677 research outputs found

    Selection of neutralizing antibody escape mutants with type A influenza virus HA-specific polyclonal antisera: possible significance for antigenic drift

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    Ten antisera were produced in rabbits by two or three intravenous injections of inactivated whole influenza type A virions. All contained haemagglutination-inhibition (HI) antibody directed predominantly to an epitope in antigenic site B and, in addition, various amounts of antibodies to an epitope in site A and in site D. The ability of untreated antisera to select neutralization escape mutants was investigated by incubating virus possessing the homologous haemagglutinin with antiserum adjusted to contain anti-B epitope HI titres of 100, 1000 and 10000 HIU/ml. Virus-antiserum mixtures were inoculated into embryonated hen's eggs, and progeny virus examined without further selection. Forty percent of the antisera at a titre of 1000 HIU/ml selected neutralizing antibody escape mutants as defined by their lack of reactivity to Mab HC10 (site B), and unchanged reactivity to other Mabs to site A and site D epitopes. All escape mutant-selecting antisera had a ratio of anti-site B (HC10)-epitope antibody[ratio]other antibodies of [gt-or-equal, slanted]2·0[ratio]1. The antiserum with the highest ratio (7·4[ratio]1) selected escape mutants in all eggs tested in four different experiments. No antiserum used at a titre of 10000 HIU/ml allowed multiplication of any virus. All antisera used at a titre of 100 HIU/ml permitted virus growth, but this was wild-type (wt) virus. We conclude that a predominant epitope-specific antibody response, a titre of [gt-or-equal, slanted]1000 HIU/ml, and a low absolute titre of other antibodies ([less-than-or-eq, slant]500 HIU/ml) are three requirements for the selection of escape mutants. None of the antisera in this study could have selected escape mutants without an appropriate dilution factor, so the occurrence of an escape mutant-selecting antiserum in nature is likely to be a rare event

    Insights into neutralization of animal viruses gained from study of influenza virus

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    It has long been known that the binding of antibodies to viruses can result in a loss of infectivity, or neutralization, but little is understood of the mechanism or mechanisms of this process. This is probably because neutralization is a multifactorial phenomenon depending upon the nature of the virus itself, the particular antigenic site involved, the isotype of immunoglobulin and the ratio of virus to immunoglobulin (see below). Thus not only is it likely that neutralization of one virus will differ from another but that changing the circumstances of neutralization can change the mechanism itself. To give coherence to the topic we are concentrating this review on one virus, influenza type A which is itself well studied and reasonably well understood [1–3]. Reviews of the older literature can be found in references 4 to 7

    Cloned defective interfering influenza RNA and a 7 possible pan-specific treatment of respiratory virus 8 diseases

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    Defective interfering (DI) genomes are characterised by their ability to interfere with the 3 replication of the virus from which they were derived and other genetically compatible 4 viruses. DI genomes are synthesized by nearly all known viruses and represent a vast 5 natural reservoir of antivirals that can potentially be exploited for use in the clinic. This review 6 describes the application of DI virus to protect from virus-associated diseases in vivo using 7 as an example a highly active cloned influenza A DI genome and virus that protects broadly 8 in preclinical trials against different subtypes of influenza A and against non-influenza A 9 respiratory viruses. This influenza A-derived DI genome protects by two totally different 10 mechanisms: molecular interference with influenza A replication and by stimulating innate 11 immunity that acts against non-influenza A viruses. The review considers what is needed to 12 develop DI genomes to the point of entry into clinical trials

    COVID-19 infection, vaccines, and immunity—the antibody response requires detailed analysis

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    Current tests for antibodies specific for the SARS-CoV-2 S protein say nothing about their precise epitope specificities. These data are needed to properly assess the immune status of individuals following infection or vaccination, and the risk posed by virus variants

    Understanding the SARS-CoV-2 virus neutralizing antibody response : lessons to be learned from HIV and respiratory syncytial virus

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    The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic commenced in 2019 and is still ongoing. Neither infection nor vaccination give long-lasting immunity and, here, in an attempt to understand why this might be, we have compared the neutralizing antibody responses to SARS-CoV-2 with those specific for human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). Currently, most of the antibodies specific for the SARS-CoV-2 S protein map to three broad antigenic sites, all at the distal end of the S trimer (receptor-binding site (RBD), sub-RBD and N-terminal domain), whereas the structurally similar HIV-1 and the RSV F envelope proteins have six antigenic sites. Thus, there may be several antigenic sites on the S trimer that have not yet been identified. The epitope mapping, quantitation and longevity of the SARS-CoV-2 S-protein-specific antibodies produced in response to infection and those elicited by vaccination are now being reported for specific groups of individuals, but much remains to be determined about these aspects of the host–virus interaction. Finally, there is a concern that the SARS-CoV-2 field may be reprising the HIV-1 experience, which, for many years, used a virus for neutralization studies that did not reflect the neutralizability of wild-type HIV-1. For example, the widely used VSV-SARS-CoV-2-S protein pseudotype has 10-fold more S trimers per virion and a different configuration of the trimers compared with the SARS-CoV-2 wild-type virus. Clarity in these areas would help in advancing understanding and aid countermeasures of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

    Influenza virus protecting RNA : an effective prophylactic and therapeutic antiviral

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    Another influenza pandemic is inevitable, and new measures to combat this and seasonal influenza are urgently needed. Here we describe a new concept in antivirals based on a defined, naturally occurring defective influenza RNA that has the potential to protect against any influenza A virus in any animal host. This protecting RNA (244 RNA) is incorporated into virions which although non-infectious, deliver the RNA to those cells of the respiratory tract that are naturally targeted by infectious influenza virus. A small intranasal dose of this 244 protecting virus (120 ng) completely protected mice against a simultaneous lethal (10 LD50) challenge with influenza A/WSN (H1N1) virus. 244 virus also protected mice against a strong challenge dose of all other subtypes tested (H2N2, H3N2, H3N8). This prophylactic activity was maintained in the animal for at least 1 week prior to challenge. 244 virus was 10 to 100-fold more active than previously characterised influenza A defective viruses, and the protecting activity was confirmed to reside in the 244 RNA molecule by recovering a protecting virus entirely from cloned cDNA. There was clear therapeutic benefit when protecting 244 virus was administered 24-48 h after lethal challenge, an effect which has not been previously observed with any defective virus. Protecting virus reduced, but did not abolish, replication of challenge virus in mouse lungs during both prophylactic and therapeutic treatments. Protecting virus is a novel antiviral which has the potential to combat influenza infections in humans, particularly when the infecting strain is not known, or is resistant to antiviral drugs

    Cloned defective interfering influenza virus protects ferrets from pandemic 2009 influenza A virus and allows protective immunity to be established

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    Influenza A viruses are a major cause of morbidity and mortality in the human population, causing epidemics in the winter, and occasional worldwide pandemics. In addition there are periodic outbreaks in domestic poultry, horses, pigs, dogs, and cats. Infections of domestic birds can be fatal for the birds and their human contacts. Control in man operates through vaccines and antivirals, but both have their limitations. In the search for an alternative treatment we have focussed on defective interfering (DI) influenza A virus. Such a DI virus is superficially indistinguishable from a normal virus but has a large deletion in one of the eight RNAs that make up the viral genome. Antiviral activity resides in the deleted RNA. We have cloned one such highly active DI RNA derived from segment 1 (244 DI virus) and shown earlier that intranasal administration protects mice from lethal disease caused by a number of different influenza A viruses. A more cogent model of human influenza is the ferret. Here we found that intranasal treatment with a single dose of 2 or 0.2 µg 244 RNA delivered as A/PR/8/34 virus particles protected ferrets from disease caused by pandemic virus A/California/04/09 (A/Cal; H1N1). Specifically, 244 DI virus significantly reduced fever, weight loss, respiratory symptoms, and infectious load. 244 DI RNA, the active principle, was amplified in nasal washes following infection with A/Cal, consistent with its amelioration of clinical disease. Animals that were treated with 244 DI RNA cleared infectious and DI viruses without delay. Despite the attenuation of infection and disease by DI virus, ferrets formed high levels of A/Cal-specific serum haemagglutination-inhibiting antibodies and were solidly immune to rechallenge with A/Cal. Together with earlier data from mouse studies, we conclude that 244 DI virus is a highly effective antiviral with activity potentially against all influenza A subtypes

    NC2213: a novel methionine aminopeptidase 2 inhibitor in human colon cancer HT29 cells

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    Methionine aminopeptidase 2 (MetAP2) is a bifunctional protein that plays a critical role in the regulation of post-translational processing and protein synthesis. MetAP2 is overexpressed in human colon cancer. In this report we screened various MetAP2 inhibitors and treated HT29 cells with various concentrations of compounds. We evaluated the expression of MetAP2 and pp60c-src expressions in HT29 cells. In addition we also carried out the cell proliferation and cell cycle analysis in the MetAP2 inhibitor-treated HT29 cells. The cell cycle analysis of HT29 treated with 1.0 μM of NC2213 showed an arrest in the G2 phase followed by an induction in the percentage of cells undergoing apoptosis in the sub-G1 phase. Western blot analysis revealed that the MetAP2 expression was dose-dependently decreased when the HT29 cells were treated with the 3,5-bis(benzylidene)-4-piperidone derivative (NC2213). In addition, phosphorylation of Src, a myristoylated oncoprotein was significantly decreased by 1.0 μM of NC2213 as revealed by Western blot analysis. Furthermore, NC2213 also inhibits the expression of pp60c-src in HT29 cells. Interestingly, this compound also inhibits the phosphorylation at Tyr416 of pp60c-src while increasing the phosphorylation at Tyr527 of pp60c-src. NC2213 inhibits the growth of HT29 cells by inducing apoptosis and might be useful for the treatment of human colon cancer

    Dispersion of low frequency plasma waves upstream of the quasi-perpendicular terrestrial bow shock

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    Low frequency waves in the foot of a supercritical quasi-perpendicular shock front have been observed since the very early in situ observations of the terrestrial bow shock (Guha et al., 1972). The great attention that has been devoted to these type of waves since the first observations is explained by the key role attributed to them in the processes of energy redistribution in the shock front by various theoretical models. In some models, these waves play the role of the intermediator between the ions and electrons. It is assumed that they are generated by plasma instability that exist due to the counter-streaming flows of incident and reflected ions. In the second type of models, these waves result from the evolution of the shock front itself in the quasi-periodic process of steepening and overturning of the magnetic ramp. However, the range of the observed frequencies in the spacecraft frame are not enough to distinguish the origin of the observed waves. It also requires the determination of the wave vectors and the plasma frame frequencies. Multipoint measurements within the wave coherence length are needed for an ambiguous determination of the wave vectors. In the main multi-point missions such as ISEE, AMPTE, Cluster and THEMIS, the spacecraft separation is too large for such a wave vector determination and therefore only very few case studies are published (mainly for AMPTE UKS AMPTE IRM pair). Here we present the observations of upstream low frequency waves by the Cluster spacecraft which took place on 19 February 2002. The spacecraft separation during the crossing of the bow shock was small enough to determine the wave vectors and allowed the identification of the plasma wave dispersion relation for the observed waves. Presented results are compared with whistler wave dispersion and it is shown that contrary to previous studies based on the AMPTE data, the phase velocity in the shock frame is directed downstream. The consequences of this finding for both types of models that were developed to explain the generation of these waves are discussed


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    In the mol­ecule of the title compound, C21H22ClNO2, the piperidine ring adopts a distorted boat conformation. The two phenyl rings are nearly orthogonal to each other with a dihedral angle of 87.1 (1)°. In the crystal structure, the mol­ecules are linked into a three-dimensional network by C—H⋯O and C—H⋯π inter­actions