46 research outputs found

    Deep Atlantic carbonate ion and CaCO3 compensation during the Ice Ages

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    Abstract Higher alkalinity is compensation for reduced CaCO3 burial in the deep ocean in response to increased carbon sequestration in the deep ocean. This process accounts for about half of the reduction in glacial atmospheric CO2. To date our understanding of this process comes from benthic carbon isotope and CaCO3 burial records. Here we present a 1.5 My orbitally resolved deep ocean calcite saturation record (∆CO32‐) derived from benthic foraminiferal B/Ca ratios in the North Atlantic. Glacial ∆CO32‐ declines across the mid‐Pleistocene transition (MPT) suggesting increased sequestration of carbon in the deep Atlantic. The magnitude, timing, and structure of deep Atlantic Ocean ∆CO32‐ parallels changes in ÊCO3 and contrasts the small amplitude, anti‐phased swings in IndoPacific ∆CO32‐ and ÊCO3 during the mid‐to‐late Pleistocene questioning the classic view of CaCO3 compensatory mechanism. We propose that the increasing corrosivity of the deep Atlantic causes the locus of CaCO3 burial to shift into the equatorial Pacific where the flux of CaCO3 to the seafloor was sufficiently high to overcome low saturation and establish a new burial “hot spot”. Based on this mechanism, we propose that the persistently low∆CO32‐ levels at Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 12, set the stage for the high pCO2 levels at MIS 11 and subsequent interglacials via large swings in ocean alkalinity caused by shifts in CaCO3 burial. Similarly, the development of classic (‘anti‐correlated’) CaCO3 patterns was driven by enhanced ocean stratification and an increase in deep ocean corrosivity in response to MPT cooling

    Predicting the seasonal evolution of southern African summer precipitation in the DePreSys3 prediction system

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    We assess the ability of the DePreSys3 prediction system to predict austral summer precipitation (DJF) over southern Africa, defined as the African continent south of 15°S. DePresys3 is a high resolution prediction system (at a horizontal resolution of ~ 60 km in the atmosphere in mid-latitudes and of the quarter degree in the Ocean) and spans the long period 1959–2016. We find skill in predicting interannual precipitation variability, relative to a long-term trend; the anomaly correlation skill score over southern Africa is greater than 0.45 for the first summer (i.e. lead month 2–4), and 0.37 over Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Zambia for the second summer (i.e. lead month 14–16). The skill is related to the successful prediction of the El-Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO), and the successful simulation of ENSO teleconnections to southern Africa. However, overall skill is sensitive to the inclusion of strong La-Nina events and also appears to change with forecast epoch. For example, the skill in predicting precipitation over Mozambique is significantly larger for the first summer in the 1990–2016 period, compared to the 1959–1985 period. The difference in skill in predicting interannual precipitation variability over southern Africa in different epochs is consistent with a change in the strength of the observed teleconnections of ENSO. After 1990, and consistent with the increased skill, the observed impact of ENSO appears to strengthen over west Mozambique, in association with changes in ENSO related atmospheric convergence anomalies. However, these apparent changes in teleconnections are not captured by the ensemble-mean predictions using DePreSys3. The changes in the ENSO teleconnection are consistent with a warming over the Indian Ocean and modulation of ENSO properties between the different epochs, but may also be associated with unpredictable atmospheric variability

    Different experimental approaches in modelling cataractogenesis: An overview of selenite-induced nuclear cataract in rats

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    Cataract, the opacification of eye lens, is the leading cause of blindness worldwide. At present, the only remedy is surgical removal of the cataractous lens and substitution with a lens made of synthetic polymers. However, besides significant costs of operation and possible complications, an artificial lens just does not have the overall optical qualities of a normal one. Hence it remains a significant public health problem, and biochemical solutions or pharmacological interventions that will maintain the transparency of the lens are highly required. Naturally, there is a persistent demand for suitable biological models. The ocular lens would appear to be an ideal organ for maintaining culture conditions because of lacking blood vessels and nerves. The lens in vivo obtains its nutrients and eliminates waste products via diffusion with the surrounding fluids. Lens opacification observed in vivo can be mimicked in vitro by addition of the cataractogenic agent sodium selenite (Na2SeO3) to the culture medium. Moreover, since an overdose of sodium selenite induces also cataract in young rats, it became an extremely rapid and convenient model of nuclear cataract in vivo. The main focus of this review will be on selenium (Se) and its salt sodium selenite, their toxicological characteristics and safety data in relevance of modelling cataractogenesis, either under in vivo or in vitro conditions. The studies revealing the mechanisms of lens opacification induced by selenite are highlighted, the representatives from screening for potential anti-cataract agents are listed

    Sea surface temperature changes in the Okhotsk Sea and adjacent North Pacific during the last glacial maximum and deglaciation

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    We estimated sea surface temperatures (SSTs) in the western Okhotsk Sea during the last glacial maximum (LGM) and the last glacial termination from measurements of the alkenone unsaturation index (UK′37), the Tetra Ether indeX of tetraethers consisting of 86 carbon atoms (TEX86), and TEX86L in piston core sediments, which reveal the climate response of this region to different types of forcings. TEX86L is a modification of TEX86 proposed for high-latitude ocean regions. The TEX86L-derived temperatures were not different from the alkenone-derived temperatures from the same and nearby sediment samples. During the LGM, alkenone-derived temperatures in the Okhotsk Sea were relatively warm. These and similarly warm alkenone-derived temperatures found at many other sites in the western North Pacific may reflect a shift in the season of biomarker production from early summer and autumn to mid-summer during the LGM as a result of the expansion of the season of sea-ice cover. Empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis of alkenone-derived temperatures at 14 sites from the North Pacific suggested substantial cooling between 20 and 14 cal kyr BP during the deglaciation at 11 of the sites (including 4 sites in the Okhotsk Sea). This dominant EOF mode suggests either an overall seasonal bias in alkenone-derived temperatures or potential shifts in the Haptophyseae production season. The second EOF mode of variability indicated a deglacial warming trend punctuated by millennial-scale cold events, associated with reorganizations of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation. The SST pattern corresponding to this EOF mode is indicative of millennial-scale meridional shifts of the axis of the westerly jet, which may have affected heat transport across the Kuroshio. Reconstructed temperature changes, in particular in the Okhotsk Sea, provide insight into the conditions that modulated the ventilation history of intermediate waters in the North Pacific