169 research outputs found

    Sintesis dan Karakterisasi Carboxymethyl Cellulose Sodium (Na-CMC) dari Selulosa Eceng Gondok (Eichhornia crassipes) dengan Media Reaksi Etanol-Isobutanol

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    Eceng gondok adalah salah satu tumbuhan bahan serat alam yang memiliki kandungan selulosa yang cukup tinggi. Kadar selulosa yang tinggi dapat digunakan dalam pembuatan Karboksimetil Selulosa Sodium (Na-CMC). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: untuk mengetahui karakteristik Karboksimetil Selulosa Sodium (Na-CMC) dari tanaman eceng gondok. dan mendapatkan variasi media reaksi terbaik dalam proses sintesis. Penelitian ini terdiri dari tiga tahap yaitu tahap pertama ekstraksi selulosa yang terdiri dari (dewaxing, dehemisellulose dan bleaching), tahap kedua yaitu tahap sintesis yang terdiri dari tahap pencampuran menggunakan media reaksi etanol-isobutanol (20:80, 50 : 50, 80:20). Tahap alkalisasi menggunakan NaOH 10% b / v, tahap karboksimetilasi menggunakan ClCH2COONa. Tahap ketiga adalah karakterisasi CMC yang terdiri dari uji organoleptik, sifat fisikokimia (pH, susut pengeringan sampel, viskositas dan derajat substitusi), uji kadar NaCl, uji kemurnian, analisis FT-IR. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa karakteristik CMC mendekati karakteristik standar Na-CMC dengan campuran media reaksi etanol-isobutanol 20:80 (v / v) dengan nilai DS 0,8560, kemurnian 93,7463% level, pH 6,5 dan viskositas. 302 cP

    Peningkatan Hasil Padi di Tanah Sulfat Masam melalui Kombinasi Perlakuan Lindi dan Olah Tanah

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    Tidal swamp lands containing acid sulphate is easily become idle land, which can be fixed by reducing oxidation process of pyrite (FeS2). The pyrite oxidation causes disturbance on the growth and yield of rice plant. An experiment was conducted by means soil leaching in order to reduce accumulation of pyrites. The research had been conducted in Simpang Jaya village, Barito Kuala District in 2012 using a split plot design with three replications. As the main plot was leaching, and no leaching treatment, while as the subplot was soil tillage, i.e., 1) control, 2) weeds cleared without tillage, 3) soil tillage at a depth of 15 cm, and 4) soil tillage at a depth of 30 cm. The results showed that the leaching treatment combined with tillage at a depth of 15 cm or 30 cm increased the number of rice tillers, shoot dry weight, and number of panicles per hill, and number of seeds per hill, thus the leaching treatment was able to increase rice production

    Pemanfaatan Tanin Ampas Teh Dalam Proteksi Protein Bungkil Biji Jarak Terhadap Konsentrasi Amonia, Undegraded Dietary Protein Dan Protein Total Secara in Vitro

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan bahan pakan sumberprotein terproteksi untuk meningkatkan produktivitas ternak dilihat daripengukuran konsentrasi amonia (NH3), Undegraded Dietary Protein (UDP) danProtein Total. Penelitian dilakukan secara in vitro dengan rancangan acaklengkap 4 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan. Perlakuan penelitian adalah T0 = bungkil bijijarak + aras tanin 0%, T1 = bungkil biji jarak + aras tanin 0,25%, T2 = bungkilbiji jarak + aras tanin 0,50% dan T3 = bungkil biji jarak + aras tanin 0,75%. Hasilpenelitian menunjukkan bahwa bungkil biji jarak yang diproteksi denganpeningkatan aras tanin dapat menurunkan konsentrasi NH3 dan meningkatkanpersentase UDP (P<0,05) serta meningkatkan produksi protein total (P>0,05).Rata-rata konsentrasi NH3, persentase UDP dan produksi protein total pada T0,T1, T2, T3 berturut-turut adalah 5,87 mM, 38,20 %, 211,57 mg/g, 5,49 mM, 40,70%, 225,92 mg/g, 5,40 mM, 40,84 %, 277,73 mg/g, 4,90 mM, 42,20 %, 300,32mg/g

    Pengaruh Citra Merek Dan Gaya Hidup Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Oppo Smartphone (Studi Kasus FEB UNISMA 2017)

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    Abstract This study examines the effect of brand image and lifestyle on OPPO Smartphone purchasing decisions on FEB Unisma 2017 students. The type used is Explanatory Research with a quantitative approach to 90 respondents. This study uses multiple linear regression analysis techniques.  The results of the study show that brand image has an effect on OPPO Smartphone Purchase Decisions for Students of the Faculty of Business Economics, Islamic University of Malang in the 2017 batch. Second, Lifestyle has an effect on OPPO Smartphone Purchase Decisions for Students of the Faculty of Business Economics, Islamic University of Malang in the 2017 batch. And thirdly, the influence of brand image and lifestyle together has a simultaneous effect on purchasing decisions. Keywords : Purchase Decisions, Brand Image And Lifestyle.

    Perancangan Simako (Sistem Informasi Anggota Koperasi) Mengatasi Kolektabilitas pada Forum Komunikasi dan Kerjasama Koperasi Indonesia Regional Pati Berbasis Mobile

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    Koperasi merupakan gerakan ekonomi rakyat yang dijalankan berdasarkan asas kekeluargaan. inti dari koperasi adalah kerja sama, yaitu kerja sama diantara anggota dan para pengurus dalam rangka mewujudkan kesejahteraan anggota dan masyarakat serta membangun tatanan perekonomian nasional. Sebagai gerakan ekonomi rakyat, koperasi bukan hanya milik orang kaya melainkan juga milik seluruh rakyat Indonesia tanpa terkecuali. Dalam koperasi terdapat masalah yang hampir sama dengan permasalahan yang ada di Bank seperti anggota koperasi yang melakukan penunggakan bahkan tidak mau membanyar pinjaman dan berusaha mencari pinjaman dikoperasi lain, sayangnya koperasi sekarang ini belum dilengkapi dengan system black list.dan anggota koperasi yang bermasalah bisa dengan leluasa mendapat pinjaman dikoperasi lain, hal ini tentu sangat merugikan bagi organisasi koperasi tersebut jika dia melakukan hal yang sama di koperasi lain dan tanpa membayar pinjaman. Dengan adanya permasalahan tersebut maka kami membuat sebuah system informasi anggota koperasi (SIMAKO) berbasis mobile yang bersifat global yang akan diterapkan di FK3I (Forum Komunikasi Koperasi Indonesia) Pati dengan anggota KSPS Usaha syariah bersama yang bertempat di Margoyoso, KSP Sejahtera Gembong, KSP Fuji Artha Mandiri Puncakwangi, KSP Tondonegoro Pati Kota, KSPS Minna Mandiri Juwana. SIMAKO dapat membantu pengurus koperasi dalam melihat data anggota koperasi yang bermasalah atau blacklist yang berati anggota koperasi tersebut telah bermasalah dikoperasi lain sehingga anggota koperasi tersebut tidak dapat melakukan pinjaman dikoperasi lain

    Differentiating services: A study of hotel’s brand image

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    The current study examines the service brand images of hotels in Malaysia. The attraction and popularity of Malaysia as destination for tourism has created a competitive pressure among servicing sectors particularly the hotel industry to attract and maintain tourist’s loyalty to their hotels. These hotels have, and, are developing competitive marketing strategies to augment their brand images as well as to be seen as the best service provider in the country. However, little is known to understand how these hotels position their service brand images in order to be seen as such. Moreover, with regards to the service sectors, research shows that very few brands have managed to differentiate themselves from their competitors, (McDonald, de Chernatony & Harris, 2001) particularly in hotel industry. Thus, the current study examines the service brand images of hotels in Malaysia

    Self-Potential Method to Assess Embankment Stability: A Study related to the Sidoarjo Mud Flow

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    The stability of an embankment is generally influenced by a number of factors, such as deformation, fractures, overtopping, seepage, etc. Fractures and seepage are commonly found in the LUSI (Sidoarjo mud flow) embankment. In this study, analysis of self-potential (SP) data was applied to identify fractures and seepage in the LUSI embankment. Noise-Assisted Multivariate Empirical Mode Decomposition (NA-MEMD) and Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT) were applied to determine the location of seepage and fractures in the subsurface based on SP data. The results were correlated with the 2D direct current resistivity (DCR) method, which showed that both methods worked well and were compatible in detecting and localizing fracture and seepage in the LUSI embankment

    Business School corporate brand identities

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    The escalation in the number of business schools in Malaysia has created a competitive pressure to attract the best students and lecturers from both the national and international arenas. These business schools have, and, are developing competitive marketing strategies to augment their brand images in terms of university rankings as well as be seen as the top business school in the country. However, little is known to understand how these business schools position their brand images in order to be seen as such. Most of previous studies that surrounds this area mainly focused on external stakeholders, making our understanding of how the internal stakeholders namely the employees contributes or shaping the school’s identity very limited. Thomson et al. (1999) suggest that employees play specific role in building the service brand in order to make the brand ‘come alive’. Furthermore, employees can have a positive influence on consumers’ perception regarding the service brand (Martin et al., 2004). Employees are thought to play a crucial role in building their company brands through their brand loyalty and commitment towards their organisation and thus, should remain as top priority among the top management when designing the company brand identity (Kimpakorn and Tocquer, 2009). Mitchell (2002) suggests that in order to gain a strong brand position of one product or service, it is vital to build internal branding as a process to align staff’s behaviour with a corporate brand’s identity. This is consistent with a view that brand-consistent behaviour often supports the development of a coherent brand image and is considered as one of the crucial success factors in corporate brand management (de Chernatony and Vallaster, 2005). Hence, while branding strategies focus on the enhancement of such corporate image, corporate identity on the other hand, is seen as part of the overall corporate brand. Thus, the current study examines a business school brand identity from an internal stakeholders’ perspective in the East (Malaysian’s business school). The study has adopted both qualitative and quantitative approaches (in-depth interviews, focus group discussion-FGD and survey). The measures developed by Davies et al. (2004) known as ‘Corporate Character Scale’ was used alongside with the semi-structured interview and FDGs in order to measure the institutional brand identities among employees of the business school. Institutional or corporate brand identities are commonly measured by human personality traits to portray the brand identity or image of a company or institution and, recently, increasing attention has been given to the understanding of the more abstract, intangible aspects of consumer brand knowledge (such as brand personality or corporate brand image). By using metaphorical expressions, specifically the personification approach (i.e. by viewing the company or institution as a person), these studies have examined corporate brand images or brand personalities in various settings such as retailing, cars and books but little has been done to understand the positioning in the context of higher education. The study reports its qualitative findings from 25 in-depth interviews ranging from the academics, management as well as the administration of a business school. Content analyses were used to analyse the results and the employees appear to express business schools as prestigious, tough, associate the school with the overall institutional brand/long standing reputation, new building and updated facilities (tangible attributes). The present study enhances this understanding by providing empirical evidence in the context of higher education among employees. The practical contribution of the study and its managerial implications can be seen in the context of defining strategy and positioning the business schools in a higher education context