143 research outputs found

    Perancangan dan Realisasi Sistem Kendali Lampu, Air Conditionerer Berbasis Android

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    In a house or building of course there is a room that will be filled in some facilities such as lights, air conditioners, and of course the door. This room is used to rest when it's tired to work all day, or used for other things that use a room. With the development of technology to date, of course these technologies increasingly pamper people in this world. When I was lying on the mattress, there must be a sense of laziness to move from the mattress when it wants to turn on the air conditioner, and even the lights that exist in the bedroom. For example when someone wants to sleep sometimes there is a sense of lazy just to turn off the lights (for people who prefer to sleep in the condition of the room without any lighting) or install a sleeping light that makes the bedroom is not too dark and also if there is someone who wants to go into the room of course there is a sense of laziness to unlock the door of the room, and there is also a door as a means to get in and out of the room itself. Therefore, a system is needed to control the lamp, air conditioner, and door lock by using a control device. This control device is an Android-based mobile phone and uses bluetooth connection. Users can turn on or off the existing lights in the bedroom and can adjust the brightness of the lights to be adjusted for people who want to sleep under what conditions in the room, other than that the user can also turn on or turn off the AC when it is outside the bedroom and can also open or lock the door lock.Dalam sebuah rumah atau bangunan tentunya ada ruangan yang nantinya akan di isikan beberapa fasilitas seperti lampu, air conditioner, dan tentunya pintu. Ruangan ini biasa digunakan untuk beristirahat ketika sudah lelah bekerja seharian, atau digunakan untuk hal-hal lain yang menggunakan sebuah ruangan. Dengan berkembangnya teknologi hingga saat ini, tentunya teknologi-teknologi ini semakin memanjakan manusia di dunia ini. Ketika sudah berbaring di kasur, pasti ada rasa malas untuk beranjak dari kasur padahal ingin sekali untuk menyalakan air conditioner, mau pun lampu yang ada di dalam kamar tidur. Misalnya ketika seseorang ingin tidur kadang ada rasa malas hanya untuk mematikan lampu (bagi orang yang lebih suka tidur dalam kondisi ruangan tanpa ada pencahayaan) atau memasang lampu tidur yang membuat kamar tidur tidak terlalu gelap dan juga bila ada seseorang yang ingin masuk ke dalam kamar tentunya ada rasa malas untuk membuka kunci pintu kamar., dan juga terdapat pintu sebagai sarana untuk keluar masuk dari ruangan itu sendiri. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan sistem untuk mengendalikan lampu, air conditioner, dan kunci pintu itu dengan menggunakan sebuah alat kendali. Alat kendali ini berupa handphone berbasis Android dan menggunakan koneksi bluetooth. Pengguna dapat menyalakan atau mematikan lampu yang ada di dalam kamar tidur serta dapat mengatur brightness dari lampu itu untuk dapat disesuaikan bagi orang yang ingin tidur dalam kondisi seperti apa pada kamar itu, selain itu pengguna juga dapat menyalakan atau mematikan AC apabila sedang di luar kamar tidur dan juga dapat membuka atau mengunci kunci pintu

    Sistem Pendeteksi Asap Rokok di Ruang Kampus

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    The device that designed by writer is smoke sensor device that use smoke sensor. System is controlled by microcontroller that purposed to take conversion result data from analog voltage which made by smoke sensor that converted to the digital data. The data send through microcontroller using DTMF wave to receive at monitoring room in DTMF wave shape, the receive wave will be sent to the PC and receive by Visual Basic program. The final result from this project can be use on the screen from the computer PC, the result is an voltage number detection with the sensor. If the score showing with the cigarette smoke sensor higher than limited score cigarette smoke than alarm will be work

    Karakteristik Spondilitis Tuberculosis di Rsup NTB Januari - Desember 2012

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh karakteristik spondilitis tuberculosis di RSUP NTB selama tahun 2012. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan desain penelitian observasional yang diambil dari data rekam medik dengan klasifikasi diagnosis menurut ICD 10 A18.10 (tuberculosis of the spine). Sepanjang tahun 2012 terdapat 19 kasus spondilitis tuberculosis (8 perempuan, 11 laki-laki). Rentang usia dimulai dari usia 9-60 tahun. Seluruh subyek memiliki penyakit/gejala penyerta: TB paru (4/19), anemia (2/19), gizi buruk (3/19), sepsis (1/19), meningoensefalitis (1/19), fraktur kompresi vertebra (8/19). Tindakan operasi laminektomi dilakukan pada 15 subyek dan dilanjutkan pemberian obat anti tuberculosis. Kasus didominasi oleh laki-laki. Seluruh kasus spondylitis TB di NTB memiliki penyakit penyerta dengan kasus tertinggi fraktur kompresi vertebra. Sebagian besar kasus (15/19) memerlukan tindakan laminektomi

    Short-term effect of kinesiology taping on pain, functional disability and lumbar proprioception in individuals with nonspecific chronic low back pain: a double-blinded, randomized trial

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    Background: This study aimed to evaluate the effect of kinesiology taping (KT) on lumbar proprioception, pain, and functional disability in individuals with nonspecific chronic low back pain (CLBP). Methods: Thirty individuals with nonspecific CLBP participated in this double-blinded, randomized clinical trial from July 2017 to September 2018. The participants were randomized into two groups: KT (n = 15) and placebo group (n = 15). KT was applied with 15�25 tension for 72 h, and placebo taping was used without tension. Lumbar repositioning error was measured by a bubble inclinometer at three different angles (45° and 60° flexion, and 15° extension) in upright standing. Pain and disability were assessed by the Short-Form McGill Pain Questionnaire and Oswestry Disability Index, respectively. All measurements were recorded at baseline and 3 days after taping. Results: Pain and disability scores reduced 3 days after taping in the KT group with large effect sizes (p 0.05). Also, only constant error of 15° extension showed a moderate correlation with disability (r = 0.39, p = 0.02). Conclusion: KT can decrease pain and disability scores after 3 days of application. Although placebo taping can reduce pain, the effect of KT is higher than placebo taping. The findings do not support the therapeutic effect of KT and placebo taping as a tool to enhance lumbar proprioception in patients with nonspecific CLBP. Trial registration: The study prospectively registered on 21.05.2018 at the Iranian Registry of Clinical Trials: IRCT20090301001722N20. © 2020, The Author(s)

    Electric resistivity of organic conductor K-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu2(CN)3

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    U ovom radu su proučavana svojstva električne otpornosti u temperaturnom rasponu od ~300K (sobne temperature) do ~20K (do kuda je dostupna aparatura davala pouzdane rezultate), organskog kristala κ-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu2(CN)3. Na temelju provedenih mjerenja ispitana su slaganja rezultata mjerenja s teorijom, odnosno s Arrheniusovim zakonom i teorijom preskoka promjenjivog dosega. U metodičkom dijelu rada predstavljen je jedan način kako bi se mogao održati istraživački tip nastave na temu električnog otpora u srednoj školi sa četverogodišnjim programom fizike.The subject of this study is electric resistivity in temperature range from ~300K (room temperature) to ~20K (temperature at which available apparatus was giving reliable results), organic crystal κ-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu2(CN)3. The study examines connection between measured results and the theory, respectively with Arrhenius law and theory of variable range hopping. Educational part shows an exploratory teaching method how to present electric resistance in high school within four year program of physics

    Preparation and Instability of Nanocrystalline Cuprous Nitride

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    Low-dimensional cuprous nitride (Cu3N) was synthesized by nitridation (ammonolysis) of cuprous oxide (Cu2O) nanocrystals using either ammonia (NH3) or urea (H2NCONH2) as the nitrogen source. The resulting nanocrystalline Cu3N spontaneously decomposes to nanocrystalline CuO in the presence of both water and oxygen from air at room temperature. Ammonia was produced in 60% chemical yield during Cu3N decomposition, as measured using the colorimetric indophenol method. Because Cu3N decomposition requires H2O and produces substoichiometric amounts of NH3\u3e, we conclude that this reaction proceeds through a complex stoichiometry that involves the concomitant release of both N2 and NH3. This is a thermodynamically unfavorable outcome, strongly indicating that H2O (and thus NH3 production) facilitate the kinetics of the reaction by lowering the energy barrier for Cu3N decomposition. The three different Cu2O, Cu3N, and CuO nanocrystalline phases were characterized by a combination of optical absorption, powder X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, and electronic density of states obtained from electronic structure calculations on the bulk solids. The relative ease of interconversion between these interesting and inexpensive materials bears possible implications for catalytic and optoelectronic applications

    Megahertz pulse trains enable multi-hit serial femtosecond crystallography experiments at X-ray free electron lasers

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    The European X-ray Free Electron Laser (XFEL) and Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) II are extremely intense sources of X-rays capable of generating Serial Femtosecond Crystallography (SFX) data at megahertz (MHz) repetition rates. Previous work has shown that it is possible to use consecutive X-ray pulses to collect diffraction patterns from individual crystals. Here, we exploit the MHz pulse structure of the European XFEL to obtain two complete datasets from the same lysozyme crystal, first hit and the second hit, before it exits the beam. The two datasets, separated by <1 µs, yield up to 2.1 Å resolution structures. Comparisons between the two structures reveal no indications of radiation damage or significant changes within the active site, consistent with the calculated dose estimates. This demonstrates MHz SFX can be used as a tool for tracking sub-microsecond structural changes in individual single crystals, a technique we refer to as multi-hit SFX