945 research outputs found

    Effect of the biobased polyols chemical structure on high performance thermoset polyurethane properties

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    The sustainability of the polymeric materials has become a fundamental challenge; therefore, the development of new biobased formulations has gained increasing interest. Thermoset polyurethanes (PURs) present high performance and are a competitive solution for structural composites. However, polyols used in the PUR synthesis are typically from petrochemical origin. Nowdays, a broad range of biobased polyols is available in the market, but there is not yet a specific formulation for high performance PURs composites. The aim of this work was to study the effect of biobased polyols' characteristics in the PUR processing and final properties. In addition, biobased polyol features to synthesize BIO-PURs suitable for structural applications were stablished. The viscosity and reactivity were studied by means of rheology and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Thermal and mechanical properties were studied through thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) and flexural tests. The results obtained demonstrated the dramatic influence of polyols’ nature on BIO-PUR/PUR properties and their effect on the crosslink density. It was observed that using a high functionality and high hydroxyl index biobased polyol, it was possible to synthesize high performance BIO-PUR suitable for structural composites.We gratefully acknowledge the Basque Government for the financial support through the ELKARTEK 2021 (Project NEOMAT KK-2021/00059) program and in the frame of Grupos Consolidados (IT-1690-22). The authors also acknowledge the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) in the frame of GIU18/216 Research Group and the Macrobehavior-Mesostructure-Nanotechnology SGIker unit

    Good and bad practices in pv plants

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    The PVCROPS project (PhotoVolta ic Cost r€duction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation), cofinanced by European Commission in the frame of Seventh Framework Programme, has compiled in the “Good and bad practices: Manual to improve the quality and reduce the cost of PV systems” a collection of good and bad practices in actual PV plants . All the situations it collects represent the state-of-the-art of existing PV installations all around Europe. They show how the different parts of an installation can be implem ented properly or not. The aim of this manual is to represent a reference text which can help any PV actor (installers, electricians, maintenance operators, owners, etc.) not only to check and improve an already existing installation but will also, and mainly, avoid the previously known bad practices for the construction of a new PV installation. Thus, solving a priori the known errors, new PV installations will be more reliable, efficient and cost-effective and can recover the initial investment in a shorter time. The manual is going to be free available in the PVCROPS website in several languages

    An Effective Search Method for Gravitational Ringing of Black Holes

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    We develop a search method for gravitational ringing of black holes. The gravitational ringing is due to complex frequency modes called the quasi-normal modes that are excited when a black hole geometry is perturbed. The detection of it will be a direct confirmation of the existence of a black hole. Assuming that the ringdown waves are dominated by the fundamental mode with least imaginary part, we consider matched filtering and develop an optimal method to search for the ringdown waves that have damped sinusoidal wave forms. When we use the matched filtering method, the data analysis with a lot of templates required. Here we have to ensure a proper match between the filter as a template and the real wave. It is necessary to keep the detection efficiency as high as possible under limited computational costs. First, we consider the white noise case for which the matched filtering can be studied analytically. We construct an efficient method for tiling the template space. Then, using a fitting curve of the TAMA300 DT6 noise spectrum, we numerically consider the case of colored noise. We find our tiling method developed for the white noise case is still valid even if the noise is colored.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures. Accepted to Phys. Rev. D, Note correction to Eq. (3-25), A few comments added and minor typos correcte

    The Unruh-deWitt Detector and the Vacuum in the General Boundary formalism

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    We discuss how to formulate a condition for choosing the vacuum state of a quantum scalar field on a timelike hyperplane in the general boundary formulation (GBF) using the coupling to an Unruh-DeWitt detector. We explicitly study the response of an Unruh-DeWitt detector for evanescent modes which occur naturally in quantum field theory in the presence of the equivalent of a dielectric boundary. We find that the physically correct vacuum state has to depend on the physical situation outside of the boundaries of the spacetime region considered. Thus it cannot be determined by general principles pertaining only to a subset of spacetime.Comment: Version as published in CQ

    Non-standard connections in classical mechanics

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    In the jet-bundle description of first-order classical field theories there are some elements, such as the lagrangian energy and the construction of the hamiltonian formalism, which require the prior choice of a connection. Bearing these facts in mind, we analyze the situation in the jet-bundle description of time-dependent classical mechanics. So we prove that this connection-dependence also occurs in this case, although it is usually hidden by the use of the ``natural'' connection given by the trivial bundle structure of the phase spaces in consideration. However, we also prove that this dependence is dynamically irrelevant, except where the dynamical variation of the energy is concerned. In addition, the relationship between first integrals and connections is shown for a large enough class of lagrangians.Comment: 17 pages, Latex fil

    Response of the Brazilian gravitational wave detector to signals from a black hole ringdown

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    It is assumed that a black hole can be disturbed in such a way that a ringdown gravitational wave would be generated. This ringdown waveform is well understood and is modelled as an exponentially damped sinusoid. In this work we use this kind of waveform to study the performance of the SCHENBERG gravitational wave detector. This first realistic simulation will help us to develop strategies for the signal analysis of this Brazilian detector. We calculated the signal-to-noise ratio as a function of frequency for the simulated signals and obtained results that show that SCHENBERG is expected to be sensitive enough to detect this kind of signal up to a distance of 20kpc\sim 20\mathrm{kpc}.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, Amaldi 5 Conference Proceedings contribution. Submitted to Class. Quantum Gra

    Energetics of the Einstein-Rosen spacetime

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    A study covering some aspects of the Einstein--Rosen metric is presented. The electric and magnetic parts of the Weyl tensor are calculated. It is shown that there are no purely magnetic E--R spacetimes, and also that a purely electric E--R spacetime is necessarily static. The geodesics equations are found and circular ones are analyzed in detail. The super--Poynting and the ``Lagrangian'' Poynting vectors are calculated and their expressions are found for two specific examples. It is shown that for a pulse--type solution, both expressions describe an inward radially directed flow of energy, far behind the wave front. The physical significance of such an effect is discussed.Comment: 19 pages Latex.References added and updated.To appear in Int.J.Theor.Phy

    Unitarity and Causality in Generalized Quantum Mechanics for Non-Chronal Spacetimes

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    Spacetime must be foliable by spacelike surfaces for the quantum mechanics of matter fields to be formulated in terms of a unitarily evolving state vector defined on spacelike surfaces. When a spacetime cannot be foliated by spacelike surfaces, as in the case of spacetimes with closed timelike curves, a more general formulation of quantum mechanics is required. In such generalizations the transition matrix between alternatives in regions of spacetime where states {\it can} be defined may be non-unitary. This paper describes a generalized quantum mechanics whose probabilities consistently obey the rules of probability theory even in the presence of such non-unitarity. The usual notion of state on a spacelike surface is lost in this generalization and familiar notions of causality are modified. There is no signaling outside the light cone, no non-conservation of energy, no ``Everett phones'', and probabilities of present events do not depend on particular alternatives of the future. However, the generalization is acausal in the sense that the existence of non-chronal regions of spacetime in the future can affect the probabilities of alternatives today. The detectability of non-unitary evolution and violations of causality in measurement situations are briefly considered. The evolution of information in non-chronal spacetimes is described.Comment: 40pages, UCSBTH92-0

    Cost-effectiveness of dryland forest restoration evaluated by spatial analysis of ecosystem services

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    Although ecological restoration is widely used to combat environmental degradation, very few studies have evaluated the cost-effectiveness of this approach. We examine the potential impact of forest restoration on the value of multiple ecosystem services across four dryland areas in Latin America, by estimating the net value of ecosystem service benefits under different reforestation scenarios. The values of selected ecosystem services were mapped under each scenario, supported by the use of a spatially explicit model of forest dynamics. We explored the economic potential of a change in land use from livestock grazing to restored native forest using different discount rates and performed a cost–benefit analysis of three restoration scenarios. Results show that passive restoration is cost-effective for all study areas on the basis of the services analyzed, whereas the benefits from active restoration are generally outweighed by the relatively high costs involved. These findings were found to be relatively insensitive to discount rate but were sensitive to the market value of carbon. Substantial variation in values was recorded between study areas, demonstrating that ecosystem service values are strongly context specific. However, spatial analysis enabled localized areas of net benefits to be identified, indicating the value of this approach for identifying the relative costs and benefits of restoration interventions across a landscape