71 research outputs found

    Combating escalating harms associated with pharmaceutical opioid use in Australia: The POPPY II study protocol

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    © Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2018. Re-use permitted under CC BY-NC. No commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ. Introduction Opioid prescribing has increased 15-fold in Australia in the past two decades, alongside increases in a range of opioid-related harms such as opioid dependence and overdose. However, despite concerns about increasing opioid use, extramedical use and harms, there is a lack of population-level evidence about the drivers of long-term prescribed opioid use, dependence, overdose and other harms. Methods and analysis We will form a cohort of all adult residents in New South Wales (NSW), Australia, who initiated prescribed opioids from 2002 using Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme dispensing records. This cohort will be linked to a wide range of other datasets containing information on sociodemographic and clinical characteristics, health service use and adverse outcomes (eg, opioid dependence and non-fatal and fatal overdose). Analyses will initially examine patterns and predictors of prescribed opioid use and then apply regression and survival analysis to quantify the risks and risk factors of adverse outcomes associated with prescribed opioid use. Ethics and dissemination This study has received full ethical approval from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Ethics Committee, the NSW Population and Health Services Research Committee and the ACT Health Human Research Ethics Committee. This will be the largest postmarketing surveillance study of prescribed opioids undertaken in Australia, linking exposure and outcomes and examining risk factors for adverse outcomes of prescribed opioids. As such, this work has important translational promise, with direct relevance to regulatory authorities and agencies worldwide. Project findings will be disseminated at scientific conferences and in peer-reviewed journals. We will also conduct targeted dissemination with policy makers, professional bodies and peak bodies in the pain, medicine and addiction fields through stakeholder workshops and advisory groups. Results will be reported in accordance with the REporting of studies Conducted using Observational Routinely collected Data (RECORD) Statement

    Age at first alcohol-related hospital separation or emergency department presentation and rate of re-admission: A retrospective data linkage cohort of young Australians

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    Introduction: Alcohol is a leading risk factor for death and disease in young people. We compare age-specific characteristics of young people who experience their first (‘index’) alcohol-related hospitalisation or emergency department (ED) presentation, and whether age at index predicts 12-month rates of readmission. Methods: We used a retrospective linked-data cohort of 10,300 people aged 12–20 years with an index alcohol-related hospital and/or ED record in New South Wales, Australia from 2005 to 2013. Age group (early adolescent [12–14 years], late adolescent [15–17 years], young adult [18–20 years]) and diagnosis fields were used in logistic regression analyses and to calculate incidence rates with adjustment for year of index event, sex, socioeconomic disadvantage and residence remoteness. Results: People who experienced their index event in early adolescence (adjusted relative risk ratio [ARRR] 0.45 [95% confidence interval 0.39, 0.52]) or late adolescence (ARRR 0.82 [0.74, 0.90]) were less likely to be male compared to young adults. Early adolescents (ARRR 0.60 [0.51, 0.70]) and late adolescents (ARRR 0.84 [0.76, 0.93]) were less likely to have a hospitalisation index event. Early adolescents (adjusted incidence rate ratio 1.40 [1.15, 1.71]) and late adolescents (adjusted incidence rate ratio 1.16 [1.01, 1.34]) were more likely than young adults to have a subsequent 12-month non-poisoning injury ED presentation. Discussion and Conclusions: We identified preventable hospital events in young people who have previously experienced an alcohol-related ED presentation or hospitalisation, with age-specific characteristics and outcomes that can be used to inform future health policy and service planning

    Antipsychotic prescribing for vulnerable populations: a clinical audit at an acute Australian mental health unit at two-time points

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    Background: Antipsychotics are recognised as a critical intervention for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Guidelines globally endorse the routine practice of antipsychotic monotherapy, at the minimum effective dose. Even in treatmentresistant schizophrenia, clozapine use is endorsed before combining antipsychotics. This aim of this study was to review antipsychotic polytherapy alone, high-dose therapy alone, polytherapy and highdose prescribing patterns in adults discharged from an inpatient mental health unit at two time-points, and the alignment of this prescribing with clinical guideline recommendations. Additionally, associations with polytherapy and high-dose antipsychotic prescribing, including patient and clinical characteristics, were explored. Methods: A retrospective clinical audit of 400 adults (200 patients at two different time-points) discharged with at least one antipsychotic. Preliminary findings and education sessions were provided to physicians between Cohorts. Outcomes (polytherapy alone, high-dose therapy alone, polytherapy and high-dose therapy) were compared between study Cohorts using chi-squared and rank-sum tests. Associations between outcomes and covariates were assessed using multivariable logistic regression. Results: Most patients (62.5%) were discharged on a single antipsychotic within the recommended dose range. There was a clear preference for prescribing second generation antipsychotics, and in this respect, prescribing is aligned with current evidence-based guidelines. However, sub-optimal prescribing practices were identified for both Cohorts in relation to polytherapy and high-dose antipsychotic rates. Involuntary treatment, frequent hospitalisations and previous clozapine use significantly increased the risk of all three prescribing outcomes at discharge. Conclusions: In a significant minority, antipsychotic prescribing did not align with clinical guidelines despite increased training, indicating that the education program alone was ineffective at positively influencing antipsychotic prescribing practices. Further consideration should be given when prescribing antipsychotics for involuntary patients, people with frequent hospitalisations, and those who have previously trialled clozapine

    Mortality Risk of Hypnotics: Strengths and Limits of Evidence

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    Sleeping pills, more formally defined as hypnotics, are sedatives used to induce and maintain sleep. In a review of publications for the past 30 years, descriptive epidemiologic studies were identified that examined the mortality risk of hypnotics and related sedative-anxiolytics. Of the 34 studies estimating risk ratios, odds ratios, or hazard ratios, excess mortality associated with hypnotics was significant (p < 0.05) in 24 studies including all 14 of the largest, contrasted with no studies at all suggesting that hypnotics ever prolong life. The studies had many limitations: possibly tending to overestimate risk, such as possible confounding by indication with other risk factors; confusing hypnotics with drugs having other indications; possible genetic confounders; and too much heterogeneity of studies for meta-analyses. There were balancing limitations possibly tending towards underestimates of risk such as limited power, excessive follow-up intervals with possible follow-up mixing of participants taking hypnotics with controls, missing dosage data for most studies, and over-adjustment of confounders. Epidemiologic association in itself is not adequate proof of causality, but there is proof that hypnotics cause death in overdoses; there is thorough understanding of how hypnotics euthanize animals and execute humans; and there is proof that hypnotics cause potentially lethal morbidities such as depression, infection, poor driving, suppressed respiration, and possibly cancer. Combining these proofs with consistent evidence of association, the great weight of evidence is that hypnotics cause huge risks of decreasing a patient's duration of survival

    Analysis of TaqMan Array Cards Data by an Assumption-Free Improvement of the maxRatio Algorithm Is More Accurate than the Cycle-Threshold Method

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    <div><p>Quantitative PCR diagnostic platforms are moving towards increased sample throughput, with instruments capable of carrying out thousands of reactions at once already in use. The need for a computational tool to reliably assist in the validation of the results is therefore compelling. In the present study, 328 residual clinical samples provided by the Public Health England at Addenbrooke's Hospital (Cambridge, UK) were processed by TaqMan Array Card assay, generating 15 744 reactions from 54 targets. The amplification data were analysed by the conventional cycle-threshold (CT) method and an improvement of the <i>maxRatio</i> (MR) algorithm developed to filter out the reactions with irregular amplification profiles. The reactions were also independently validated by three raters and a consensus was generated from their classification. The inter-rater agreement by Fleiss' kappa was 0.885; the agreement between either CT or MR with the raters gave Fleiss' kappa 0.884 and 0.902, respectively. Based on the consensus classification, the CT and MR methods achieved an assay accuracy of 0.979 and 0.987, respectively. These results suggested that the assumption-free MR algorithm was more reliable than the CT method, with clear advantages for the diagnostic settings.</p></div
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