38 research outputs found

    Pola Penyebab Kematian Kelompok Bayi Dan Anak Balita, Hasil Sistem Registrasi Kematian Di Indonesia Tahun 2012

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    The activities of recording and reporting causes of death through Mortality Registration System, whichcarried out regularly, complete, and pfocedurally will be able to provide reliable information to assessintervention activity against prevention of disease. This paper aim to find out the pattern of leading of causeof death in infant and underfive children. Study location selected in 12 districts/cities spread all overIndonesia. Sample taken from secondary data selected by stratified random sampling through 3 phases:phase 1, Indonesia is divided into 5 regions. Phase 2, each region is divided according to the City andCounty. Phase 3, each/city district good and poor performance stratified based on IPKM and 30 percent ofthe total sample for the City and 70 percent for the county are randomly selected. The sample size wascalculated using the life table (strata of death) with a high level of child and adult mortality, with a range of95% and a relative standard error of 15%. The sample size is approximately 2 million per region. Thenumber of deaths of infants (0-I years) is 1517 deaths and children under 5 years are 332 deaths. Theproportion of neonatal deaths are 56 percent of total deaths 0-5 years, post- neonatal mortality 10.6 percentof the total deaths 0-5 years. The proportion of children deaths are 1.3 percent of the total deaths. The causeof death of newborus up to 6 days old are low birth weight (21.3 percent), asphyxia (17.3 percent), Respiratory Distress of Newborn(RDS) (11 percent) and 5.9\u27 percent of neonatal sepsis. The highest causeof death of infants aged 7-28 days is pneumonia (34.5 percent), followed by neonatal sepsis (10.2 percent), congenital abnormalities (8.6 percent). The cause of death in infants aged 29 days to 11 months wasdominated by infectious diseases such as pneumonia (29.5 percent) and diarrhea (11 percent). The cause ofdeath of children agedIto 4 years dominated by pneumonia (12.3 percent) and diarrhea (8.7 percent). Ingeneral the highest proportion of cause of death on infant and children under five years are pneumonia anddiarrhea

    Kedudukan Kantor Hukum dalam Persekutuan Perdata Dewasa Ini

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    Tujuan penelitian tentang kedudukan persekutuan perdata dewasa ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui bagaimana kedudukan dari kantor hukum, didalam persekutuan perdata. Selain itu pula penelitian ini juga dilakukan untuk mencari tahu tentang pertanggungjawaban dari kantor hukum yang merupakan suatu bentuk persekutuan perdata.Dengan menggunakan mencoba metode yuridis empiris, penelitian ini akan mencoba menelusuri kedudukan kantor hukum dalam persekutuan perdata dan pertanggungjawaban kantor hukum dalam persekutuan perdata dewasa ini

    AZAS NE BIS IN IDEM (Apakah Dapat Diterapkan dalam Kasus Perceraian ?)

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    Tujuan penelitian tentang Ne bis in idem (Apakah dapat diterapkan dalam Kasus Perceraian) dilakukan untuk mengetahui bagaimana penerapan Asas Ne Bis in dalam Kasus Perceraian. Selain itu pula penelitian ini juga dilakukan untukmemberi kontribusi bagi pengembangan kajian dan upaya penyempurnaan terhadap peraturan Perundang-undangan tentang perkawinan.Dengan menggunakan mencoba metode yuridis empiris, penelitian ini akan mencoba menelusuri putusan-putusan yang diperkarakan lebih dari sekali khususnya perkara perceraian

    Mortality in Central Java: results from the indonesian mortality registration system strengthening project

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    Background. Mortality statistics from death registration systems are essential for health policy and development. Indonesia has recently mandated compulsory death registration across the entire country in December 2006. This article describes the methods and results from activities to ascertain causes of registered deaths in two pilot registration areas in Central Java during 2006-2007. The methods involved several steps, starting with adaptation of international standards for reporting causes of registered deaths for implementation in two sites, Surakarta (urban) and Pekalongan (rural). Causes for hospital deaths were certified by attending physicians. Verbal autopsies were used for home deaths. Underlying causes were coded using ICD-10. Completeness of registration was assessed in a sample of villages and urban wards by triangulating data from the health sector, the civil registration system, and an independent household survey. Finally, summary mortality indicators and cause of death rankings were developed for each site. Findings. A total of 10,038 deaths were registered in the two sites during 2006-2007; yielding annual crude death rates of 5.9 to 6.8 per 1000. Data completeness was higher in rural areas (72.5%) as compared to urban areas (52%). Adjusted life expectancies at birth were higher for both males and females in the urban population as compared to the rural population. Stroke, ischaemic heart disease and chronic respiratory disease are prominent causes in both populations. Other important causes are diabetes and cancer in urban areas; and tuberculosis and diarrhoeal diseases in rural areas. Conclusions. Non-communicable diseases cause a significant proportion of premature mortality in Central Java. Implementing cause of death reporting in conjunction with death registration appears feasible in Indonesia. Better collaboration between health and registration sectors is required to improve data quality. These are the first local mortality measures for health policy and monitoring in Indonesia. Strong demand for data from different stakeholders can stimulate further strengthening of mortality registration systems

    Converting the Function of Rubber Plantation Land to Housing in Way Kanan, Lampung (Field Study at Transmedika Residence, Way Tuba District)

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    The purpose of this writing is to analyze regarding the factors that cause the conversion of plantation land into housing and the impact of land conversion plantation into housing in Way Tuba District. The research method uses qualitative research. Factors causing land use change plantation into housing the internal factors of the plantation owner taking into account the social and environmental conditions of the local residents and land use. The internal factor of the garden owner is expected to be the way for the growth and development of the area and local people. If a factor can affect a human action, it is hoped that this factor will have benefits in it by taking into account the surrounding conditions and getting benefits for all parties and there is no loss in it. It is hoped that Internal and external factors such as the surrounding environment will not conflict with laws and regulations and remain steadfast in the 1945 Constitution that everything must aim at the welfare of all Indonesian people. This research aims to discuss about converting the function of rubber plantation land to housing in way Kannan, Lampung. The method used in this research is method qualitative. The positive impact that is felt is the emergence of new residential areas to meet housing needs, increased trading activities and additional Regional Original Income (PAD) from levies and taxes, while the negative impact of converting plantation land into settlements is that food productivity will decrease or decrease. Plantation land, which has become narrower due to conversion of functions, has also resulted in a decrease in food production


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    <p class="Style5">In Indonesia, the National Household Health Survey (SKRT) is still the main source of information on causes of death, which is now integrated with the National Socio Economic Survey (Susenas). The SKRT uses technique of verbal autopsy with open questions then classifies the diseases using ICD 10. There were 1719 cases obtained with 97,8% response rate of deaths reported by Susenas to the SKRT. Eventhough there are some limitations, the 1995 SKRT using proportion analysis is able to show the pattern of cause of death. The pattern in Java-Bali shows the current trend of epidemiologic transition - the changing pattern of infectious diseases towards degenerative diseases. For the first time the 1995 SKRT reveals the replacement of dominant infectious diseases by circulatory (cardio as well as cerebrovascular) diseases. The SKRT observation in the period of 1980 -1995 shows that the transition has happened with rapid trend compared to the England and Wales experience. Yet infectious diseases are still the important cause of death particularly among young age groups and population in the rural areas. Circulatory diseases do not affect only the old age groups but the productive age groups as well. The circulatory diseases can not be disregarded in the rural areas. This condition affects both sexes male and female. Maternal together with perinatal diseases are still quite substantial causes of death.</p

    Pola Penyakit Sebab Kematian di Jawa - Bali Berdasarkan Survei Kesehatan Rumah Tangga 1995

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    In Indonesia, the National Household Health Survey (SKRT) is still the main source of information on causes of death, which is now integrated with the National Socio Economic Survey (Susenas). The SKRT uses technique of verbal autopsy with open questions then classifies the diseases using ICD 10. There were 1719 cases obtained with 97,8% response rate of deaths reported by Susenas to the SKRT. Eventhough there are some limitations, the 1995 SKRT using proportion analysis is able to show the pattern of cause of death. The pattern in Java-Bali shows the current trend of epidemiologic transition - the changing pattern of infectious diseases towards degenerative diseases. For the first time the 1995 SKRT reveals the replacement of dominant infectious diseases by circulatory (cardio as well as cerebrovascular) diseases. The SKRT observation in the period of 1980 -1995 shows that the transition has happened with rapid trend compared to the England and Wales experience. Yet infectious diseases are still the important cause of death particularly among young age groups and population in the rural areas. Circulatory diseases do not affect only the old age groups but the productive age groups as well. The circulatory diseases can not be disregarded in the rural areas. This condition affects both sexes male and female. Maternal together with perinatal diseases are still quite substantial causes of death

    The role of plasma C-reactive protein in the evaluation of antibiotic treatment in suspected neonatal sepsis

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    <p>Analysis of serial C-reactive protein (CRP) levels was done to evaluate the effectiveness of antibiotic treatment in 35 suspected neonatal sepsis (SNS) patients who were hospitalized at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta. This cross sectional study was conducted from April to September 1999. Among 35 SNS patients, 18 had positive blood culture, 10 of which had positive CRP level at the time of diagnosis. Among 17 patients with negative blood culture, 9 had negative CRP level. Serial CRP in severe cases with positive CRP titer showed persistent high CRP level, and in those with negative CRP titer rose up to day 4 of treatment. On the other hand patients who were discharged and have negative blood culture demonstated low CRP level in day 4. This study confirms the benefit of serial CRP examination in the evaluation of antibiotic treatment in SNS.<em> <strong>(Med J Indones 2001; 10:16-21)</strong></em></p><p><strong>Keywords:</strong> <em>neonatal sepsis, antibiotic treatment, serial CRP level measurements, prognosis</em></p

    Reformulasi Kebijakan Pertambangan Atas Kewenangan Daerah

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    &nbsp; This study of natural resource management under the Article 33 of the 1945 Constitution is more motivated by economic justice where the management of natural resource always ignores the environmental aspects as such that the state fails to protect the community. The state should significantly increase the prosperity and welfare of the people. Environmental aspects become the last criteria in promulgating economic policies and production processes at macro and micro scale in the mining sector. The existence of PETI is generated by internal and external triggering factors. Community believes that mining commodities in the surrounding area can stimulate prosperity while the quality of human resources is generally low and financial capacity is limited. This eventually triggered the emergence of illegal people's mining practices. Technical requirements for granting IPR mentioned in the &nbsp;Article 48 Paragraph 2 letter b of Governmental Regulation &nbsp;No. 23, 2010 is difficult to meet by community miners. Under Article 9 Paragraph (3) jis Article 11 Paragraph (1), Article 13 Paragraph (3) letter (e) of Law No. 23, 2014 regarding Regional Government, energy and mineral resource issues is included in concurrent Administration affairs. Central Government, in passing its policy should consider local wisdom while paying attention to national interests. Keyword : Mining, People, Policy