3,751 research outputs found

    A fuzzy control design case: The fuzzy PLL

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    The aim of this paper is to present a typical fuzzy control design case. The analyzed controlled systems are the phase-locked loops (PLL's)--classic systems realized in both analogic and digital technology. The crisp PLL devices are well known

    Three-cluster nuclear molecules

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    A three-center phenomenological model able to explain, at least from a qualitative point of view, the difference in the observed yield of a particle-accompanied fission and that of binary fission was developed. It is derived from the liquid drop model under the assumption that the aligned configuration, with the emitted particle between the light and heavy fragment is obtained by increasing continuously the separation distance, while the radii of the light fragment and of the light particle are kept constant. During the first stage of the deformation one has a two-center evolution until the neck radius becomes equal to the radius of the emitted particle. Then the three center starts developing by decreasing with the same amount the two tip distances. In such a way a second minimum, typical for a cluster molecule, appears in the deformation energy. Examples are presented for 240^{240}Pu parent nucleus emitting α\alpha-particles and 14^{14}C in a ternary process

    T-duality of the Green-Schwarz superstring

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    We study T-duality in the Green-Schwarz formalism to all orders in superspace coordinates. We find two analogs of Buscher rules for the supervielbein and clarify their meaning from the superstring point of view. The transformation rules for the dilaton, spin 1/2 fermions and Ramond-Ramond superfields are also derived.Comment: 21 pages, late

    Electron microscopy research on Leydig cells in breeding boards

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    Leydig Cells or interstitial endocrinocytes are very numerous at an adult boar, where they occupy 20-30% of the testicular tissue(1).Aims : The electron microscopy research approach studies of the Cytoplasm , Cell Organelles and the type of junctional complexes which they realize between the adjacent cells. The electron microscopy reveals the two types of interstitial endocrinocytes : small and spindle cells, with few organelles , and big cells with a cytoplasm rich in vesicles, lipid inclusions and pigments. These studies have influence over the quality of the seminal material

    The quasi-molecular stage of ternary fission

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    We developed a three-center phenomenological model,able to explain qualitatively the recently obtained experimental results concerning the quasimolecular stage of a light-particle accompanied fission process. It was derived from the liquid drop model under the assumption that the aligned configuration, with the emitted particle between the light and heavy fragment, is reached by increasing continuously the separation distance, while the radii of the heavy fragment and of the light particle are kept constant. In such a way,a new minimum of a short-lived molecular state appears in the deformation energy at a separation distance very close to the touching point. This minimum allows the existence of a short-lived quasi-molecular state, decaying into the three final fragments.The influence of the shell effects is discussed. The half-lives of some quasimolecular states which could be formed in the 10^{10}Be and 12^{12}C accompanied fission of 252^{252}Cf are roughly estimated to be the order of 1 ns, and 1 ms, respectively

    Influence of Milk Thistle Shot on Quality Parameters of the Sour-milk Beverage

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    Modern complicated ecological conditions cause a general necessity in improving the food structure of the population due to improving the quality, biological value and taste characteristics of products. Just that is why, the aim of the work was to study the influence of milk thistle shot on quality parameters of the sour-milk beverage – kefir. It was established, that it had the homogenous consistence with a broken clot and color from white to creamy with shot particles. The increase of the milk thistle shot dose to 3 % and 4 % results in the taste with the brightly expressed milk thistle smack and brown color with the expressed milk thistle content. The viscosity of kefir with fms 2,5 % changes during seven days of storage, although remains rather high at 8 day, namely 47 s. The increase of the viscosity of kefir with milk thistle shot is explained by its hygroscopic properties, in which result free moisture of the product is bound. The analysis of microbiological parameters in the process of storage of kefir with milk thistle shot allows to make a conclusion about the satisfactory sanitary condition of the new product and its harmlessness for consumer's health. In the kefir with milk thistle shot the general amount of amino acids grew by 11,6 %, including irreplaceable ones – by 10,1 %, replaceable – by 12,6 %, that indicates its biological value.Addition of milk thistle shot to kefir didn't cause changes of the biological value of the protein component of the combined product. It is testified by the mean value of amino acid scores of control (129,3 %) and experimental (127,9 %) samples of kefir. Some growth of the valine score (3,6 %) can be noted.So, the combined product is characterized by the balanced amino acid composition. Due to adding milk thistle shot, consumption of amino acids, necessary for synthesis of proteins and essential number of compounds, vitally important for the human organism, grew

    The Study Of Production Regimes And Quality Parameters Of Extruded Feed Additive Based On Corn Seed And Substandard Egg Mass

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    On the base of practical studies were established the rational parameters of technological processes of production of extruded feed additive. There was determined an expedience of mixture of substandard chicken egg mass and the crushed corn seed in two stages in frame (during 18 s) and blade (during 120…180 s) mixers. There were determined the optimal regimes of mixture extruding: pressure in working zone of extruder 2…3 mPa, consumed force of electric motor 4,0…4,5 kW, temperature on outcome of extruder 110…120 ºС, duration of process 60…120 s, diameter of matrix port 10 mm.There were given the results of study of parameters of quality and nutritive value of extruded feed additive. It was established, that in the process of extruding the quality parameters of food additive are improved at the expense of dextrinization and gelatinization of starch, decrease of bacterial and fungal pollution, disinfection of product.There was proved a possibility to solve problem of utilization of defective eggs at feeding poultry

    Study of the Different Ways of Proteins Extraction From Sheep and Cow Whey for “Urda” Cheese Production

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    The necessary stage of technological process of “Urda” albumin cheese production is whey proteins extraction from sheep whey (in classic technology of product) or from the whey mixtures, offered in the work. For whey proteins extraction from whey the following ways are used: thermal, acid, acid-alkaline and chlorine-calcium.There was established the equal dependence of the influence of the way of proteins extraction from both sheep and cow whey on the output of protein mass.The most output of protein mass (3,47±0,10 %) is at the chlorine-calcium way of proteins extraction, a bit less – 3,41±0,08 % – at the acid-alkaline way. But the acidity of such protein mass, received by the chlorine-calcium and acid-alkaline ways is not high – 37,2±1,8 and 45,6±1,4 % respectively that negatively influences the gustatory qualities of product. The least output is registered at the thermal way. Albumin cheese, received from such protein mass, was the best by its gustatory qualities. The output of protein mass from sheep whey is 1,60 times higher than from cow whey. The mass share of proteins in protein mass, received from sheep whey is by 6,9…8,0 % higher comparing with one, received from cow whey.Protein mass, received from sheep whey by the chlorine-calcium and acid-alkaline ways has the low titrated acidity. Cheese, received from protein mass, received of sheep whey by the acid method, has the extremely high acidity values (115,5±1,5 °Т), excessive sour-milk flavor and smell. These results don-t allow to provide the long storage term. That is why it is recommended to use the thermal way for proteins extraction from sheep whey and for proteins extraction from cow way in the technology of “Urda” albumin cheese.So the thermal way of proteins extraction from the mixture of sheep and cow whey in ratio 1:1 or 3:1 can be used for “Urda” albumin cheese production. The use of cow whey gives a possibility to cheapen the product because cow whey is cheaper than sheep one. Such cheese has the improved organoleptic parameters, namely homogenous consistence, tender sour-milk flavor and smell