127 research outputs found

    A case report of dopa-responsive dystonia in a young woman

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    Dopa-responsive dystonia (DRD) is a rare progressive genetically heterogenous disorder with pediatric onset. DRD is 3 times as prevalent in women than in men. This article reports a clinical case of DRD in a young female presenting with paraparesis, foot dystonia (more pronounced in the right foot) and pronounced walking impairment, who was admitted for emergency treatment to a Neurology Unit. Based on the additional tests, which included a levodopa trial and Sanger sequencing, the patient was diagnosed with DRD. Levodopa caused a considerable improvement of the symptoms. The article describes the clinical features of the disease, talks about its differential diagnosis, genetic predisposition and treatment strategy. © 2020 Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University. All rights reserved

    Problems of Selecting an Anticoagulant for Secondary Stroke Prevention in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation

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    The article describes the urgent problem of ischemic stroke prevention in patients with atrial fibrillation. It is proved that ischemic stroke in combination with AF is the most severe in terms of developing stable motor and speech disorders and disability. The frail older patients, as well as patients with swallowing disorders and reduced medical adherence present a special problem from this point of view. The most famous clinical studies on secondary prevention of cardioembolic stroke are RE-LY, ROCKET-AF, and ARISTOTLE. Based on subanalyses of randomized controlled trials, direct oral anticoagulants demonstrated a favorable efficacy profile in patients with atrial fibrillation and stroke/ transient ischemic attack, but the level of knowledge on each of them remained different. A number of advantages of rivaroxaban for primary and secondary prevention of stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation, including the elderly and patients with cognitive impairments and swallowing disorders, have been demonstrated. © 2021 Vserossiiskoe Obshchestvo Kardiologov. All rights reserved.Relationships and Activities. This publication was supported by AO Bayer (PPM_RIVRU00581)

    Proton isotropy boundaries as measured on mid- and low-altitude satellites

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    Polar CAMMICE MICS proton pitch angle distributions with energies of 31-80 keV were analyzed to determine the locations where anisotropic pitch angle distributions (perpendicular flux dominating) change to isotropic distributions. We compared the positions of these mid-altitude isotropic distribution boundaries (IDB) for different activity conditions with low-altitude isotropic boundaries (IB) observed by NOAA 12. Although the obtained statistical properties of IDBs were quite similar to those of IBs, a small difference in latitudes, most pronounced on the nightside and dayside, was found. We selected several events during which simultaneous observations in the same local time sector were available from Polar at mid-altitudes, and NOAA or DMSP at low-altitudes. Magnetic field mapping using the Tsyganenko T01 model with the observed solar wind input parameters showed that the low- and mid-altitude isotropization boundaries were closely located, which leads us to suggest that the Polar IDB and low-altitude IBs are related. Furthermore, we introduced a procedure to control the difference between the observed and model magnetic field to reduce the large scatter in the mapping. We showed that the isotropic distribution boundary (IDB) lies in the region where <i>R<sub>c</sub></i>/ρ~6, that is at the boundary of the region where the non-adiabatic pitch angle scattering is strong enough. We therefore conclude that the scattering in the large field line curvature regions in the nightside current sheet is the main mechanism producing isotropization for the main portion of proton population in the tail current sheet. This mechanism controls the observed positions of both IB and IDB boundaries. Thus, this tail region can be probed, in its turn, with observations of these isotropy boundaries.<p> <b>Keywords.</b> Magnetospheric physics (Energetic particles, Precipitating; Magnetospheric configuration and dynamics; Magnetotail

    Electroencephalogram in premature infants: From normal to pathological activity

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    This study was aimed to assess electrophysiological brain activity in newborns of various gestational ages using electroencephalography (EEG). We summarized the data on the main EEG characteristics of premature infants and their dynamics and described the most common pathological EEG changes that can be identified at this age. We also discussed prognostic value of various neonatal EEG patterns (including their proportion and location), which allow verification of functional brain disorders at early stages. © 2019 ABV-Press Publishing House. All rights reserved.Russian Science Foundation, RSFФинансирование. Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке гранта №16-18-10371 Российского научного фонда. Исследование прово-дится в рамках программы, поддержанной постановлением №211 Правительства Российской Федерации, соглашение №02.A03.21.0006. Financing. The study was funded by the grant No. 16-18-10 371 from the Russian Science Foundation. The study conducts within a program, supported by the resolution of the Russian Government No. 211, agreement No. 02.A03.21.0006

    Epidemiology and etiology of strokes in babies

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    The paper summarizes an update on the morbidity, mortality, and a risk for recurrence of stroke occurring in babies. It shows a variety of conditions and syndromes which may be responsible for stroke in infancy. Babies with the signs of intrauterine infection and congenital heart disease, the carriers of major thrombophilia gene mutations, may be regarded as a risk group


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    The challenges associated with the financial diagnostics of intentional bankruptcy are investigated, suggests ways of their possible solutions are suggested. The official order of diagnostics in the bankruptcy process is critically analyzed. Financial characteristics of intentional bankruptcy are determined, including ones related to with the changes in the financial statements of the debtor. Methodological approaches to the diagnostics of intentional bankruptcy are settled considering its financial mechanism, and the most common financial schemes.Исследуются проблемы финансовой диагностики преднамеренного банкротства, предлагаются пути их возможного решения. Критически анализируется официальный порядок диагностики преднамеренного банкротства в условиях конкурсного процесса. Устанавливаются финансовые признаки преднамеренного банкротства, в том числе признаки, связанные с изменениями финансовой отчетности должника. Методические подходы к диагностике преднамеренного банкротства обосновываются с учетом его финансового механизма и наиболее распространенных финансовых схем

    The role of smoking in the development of strokes at a young age

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    Stroke in young patients is a disease based on a number of known specific non-modifiable factors (extracranial artery dissection, thrombophilia, open oval hole, etc.) and modifiable factors (alcohol abuse, drug use, smoking, etc.), in combination leading to the development of pathology. Smoking is a generally recognized modifiable risk factor for stroke, which is directly proportional to the number of tobacco-containing products smoked. Quitting smoking is the basis of prevention, an integral part of the treatment and rehabilitation of stroke patients. If it is impossible to completely give up smoking combustible cigarettes, it is advisable to switch to alternative smokeless products. This article presents the results of current studies on the comparative assessment of the risk of stroke in young people when using combustible cigarettes and smokeless analogues

    Догоспитальная внезапная смерть от острого инфаркта миокарда в Томске (1984 и 2018 гг.): что изменилось за 34 года

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    Aim. To compare the circumstances of the prehospital deaths among patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) in Tomsk in 1984 and 2018.Methods. Population-level data were collected from the WHO project “Acute Myocardial Infarction Registry”. In 1984, 739 cases of AMI were recorded, in 2018 - 924 ones. 262 (35.5%) and 359 (38.9%) deaths occurred in the acute phase, respectively. Of them, 158 (60.3%) and 148 (41.2%) patients died in the prehospital setting. 66 (41.8%) and 46 (31.1%) cases of deaths were selected for further analysis.Results. In 2018, the number of patients who did not receive timely medical care decreased from 74.2% to 52.2%, compared to 1984 (p <0.05). The number of cases when patients failed to call the ambulance due to a rapid loss of consciousness (cardiac arrest) or managed to call, but died before the ambulance arrived, was similar. The number of death among patients who received emergency medical services (EMS) increased from 25.8% to 47.9% (p <0.05).Conclusion. Prehospital mortality from AMI in Tomsk has improved over thirty years, but not drastically. Despite the number of patients who died before the first medical contact has decreased, they still make up about half of all cases. Every 4th-5th patient fails to contact EMS. In terms of reducing prehospital mortality, measures focused on the regular clinical examination of patients with cardiovascular diseases seem to be more promising for effective secondary prevention of coronary artery disease and AMI.Цель. Сравнить обстоятельства смерти больных острым инфарктом миокарда (ОИМ) на догоспитальном этапе в Томске в 1984 и 2018 гг.Материалы и методы. Исследование проведено на основе анализа базы данных многолетнего наблюдения острой коронарной патологии программы ВОЗ «Регистр острого инфаркта миокарда». В 1984 г. в Томске отмечено 739 случаев ОИМ, в 2018 г. - 924. В остром периоде заболевания в указанные годы погибли 262 (35,5%) и 359 (38,9%) больных соответственно, из которых 158 (60,3%) и 148 (41,2%) умерли на догоспитальном этапе. Для дальнейшего анализа отобраны 66 (41,8%) случаев смерти от ОИМ на догоспитальном этапе в 1984 г. и 46 (31,1%) случаев в 2018 г.Результаты. В сравнении с 1984 г. в 2018 г. количество больных, у которых смерть наступила в отсутствие медицинской помощи, сократилось (с 74,2% до 52,1; p<0,05). Мало изменилось число эпизодов, при которых больные не успевали вызвать скорую медицинскую помощь в связи с быстрой потерей сознания (остановкой сердца) или успели обратиться за помощью, но погибли до ее приезда. Выросло число случаев смерти больных в присутствии врачей скорой медицинской помощи (с 25,8 до 47,9%; p<0,05).Заключение. Ситуация с летальными исходами от ОИМ на догоспитальном этапе в Томске за более чем тридцатилетний период улучшилась, но радикальных изменений не произошло. Снизилось число больных, погибших в отсутствие медицинской помощи, хотя таких случаев по-прежнему более половины: каждый 4-5-й пациент не успевает вызвать скорую медицинскую помощь. Более перспективными в снижении догоспитальной летальности являются мероприятия, связанные с диспансеризацией пациентов с сердечнососудистыми заболеваниями для вторичной профилактики ишемической болезни сердца и острого инфаркта миокарда


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    The results of complex clinical and laboratory examination of 146 children aged 2—3 years attending kindergarten were presented. The leading predictors of frequent respiratory disease: disturbance of microbiocenosis oropharyngeal mucosa, immunoglobulins decrease, respiratory allergic pathology were established and scientifically substantiated. The results obtained prove the main directions of therapeutic and preventive measures.Представлены результаты комплексного клинико-лабораторного обследования 146 детей в возрасте 2—3 лет, посещающих ДДОУ. Установлены и научно обоснованы ведущие предикторы частой респираторной заболеваемости: нарушение микробиоценоза слизистой ротоглотки, гипоиммуноглобулинемия, респираторная аллергическая патология. Полученные результаты позволяют обосновать основные направления лечебно-профилактических мероприятий