6,947 research outputs found

    In sickness and health? Examining the co-occurrence and concordance of healthy lifestyle behaviours among spouses in Namibia

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    Funding: This paper is independent research supported by the National Institute for Health and Care Research using Official Development Assistance (ODA) funding (NIHR Global Health Research Professorship, NM, RP-2017-08-ST2-008). EO and NM were supported by this funding.Objectives This study examines the extent to which healthy lifestyle behaviours co-occur in individuals. We also explore within-couples concordance in healthy lifestyle behaviours in Namibia. Study design Cross-sectional study. Methods We used data from 910 couples (1820 individuals) who were interviewed in the Namibia Demographic and Health Survey conducted in 2013. We assessed five different healthy lifestyle behaviours (alcohol non-consumption, non-cigarette smoking, healthy diet, physical exercise, and normal body mass index). An individual healthy lifestyle index (HLI) was derived by summing values across the five behaviours, with a binary indicator categorising each individual's lifestyle behaviour as ‘healthy’ (HLI ≄ 3) or ‘unhealthy’ (HLI < 3). Multivariate logistic regression models were fitted to explore the association between binary indicators of men's and their female partner's healthy lifestyles. Results About 48% of men and 57% of women had at least three co-occurring healthy lifestyle behaviours. A third of couples were concordant in reporting a healthy lifestyle (HLI ≄ 3), while 27% were concordant in reporting an unhealthy lifestyle (HLI < 3). In multivariate analysis, Namibian men were almost twice (aOR, 1.90; 95%CI, 1.43–2.52) as likely to have a healthy lifestyle if their female partner also had a healthy lifestyle, compared with those who had a female partner who had an unhealthy lifestyle, after adjusting for relevant individual, partner and household characteristics. Conclusion The observed co-occurrence of healthy lifestyle behaviours and spousal concordance suggests it may be beneficial to consider couples a target for intervention when aiming to promote healthy behaviours and reduce cardiovascular diseases in Namibia.Peer reviewe

    Community perceptions of the socio-economic structural context influencing HIV and TB risk, prevention and treatment in a high prevalence area in the era of antiretroviral therapy

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    Following calls for targeted HIV prevention interventions in so-called “hotspots”, we explored subjective perceptions of community members in places considered to be high HIV and tuberculosis (TB) transmission areas and those with low prevalence. Although more people now have access to antiretroviral therapy (ART), some areas are still experiencing high HIV transmission rates, presenting a barrier to the elimination of HIV. A rapid qualitative assessment approach was used to access a sample of 230 people who contributed narratives of their experiences and perceptions of transmission, treatment and prevention of HIV and TB in their communities. Theoretical propositions case study strategy was used to inform and guide the thematic analysis of the data with Research Department of Epidemiology & Public Health, University College London, London, UK. Our results support the concept of linking perceived control to health through the identification of structural factors that increase communities’ sense of agency. People in these communities did not feel they had the efficacy to effect change in their milieu. The few socio-economic opportunities promote social mobility in search of better prospects which may have a negative impact on community cohesion and prevention strategies. Communities were more concerned with improving their immediate social and economic situations and prioritised this above the prevention messages. Therefore approaches that focus on changing the structural and environmental barriers to prevention may increase people’s perceived control. Multifaceted strategies that address the identified constructs of perceived control may influence the social change necessary to make structural interventions successful

    An integrated approach for analysing and assessing the performance of virtual learning groups

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    Collaborative distance learning involves a variety of elements and factors that have to be considered and measured in order to analyse and assess group and individual performance more effectively and objectively. This paper presents an approach that integrates qualitative, social network analysis (SNA) and quantitative techniques for evaluating online collaborative learning interactions. Integration of various different data sources, tools and techniques provides a more complete and robust framework for group modelling and guarantees a more efficient evaluation of group effectiveness and individual competence. Our research relies on the analysis of a real, long-term, complex collaborative experience, which is initially evaluated in terms of principled criteria and a basic qualitative process. At the end of the experience, the coded student interactions are further analysed through the SNA technique to assess participatory aspects, identify the most effective groups and the most prominent actors. Finally, the approach is contrasted and completed through a statistical technique which sheds more light on the results obtained that far. The proposal draws a well-founded line toward the development of a principled framework for the monitoring and analysis of group interaction and group scaffolding which can be considered a major issue towards the actual application of the CSCL proposals to real classrooms.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Child mortality in rural Malawi: HIV closes the survival gap between the socio-economic strata

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    As HIV-related deaths increase in a population the usual association between low socioeconomic status and child mortality may change, particularly as death rates from other causes decline.METHODS/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: As part of a demographic surveillance system in northern Malawi in 2002-6, covering a population of 32,000, information was collected on socio-economic status of the households. Deaths were classified as HIV/AIDS-related or not by verbal autopsy. Poisson regression models were used to assess the association of socio-economic indicators with all-cause mortality, AIDS-mortality and non-AIDS mortality among children. There were 195 deaths in infants, 109 in children aged 1-4 years, and 38 in children aged 5-15. All-cause child mortality in infants and 1-4 year olds was similar in households with higher and lower socio-economic status. In infants 13% of deaths were attributed to AIDS, and there were no clear trends with socio-economic status for AIDS or non-AIDS causes. For 1-4 year olds 27% of deaths were attributed to AIDS. AIDS mortality was higher among those with better built houses, and lowest in those with income from farming and fishing, whereas non-AIDS mortality was higher in those with worse built houses, lowest in those with income from employment, and decreased with increasing household assets.CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: In this population, since HIV infection among adults was initially more common among the less poor, childhood mortality patterns have changed. The usual gap in survival between the poor and the less poor has been lost, but because the less poor have been disproportionately affected by HIV, rather than because of relative improvement in the survival of the poorest

    Gallus GBrowse: a unified genomic database for the chicken

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    Gallus GBrowse (http://birdbase.net/cgi-bin/gbrowse/gallus/) provides online access to genomic and other information about the chicken, Gallus gallus. The information provided by this resource includes predicted genes and Gene Ontology (GO) terms, links to Gallus In Situ Hybridization Analysis (GEISHA), Unigene and Reactome, the genomic positions of chicken genetic markers, SNPs and microarray probes, and mappings from turkey, condor and zebra finch DNA and EST sequences to the chicken genome. We also provide a BLAT server (http://birdbase.net/cgi-bin/webBlat) for matching user-provided sequences to the chicken genome. These tools make the Gallus GBrowse server a valuable resource for researchers seeking genomic information regarding the chicken and other avian species

    Beneficial effect of ustekinumab in familial pityriasis rubra pilaris with a new missense mutation in CARD14

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    Pityriasis rubra pilaris (PRP) represents a group of rare chronic inflammatory skin disorders in which ~1 in 20 affected individuals show autosomal dominant inheritance. In such cases, there may be gain-of-function mutations in CARD14, encoding caspase recruitment domain-containing protein 14 (CARD14) that activates the non-canonical nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-ÎșB) pathway, thereby promoting cutaneous inflammation. Here, we report a mother and son with PRP due to a new missense mutation in CARD14 and describe the beneficial clinical effects of ustekinumab, a monoclonal antibody against interleukins-12 and -23, in both subjects. A 49 year-old female and her 20 year-old son had lifelong, generalised, patchy erythematous scale with a few islands of sparing, as well as minor nail ridging and mild palmoplantar keratoderma, features consistent with generalised PRP. Topical steroids, phototherapy and oral retinoids proved ineffective therapies. Following informed consent, Sanger sequencing of CARD14 in both individuals revealed a new heterozygous single nucleotide transversion in exon 16, c.356T>G, resulting in the missense mutation, p.Met119Arg. Ustekinumab, at a dose of 45mg every 12 weeks, brought about a significant physical and emotional improvement in both the mother and son within a few days of the initial dose, which was sustained on maintenance dosing. This report highlights the therapeutic potential of biologics that downregulate NF-kB signalling in familial PRP with mutations in CARD14. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    Peripheral Arterial Disease Affects the Frequency Response of Ground Reaction Forces During Walking

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    Background—Walking is problematic for patients with Peripheral Arterial Disease. The purpose of this study was to investigate the frequency domain of the ground reaction forces during walking to further elucidate the ambulatory impairment of these patients. Methods—Nineteen bilateral peripheral arterial disease patients and nineteen controls were included in this study. Subjects were matched for age and gait speed. Participants walked over a force plate sampling at 600Hz. PAD patients were tested before (pain-free condition) after the onset of claudication symptoms (pain). We calculated median frequency, frequency bandwidth, and frequency containing 99.5% of the signal for the vertical and anterior-posterior ground reaction forces. Findings—Our results showed reduced median frequency in the vertical and anterior-posterior components of the ground reaction forces between the control group and both peripheral arterial disease conditions. We found reduced frequency bandwidth in the anterior-posterior direction between controls and the peripheral arterial disease pain-free condition. There were no differences in median frequency or bandwidth between peripheral arterial disease pain-free and pain conditions, but an increase in the frequency content for 99.5% of the signal was observed in the pain condition. Interpretation—Reduced frequency phenomena during gait in peripheral arterial disease patients compared to velocity-matched controls suggests more sluggish activity within the neuromotor system. Increased frequency phenomena due to pain in these patients suggests a more erratic application of propulsive forces when walking. Frequency domain analysis thus offers new insights into the gait impairments associated with this patient population
