273 research outputs found

    Green Synthesis, Characterization, In-Silico Molecular Docking study and In-Vitro Anti-Cancer Activity of 1,2,3-Triazolyl Dihydropyrimidine-2-Thione Hybrids

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    The present work deals with the green synthesis, characterization, molecular docking and anti-cancer activity of new series of 1,2,3-triazolyl dihydropyrimidine-2-thione hybrids. The study comprises of: Designed the lead molecule of and 1,2,3-triazolyl dihydropyrimidine-2-thione hybrids assessed ADMET property. Synthesis of the title compounds by appropriate methods. Determination of physical properties such as solubility, melting point and TLC. Characterise the structures of synthesized compounds by IR, 1HNMR and Mass spectra. Evaluation of the synthesized compounds for their in-vitro anti-cancer activity. • The compounds were synthesized by reaction between 1,2,3-triazolyl chalcone and aromatic aldehydes in the presence of 50% aqueous sodium hydroxide grinding 4-7 minutes. Then the above product treated with thiourea 10% potassium hydroxide and water reflux to form 1,2,3- triazolyl dihydropyrimidine-2-thione hybrids. • The method had been optimized to synthesis for the synthetic compounds. • The compounds were synthesized by appropriate method. • The synthesized compounds were purified by TLC. • The synthesized compounds were confirmed by FT-IR, 1H NMR, MASS Spectroscopy. • The IR data showed relevant bands for the functional groups present in the synthesized compounds. • The 1H NMR also showed relevant proton peaks for all the synthesized compounds. • The molecular weights of the compounds were done by MASS Spectrocopy. • All spectral data coincides with the assigned structure of synthesized compounds. • The synthesized compounds are analyzed with various steps of molecular docking studies and finally concluded for the activity. • The synthesized compounds were screened for in-vitro anti-cancer activity. In-vitro anti-cancer activity: All the synthesized compounds exposed anti-cancer activity by MTT assay method. The synthesized compounds HYBRID-5a, HYBRID-5c are show good anti- cancer activity. HYBRID-5b, HYBRID-5d, HYBRID-5e, shown very poor anti-cancer activity

    Enhanced Dwarf Mongoose Optimization Based Node Localization Scheme for Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Recently, the Underwater Wireless Sensor Network (UWSN) with movable nodes has been launched because it has a lot of potential uses in aquatic science and is getting a lot of attention from researchers. Because there are so many more possible underwater uses, it is important to make sure that signals can get from one underwater point to another. Because of the long lags in signal transmission and the changing speed of sound underwater, it is hard and not possible to use the usual localization method in UWSN. Node localization (NL) in UWSN tries to figure out where new nodes are by using known nodes. The correctness of location can have a big effect on how well a UWSN works. UWSN has a lot of trouble with precise NL. When it comes to WSN, NL problems mean figuring out where unknown sensor nodes (SNs) are. This shows how important it is to have a perfect NL system. The Enhanced Dwarf Mongoose Optimization based Node Localization Scheme (EDMO-NLS) for UWSN is being worked on in this study. The scout group, the alpha group, and the babysitters are the three social groups of dwarf mongooses that were used in the suggested method. The family hunts as a unit, and the main female starts hunting. This sets the sleeping mounds, the road for hunting, and the distance that is covered. The EDMO-NLS method shown here finds nodes whose locations are unknown in UWSN. The modeling results showed that the proposed model worked better than existing methods. Based on the findings and the discussion, it is clear that the suggested method has shown the best localization success in UWSN

    Studies on the proteinaceous gel secretion from the skin of the catfish, Arius maculatus (Thunberg, 1792)

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    The Catfish Arius maculatus (Thunberg, 1792) causes injury to the fisherman while handling the fish and it was proven that the skin mucus of the fish have several properties including the toxicity. In the present study, the biochemical property of the catfish skin mucus was characterized and it was found that the protein content of the soluble and insoluble fractions were 9.34 and 12.64 ìg/g, respectively. The total lipid was 0.005 ìg/g and the total carbohydrate was 0.08 ìg/g. Of the total 17 amino acids recorded, cysteine availability was very low; 0.01 and 0.02 mole % in the soluble and insoluble fractions, respectively. Leucine was available in high quantity (9.8 mole %) in the soluble fraction and aspartic acid (9.0 mole %) was high in the insoluble fraction. On SDS-PAGE analysis, seven and six bands with a distinct band at 35 KDa in the soluble and insoluble fractions, respectively, were observed. On haemolytic activity, lysis was observed by 50 ìg/ml of insoluble fraction and 25 ìg/ml of soluble fraction. Both soluble and insoluble fractions showed maximum and minimum activities against Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aueruginosa, respectively

    A novel 3D NoC scheme for high throughput unicast and multicast routing protocols

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    Nova 3D-NoC arhitektura dizajnirana je s većom mogućnošću prihvaćanja komprimiranih podataka. Predložena shema daje značajne rezultate u odnosu na učinkovitost i propusnu moć mreže. U toj shemi, predloženoj za 3D-NoC, podaci koje je potrebno prenijeti, komprimirani su već prije prijenosa tako da je veličina paketa s podacima smanjena već prije prenošenja. Pri prijemu, originalni podaci se obnavljaju dekompresijom kodiranih podataka. Golomb-Rice algoritam se primjenjuje za razvoj i primjenu kodera i dekodera hardvera (kodek dekoder). Dobiven je rezultat i za unicast i multicast usmjeravanje. Povećanje učinkovitosti i propusne moći za predloženi 3D-NoC (unicast) je 9,25 % odnosno 17,61 %. Slično tome, poboljšanje učinkovitosti i propusne moći za predloženi 3D-NoC (multicast) je 8,65 % odnosno 14,66 %. Nadalje, rezultati pokazuju da je poboljšanje veće kod manjih širina pojasa, a to znači da predloženi 3D-NoC dobro funkcionira u slučaju uskih širina pojasa.Novel 3D-NoC architecture has been designed by expanding the impression of lossless compression of data. The proposed design shows remarkable results in terms of power efficiency and network throughput. In this scheme, proposed for 3D-NoC, the data to be transmitted is compressed on the transmitting side, so that the data packet is reduced before transmitting. And at the receiver, the original data is restored by decompressing the encoded data. Golomb-Rice algorithm is utilized to develop and implement the hardware encoder and decoder (Codec). The result is evaluated for both unicast and multicast routing. The improvement in power efficiency and throughput for proposed 3D-NoC (unicast) is 9,25 % and 17,61 % respectively. In similar, the improvement in power efficiency and throughput for proposed 3D-NoC (multicast) is 8,65 % and 14,66 % respectively. Further, from the result we observed that the improvement variation is higher for smaller bandwidth, which means the proposed 3D-NoC works well in case of narrow bandwidth

    Microbial load reduction using modified Solar Conduction Dryer with composite filters

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    [EN] The present work studies the microbial load reduction in sapota and beet root by three different drying methods i.e. Open Sun Drying (OSD), Solar Conduction Drying (SCD) and a modified SCD with filters (SCDF). Parameters analyzed were water activity, moisture content, drying kinetics, Total Viable Counts, Total Fungal Counts and ash content. It was found that the samples dried in SCDF showed least microbial counts, faster drying times and lower ash content as comparison to OSD. This study shows that SCD and its modification provide a better alternative for low cost drying of fruits and vegetables for quality retention.Jadhav, P.; Ashokkumar, S.; Nagwekar, N. (2018). Microbial load reduction using modified Solar Conduction Dryer with composite filters. En IDS 2018. 21st International Drying Symposium Proceedings. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1743-1750. https://doi.org/10.4995/IDS2018.2018.7728OCS1743175

    Isolation and characterization of altered root growth behavior and salinity tolerant mutants in rice

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    Generation, screening and isolating mutants for any developmental and adaptive traits plays a major role in plant functional genomics research. Identification and exploitation of mutants possessing contrasting root growth behavior and salinity tolerance in rice will help us to identify key genes controlling these traits and in turn will be useful for manipulating abiotic stress tolerance through tilling and genetic engineering in rice. In this study, we have screened about 1500 mutants (M2 generation) generated by treating an upland drought tolerant genotype Nagina 22 with Ethyl Methane Sulfonate (EMS), for their root growth behavior and salinity tolerance under hydroponic conditions. Six independent mutant lines possessing significantly shorter roots and three mutant lines exhibiting greater degree of salinity tolerance than the wild type plants were identified. The identified mutant lines were advanced to M5 generation to allow the mutants to reach homozygosity, and the fixed mutants were confirmed for their phenotype. One mutant namely N22-C-241-5-6 was found to possess significantly shorter roots than wild type N22, and it was also noticed that the mutant was devoid of root cap. Among the three salinity tolerant mutant lines identified, N22-C-334-3 was found to possess a greater degree of tolerance upto 250 mM Nacl stress at germination stage. These identified mutant lines can be used for further physiological, biochemical and molecular biology experiments to identify candidate gene(s) controlling root growth behavior and salinity tolerance in rice.Keywords: Rice, mutation, EMS, altered rood growth and salinity tolerant mutantAfrican Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 12(40), pp. 5852-585

    Brown−Vialetto−Van Laere and Fazio−Londe syndromes: SLC52A3 mutations with puzzling phenotypes and inheritance

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    BACKGROUND: Brown-Vialetto-Van Laere Syndrome (BVVLS) and Fazio-Londe Disease (FLD) are rare neurological disorders presenting with pontobulbar palsy, muscle weakness, and respiratory insufficiency. Mutations in SLC52A2 (hRFVT-2) or SLC52A3 (hRFVT-3) genes can be responsible for these disorders with an autosomal recessive pattern of inheritance. The aim of this study is to screen for mutations in SLC52A2 and SLC52A3 among Indian families diagnosed with BVVLS and FLD. METHODS: SLC52A2 and SLC52A3 were screened in one FLD and three BVVLS patients by exon-specific amplification using PCR and sequencing. In silico predictions using bioinformatics tools and confocal imaging using HEK-293 cells were performed to determine the functional impact of identified mutations. RESULTS: Genetic analysis of a mother and son with BVVLS was identified with a novel homozygous mutation c.710C>T (p.Ala237Val) in SLC52A3. This variant was found to have autosomal pseudo-dominant pattern of inheritance, which was neither listed in the Exome variant server or in 1000 genomes database. In silico analysis and confocal imaging of the p.Ala237Val variant showed higher degree of disorderness in hRFVT3 that could affect riboflavin transport. Furthermore, a common homozygous mutation c.62A>G (p.Asn21Ser) was identified in other BVVLS and FLD patients. Despite having different clinical phenotypes, both BVVLS and FLD disorder can be attributed to this mutation. CONCLUSION: A rare and peculiar pattern of autosomal pseudo-dominant inheritance is observed for the first time in two genetically related BVVLS cases with Indian origin and a common mutation c.62A>G (p.Asn21Ser) in SLC52A3 can be responsible for both BVVLS and FLD with variable phenotypes

    Ultrasonic treatment of Cryptosporidium oocysts

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    Abstract The effect of 20 kHz ultrasound on the viability of Cryptosporidium oocysts was investigated. More than 90% of the dispersed Cryptosporidium oocysts could be deactivated in about 1.5 min of continuous sonication. In order to apply this technique to large quantities of contaminated water, quantitative filtration and redispersion of Cryptosporidium oocysts were investigated and found to be easily achievable. The estimated cost of sonication showed that the ultrasound treatment of Cryptosporidium oocysts contaminated water could be a very effective means of "deactivating" Cryptosporidium oocysts

    Glucose-induced down regulation of thiamine transporters in the kidney proximal tubular epithelium produces thiamine insufficiency in diabetes

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    Increased renal clearance of thiamine (vitamin B1) occurs in experimental and clinical diabetes producing thiamine insufficiency mediated by impaired tubular re-uptake and linked to the development of diabetic nephropathy. We studied the mechanism of impaired renal re-uptake of thiamine in diabetes. Expression of thiamine transporter proteins THTR-1 and THTR-2 in normal human kidney sections examined by immunohistochemistry showed intense polarised staining of the apical, luminal membranes in proximal tubules for THTR-1 and THTR-2 of the cortex and uniform, diffuse staining throughout cells of the collecting duct for THTR-1 and THTR-2 of the medulla. Human primary proximal tubule epithelial cells were incubated with low and high glucose concentration, 5 and 26 mmol/l, respectively. In high glucose concentration there was decreased expression of THTR-1 and THTR-2 (transporter mRNA: −76% and −53% respectively, p<0.001; transporter protein −77% and −83% respectively, p<0.05), concomitant with decreased expression of transcription factor specificity protein-1. High glucose concentration also produced a 37% decrease in apical to basolateral transport of thiamine transport across cell monolayers. Intensification of glycemic control corrected increased fractional excretion of thiamine in experimental diabetes. We conclude that glucose-induced decreased expression of thiamine transporters in the tubular epithelium may mediate renal mishandling of thiamine in diabetes. This is a novel mechanism of thiamine insufficiency linked to diabetic nephropathy

    A new international research in sonochemistry of dairy product

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    The paper describes the results of recent research in the field of sonochemistry of the dairy products which was conducted from Australia, Russia, Belarus and Estonia. This work is related to the technology of preparation of composite formula milk from natural milk, vegetable oils and dry milk products with cavitation treatment of water used. She is devoted to obtaining a homogeneous mixtures of dairy semiproducts, from which subsequently produce dairy products such as cottage cheese or cheese, where most of the water is removed with sera. It is shown that sonochemical water treatment has a positive effect on the entire process and its outcome