8,026 research outputs found

    Performance of treated and untreated asymmetric polysulfone hollow fiber membrane in series and cascade module configurations for CO2/CH4 gas separation system

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    This study investigates the effects of one-, two- and three-stage membrane system configurations in series arrangement for theCO2/CH4 separation for both untreated and treated membranes. Asymmetric polysulfone hollow fiber membranes were fabricated from 33 wt.% of polysulfone polymer using dry/wet phase inversion process. The produced membranes were characterized by pure gas permeation experiments, Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), density measurement and Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA). For both untreated and treated membranes, the pressure-normalized flux of CO2 decreased with increasing of the membrane stages. In addition, the selectivities of asymmetric hollow fiber membrane showed a more constant trend with feed pressure. Treated membrane exhibited lower pressure-normalized flux than untreated membranes due to skin layer densification which increased the transport resistance, thus lead to the reduction in pressure-normalized fluxes. Among all the three configurations studied, two-stage membrane configuration showed the most constant trend in term of selectivity. However, three-stage cascade configuration produced the highest CO2/CH4 selectivity especially when tested at low feed pressure range. Effect of stage cut on feed pressure showed an increasing trend with increasing of CO2 and CH4 feed pressure for all configurations. This is due to the increase of the permeation driving force, which caused the passage of larger amounts of more permeable gas through the membrane. This study showed that, three-stage cascade configuration exhibited the smallest stage cut values thus produced higher purity of CO2 in permeate stream

    Pediatric paraspinal penetrating sewing needle

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    Pediatric spinal injuries are very rare conditions and account for 1%-10% of all spinal injuries Domestic accidents, such as falling and bumping, are frequent events during childhood.In this study, a 1-year-old boy who was under treatment due to a penetrating trauma at the posterior thoracolumbar intersection is presented. The patient was referred to our clinic after a needle became impaled into his back due to an accident that occurred at home. The patient’s neurologic assessment was normal. A radiologic study of the patient showed the presence of a metallic foreign object, extending into the paravertebral muscle on the left side of the T12-L1 intersection. The needle was removed promptly after an emergent surgical procedure. No any complications were present during the follow-up visit after 1 month. Emergent surgical intervention is necessary in paraspinal and spinal penetrating traumas. © 2015, Yuzuncu Yil Universitesi Tip Fakultesi, Universitas Indonesia. All rights reserved

    The Impact of Supervisory Inputs on Postgraduate Students

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    Pengawasan telah menjadi isu utama dalam studi di sekolah pascasarjana. Pengawasan dapat didefinisikan sebagai hubungan orang per orang secara intensif dan interpersonal. Pengawas dirancang untuk dapat memfasilitasi perkembangan akademik mahasiswa baik terkait dengan tugas maupun penelitian mereka. Paper ini menunjukkan betapa kompleksnya bidang pengawasan terhadap mahasiswa, yang dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor, di antaranya latar belakang sosial, kepribadian pengawas dan mahasiswa, hubungan yang berkembang di antara mereka, keahlian pengawas, dan masalah-masalah yang dihadapi oleh para mahasiswa. Paper ini mendiskusikan pentingnya input-input kepengawasan dalam proses pengawasan, dan juga meneropong hakikat interaksi sosial antara pengawas dengan mahasiswa. Sasaran yang dituju dalam paper ini adalah untuk mengembangkan pengawasan yang efektif terhadap mahasiswa sekolah pascasarjana guna menghasilkan modal sumber daya manusia yang unggul. Kata kunci : pengawasan, mahasiswa pascasarjana, input kepengawasan, dan pengawasan efekti

    Analisis Tingkat Pemanfaatan Fasilitas Dasar Dan Fungsional Di Pelabuhan Perikanan Pantai (Ppp) Tamperan, Kabupaten Pacitan, Jawa Timur

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    Kabupaten Pacitan memiliki wilayah laut sekitar 7.636 km2, dengan panjang pantai 70,709 km. Wilayah perairan laut termasuk wilayah perairan samudera Hindia, memiliki potensi sumberdaya ikan yang mencapai 34.483 ton/tahun. Potensi sumberdaya ikan terdiri atas berbagai jenis ikan pelagis besar, seperti Tuna dan Cakalang, pelagis kecil, demersal dan udang. Namun potensi perikanan yang besar belum didukung oleh fasilitas pelabuhan yang optimal serta pengelolaan yang maksimal. Kondisi fasilitas di PPP Tamperan beberapa diantaranya lumpuh atau tidak difungsikan seperti lumpuhnya cold storage, belum adanya pabrik es, serta lahan yang cukup besar yang belum termanfaatkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kondisi fasilitas di PPP Tamperan, menganalisa tingkat pemanfaatan dan kebutuhan fasilitas dasar dan fungsional, serta melakukan analisis strategi pengembangan PPP Tamperan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Agustus 2015 di PPP Tamperan. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif bersifat survei, analisis tingkat pemanfaatan digunakan untuk mengetahui tingkat pemanfaatan fasilitas dan analisis SWOT digunakan untuk strategi pengembangan PPP Tamperan. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa fasilitas dasar dan fungsional yang terdapat di Pelabuhan Perikanan Pantai Tamperan memiliki tingkat pemanfaatan luas kolam pelabuhan 79,87%, alur pelayaran 70%, panjang dermaga 78%, serta tingkat pemanfaatan TPI 0%. Hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa tingkat pemanfaatan dan kebutuhan fasilitas dasar dan fungsional keseluruhan masih belum optimal untuk saat ini sehingga memerlukan penambahan kapasitas beberapa fasilitas untuk 13 tahun mendatang. Hasil analisis SWOT didapatkan hasil penerapan strategi S-O (Strength-opportunity) yang artinya Strategi dalam penerapannya digunakan Kekuatan untuk memanfaatkan peluang dengan kebijakan yang bersifat agresif. Pacitan Regency has a sea area of approximately 7636 km2, with a length of 70.709 km beach. The sea area including the territorial waters of the Indian Ocean, has the potential of fish resources, which reached 34 483 tonnes / year. The potential of fish resources consist of various types of large pelagic fish, such as tuna and Cakalang, small pelagic, demersal and shrimp. However, the potential for great fishing port facilities have not been supported by optimal and maximum manageability. Tamperan PPP facility conditions in some of them crippled or not functioned as paralysis of cold storage, the lack of ice plants, as well as land sizeable untapped. This study aims to determine the condition of the facilities on PPP Tamperan, analyzing the level of utilization and the need for basic and functional facilities, as well as analyzing the development strategy of PPP Tamperan. The research was conducted in August 2015 in PPP Tamperan. The method used is descriptive method is a case study, the analysis of the utilization rate is used to determine the level of utilization of the facilities and SWOT analysis used for PPP development strategy Tamperan. The result showed that basic and functional facility located in Port Fisheries Tamperan Beach has an extensive utilization rate of 79.87% ports, shipping lanes of 70%, 78% long pier, as well as the utilization rate of TPI 0%. The results can be concluded that the rate of utilization and the need for basic facilities and functional whole is still not optimal for the moment so some facilities require additional capacity for the next 13 years. SWOT analysis results showed the application of S-O strategy (Strength-opportunity), which means in practice is used Strengths strategy to take advantage of opportunities with a policy that is aggressive

    Tingkat Pemanfaatan dan Optimalisasi Fasilitas Dasar dan Fungsional di Pelabuhan Perikanan Pantai Sadeng Gunungkidul dalam Menunjang Pengembangan Perikanan Tangkap

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    Kegiatan perikanan tangkap di Kabupaten Gunungkidul dimulai sejak tahun 1980-an dan mulai berkembang pada tahun 2000 didominasi oleh nelayan dari Cilacap dan Jawa Timur. Sadeng merupakan salah satu sentra perikanan tangkap di Kabupaten Gunungkidul dan merupakan salah satu Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta yang memiliki potensi sumberdaya perikanan yang besar. Namun potensi perikanan yang besar belum didukung oleh fasilitas pelabuhan yang optimal serta pengelolaan yang maksimal, kondisi fasilitas di PPP Sadeng beberapa diantaranya lumpuh ataupun tidak difungsikan seperti lumpuhnya pabrik es, peran koperasi, serta showchase ikan yang tidak difungsikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi fasilitas di PPP Sadeng, menganalisa tingkat pemanfaatan dan kebutuhan fasilitas dasar dan fungsional, serta melakukan analisis strategi pengembangan PPP Sadeng dalam menunjang perikanan tangkap. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Januari 2015 di PPP Sadeng. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif bersifat studi kasus, analisis tingkat pemanfaatan digunakan untuk mengetahui tingkat pemanfaatan fasilitas dan analisis SWOT digunakan untuk strategi pengembangan PPP Sadeng. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa fasilitas dasar dan fungsional yang terdapat di Pelabuhan Perikanan Pantai Sadeng memiliki tingkat pemanfaatan panjang dermaga 93%, kolam pelabuhan > 5 GT (luas kolam 52 %, kedalaman kolam 76%, dan dibutuhkan kolam putar 40 m), kolam pelabuhan < 5 GT (luas kolam 62 %, kedalaman kolam 51 %, dan dibutuhan kolam putar 22 m), alur pelayaran dengan kedalaman 85 % dan lebar alur 50 %, serta tingkat pemanfaatan TPI 72%. Hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa tingkat pemanfaatan dan kebutuhan fasilitas dasar dan fungsional keseluruhan masih memadai untuk saat ini, namun memerlukan penambahan kapasitas beberapa fasilitas untuk 5 tahun mendatang. Hasil analisis SWOT didapatkan hasil penerapan strategi S-O (Strength-opportunity) yang artinya Strategi dalam penerapannya digunakan kekuatan untuk memanfaatkan peluang dengan kebijakan yang bersifat agresif. Fisheries activities in Gunungkidul began in the 1980s and began to develop in 2000 was dominated by fishermen from Cilacap and East Java.Sadeng is one of the centers of fisheries in Gunungkidul and is one of the Special Region of Yogyakarta, which has great potential fishery resources. However, the potential for great fishing port facilities have not been supported by optimal and maximum manageability, condition of facilities in PPP Sadeng some are paralyzed or not functioned as the collapse of the ice factory, the role of cooperatives, as well as fish showchase are not enabled. The reserch objective to determine the condition of the facilities analyze of level utilization and optimalitation analysis of PPP Sadeng development strategy in supporting fisheries. This study was conducted in January 2015 in PPP Sadeng. This study was conducted on January 2015 in PPP Sadeng. The method used in this study was descriptive method with case study, utilization level analysis were used to know utilization rate of facilities and SWOT analysis were used to development strategy of PPP Sadeng. The research results show that the existing facilities at the Port of Fisheries Sadeng with a utilization rate of wharf at 93%, the pool area > 5 GT (wide pool at 52%, depth of the pool at 76%, lap pool and needed 40 m), the pool area < 5 GT (wide pool at 62%, depth of the pool at 51%, and needed 22 m to lap pool), rate of deep water ways utilization at 85% and rate of widht water ways utilization at 50%, and utilization rate of TPI at 72%. These results can be concluded that the level of utilization and the need of basic and functional still sufficient for now, but some facilities require additional capacity for the next five years. SWOT analysis results showed the application of SO strategy (Strength-opportunity) which means that strategy in practice were used force to take advantage of an opportunity to be aggressive policy

    Phase-Fitted and Amplification-Fitted Higher Order Two-Derivative Runge-Kutta Method for the Numerical Solution of Orbital and Related Periodical IVPs

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    A phase-fitted and amplification-fitted two-derivative Runge-Kutta (PFAFTDRK) method of high algebraic order for the numerical solution of first-order Initial Value Problems (IVPs) which possesses oscillatory solutions is derived. We present a sixth-order four-stage two-derivative Runge-Kutta (TDRK) method designed using the phase-fitted and amplification-fitted property. The stability of the new method is analyzed. The numerical experiments are carried out to show the efficiency of the derived methods in comparison with other existing Runge-Kutta (RK) methods

    Study of Frequency Selective Surfaces on Radar Cross Section Reduction

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    With recent technology in radar cross section reduction (RCSR), a periodic array of frequency selective surfaces (FSSs) which exploits a non-metallic ground plane and slot embedded in the patch elements have been presented. In this study, the single layer FSSs with different incidence angles and substrate thicknesses have been investigated and simulated at the X-band frequency range using CST computer model. Based on the FSSs design, the minimum reflection response is shown to be -74.68 dB while the minimum RCS is -5577 dBm2 occurred at the incidence angle which is equal to 75 degree. Moreover, the maximum value of RCS at -4417 dBm2 has been observed when the incident wave and observer is located at the 0 degree which is offers maximum RCS reduction. Analysis of the CST computer model has been integrated with MATLAB 7 to show the reliability of the two computer model in order to study the feasibility of reflection response in reducing RCS. RCS calculations have been carried out using MATLAB 7 computer model in order to investigate the performance of minimum reflection response which offers reduction in RCS. From the simulated results, it can be concluded that, 75 degree’s incidence angles offered the best performance on RCS reduction due to the angles of incidence, minimum reflection response and lower surface current distribution