988 research outputs found

    Spinally projecting preproglucagon axons preferentially innervate sympathetic preganglionic neurons

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    Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) affects central autonomic neurons, including those controlling the cardiovascular system, thermogenesis, and energy balance. Preproglucagon (PPG) neurons, located mainly in the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) and medullary reticular formation, produce GLP-1. In transgenic mice expressing glucagon promoter-driven yellow fluorescent protein (YFP), these brainstem PPG neurons project to many central autonomic regions where GLP-1 receptors are expressed. The spinal cord also contains GLP-1 receptor mRNA but the distribution of spinal PPG axons is unknown. Here, we used two-color immunoperoxidase labeling to examine PPG innervation of spinal segments T1–S4 in YFP-PPG mice. Immunoreactivity for YFP identified spinal PPG axons and perikarya. We classified spinal neurons receiving PPG input by immunoreactivity for choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), nitric oxide synthase (NOS) and/or Fluorogold (FG) retrogradely transported from the peritoneal cavity. FG microinjected at T9 defined cell bodies that supplied spinal PPG innervation. The deep dorsal horn of lower lumbar cord contained YFP-immunoreactive neurons. Non-varicose, YFP-immunoreactive axons were prominent in the lateral funiculus, ventral white commissure and around the ventral median fissure. In T1–L2, varicose, YFP-containing axons closely apposed many ChAT-immunoreactive sympathetic preganglionic neurons (SPN) in the intermediolateral cell column (IML) and dorsal lamina X. In the sacral parasympathetic nucleus, about 10% of ChAT-immunoreactive preganglionic neurons received YFP appositions, as did occasional ChAT-positive motor neurons throughout the rostrocaudal extent of the ventral horn. YFP appositions also occurred on NOS-immunoreactive spinal interneurons and on spinal YFP-immunoreactive neurons. Injecting FG at T9 retrogradely labeled many YFP-PPG cell bodies in the medulla but none of the spinal YFP-immunoreactive neurons. These results show that brainstem PPG neurons innervate spinal autonomic and somatic motor neurons. The distributions of spinal PPG axons and spinal GLP-1 receptors correlate well. SPN receive the densest PPG innervation. Brainstem PPG neurons could directly modulate sympathetic outflow through their spinal inputs to SPN or interneurons

    Volume marker inaccuracies: a cross-sectional survey of infant feeding bottles.

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    A cross-sectional examination of the accuracy of volume markers on infant feeding bottles available for sale in Australia between December 2013 and February 2014 was carried out. Ninety-one bottles representing 28 different brands were examined. Eighty-eight bottles were hard sided. Volumes in these bottles were marked in a combination of milliliters and ounces. Thirty-six (41%) bottles claimed compliance with the European standard EN14350, five (6%) with non-existent Australian standards, and forty-seven (54%) bottles had no standard claim. Nineteen bottles (22%) had at least one measured marking outside the tolerance of EN14350. Bottles claiming compliance with EN14350 were not less likely to have inaccurate markings than those that made no claim. More expensive bottles did not have fewer inaccurate markings. Three bottles were disposable liner systems and had particularly large volume inaccuracies (up to 43% outside the marked volume). Inaccurate volume markers on infant feeding bottles are a previously neglected but potentially important source of error in the reconstitution of infant formula. Over-concentrated and under-concentrated infant formula can cause serious illness or malnutrition. Over-concentrated infant formula may contribute to obesity. Bottles with inaccurate volume markers are unfit for purpose; disposable liner bottles are particularly poor in this regard and should be prohibited from having volume markers on the bottle casing. To avoid individual or public harms, well-enforced standards are needed. Guidance for parents, carers, and health professionals is needed to ensure that infant formula is accurately reconstituted

    Assessment of the Barramundi Fishery in Queensland - 2002

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    The barramundi, Lates calcarifer, is an important target species of commercial, recreational and indigenous fishers across northern Australia. In Queensland stocks from the Gulf of Carpentaria and the east coast are managed separately. An assessment of both the Gulf and East Coast stocks are reported here

    Seabed biodiversity on the continental shelf of the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area

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    Final report to the Cooperative Research Centre for the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Are

    A unique olfactory bulb microcircuit driven by neurons expressing the precursor to glucagon-like peptide 1

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    The presence of large numbers of local interneurons in the olfactory bulb has demonstrated an extensive local signaling process, yet the identification and purpose of olfactory microcircuits is poorly explored. Because the discrimination of odors in a complex environment is highly dependent on the tuning of information by local interneurons, we studied for the first time the role of preproglucagon (PPG) neurons in the granule cell layer of the olfactory bulb. Combining electrophysiological recordings and confocal microscopy, we discovered that the PPG neurons are a population of cells expressing the precursor of glucagon-like peptide 1 and are glutamatergic; able to modulate the firing pattern of the mitral cells (M/TCs). Optogenetic activation of PPG neurons resulted in a mixed excitation and inhibition that created a multiphasic response shaping the M/TCs firing pattern. This suggests that PPG neurons could drive neuromodulation of the olfactory output and change the synaptic map regulating olfactory coding

    UBE2QL1 is Disrupted by a Constitutional Translocation Associated with Renal Tumor Predisposition and is a Novel Candidate Renal Tumor Suppressor Gene

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    Investigation of rare familial forms of renal cell carcinoma (RCC) has led to the identification of genes such as VHL and MET that are also implicated in the pathogenesis of sporadic RCC. In order to identify a novel candidate renal tumor suppressor gene, we characterized the breakpoints of a constitutional balanced translocation, t(5;19)(p15.3;q12), associated with familial RCC and found that a previously uncharacterized gene UBE2QL1 was disrupted by the chromosome 5 breakpoint. UBE2QL1 mRNA expression was downregulated in 78.6% of sporadic RCC and, although no intragenic mutations were detected, gene deletions and promoter region hypermethylation were detected in 17.3% and 20.3%, respectively, of sporadic RCC. Reexpression of UBE2QL1 in a deficient RCC cell line suppressed anchorage-independent growth. UBE2QL1 shows homology to the E2 class of ubiquitin conjugating enzymes and we found that (1) UBE2QL1 possesses an active-site cysteine (C88) that is monoubiquitinated in vivo, and (2) UBE2QL1 interacts with FBXW7 (an F box protein providing substrate recognition to the SCF E3 ubiquitin ligase) and facilitates the degradation of the known FBXW7 targets, CCNE1 and mTOR. These findings suggest UBE2QL1 as a novel candidate renal tumor suppressor gen

    SCFAs strongly stimulate PYY production in human enteroendocrine cells.

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    Peptide-YY (PYY) and Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 (GLP-1) play important roles in the regulation of food intake and insulin secretion, and are of translational interest in the field of obesity and diabetes. PYY production is highest in enteroendocrine cells located in the distal intestine, mirroring the sites where high concentrations of short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) are produced by gut microbiota. We show here that propionate and butyrate strongly increased expression of PYY but not GCG in human cell line and intestinal primary culture models. The effect was predominantly attributable to the histone deacetylase inhibitory activity of SCFA and minor, but significant contributions of FFA2 (GPR43). Consistent with the SCFA-dependent elevation of PYY gene expression, we also observed increased basal and stimulated PYY hormone secretion. Interestingly, the transcriptional stimulation of PYY was specific to human-derived cell models and not reproduced in murine primary cultures. This is likely due to substantial differences in PYY gene structure between mouse and human. In summary, this study revealed a strong regulation of PYY production by SCFA that was evident in humans but not mice, and suggests that high fibre diets elevate plasma concentrations of the anorexigenic hormone PYY, both by targeting gene expression and hormone secretion

    The impact of clinical placements on the emotional intelligence of occupational therapy, physiotherapy, speech pathology, and business students: a longitudinal study

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    Background: Emotional intelligence (EI) is a critical skill for healthcare practitioners. Minimal longitudinal research has tracked the changes in EI of therapy students over their final full-time clinical placements. Methods: The Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-i2.0) measured the EI of 283 therapy students and 93 business students (control group who do no clinical placements) at three time points over a 16-month period, the same period that the therapy students participated in clinical placements. Results: Analysis of the therapy students showed significant increases over the 16 months of the study in Total EI score, as well as nine other EI skills. However, large percentages of students reported declining scores in emotional expression, assertiveness, self-expression, and stress tolerance, with some students reporting low EI scores before commencing full-time extended clinical placements. Conclusions: The study contributes to new knowledge about the changing EI skills of therapy students as they complete their full-time, extended placements. Emotional intelligence in student therapists should be actively fostered during coursework, clinical placements and when first entering the workforce. University educators are encouraged to include EI content through the therapy curricula. Employers are encouraged to provide peer coaching, mentoring and workshops focused on EI skills to recent graduates
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