82 research outputs found

    Stratigraphy and geological structure of the Lavrion area (Attica, Greece)

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    The geological mapping of the Lavrion area lead to a revision of the lithostratigraphic subdivision and the recognition of three superposed tectonic units. The lower unit, the so-called autochthonous system, consists of a Triassic - Jurassic metamorphic Pelagonian series, a disconformity related to the Eohellenic orogenic phase, and a Tithonian - Lower Cretaceous non-metamorphic transgressive cover. Upon the lower unit, the "phyllite" nappe lies (middle unit), having on the top some remnants of a non-metamorphic Pelagonian nappe (upper unit)


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    Τρεις στρωματογραφικές τομές, από τον ανατολικό Βούρινο (περιοχή Ροδιανής) και το ανατολικό Βέρμιο, απεκάλυψαν την ίδια ηλικία των φαινομένων που σχετίζονται με τις λατεριτιώσεις που προσέβαλαν το σερπεντινιωμένο οφιολιθικό σύμπλεγμα μετά την τοποθέτηση του πάνω στην πελαγονική επικράτεια. Στις τομές παρατηρούνται τεμάχη σερπεντινιωμένων χαρτσβουργιτών που φέρουν λατεριτικές ασυμφωνίες στην κορυφή, καλυπτόμενες από επικλυσιγενείς υστερο-ηωκρητιδικούς νηριτικούς ασβεστόλιθους. Κοντά στο χωρίο Κτένι (περιοχή Ροδιανής), ένας ορίζοντας λατερίτη, που κάθεται στην κορυφή σερπεντινιτών, καλύπτεται από επικλυσιγενείς νηριτικούς ασβεστόλιθους με Salpingoporella urladanasi, η οποία προσδιορίζει ηλικία Βαρρέμιο - Άλβιο, ακολουθούμενους από ασβεστόλιθους με Orbitolinidae. Στη θέση Τσιμοδιά (ΒΒΔ της προηγουμένης), ο λατεριτικός ορίζοντας, που κάθεται πάνω σε καρστικοποιημένους ανωιουρασικούς υφαλογενείς ασβεστόλιθους (οι οποίοι είναι το κορυφαίο μέλος ενός σώματος ανθρακικής πλατφόρμας που κάθεται τεκτονικός πάνω στους οφιολίθους), καλύπτεται επικλυσιγενώς από ένα σιδηρούχο πισσολιθικό στρωματίδιο και ασβεστόλιθους του Απτίου, που έχουν υφή wackes tone-muds tone και επίσης περιέχουν Salpingoporella urladanasi, ακολουθούμενους από ασβεστόλιθους με Orbitolina του Κενομανίου. Τέλος, η τρίτη εξετασθείσα τοποθεσία, αρκετά ΒΑ των προηγουμένων, βρίσκεται στις ανατολικές παρυφές του Βερμίου και συγκεκριμένα στα ΒΔ του χωρίου Κουμαριά. Εκεί, ομοίως παρατηρείται ότι τα λατεριτιωμένα τεμάχη σερπεντινιτών καλύπτονται επικλυσιγενώς από νηριτικούς ασβεστόλιθους με Salpingoporella urladanasi, που περνούν προς τα πάνω σε ανακρυσταλλωμένους ανωκρητιδικούς ασβεστόλιθους με Orbitolinidae και θραύσματα ρουδιστών και, εν τέλει, στο φλύσχη. Οι παραπάνω χαρακτήρες οδηγούν στο συμπέρασμα ότι η ανάδυση και η επακόλουθη λατεριτίωση των επωθημένων οφιολίθων του Βούρινου και του Βερμίου, στη βόρεια πελαγονική επικράτεια, που έλαβε χώρα αρχής γενομένης από το ύστατο Ιουρασικό, ακολουθήθηκε από μια θαλάσσια επίκλυση που άρχισε μέσα στο διάστημα Βαρρέμιο - Άλβιο, σε συνθήκες ανθρακικής πλατφόρμας, αρχικώς κλειστής και υφάλμυρης, που σημαδεύονται από την παρουσία του φύκους Salpingoporella urladanasi, ακολουθούμενες από κανονικής αλμυρότητας συνθήκες ανθρακικής πλατφόρμας. Η νηριτική ιζηματογένεση έμεινε ακλόνητη μέχρι το κατώτερο Κενομάνιο. Στη συνέχεια, μία βάθυνση, νωρίτερα στο Βούρινο και αργότερα στο Βέρμιο, οδήγησε στην απόθεση πελαγικών και τουρβιδιτικών ασβεστόλιθων και στη συνέχεια του φλύσχη.Three stratigraphical sections from eastern Vourinos (Rhodiani area) to eastern Vermion massifs revealed the same age of the latérite events affecting the serpentinized ophiolite complex after its emplacement on the Pelagonian domain. All of them consist from their base upwards of serpentinized harzburgite slivers with lateritic unconformities on the top, followed by transgressive upper Lower Cretaceous neritic limestones. At Kteni locality (Rhodiani area), a laterite horizon, lying on top of serpentinites, is covered by transgressive neritic limestones with Salpingoporella urladanasi, assigning a Barremian - Albian age, followed by Orbitolinidae limestones. At Tsimodia locality (NNW to the previous), the latente horizon, lying on karstified Upper Jurassic reef limestones (which are the top member of a carbonate platform body tectonically lying on the ophiolites), is trans gres s ively overlain by iron-rich pisolith levels and Aptian limestones of the wackes tone-muds tone type, also containing Salpingoporella urladanasi, followed by Cenomanian Orbitolina limestones. Finally, the third examined locality, further north-eastward to the previous, is situated at the eastern slopes of Vermion massif and more precisely at the NWpart of Koumaria village. There, it can again be observed that the lateritized serpentinite slivers are overlain transgress ively by neritic limestones with Salpingoporella urladanasi, passing upwards into Upper Cretaceous recrystallized limestones with Orbitolinidae and rudist fragments and, finally, toflysch deposition. These features allow to recognize that the emersion and the consecutive lateritization of the thrust-emplaced ophiolites in Vourinos and Vermion massifs in the northern Pelagonian domain, starting from the Latest Jurassic, was followed by a marine transgression beginning from the Barremian - Albian, firstly under restricted and brackish carbonate platform conditions, marked by the presence of the dasycladalean alga Salpingoporella urladanasi, followed by normal salinity carbonate platform conditions. The neritic sedimentation was stable until the Early Cenomanian. Subsequently, a deepening, earlier at Vourinos and later at Vermion, resulted in deposition of pelagic and turbiditic carbonates and then offlysch

    The Argolis Peninsula in the paleogeographic and geodynamic frame of the Hellenides

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    The Ethnic 'Other' in Ukrainian History Textbooks: The Case of Russia and the Russians

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    This paper examines portrayals of Russia and the Russians in two generations of Ukrainian history textbooks. It observes that the textbooks are highly condemning of Ukraine's main ethnic other in the guise of foreign ruler: the tsarist authorities and the Soviet regime are always attributed dubious and malicious intentions even if there is appreciation for some of their policies. By contrast, the books, certainly those of the second generation, refrain from presenting highly biased accounts of the ethnic other as a national group (i.e. Russians). Instances where negative judgements do fall onto Russians are counterbalanced by excerpts criticizing ethnic Ukrainians or highlighting conflicting interests within the Ukrainian ethnic group. The negative appraisal of the ethnic other as foreign ruler is clearly instrumental for the nation-building project as it sustains a discourse legitimating the existence of Ukraine as independent state. However, recent trends in history education, the paper concludes, suggest that the importance of nurturing patriotism as a national policy objective is diminishing

    Scholars’ open debate paper on the World Health Organization ICD-11 gaming disorder proposal

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    Concerns about problematic gaming behaviors deserve our full attention. However, we claim that it is far from clear that these problems can or should be attributed to a new disorder. The empirical basis for a Gaming Disorder proposal, such as in the new ICD-11, suffers from fundamental issues. Our main concerns are the low quality of the research base, the fact that the current operationalization leans too heavily on substance use and gambling criteria, and the lack of consensus on symptomatology and assessment of problematic gaming. The act of formalizing this disorder, even as a proposal, has negative medical, scientific, public-health, societal, and human rights fallout that should be considered. Of particular concern are moral panics around the harm of video gaming. They might result in premature application of diagnosis in the medical community and the treatment of abundant false-positive cases, especially for children and adolescents. Second, research will be locked into a confirmatory approach, rather than an exploration of the boundaries of normal versus pathological. Third, the healthy majority of gamers will be affected negatively. We expect that the premature inclusion of Gaming Disorder as a diagnosis in ICD-11 will cause significant stigma to the millions of children who play video games as a part of a normal, healthy life. At this point, suggesting formal diagnoses and categories is premature: the ICD-11 proposal for Gaming Disorder should be removed to avoid a waste of public health resources as well as to avoid causing harm to healthy video gamers around the world

    A weak scientific basis for gaming disorder: let us err on the side of caution

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    We greatly appreciate the care and thought that is evident in the 10 commentaries that discuss our debate paper, the majority of which argued in favor of a formalized ICD-11 gaming disorder. We agree that there are some people whose play of video games is related to life problems. We believe that understanding this population and the nature and severity of the problems they experience should be a focus area for future research. However, moving from research construct to formal disorder requires a much stronger evidence base than we currently have. The burden of evidence and the clinical utility should be extremely high, because there is a genuine risk of abuse of diagnoses. We provide suggestions about the level of evidence that might be required: transparent and preregistered studies, a better demarcation of the subject area that includes a rationale for focusing on gaming particularly versus a more general behavioral addictions concept, the exploration of non-addiction approaches, and the unbiased exploration of clinical approaches that treat potentially underlying issues, such as depressive mood or social anxiety first. We acknowledge there could be benefits to formalizing gaming disorder, many of which were highlighted by colleagues in their commentaries, but we think they do not yet outweigh the wider societal and public health risks involved. Given the gravity of diagnostic classification and its wider societal impact, we urge our colleagues at the WHO to err on the side of caution for now and postpone the formalization