an standardized uptake value >10 provided prognostic information independent of the tumour stage and diameter (P=0.002). We conclude that high FDG uptake (standardized uptake value>10) on positron emission tomography is an important marker for poor outcome in primary squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck. Standardized uptake value may be useful in distinguishing those tumours with a more aggressive biological nature and hence identifying patients that require intensive treatment protocols including hyperfractionated radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy

    Promoter analysis by saturation mutagenesis

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    Gene expression and regulation are mediated by DNA sequences, in most instances, directly upstream to the coding sequences by recruiting transcription factors, regulators, and a RNA polymerase in a spatially defined fashion. Few nucleotides within a promoter make contact with the bound proteins. The minimal set of nucleotides that can recruit a protein factor is called a cis-acting element. This article addresses a powerful mutagenesis strategy that can be employed to define cis-acting elements at a molecular level. Technical details including primer design, saturation mutagenesis, construction of promoter libraries, phenotypic analysis, data analysis, and interpretation are discussed

    The Chandra Source Catalog

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    The Chandra Source Catalog (CSC) is a general purpose virtual X-ray astrophysics facility that provides access to a carefully selected set of generally useful quantities for individual X-ray sources, and is designed to satisfy the needs of a broad-based group of scientists, including those who may be less familiar with astronomical data analysis in the X-ray regime. The first release of the CSC includes information about 94,676 distinct X-ray sources detected in a subset of public ACIS imaging observations from roughly the first eight years of the Chandra mission. This release of the catalog includes point and compact sources with observed spatial extents <~ 30''. The catalog (1) provides access to the best estimates of the X-ray source properties for detected sources, with good scientific fidelity, and directly supports scientific analysis using the individual source data; (2) facilitates analysis of a wide range of statistical properties for classes of X-ray sources; and (3) provides efficient access to calibrated observational data and ancillary data products for individual X-ray sources, so that users can perform detailed further analysis using existing tools. The catalog includes real X-ray sources detected with flux estimates that are at least 3 times their estimated 1 sigma uncertainties in at least one energy band, while maintaining the number of spurious sources at a level of <~ 1 false source per field for a 100 ks observation. For each detected source, the CSC provides commonly tabulated quantities, including source position, extent, multi-band fluxes, hardness ratios, and variability statistics, derived from the observations in which the source is detected. In addition to these traditional catalog elements, for each X-ray source the CSC includes an extensive set of file-based data products that can be manipulated interactively.Comment: To appear in The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 53 pages, 27 figure

    The class of the locus of intermediate Jacobians of cubic threefolds

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    We study the locus of intermediate Jacobians of cubic threefolds within the moduli space of complex principally polarized abelian fivefolds, and its generalization to arbitrary genus - the locus of abelian varieties with a singular odd two-torsion point on the theta divisor. Assuming that this locus has expected codimension (which we show to be true for genus up to 5), we compute the class of this locus, and of is closure in the perfect cone toroidal compactification, in the Chow, homology, and the tautological ring. We work out the cases of genus up to 5 in detail, obtaining explicit expressions for the classes of the closures of the locus of products of an elliptic curve and a hyperelliptic genus 3 curve, in moduli of principally polarized abelian fourfolds, and of the locus of intermediate Jacobians in genus 5. In the course of our computation we also deal with various intersections of boundary divisors of a level toroidal compactification, which is of independent interest in understanding the cohomology and Chow rings of the moduli spaces.Comment: v2: new section 9 on the geometry of the boundary of the locus of intermediate Jacobians of cubic threefolds. Final version to appear in Invent. Mat

    Incompressible magnetohydrodynamic modes in the thin magnetically twisted flux tube

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    Context. Observations have shown that twisted magnetic fields naturally occur, and indeed are omnipresent in the Sun’s atmosphere. It is therefore of great theoretical interest in solar atmospheric waves research to investigate the types of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) wave modes that can propagate along twisted magnetic flux tubes. Aims. Within the framework of ideal MHD, the main aim of this work is to investigate small amplitude incompressible wave modes of twisted magnetic flux tubes with m ≄ 1. The axial magnetic field strength inside and outside the tube will be allowed to vary, to ensure the results will not be restricted to only cold plasma equilibria conditions. Methods. The dispersion equation for these incompressible linear MHD wave modes was derived analytically by implementing the long wavelength approximation. Results. It is shown, in the long wavelength limit, that both the frequency and radial velocity profile of the m = 1 kink mode are completely unaffected by the choice of internal background magnetic twist. However, fluting modes with m ≄ 2 are sensitive to the particular radial profile of magnetic twist chosen. Furthermore, due to background twist, a low frequency cut-off is introduced for fluting modes that is not present for kink modes. From an observational point of view, although magnetic twist does not affect the propagation of long wavelength kink modes, for fluting modes it will either work for or against the propagation, depending on the direction of wave travel relative to the sign of the background twist
