141 research outputs found

    Interpretation of increased energetic particle flux measurements by SEPT aboard the STEREO spacecraft and contamination

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    Context. Interplanetary (IP) shocks are known to be accelerators of energetic charged particles observed in-situ in the heliosphere. However, the acceleration of near-relativistic electrons by shocks in the interplanetary medium is often questioned. On 9 August 2011 a Corotating Interaction Region (CIR) passed STEREO B (STB) that resulted in a flux increase in the electron and ion channels of the Solar Electron and Proton Telescope (SEPT). Because electron measurements in the few keV to several 100 keV range rely on the so-called magnet foil technique, which is utilized by SEPT, ions can contribute to the electron channels. Aims. We aim to investigate whether the flux increase in the electron channels of SEPT during the CIR event on 9 August 2011 is caused by ion contamination only. Methods. We compute the SEPT response functions for protons and helium utilizing an updated GEANT4 model of SEPT. The CIR energetic particle ion spectra for protons and helium are assumed to follow a Band function in energy per nucleon with a constant helium to proton ratio. Results. Our analysis leads to a helium to proton ratio of 16.9% and a proton flux following a Band function with the parameters I0=1.24⋅104I_0 = 1.24 \cdot 10^4 / (cm2 s sr MeV/nuc.), Ec=79E_c = 79 keV/nuc. and spectral indices of γ1=−0.94\gamma_1 = -0.94 and γ2=−3.80\gamma_2 = -3.80 which are in good agreement with measurements by the Suprathermal Ion Telescope (SIT) aboard STB. Conclusions. Since our results explain the SEPT measurements, we conclude that no significant amount of electrons were accelerated between 5555 keV and 425425 keV by the CIR

    Self-consistent modeling of the energetic storm particle event of November 10, 2012

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    It is thought that solar energetic ions associated with coronal/interplanetary shock waves are accelerated to high energies by the diffusive shock acceleration mechanism. For this mechanism to be efficient, intense magnetic turbulence is needed in the vicinity of the shock. The enhanced turbulence upstream of the shock can be produced self-consistently by the accelerated particles themselves via streaming instability. Comparisons of quasi-linear-theory-based particle acceleration models that include this process with observations have not been fully successful so far, which has motivated the development of acceleration models of a different nature. The aim of this work is to test how well our self-consistent quasi-linear SOLar Particle Acceleration in Coronal Shocks (SOLPACS) simulation code, developed earlier to simulate proton acceleration in coronal shocks, models the particle foreshock region. We applied SOLPACS to model the energetic storm particle (ESP) event observed by the STEREO A spacecraft on November 10, 2012. In the simulations, all but one main input parameter of SOLPACS are fixed by the in-situ plasma measurements from the spacecraft. By comparing a simulated proton energy spectrum at the shock with the observed one, we were able to fix the last simulation input parameter related to the efficiency of particle injection to the acceleration process. A subsequent comparison of simulated proton time-intensity profiles in a number of energy channels with the observed ones shows a very good correspondence throughout the upstream region

    Statistical results for solar energetic electron spectra observed over 12 yr with STEREO/SEPT

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    This work presents a statistical analysis of near-relativistic solar energetic electron event spectra near 1 au. We use measurements of the Solar Electron and Proton Telescope (SEPT) on board STEREO in the energy range of 45–425 keV and utilize the SEPT electron event list containing all electron events observed by STEREO A and STEREO B from 2007 through 2018. We select 781 events with significant signal-to-noise ratios for our analysis and fit the spectra with single or broken-power-law functions of energy. We find 437 events showing broken power laws and 344 events only showing a single power law in the energy range of SEPT. For those events with broken power laws, we find a mean break energy of about 120 keV. We analyze the dependence of the spectral index on the rise times and peak intensities of the events as well as on the presence of relativistic electrons. The results show a relation between the power law spectral index and the rise times of the events with softer spectra belonging to rather impulsive events. Long rise-time events are associated with hard spectra as well as with the presence of higher-energy (>0.7 MeV) electrons. This group of events cannot be explained by a pure flare scenario but suggests an additional acceleration mechanism, involving a prolonged acceleration and/or injection of the particles. A dependence of the spectral index on the longitudinal separation from the parent solar source region was not found. A statistical analysis of the spectral indices during impulsively rising events where the rise times are below 20 minutes is also shown.Agencia Estatal de Investigació

    Single-spacecraft techniques for shock parameters estimation : A systematic approach

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    Spacecraft missions provide the unique opportunity to study the properties of collisionless shocks utilising in situ measurements. In the past years, several diagnostics have been developed to address key shock parameters using time series of magnetic field (and plasma) data collected by a single spacecraft crossing a shock front. A critical aspect of such diagnostics is the averaging process involved in the evaluation of upstream/downstream quantities. In this work, we discuss several of these techniques, with a particular focus on the shock obliquity (defined as the angle between the upstream magnetic field and the shock normal vector) estimation. We introduce a systematic variation of the upstream/downstream averaging windows, yielding to an ensemble of shock parameters, which is a useful tool to address the robustness of their estimation. This approach is first tested with a synthetic shock dataset compliant with the Rankine-Hugoniot jump conditions for a shock, including the presence of noise and disturbances. We then employ self-consistent, hybrid kinetic shock simulations to apply the diagnostics to virtual spacecraft crossing the shock front at various stages of its evolution, highlighting the role of shock-induced fluctuations in the parameters' estimation. This approach has the strong advantage of retaining some important properties of collisionless shock (such as, for example, the shock front microstructure) while being able to set a known, nominal set of shock parameters. Finally, two recent observations of interplanetary shocks from the Solar Orbiter spacecraft are presented, to demonstrate the use of this systematic approach to real events of shock crossings. The approach is also tested on an interplanetary shock measured by the four spacecraft of the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission. All the Python software developed and used for the diagnostics (SerPyShock) is made available for the public, including an example of parameter estimation for a shock wave recently observed in-situ by the Solar Orbiter spacecraft.Peer reviewe

    Connecting remote and in situ observations of shock-accelerated electrons associated with a coronal mass ejection

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    One of the most prominent sources for energetic particles in our solar system are huge eruptions of magnetised plasma from the Sun called coronal mass ejections (CMEs), which usually drive shocks that accelerate charged particles up to relativistic energies. In particular, energetic electron beams can generate radio bursts through the plasma emission mechanism, for example, type II and accompanying herringbone bursts. Here, we investigate the acceleration location, escape, and propagation directions of various electron beams in the solar corona and compare them to the arrival of electrons at spacecraft. To track energetic electron beams, we use a synthesis of remote and direct observations combined with coronal modelling. Remote observations include ground-based radio observations from the Nancay Radioheliograph (NRH) combined with space-based extreme-ultraviolet and white-light observations from the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), the Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) and Solar Orbiter (SolO). We also use direct observations of energetic electrons from the STEREO and Wind spacecraft. These observations are then combined with a three-dimensional (3D) representation of the electron acceleration locations that combined with results from magneto-hydrodynamic models of the solar corona is used to investigate the origin and link of electrons observed remotely at the Sun to in situ electrons. We observed a type II radio burst followed by herringbone bursts that show single-frequency movement through time in NRH images. The movement of the type II burst and herringbone radio sources seems to be influenced by the regions in the corona where the CME is more capable of driving a shock. We also found similar inferred injection times of near-relativistic electrons at spacecraft to the emission time of the type II and herringbone bursts.Comment: 16 pages, 15 figure

    Connecting solar flare hard X-ray spectra to in situ electron spectra A comparison of RHESSI and STEREO/SEPT observations

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    Aims. We aim to constrain the acceleration, injection, and transport processes of flare-accelerated energetic electrons by comparing their characteristics at the Sun with those injected into interplanetary space.Methods. We have identified 17 energetic electron events well-observed with the SEPT instrument aboard STEREO which show a clear association with a hard X-ray (HXR) flare observed with the RHESSI spacecraft. We compare the spectral indices of the RHESSI HXR spectra with those of the interplanetary electrons. Because of the frequent double-power-law shape of the in situ electron spectra, we paid special attention to the choice of the spectral index used for comparison.Results. The time difference between the electron onsets and the associated type III and microwave bursts suggests that the electron events are detected at 1 AU with apparent delays ranging from 9 to 41 min. While the parent solar activity is clearly impulsive, also showing a high correlation with extreme ultraviolet jets, most of the studied events occur in temporal coincidence with coronal mass ejections (CMEs). In spite of the observed onset delays and presence of CMEs in the low corona, we find a significant correlation of about 0.8 between the spectral indices of the HXR flare and the in situ electrons. The correlations increase if only events with significant anisotropy are considered. This suggests that transport effects can alter the injected spectra leading to a strongly reduced imprint of the flare acceleration.Conclusions. We conclude that interplanetary transport effects must be taken into account when inferring the initial acceleration of solar energetic electron events. Although our results suggest a clear imprint of flare acceleration for the analyzed event sample, a secondary acceleration might be present which could account for the observed delays. However, the limited and variable pitch-angle coverage of SEPT could also be the reason for the observed delays

    Circumsolar energetic particle distribution on 2011 November 3

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    Late on 2011 November 3, STEREO-A, STEREO-B, MESSENGER, and near-Earth spacecraft observed an energetic particle flux enhancement. Based on the analysis of in situ plasma and particle observations, their correlation with remote sensing observations, and an interplanetary transport model, we conclude that the particle increases observed at multiple locations had a common single source active region and the energetic particles filled a very broad region around the Sun. The active region was located at the solar backside (as seen from Earth) and was the source of a large flare, a fast and wide coronal mass ejection, and an EIT wave, accompanied by type II and type III radio-emission. In contrast to previous solar energetic particle events showing broad longitudinal spread, this event showed clear particle anisotropies at three widely separated observation points at 1AU, suggesting direct particle injection close to the magnetic footpoint of each spacecraft, lasting for several hours.We discuss these observations and the possible scenarios explaining the extremely broad particle spread for this event

    SEPServer catalogues of solar energetic particle events at 1 AU based on STEREO recordings: 2007–2012

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    The Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) recordings provide an unprecedented opportunity to study the evolution of solar energetic particle (SEP) events from different observation points in the heliosphere, allowing one to identify the effects of the properties of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) and solar wind structures on the interplanetary transport and acceleration of SEPs. Two catalogues based on STEREO recordings, have been compiled as a part of the SEPServer project, a three-year collaborative effort of eleven European partners funded under the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Union (FP7/SPACE). In particular, two instruments on board STEREO have been used to identify all SEP events observed within the descending phase of solar cycle 23 and the rising phase of solar cycle 24 from 2007 to 2012, namely: the Low Energy Telescope (LET) and the Solar Electron Proton Telescope (SEPT). A scan of STEREO/LET protons within the energy range 6–10 MeV has been performed for each of the two STEREO spacecraft. We have tracked all enhancements that have been observed above the background level of this particular channel and cross-checked with available lists of interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs), stream interaction regions (SIRs), and shocks, as well as with the reported events in literature. Furthermore, parallel scanning of the STEREO near relativistic electrons has been performed in order to pinpoint the presence (or absence) of an electron event in the energy range of 55–85 keV, for all of the aforementioned proton events included in our lists. We provide the onset and peak time as well as the peak value of all events for both protons and electrons, the relevant solar associations in terms of electromagnetic emissions, soft and hard X-rays (SXRs and HXRs). Finally, a subset of events with clear recordings at both STEREO spacecraft is presented together with the parent solar events of these multispacecraft SEP events
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