288 research outputs found

    Solution of a class of one-dimensional reaction-diffusion models in disordered media

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    We study a one-dimensional class of reaction-diffusion models on a 1010-parameters manifold. The equations of motion of the correlation functions close on this manifold. We compute exactly the long-time behaviour of the density and correlation functions for {\it quenched} disordered systems. The {\it quenched} disorder consists of disconnected domains of reaction. We first consider the case where the disorder comprizes a superposition, with different probabilistic weights, of finite segments, with {\it periodic boundary conditions}. We then pass to the case of finite segments with {\it open boundary conditions}: we solve the ordered dynamics on a open lattice with help of the Dynamical Matrix Ansatz (DMA) and investigate further its disordered version.Comment: 11 pages, no figures. To appear in Phys.Rev.

    Exact multipoint and multitime correlation functions of a one-dimensional model of adsorption and evaporation of dimers

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    In this work, we provide a method which allows to compute exactly the multipoint and multi-time correlation functions of a one-dimensional stochastic model of dimer adsorption-evaporation with random (uncorrelated) initial states. In particular explicit expressions of the two-point noninstantaneous/instantaneous correlation functions are obtained. The long-time behavior of these expressions is discussed in details and in various physical regimes.Comment: 6 pages, no figur

    Generating Entangled Microwave Radiation Over Two Transmission Lines

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    Using a superconducting circuit, the Josephson mixer, we demonstrate the first experimental realization of spatially separated two-mode squeezed states of microwave light. Driven by a pump tone, a first Josephson mixer generates, out of quantum vacuum, a pair of entangled fields at different frequencies on separate transmission lines. A second mixer, driven by a π\pi-phase shifted copy of the first pump tone, recombines and disentangles the two fields. The resulting output noise level is measured to be lower than for vacuum state at the input of the second mixer, an unambiguous proof of entanglement. Moreover, the output noise level provides a direct, quantitative measure of entanglement, leading here to the demonstration of 6 Mebit.s1^{-1} (Mega entangled bits per second) generated by the first mixer.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. Supplementary Information can be found here as an ancillary fil

    Quantum computing with spatially delocalized qubits

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    We analyze the operation of quantum gates for neutral atoms with qubits that are delocalized in space, i.e., the computational basis states are defined by the presence of a neutral atom in the ground state of one out of two trapping potentials. The implementation of single qubit gates as well as a controlled phase gate between two qubits is discussed and explicit calculations are presented for rubidium atoms in optical microtraps. Furthermore, we show how multi-qubit highly entangled states can be created in this scheme.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Non-universal dynamics of dimer growing interfaces

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    A finite temperature version of body-centered solid-on-solid growth models involving attachment and detachment of dimers is discussed in 1+1 dimensions. The dynamic exponent of the growing interface is studied numerically via the spectrum gap of the underlying evolution operator. The finite size scaling of the latter is found to be affected by a standard surface tension term on which the growth rates depend. This non-universal aspect is also corroborated by the growth behavior observed in large scale simulations. By contrast, the roughening exponent remains robust over wide temperature ranges.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures. v2 with some slight correction

    Bose-Einstein Condensates in Optical Quasicrystal Lattices

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    We analyze the physics of Bose-Einstein condensates confined in 2D quasi-periodic optical lattices, which offer an intermediate situation between ordered and disordered systems. First, we analyze the time-of-flight interference pattern that reveals quasi-periodic long-range order. Second, we demonstrate localization effects associated with quasi-disorder as well as quasiperiodic Bloch oscillations associated with the extended nature of the wavefunction of a Bose-Einstein condensate in an optical quasicrystal. In addition, we discuss in detail the crossover between diffusive and localized regimes when the quasi-periodic potential is switched on, as well as the effects of interactions

    Smoothing effect and delocalization of interacting Bose-Einstein condensates in random potentials

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    We theoretically investigate the physics of interacting Bose-Einstein condensates at equilibrium in a weak (possibly random) potential. We develop a perturbation approach to derive the condensate wavefunction for an amplitude of the potential smaller than the chemical potential of the condensate and for an arbitrary spatial variation scale of the potential. Applying this theory to disordered potentials, we find in particular that, if the healing length is smaller than the correlation length of the disorder, the condensate assumes a delocalized Thomas-Fermi profile. In the opposite situation where the correlation length is smaller than the healing length, we show that the random potential can be significantly smoothed and, in the meanfield regime, the condensate wavefunction can remain delocalized, even for very small correlation lengths of the disorder.Comment: The word "screening" has been changed to "smoothing" to avoid confusions with other effects discussed in the literature. This does not affect the content of paper, nor the results, nor the physical discussio

    Quantum approach to nucleation times of kinetic Ising ferromagnets

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    Low temperature dynamics of Ising ferromagnets under finite magnetic fields are studied in terms of quantum spin representations of stochastic evolution operators. These are constructed for the Glauber dynamic as well as for a modification of this latter, introduced by K. Park {\it et al.} in Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 92}, 015701 (2004). In both cases the relaxation time after a field quench is evaluated both numerically and analytically using the spectrum gap of the corresponding operators. The numerical work employs standard recursive techniques following a symmetrization of the evolution operator accomplished by a non-unitary spin rotation. The analytical approach uses low temperature limits to identify dominant terms in the eigenvalue problem. It is argued that the relaxation times already provide a measure of actual nucleation lifetimes under finite fields. The approach is applied to square, triangular and honeycomb lattices.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure

    Systemic and sex-biased regulation of OBP expression under semiochemical stimuli.

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    Abstract Constitutive expression of Odorant-Binding Proteins (OBPs) in antennae and other body parts has been examined mainly to infer their involvement in insect olfaction, while their regulation in response to semiochemical stimuli has remained poorly known. Previous studies of semiochemical response were basically done using electrophysiology, which integrates the response of the set of OBPs present in an antenna or sensillum, without revealing the regulation of OBPs or which ones might be involved. In this study we used boll weevil as a model and mined its OBPs by RNA-Seq to study their simultaneous antennal expression by qPCR under controlled semiochemical stimuli with aggregation pheromone and plant volatiles. In the absence of a semiochemical stimulus, 23 of 24 OBPs were constitutively expressed in the antenna in both sexes. Semiochemicals changed systemically the expression of OBPs in both sexes. There were different patterns of up- and down-regulation in female antennae for each semiochemical stimulus, consistent with female chemical ecology. On the other hand, the only response in males was down-regulation of some OBPs. We suggest that these systemic changes in OBP expression might be related to enhancing detection of the semiochemical stimuli and/or priming the olfactory system to detect other environmental chemicals