128 research outputs found

    Reiki practitioners’ perceptions of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the experience, practice and future of Reiki

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    Objectives: This study examined the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the experience, practice and future of Reiki in the UK, including the personal impact of the pandemic on practitioners and their work, practitioner perceptions of the future of the profession and Reiki delivery, and practitioner experiences and views of distant Reiki in comparison to hands on or near the body treatments. Method: A qualitative study using semi-structured interviews was carried out with 10 Reiki practitioners. Interviews were recorded, transcribed verbatim and analysed using thematic analysis. Results: Three themes were identified: adapting and growing with the challenges of COVID-19, Reiki for individual and community resilience, and moving from the mainstream hands on to lesser known distant Reiki. Conclusion: While the COVID-19 pandemic personally impacted Reiki practitioners, they focused on turning adversity into opportunity to overcome a sense of disconnectedness and social isolation by providing social support and promoting individual and community resilience. Practitioners focused on self-care, personal development and reaching out to the community. Personal Protective Equipment was perceived as necessary for infection control but a potential barrier to the client’s experience of Reiki. They saw value in adapting their practice as part of the future of the profession by utilising new technology and distant Reiki healing, but were clear this could not replace in person contact

    Refleksi Hubungan Sosial Antartokoh Dalam Novel Padang Bulan Karya Andrea Hirata: Kajian Sosiologi Sastra

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    The article aims to describe two things, which is: (1) reflection of social relationship inter figure in novel Padang Bulan by Andrea Hirata, and (2) reflection of social relationship inter figure and other society in novel Padang Bulan by Andrea Hirata. The data of this article is collected by read and mark that refers to reflections of social relationship interfigure in novel Padang Bulan by Andrea Hirata. The results of this article are: First, the reflection and Social relationship among figure and other figure in novel Padang Bulan by Andrea Hirata, which is (1) the social relationship between Ikal and A Ling ( coorporation), (2) the social relationship between Ikal and his Father (contradiction), (3) the social relasionship between Ikal and Enong (coorporation), (4) the social relasionhip between Ikal and Detective M. Nur (coorporation), and (5) the social relasionship between Ikal and Zinar (competition). Second,the reflection and social relationship inter figure in other society in novel Padang Bulan by Andrea Hirata is relationship of coorporation

    Grammatical Cohesion Analysis Of Students Thesis Writing

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    Thisresearchaimedtofindouttypesof grammaticalcohesive devicesstudentsmostly usedintheirthesiswritingandhowthese devices create cohesive discourse.Inthisstudy, researcher applieddescriptive case study asformofresearch.Theobjectsofthisresearchwereresearch backgroundpartof10theseswriting writtenby studentsofEnglish EducationStudy Program.Thedatarevealedthatstudentscouldproduce varioustypesofgrammaticaldevices.Themajority ofdevicesusedbythe studentswerereferentialcohesive devicesandconjunctive cohesive devices with 82.25% and 17.12% respectively. Other types-substitution and ellipsis-contributedonly0.24%and0.39%,respectively.Inmany cases, studentstendedtomisuse singular pronounwhilereferencingpluralobjects or vice versa.Fromthe total1273grammaticalcohesive devicesused, studentssomehowadequatelymasterusinggrammaticaldevicesby only usinginappropriately74(5.81%) ofthem

    Investigation of the base oil properties in optimizing the demulsification

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    In this research, the correlation of the physical properties from different types of base oil- Group I and Group II base oils - to the demulsification process with variables such as mixing speed (500-1500 rpm), water content (20-80%) and volume of formulated surfactant (1 - 5 ml) were investigated. The water-in-oil emulsion was prepared using a formulated surfactant, and the demulsification was observed via a Bottle Test method. The optimization of demulsification was obtained from the correlation of the respective variables using the Central Composite Design (CCD) for Response Surface Methodology (RSM). Results showed that the Group I base oil emulsions have a lower viscosity and higher density than the Group II base oil, which has higher emulsion stability. The higher demulsification was observed by reducing the mixing speed, increasing the water content, and reducing the volume of the formulated surfactant for both groups of the base oil. The optimum of the water separation w obtained from the Group I base oil was 46.73% at 515 rpm, 76% water content, and 1 ml volume of the formulated surfactant. Meanwhile, 99.29% of water separation was found for the Group II base oil at 520 rpm, with 75% water content and 2 ml volume of the formulated surfactant
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